Chinese gender predictor


New Member
Hi. I am hoping now that I am expecting a boy.Very stress over it. Anyone use the gender predictor and predicted correctly the baby gender? How to use the prediction correctly by using the lunar age and conception month?

My god.. Uncalled for stress. Boy or girl depends on ur hb sperm.. U can't do much. Wat happen if ur bb is a girl?
I prefer a boy too. But I tell myself I want a healthy baby. If really boy, it's a big bonus for me. If girl, I know in future she will be as filial as me.
Btw, i followed those techniques to conceive a boy.. Anyway u just wait for 5m to scan the gender.
Hi piglet,

Glad to share.. Since teen age, I know I prefer a baby boy in future.
I tried those techniques with scientific explanation. To make out with 7 days after your menses. Dog style so men's semen can swim in faster. Lol. And eat more meat as the acid can weaken the women's embryos. I'm not very good with the biological terms but I just know the logic behind.
Now I got a boy.. Hope you can share your result next time
