Choa chu kang mummy club

Hi Chicken Little

Ic, so why you didn't enrol with them? Btw, how do you find their curriculum & teacher?

Sorry to ask you so many thing co's i just want to get more info. Maybe i'm over worry about the centre liao. Thanks.
I did not sign up because that time I was looking for half day and it is fully booked

I find it not bad but that was 3 years ago when I was sourcing.

Now I back to full time job, I cannot reach home in time by 7 pm for pick up so I go for centres in town like Shenton and Bugis one
Hi Chicken Little,

Ic. Now i also on waitlisted, i think every year they must be alot of ppl want to enrol to their centre.

But now at least you found a good one for your son. So no worries or sourcing already.
Ya you go check it out. See if he is behaving then tell me ha ha.

All mummies shocked that his size is so big because he is not at all like his age

suddenly so quiet liao hor.....

CL, what's the name of the kindie at the church opp de la salle? thot of asking that too......
3 hours playgroup?

i am thinking of my coming 6th month old baby, cos i wan to send him to full day childcare once he reaches 18th months. my maid might miss her kids and don wan to return after 2 years contract. i have told her that i will give her yearly home trip if she renew her contract.
ya, maybe i'll put him in those 3 hrs playroup rather than the full day. still trying to source for either. prefer nearer to my place so no need to take sch bus. he's too noti la....

Are you refering to this:

The Enrichment Classroom (Yew Tee)
Address: Yew Tee Community Club, 20 Choa Chu Kang Street 52, #03-05, Singapore 689286
Tel: 6760 2160

I got it from Town for kids website. This centre is using Townforkids Multimedia Fun Programme.

I ever heard that Town for kids childcare is good.
hi hwee

oh dear... really can't believe that the nursery so full... anyway today i just received a call from columbia that they will write in to apply to let my son join in Dec 08. YES, they will write in to apply! i got the shock of my life when i heard that cos i have already told them that my son is joining them in Dec 08 (initially she even asked whether my son can join in Nov 08 but i told her that i wan my son to go for his school concert) and i will withdraw my son in Nov 08 as i need to give one month notice. strange... donno what's happening. anyway my hubby said if my son cannot join in Dec 08 then we will go Wharton (skarly wharton also no seat for my son.. kwa kwa kwa...).

oh yeah, anyone know about Dr. Lai from MHC clinic at CCK (used to be located next to Yew Tee MRT station)? Today i just got to know that today is his last day and his new clinic will be closed today. oh dear, he is our favourite GP and we will miss him
Hi Jo,

I thot Columbia have book a seat for your son on Dec'08 so why need to write in..... Since they said ok then should be any problem. Btw, have you pay the deposit & school fee?

So have you call Wharton, will they give you back the seat?
jo, my gynae also @ MHC.. quite surprise when my gf told me yesterday tt the clinic will be closed down in 2 wks time!! so sad that she's longer having clinic @ YT..

as for gp, you might want to try Dr Helena Wong @ CCk 24hr family clinic(opp cck bus interchange). i find her friendly and patient in answering my Qs.
how come lei? yest when i called they told me places fill up quickly. if i wanted to register they still have place for me. how come suddenly tell you this? she just told me to quickly go and take a look at the place and register quickly. so funny lei......
Hi Jo,

Have you settle your son enrollment? So now your son has confirmed to go columbia or wharton?

All mummies,

I found out that The Learning Forest is changing Managaement & they'll take over at Dec'08.
hi mummies

sorry for not replying promptly, very busy with work! :-(

hwee and carol
i also donno leh... she just called me that she will write in and blah blah blah... yes i have paid deposit but have not bought the uniforms.

maybe there are vacancy for nursery but not K1?

i have never heard of The Learning Forest. they have not called me, i think i will call them end of next week. if mcys rejected, i am not sure if i can ask them to refund me the deposit and $100 registration fees.

i like dr. lai and i think many patients look for him too. he is joining My life clinic at gek poh shopping centre at jurong.
Hi Jo,

What I know once we paid the deposit, that mean we have book a seat for our kid already. It seen that they didn't comfirm is there any seat & ask you to paid them the registration fees. It's their fault & you can ask back your registration fees & also can complaint to MCYS about this issue. Co's you thot that you got a seat for your son & now they can't give you so it's delay on your searching & rejected other centre too.

Icic, i also didn't see anyone discuss of The Learning Forest too. Maybe not that popular. Kekeke..........

thanks for your advice :) i called them yesterday, they assured me that MCYS will approve and my son can start on 1 Dec. i guess should be ok bah... if not, will sure do as your advice heehee

so how's your searching huh?
Hi Jo,

I did check with Creative 'O & Columbia, they still have seat available.

Columbia said their seat is filling up fast & if i go down to view their centre, we need to make a decision whether we want or not.

For Creative 'O this centre also got alot of parents said it's very good. The centre area is 1,000 sq feet.

But this 2 centres also @ Jurong area so it's quite inconvenience for us. Hai........ why CCK so hard to find good Childcare wan. So far CCK i only know good one have wharton & kinderland. Learning vision i did call up but the teacher reply me until very unwillingly so we don't even feel like viewing the centre.
i also heard that creative o is good. its location is more inconvenient than columbia. my fren is sending her boy there, the transport is like $220 for 2 ways! columbia is charging only $140 for 2 ways (i am going for 1 way at $90 or $100). another of my fren told me that the traffic is very bad in IBP during peak hour.

anyway i did not view creative o ;p my hubby told me its curriculum is similar to wharton.

oh, why not u asked wharton/kinderland whether they are considering to open a new playgroup if they have enough kids?
Hi Jo,

Ya, my huz also did told me that IBP traffic is very bad so it's not a good location for him to drive in & drop off my son.

Wharton told me that they might open a class at Mar'09 but my son might not be able to go in co's the waitlisted is too long. But i find that the principle will pick those child that have went to childcare b4. Why i said this co's few of my friends call in, she will surely ask did their child have been to childcare or not. And she keep asking me to put my son to other childcare 1st then once Mar'09 got seat then ask me to transfer him to her centre. Co's those child that have went to childcare b4 is more easy to handle. I call other centre they also won't ask me whether my son at childcare before or not. I have put my son name on their waitlist since Aug'08.

Later I'll call up kinderland again & see how co's i really need a seat on Dec'08.
oh u mentioned about learning vision, is it at sunshine place? i think i read some negative feedback about it.

aiyo... i didn't know pre nursery so popular... think i better do my searching of cc for no.2 earlier next year.
Ya, i'm referring to the one at Sunshine place. Ic, non wonder she told me their centre still available for erollment. But their attire very bad.

Ya,i think if you looking for those popular cc then u should put ur 2nd child name 1st. Like mine, since Aug'08 waitlist at Wharton also can't get a place.

Just called Kinderland but no one pick up the phone, I think should be having lunch. Maybe call back later.
Oh ya, it at sunshine place wan. Non wonder they said still have available seat. But their attire really bad.

Agreed. If you're looking at those popular cc, you should put your 2nd child name in their list 1st. Like mine, waitlisted since Aug'08 but can't can't a seat.

Good news!!! Kinderland just call me up. she said there is a seat for my son & start at 1 Dec for fullday. Kekeke.......... so need to mak epayment liao. Tmr will need to buy school bag, water bottles, blanket.....etc to prepare for my son.

Now i'm worry whether my son will cry for how many weeks. I worries too much. Anyway hope Kinderland is the good choice for my son.
Hi all,
I am staying at cck st 52. May i have advise of any good full day childcare center that's good and the price please?

Me too my son just started with Cherie Hearts this week should be 4th week. Every morning I must come up with different pattern to distract him.

welcome, me too same st as you. Scarely same block. I think kinderland, wharton is not bad.

wow... so u fan xin liao... finally a seat for your boy ;-) so excited right?! heehee... oh columbia told me my boy can join in december. anyway they asked me to pay for the mattress! so far, all childcare only asked me to pay for mattress cover but not the mattress itself. arrghhh.... i am also not excited about its uniform very ugly lor... i really miss The Learning ladder, too bad its academic is pretty weak, if not i will stay on...

YLL, u can check ;-)
Hi ChickenLittle & Jo,

Ya, i'm very excited with how's the thing going on co's now i start to worry that my son will keep crying. He really like to stick with us alot. Can share your experience how do you handle when you accompany your son for the 1st 3 days? Do you all cry when you see your child cry until so sad?

I also scare that 2nd day he'll not want to go to school liao.


I also need to pay for my mattress too. So that mean some Childcare don't need to pay for the mattress lor. What is the uniform colour for Columbia? So will you still accompany your son for 1st 3 days? Uniform ugly also no choice, most important is our kids really learn thing from the centre.


Just for your info, usually those good Childcare will have very long waitlist. Your child is born on which year?

if the centre allow. You may like to bring him on Sat to familiarize with the place. As I do not have many weekend , I brought my son down to the centre for 4 x before he starts. When my son goes he is quite ok with the environment.

He has got this security toy that he brings to school. Never leave home without his box of hot wheels car. I will tell him to play with it and I will be back after work to bring him and his cars home. Now every morning I bring something new to distract him when I leave, as long as he is willing to sit down and explore it. I just tell him bye bye

At the first cc which I left my son with, I was with him first full day. He does not cry just cling on to me. Second day they suggest I drop and go , he was ok after awhile. They somehow will find a substitute to cling on in the centre. I feel sad for him when I see him cry too.

This time round, first day, I only stay 1 hour, left and come back again an hour later but teacher signal to me he is ok so I left and came back at 3pm for a early release for him. Next day he still wants to go so not so bad. Next day I just drop and go too.

Mattress and cover.
I din pay for both centres.

For my son he can't distract by other thing, he'll surely look for us. Hopefully mine also like yours, 2nd days can settle down.

Now i'm so worry co's i ever heard from the others said that some kids cry until sick or got nightmare.

Hmmm..... so good your mattress & cover don't need to pay at all.
hi carol

from my past experience i will accompany my son for about one day (usually half day then next half day went nearby shopping centre jalan jalan and standby) and i will pick him home earlier on first day. cos so bored to stay there full day leh ;-p

u can also first day full day, 2nd and 3rd day half day or drop and go... reduce the time gradually
Hi Jo,

I also find that stay there one full day will be very boring. So when is your son will start at the new childcare?

Jo & CL,

Actually do you think is it good that 1st day i let him there till morning class is finished then bring him home. 2nd day let him have lunch, bath & nap over there then pick him at 4.30pm. 3rd day just drop & go, wait till 5.30pm then pick him up again. Or 1st day should let him stay till 3pm then fetch him...... Get some advice co's now i scare to see him cry sadly then i'll cry out too. Kekekek...........
hi carol

i think if u have patience, it is good to stay there full day on the first day so u can observe the teachers as well. for me, i really find quite boring to stay there full day... so i went shopping and i will be back to check on him (without him seeing me). i ever saw a mother left and her child cried till vomit... the teacher quickly called the mother to come back again. i think hor... the teachers cannot attend all kids, so got to ask the mother back to help.

btw, when are you joining? better don't join 1st day of jan 09 cos teachers cannot handle too many new kids...especially nursery, many kids will cry... can u ask to join end dec 08? maybe few days before Jan 09?

if he enjoyed himself on the first day, then u just let him stay there till 4pm or 5pm (let him complete the programme). if he still not comfortable, then u can bring him home earlier? actually it is really ok if u just let him attend half day then full day subsequently. i guess it all depend on the kids?

my son is joining columbia next monday, this time i cannot take leave to accompany him cos i am busy with my closing. moreover my son is aleady k1, sometime i feel if i stay there to accompany him, he will cry more... i think if i leave him there, i believe he will cry but the teachers should able to handle him. maybe i will ask my hubby to pick him up earlier on first day.
Hi Jo,

My son will be joining them next Monday too. So the teacher said will let him join in the Pre-Nursery 1 class 1st then at mid or end Dec '08 then let my son go to Pre-Nursery 2 together with them. So in this way can let him know his Pre-Nursery 2 friends 1st. I think every week they only let few newbies to come in. Maybe they also scare hard to handle too.

Now everyday i keep telling him how is the full day school life & told him we'll surely fetch him back after our work. Now he keep saying ok...ok.... but on that day i don't think is ok for him liao. kekekeke............

Hope the teacher can really handle him co's my son very strong so not easy to carry. But i'm still praying hard that he'll enjoy the class.

Hmmm...... so u'll feel more stressful when your son go K2 co's need to prepare for Pri 1. Co's i can feel that nowdays if wan to register kid to pri 1, the school got some requirement.
wow so your son will also start school next monday! :)

yes yes, his teacher is right!

yes yes, must tell him that.

hahahaha your son is very strong and not easy to carry?! so cute! can post a pic of your son?

u let me know whether kinderland is good or not, so maybe i will register my no.2 to kinderland end of next year ;-) heehee
Hi Jo,

Sure, can i have your e-mail then i e-mail to you.

Ok, will update you see whether kinderland good or not. Will see 1 or 2 months later got any changes for my son or not.

Also updates me see whether your son new centre whether good or not. Kekekeke.........then can have more info.
