Choa chu kang mummy club

Ok wendy i will pass the jibbitz to CL.

I will pick the items from her at West Coast Clementi. Ok, i will meet you on next mon or tues.

Meow - 9,22,30 (3 pairs)
Serene - 22,23 (2 pairs)
funkymom - 14,27,35 (3 pairs)
Nuttnuts - 22, 26 (2 pairs)
Hwee - 9, 27, 33, 36.
angelia - 19, 21, 22, 40, 40 (5 pairs)

Seriously i dunno leh but i think i can wait lor. Will depends on when her supplier gets in touch with her. She's also worry the person will take her money and run away too. So see if those dun wan wait then take alternatives.
Let me know soon, you got my number

wei carole, finally u come bck here
hehehe....i still own u an answer hor
sori been busy with meeting lately
will get bck to u soon
Babylegs $8.10 per pair
Meow - 9,22,30 (3 pairs) - Will wait
Serene - 22,23 (2 pairs) ??
funkymom - 14,27,35 (3 pairs) OK
Nuttnuts - 22, 26 (2 pairs) ??
Hwee - 9, 27, 33, 36. OK
angelia - 19, 21, 22, 40, 40 (5 pairs) - Will wait
Cuddles -

OOS - 16,19,21,22,26,28,30,40
Updates - the supplier has finally get in touch with her. Supplier has yet to send out the item. So there will be a delay not sure how long but she will sms me when its here. I guess it may take 2-3weeks??

you can join us...if yours is not OOS i will collect for you too..

yours how? Wait or cancel? You still want 22??

I have PM you my contact so we can meet on next week.
serene: must thanks to auntie Zu lo.. whahahaha... she preggy mahz.. must congratulate her mahz! such cute mummy u know. kekekek
Meow, i have replied to you my contact no too. yup, arrange to meet next week, no problem.
thanks for all the trouble!
Babylegs $8.10 per pair
Meow - 22,30 (3 pairs) - Will wait
Serene - 22,23 (2 pairs) - Will wait
funkymom - 14,27,35 (3 pairs) Collected
Nuttnuts - 22, 26 (2 pairs) ??
Hwee - 9, 27, 33, 36 collected 9 and 27, other OOS
angelia - 19, 21, 22, 40, 40 (5 pairs) - Will wait
Cuddles - 19, 28, 30 - will wait

Jus collected some of the babylegs yesterday, here's Darryl wearing it.


you order the minnie romper from BP organise by Qoorie huh? The babylegs are also from her leh and i saw the rompers, its cute. The stocks has arrive yesterday. I got a pooh training pants size 100 for Sheryl, dunno she can wear or not.
Mwoe, thank you very much for collecting those baby legs. nice!
but hor, heng ar, i only buy 2 pairs cos a little short for my bb liao. so hor, will use as leg warmers from knee cap downwards very soon....
thanks again for the trouble!
Hi all,

Have the following:

- Promil Gold 2 Exp 18-04-2008
- Enfapro A+ Stage 2 Exp 10-10-2007

Let me know if anyone of u interested to exchange something for this...

Its 30cm long. Sheryl can wear to her mid thigh. Hwee's boy is tall mah. If i have a chance i take a photo of Sheryl with it ok?
<font color="aa00aa">mommies, </font>
can give me some suggestions on the names?

Sharynn Kuek Hsin Hui
Sharynn Kuek Hsin Ru

Shalynn Kuek Hsin Hui
Shalynn Kuek Hsin Ru


cl, wei u sms yesterday ah. wei after 10th aug dun sms me liao hor
Coz this nbr will be terminated
U recd my email on my new nbr boh?
as on the babylegs, i've asked Sheryl to wear it it is. As for the Guardian sale, it will be on 31st Aug from 8pm till 11pm only, will applies to FM and diapers. Have confirm with the store manager this afternoon
<font color="aa00aa">mummies,</font>
thanks for the suggestions.

guess many like Hsin Hui.. so we've decided our 2nd princess will be named SHARYNN KUEK HSIN HUI.
but then hor, the RU is easier to write, wahahaha.

thanks again mummies.

<font color="aa00aa">meow,</font>
what guardian sale??
Do you know every last friday of the month there will be late night in some shopping malls? Centrepoint is one of the participating malls. So happen that Guardian in Centrepoint is participating too and they're having 20% off storewide except medicines products. So FM, wipes, diapers and nappy creams are entitle to this discount lor
Yeah only centrepoint, yes you can stock your follow on liao. Last tues when i meet up with Hwee, i drop by Lot1 to see the new guardian at level 3. The price is still $28 leh.

Dun worry about carrying purchase $150 and above will be free delivery to your doorstep liao. Since now you under confinement, ok ah. Jus that you need someone to go and purchase for you only.

To all, if you purchase $140 per receipt that night between the sales period, you'll get a $10/$15 voucher. You jus need to show IC. So if you have more than 2 receipts above $140, you can produce 2 IC to get $20/$15 voucher.
Finally Darryl can sleep in the baby cot. Why?? Sheryl got herself a new bed and she loves the bed very much. She even participate in assembling the bed with daddy
Now she's sleeping with her daddy in the next room while i sleep with Darryl.

Told her daddy should have get a bed for her so she can sleep on her own rather than squeezing in our Queen size bed. Hope this will continue forever ... here's a photo to share of Sheryl and Darryl

your gal and mine same name. When i preg with DS, i was thinking of naming him Darryl too! Was joking that if I have No 3, will be Sheryl, Darrly and Meryl. hehe... But in the end decided on Dylan.
<font color="aa00aa">meow,</font>
thanks for the info. shall let hubby know.
hmmm.. get 4 big tins of Gain IQ will exceed $150 rite?
Yeah i know, aft Serene list up the names i see your gal and mine the same. Heng the boys dun have same name.

I know a big tin cost around at least $45 right? o 4 tins should exceed bah...i remember my colleague ask me to order 50tins of 900g for her that time.

$24 was how long ago? Not june right? Simila last time during Sheryl's age was very cheap too. Milk powder will never decrease in price but keep increasing and yet our pay jus stagnant at the range only.
Since you confirm going, then maybe you want to help others to order too? Then as hb to go too to exchange for the voucher too.
Eh anyone wants to bring their kiddo to watch Ratatouile? I'll be bringing Sheryl to watch on 2nd Sept...kiddos below 0.9m is FOC...adults will be $12 with goodie bags and there will be entertainment by julia gabriel before the show.

Hey mummies..

can i join u gals?

My gal is born is Jun 06, she is currently 1 yrs old..i stay in yew tee..hope to make more frez at this area...: )
