Choa chu kang mummy club

serene, yup.. ytd toking to irene.. both of us scare scare about delivery part.. hehe..

Hwee, its a good school and the teachers are great... My girl enjoys hersf very much and i find it a pity to stop her cls. If really stopping have to hide her uniform sia and stop singing the famous "hello" song.. else she keeps insisting wana go school.. haha :p
hwee: aqua duck??? I let him went for the trial at suntec.End up decide not to take up the thing
I bring him to swimming pool myself
As for my ah gal, same, will bring her to swimming pool once she's ready & when I'm free
Last wkend Tennyson fever dued to teething so never bring him go see Kinderland. This wkend I will go.
you keen to send tennyson to kinderland? I was there this afternoon, all the kids are sleeping. A teacher brought me around the area cos their in-charge Mrs Neo was busy attending to another parent. Not that bad lah, but sheryl like dun like leh. Their toilet still got separate between boys and girls one. The class that's for Sheryl's age group has only 6 students only. Morning they will have chinese and afternoon they will have english of course with some arts and crafts, dancing within the whole day course.
time for me to collect funds liao for those who bought the jibbitz. Please transfer the amount stated below to my POSB savings 003-40727-6. Please indicate your nick hor, else i wont know who is who liao. Postage will be split by the number of packs ordered.

They have order the jibbtiz yesterday, so it will take 2-3wks to arrive. So lets wait ba....i will inform when there's more news.

Wendy 2packs x 7.90 + 0.16(postage) = $15.96
Hwee 2packs x 7.90 + 0.16(postage) = $15.96
Angelia $7.90 + 0.08 = $7.98
funkymom $7.90 + 0.08 = $7.98
CL 2packs x 7.90 + 0.16(postage) = $15.96
Just one day so many posts!!! how do i have the strength to keep up!!! =p

Hi Irene,

gong xi gong xi! welcome little prince! yeah! all one gal one boy ya!!!!

Hi serene,

tat trip shld be fine! hehehe keep me updated.

ya la both kids & mummy keep it up! hehehe
Mayday: ok. If tennyson & axler can attend 2gether that will be great!

Last nite went visit Irene & her little bb raye.
Both mum & bb look fresh
Raye so cute. Feel like pinching his little face
How I miss those days when my ah gal was born

Meow: dun stress jess. Later she faint

Jess: ok on. So we shall lok 4ward to the trip
U bring bredon along?
Im thinking shld I bring rslier along leh
Hi Serene, oh at is quite far if travel from our place to how you found it? good? how about the teacher? and how much you paid for the course? Pardon me for asking so many questions yeah...

Hi Meow:

Kinderland you went is full day child care or play group during weekend?
ya, i stil continue my boi cos i like it. but hor, lesson everytime same same one, so hor, maybe after another month, i'll stop and just bring him to public pool lor. my gal now taking swimming lessons at bt batok.

meow, transferred $15.96 to your account liao. pls check. thanks!!!
ling, why did you stop the class since its so fun and your gal obviously enjoy lei....such a pity....

serene, good to hear that irene and raye are doing well. yes, i miss new born bbs too! :p
Kinderland full day childcare very expensive $660 after susidy.
One thing is fully aircon you think air ventilation will be good?
I thinking of sending him to attend wkend classes at Kinderland with Axler.

U got plan to send Sheryl to fullday CC?

When you planning to start? Aug or new term?
My plan is to start out wkend playgroup first to see if he's learning anything. Once the daily playgroup near my nanny hse got vacancy, I will trsf him over lor.
Pinkiebear: I did not take up the package with them
I just let my ah boy trial nah
Then after that I find I jolly well bring my ah boy to swimming pool at own own

Hwee: so planning to have the 3rd one??? Hehehe

Mayday: oh yeap..axler got buddy leh
Then I can go with u also. We both sit in during their lesson
Hmm me thinking of end aug or early sept.
Wat u tink????
pinkie bear, they charge $90 per month for 30 mins class each time. for babies, one of the parent need to go into the pool. so far i enjoy it and i think tim enjoys too. he's happy to see the pool and wan to go in immediately.
show you a pic of him during the lesson.

serene, eh....not ruling out no 3 of have lor! haha! but i'm so old liao....see how....
i like children but i need to work. so unless got ppl help me to look after then say la.
Hi hwee...thanks for your info,

wow tim looks still very young right?....but most of the children love to go pool now who takes care of your children?
Hwee: yah if I got the time & $$$ no worry to have nbr 3
Hmm.i also c how 1st.
Hey tis lady that time under trial also her leh

Pinkie bear: all kid love water
Esp when bathing time. They can sit in the tub dun 1 comne out
pinkie bear, timothy is 7.5mths old. now my children follow maid lor! sigh! but i got super headache maid says she miss home! my nightmare coming true!

serene, that is coach ann. i like her. there're others ard but don't like them as much....hee hee..... #3....$ is impt but not the most impt. i have to agree that time is very impt. for now, gotta sort out the babysitting arrangement first. sigh! sigh! sigh!

yup, kids generally like water. last time my ger suddenly fear water from abt 8 mths onwards. dunno why, so i tot better start my boi young so he won't have this stage.
now my boi's head can go under water!
Hi Hwee/ Serene, yeah my gal loves to play water but if we bring her to swimming pool and daddy wants to teach her floating, she refuse and scare....headache ...

wow hwee, it is good to have more babies and let your children have more siblings. They will not feel lonely or boring..and when they grow up there have somebody to share things and talk to...

we are planning to have no. 2 but still hesitate, cost of living keep on increasing..sometimes think back it is really scarily...
hwee, serene, pinkiebear

come to think of it, have nt brought my boy to the swimming pool yet. Must do it soon. He loves to play in the tub and cries when we takes him out.

What do bb boys wear to the pool huh?

i feel having at least 2 is good lo, altho i am still thinking about #3 leh. But not very young liao, so may not happen.
i went to see how they work, so its a full day childcare not their playgroup.

Planning to send her to CC if my mom can't handle the 2 kids together. Not easy leh...if 1 cry, the other also cry how? Who to attend to first? If i really want to send her to this CC, i will send her to the weekend playgroup first to let her enjoy the place and adapt first. Agree, the price of $660 is very ex. This is by per month right? Air con got good and bad lah....virus will be contain easily as compare to those without. But aircon wont feel so hot mah right? You still send tennyson to nanny? Happen to see tennyson's daddy crossing the road with him in stroller in one of the morning this week.

wow tim seems long leh from the photo. I thought his at least 2yrs.
My gal so scare of water. Even water pour down from her face she scream like hell...

you still using tub for axler ah? I stop le leh...let her stand and bath so will be faster. Sit there will take hours for her. Sheryl now bath with me in weekends.

if you have swim diapers, let him wear. Else make sure he done his poo poo before bringing him to the pool...incase of accidents happen...haha

Hwee and Wendy,
Thanks, i receive both your transfer.
meow, yes tim is above average for his age. he was 74.5cm at the last check up 5wks+ ago. i'm already buying clothings for 2 yr old for him. its very 'siong' to carry him lor!
try to bring your ger to the pool again to let her play.... must take the fear away...

serene, maybe we all can bring the kids to swimming on sunday evening? i'll be at the bt batok pool from abt 4.30pm to 6pm.....

cuddles, let #3 takes its course naturally.....

i let him wear the whole pc swimsuit in case he gets cold. he has regular poo poo time so its quite safe for him to go into the pool without the swim diapers. its not cheap lei.... :p
Hi Cuddles...not young then not old right?...

i might older than u le..hee

Hi Meow, ok...thanks! yeah it is ex...i called before and it is even ex for kindergarden at Sunshine plaza...1 K+...

Hi Hwee...why didn't go CCK sport complex..bkt batok has good baby pool?? or indoor pool? or u went to he safra club at bkt batok?
pinkie bear, dun think you that old lor....maybe i'm d oldest! haha!

my ger is taking swimming lessons at bt batok swimming pool, so i'm there on sunday evenings.
bt batok has a play pool which is quite good for babies....
u mean bb 7 mths can go underwater oredi? Wont they drink the pool water?
Alex 6 mths and he loves water - when his daddy brings him to the pool, he will excitedly kick his hands and legs .. and so far, we only let him float on water!
Advisable to let him have a dip in the pool???
i've collected my blisscard from my cc here at J west. they wanted me to stay for 1 hr plus to shake hand with Amy and bring Cookie to the stage but I told them newborns are easily tired and disappeared after taking the card :p

Re: swimming lessons
thanks to the fortune teller, I was told that Cookie must stay away from water till 5. does that mean I can't send him to swimming lessons?
what a pity cos we live right next to it!
I can understand unless you want to get a maid to help out if not another alternative is CC.
U join me & Serene for the Kinderland wkend playgroup first. If confirm, we starting end Aug/Beg Sep.

This wkend I will go find out more as I view the environment before liao last time when sourcing for CC.

Still nanny help me take care until he's 3 yrs old then maybe CC.
I still don't know how coz my mum told me she can help me look after when Tennyson turn 3!

So long never see you all already, think next gathering will be Little Raye's full mth celebration.
poo power, so far timothy is ok in water and yes, he does drink some of the water accidentally. hopefully we are able to let him go and he'll be able to swim to you in abt a month's time from now. no, dun just dip him like that, you may trigger his fear of water. during the lesson we sing songs and play and let him practice before we let hm go under water.

jeanyard, though i'm a christian, i will only tell you tat since you have been told to let Cookie stay away from water, you better listen lor. no choice one. sigh!

mummies, both my kids now down wif flu and poor me didn't sleep cos both of them needs mummy when they cannot breath properly. sigh! become panda liao! :p
Hello Ladies,
I remember last year(?) I saw a photo of a celebrity family on a local magazine/newspaper. The couple was posing topless with the baby lying on the father's chest. It was a very artistically taken photo (B&W, or maybe just dark lighting). Has anyone of you seen this photo before? Can you remember who the celebrities are? (Li Lin/Britney/Angelina/Katie?)

I'm trying to locate this photo online so that I can show it to my hb. Thanks!

ya hor, u remind me abt this hor.. but maybe i shall take a risk, cos still gotta go n buy swim diapers, so ma fan.

So hwee, pinkiebear and I can compare age? If Hwee is oldest, i come in close 2nd leh..


so poor thing. My 2 kids also down with cold last week. Both block nose, runny nose with lots of mucous, cough...luckily now getting well liao. I know, when kids fall sick, mummies will have hard time.
Hi Mummies,

Finally got some times to pop by to see Hello to all of you!


Have made payment for the Jibbtiz. Pls check yr acct ya!

To Account POSB Savings
003-40727-6 Meow
Amount S$7.98
Transaction Reference 1277447704
Hwee: same same 2 already veri siong. Esp when tey start to learn & pick up
Really need a lot time & patience loh
Swimming 2gether. Sure when??? But I prefer to go CCK sport complex leh

Pinkie bear: me last time also scare $$ siong etc. now having 2, I try not
to any how spent

Meow: not using bath tub when he noe how o stand le
Just that once in awhile he say want swimming so I let him play in it

Mayday: wei so cfm let ur ah boy enrol to wkend playgrp at kinderland???
When u intend to start? Let me noe then we can let them start off 2gether
hi hwee
thanks for advise - will slowly let Alex 'taste' swimming pool water ... kekeke
so, r yr children feeling better?
You also need to rest - can claim childcare leave rite??!

hi funkymom
enjoy your confinement ... how yr little prince?

hi CL
welcome back? had a fruitful trip?
Tot we will meet during bb show - wld like to thank you personally for recommending Dr Siaw.
Guess we will meet next gathering ...
Ling and funkymom,
I've receive both your transfer.

Any mummies wanted to get the babylegs? I want to get 1 or 2 for Darryl, too bad my aunt can't get this in time for me in states. This mummy also in our forum is selling $9 per pair, cheaper than BP that's $12. Wonder why? US selling US$12.
Here's the link

If want we can share postage. I want to keep Daryl's leg warm when wearing rompers.

Pai seh, my transfer detail . 1278818365

The legging so cute. Too bad I no need now leh


Dun mention. Will love to meet up. Pai seh cannot meet up last minute. By the way my trip is quite stressful. The role is being the bad guy to dig info. And of course after my trip report is sent out today, action was taken liao. Sigh.

On first day upon arrival, I left HP in the taxi. Called the taxi centre cannot get through fed up I went to police post to get help. Lucky they managed to call through, the taxi driver happen to be nearby and send it back to me.

Typhoon hit Japan but did not affect Tokyo so much. First 2 days raining like mad lor. Go out oso quite xian. But managed to do a little bit of shopping lor. Other than that, was at Tokyo office slogging like mad while my hb and gal enjoying themselves at Sanrio land, Disney land and disney sea for 3 days. Every night so tired but they still can supper, I have to drag myself to go out with them
<font color="aa00aa">meow,</font>
thanks! have tt payment for the jitbitz.

To Account POSB Savings 003-40727-6 meow
Amount S$7.98
Transaction Reference 1278933024

can update me at [email protected] in future? cos me seldom follow the thread, esp now #2 is out

you know that those you see out of stock can still order? The stock will arrive only end of the week.

Can ah, you still can order wah....its cute ah. Charmaine can wear in like high knees?
CL, can wear lah. i order blue 1 for axler leh
like eg go shopping on inside car weather cold
juz slip it up veri easy leh
wah siok leh. me long x nvr go holiday liao
hmm.....planning tis nov or dec.....

meow: aiyo y i chose out of stock 1.
hmm....since 1 wk, can lah, no hurray
angelia, juz go to any library with ur bb birth cert & tell them u there to collect bb journal
they will give u on the spot
