Chin Leng, PLS TAKE NOTE!!!

now really so many illegal selling. They spoil the mkt at WTB and Free Item .... getting fm bad to worse. Last time they still not so bold .... now, here's what u get at FI
(free cleaning? promoting sales is the intention)
(ask ppl feedback but actually selling. How come this blueskye0909 so 'active' in others thread?)

really too many
too tire to go thru
Hi Emma & moderator, while I do apologize for posting my thread under Want To Sell, it'll help if there's clear indication of what can and what cannot be posted on Temporary Holding Place.

There's clear indication of terms of usage under Marketplace and Exchange Corner. However, there's none indicated for Temporary Holding Place. Besides, I'm not selling items for any commercial purpose.

I'm alright if the moderator ultimately decides to remove my thread. But appreciate clearer terms indicated for future motherhood forum users.
Angeline (angelneo), oh, i tot it was taiwan auction site.
I was just asking... thought Mod change the rules and regulations... I have nothing against it....
Hi Pinkie,
No la... not saying that you are against it. If you haven't notice, quite a few taiwan auction sites has their own websites already. So I think it deemed they are starting a legal biz already? This is what I think only.
Chin Chow -- I'm one of the mommies from the Dover/Clementi thread which has become a support group whereby we share resources which includes skills as well as deals. As such, I don't think there is any problem for us to ask Angel to get her husband to set up a family photography session and in particular to pay him -- especially as we are willing. (Please do read the preceding posts in the thread so you know the background better:

Btw, I am super curious and I am sure many others out there will be too: Why are you, a New Member, with only 8 posts, spending at least half of your time policing the forum. My first thought is that you may be a vigilante. My second is you are a moderator.

My apologies if my curiosity rankles you but I am totally confounded by the facts -- which are very strange -- and think an explanation is only reasonable. Appreciate your clarification.

Anyway, I don't think your highlighting the "business" part is painting the full picture. As such, Angel's account should not warrant any suspension. Suspending her on account of this innocent incident would go against the purpose of our thread which is to support each other.

I hope the moderator is able to comprehend the full picture and be more understanding and patient of the excitement our group of mommies have about getting our family photo shoot done.
chin chow: ya manz... i m also 1 of the mummies in the thread abt the photography biz...
we were the one who asked if her hb is the photographer for their gal..
then we asked if he does pro photography
then we asked if we can have our portrait taken
NONE of it is initiated by ANGEL... if u actually bothered to read at all!

if chin leng were to ban her, n she decided not to ask her hb do our portrait, r u willing to compensate us?
since her hb is willing to charge at super low price?

i dun mind going to a studio if u r gonna pay me the balance price...

i'm not like kidzkidz who is so nice in her words.. i m pissed manz...
chinchow, I presume you are just jealous that you don't get to enjoy the special discounted price that angel is so willing to provide for us only after we requested for it. Seriously would appreciate if the moderators ignore this person who is so free to hide behind a fake ID just to go around reporting people. If you are a mummy, you should be busy looking after your kid(s) instead of poking your nose into other people's business.
hi moderator, pls do not suspend Angel'a account. We are the one who initiated that Angel's husband to help us to arrange the photography session. Please be understanding.
Just to clarify:-

I'm also one of the mummies in the Dover/Clementi thread. Yes, we were the ones who asked Angel if her husband could take photos for us. Angel did not initiate it at all. In fact, this is a private arrangement between FRIENDS who live in the same area. Just that we chat about it over a public forum. Angel did not go into other threads, to arrange for any such business. So how is it soliciting for business? There are so many other mummies in this forum who post in almost every thread asking pple to view their BP. I think those pple are worse!
RE: chin chow
very sure is someone from the forum long enough that created a new nick to report threads that are illegal. This is to prevent forum friends to zero in who is he/she.

RE: mini photography in Thread
frankly, if its a private arrangement there isnt a chance for account suspension. But if i am not wrong, its consider a mini BP, which violates one of the rules in the forum, which Angela should clarify with the moderators before helping friends to create this good opportunity to have nice photos taken.

why a violation even friends a willing party? If every thread starts a mini BP like this photography, many others will too argue that is a friend - friend thingy and on a very good price, that all will escape paying the listing fees of SGD 25 under the biz and BP thread. if this photography is all about overseas spree, there isnt a things CHIN CHOW can put through.

Not sure if this little explanation helps.
Chin chow,
you are a super busy body aren't you?! ... fancy spending time on telling tales without finding out the truth!!

We DID asked Angel about the photography and since we love the pics taken, ASKED for ours to be taken as well thus i DO NOT see it as "advertising and conducting bulk purchase for her husband's photography business" - how could it be that when Angel did not start off with the intention to get our business? We knew each other thru' this forum thus it is only natural that we chat via this forum (which is the purpose of this forum) and it has never occur to any of us that our gathering for a photoshoot will be considered "advertising and conducting bulk purchase". $25 is small deal - making friends who are willing to support each other (like our support group here) IS PRICELESS! NOBODY would be so cheapo as to try to start a BP this way! unless it's people who (maybe like yourself?) are very free?

Moderator - It would be so totally unfair to suspend Angel's thread - pls. read our thread and KNOW that there is no intention of soliciting for business on Angel's part. It is all our suggestion and our own free will.

Hi chin chow, u r a 'Bloody BUSYBODY!' I'm REALLY PISSED TOO! What biz is it of yours?!! Besides, if you had read all the threads, what makes u think that Angel is promoting her hb photography biz?? Yr thinking got problem ah??!!

Hi moderator, I'm also one of the mummies in the Dover/Clementi thread', and we can assure you that we were the ones who think that her hb skills are good and suggested it. We could hve also discuss it during our meet up sessions, just that we find it more convenient to post in the thread, as it provides us a space for all the mummies involved to chat, discuss and socialise. Isn't that what is one of your idea for mummies to mix around too? We are all busy ppl who at lest have a nice forum to socialise, instead of meeting up all the time, when we all hve babies to take care of. I'm sure U understand. Or unless it is your idea to just make money out of the forum. Or, is it if Angel were to pay a tribute to you, then you would allow her to mention those things? Weird! I really doubt your purpose in having the website then.

In this way, it only makes us wanna avoid the forum and converse in our own way, either thru' emails or calls. Then if nobody bothers to come into your forum, is it ok for you?

I really thought that having this forum would allow us to make some new friends and socialise despite our busy schedule, and even introduce to our many other friends who do not know of this place. But if there are so many restrictions, it really puts us off.

One other suggestion, you might wanna introduce a 'password' for every individual thread to the ppl involved, so that 'other nonsensical ppl' cannot view, then it wouldnt be 'promoting biz' already, right? Cos, it will not reach out to the others.

Well, I dunno what I say make sense or not, but anyhow, I just wanna justified that Angel did NOT socialise her hb's biz here. Tks!
Dear moderator,

I too am a mummy from the clementi/dover thread. pls do not suspend angela's ac as she is not soliciting her/her husband's photography biz.
if the thread has been read thru properly, we are the ones who got her to set up a date to have our photos taken by her husband after seeing her husband taking such nice ones of their baby.

it is in no way intended to be a BP or spree as we only want to have a date fixed so that we mummies can meet and have our pic taken by angela's husband.

as what CSI mentioned, we are just having a private arrangment betw us, chatting over a pubic forum.

Thanks carole for the explantions.
We will try to do the arrangements as "off forum" as possible, to prevent "eye-sore" or any further misunderstandings.

Chin chow, MYOB. really so free can go police around the whole forum ah? Since u nothing better to do want to police also must police properly. PLS OPEN your eyes and read properly before reporting.
Take for ex: Mikyway want to exchange her sandals for vouchers... it has been all the while that we mummies use that section for "non-monetary" exhanges. so all report lah?
Our thread started out as one to get to know mummies near each other for easier exchanges and giving away items. and it evolved to frens chatting too, so are u saying can't chat there too?
True, there are some who are conducting their sprees and BP all over the place, but Pls ask your fren/s, if you hav any over here, first before you anyhow play police and report ppl and cause endue stress and hurt to other mummies.
you really those kind "wei kong tian xia bu luan".

Anyway, moderator, pls do understand and not ban angela's ac.

thank you....
Moderator -- if it is a matter of $25 payable fee, I will gladly pay it BUT please DO NOT suspend Angel's account.

Chinchow -- am still looking forward to your explanation.
Carole -- thanks for explaining. However, if the condition is as stated, this means all mommies need to stop offering to help one another buy things which they know can get at good price? Coz you never know when the "kind soul" is going to charge a little commission or transport fee under the table leh...
kidzkidz, do get me wrong. One still gets a good deal even in BP Thread.

simple, think about similar biz owner here who had paid SGD 25/7days or SGD 84/28days advertising fees in the bis thread.How will they feel about this? I am sure they will be upset that such "gathering" or "such good price" will upset their services to they offered here.

Angel might not be doing a biz here, but she should just gather all friends interested and send them email instead and advice on the pricing even if its a token only. Well, I am a mummy too and a biz owner. I love cheap and good deals and who doesnt. But in a biz owner point of view, she indeed is having clash with biz owner here. I am not favouring any party or even suggesting about her suspension. More imptly is friends in the thread understand that there indeed a violation of rules.

As for chin chow, one should prevent flaming. He/she did not do anything wrong by reporting such acts which he/she has highlighted. This reporting will serve a notice to all/moderators to consider whether this "good deal" is appropriate or not. As for being too free and policing, frankly i am also very free too. but i dun go into threads like these. Which also means, Chin chow could be from the thread/similar biz owner.

Give a second thought to all the comments. One side we wanna a good deal, but we have to go through a proper BP or if the good deal is only to friends, make it pte and pricing in emails. On the other side, consider how similar biz owner will feel when someone else offer such "good deal" which they will in turn lose out when mummies where starts to contact your friend. Biz owner will be really upset.

Thank god is not a biz owner who is reporting, cos there is a chance that their words carry more weights than Chin Chow.

Dont get too mad over Chinchow. Even if Chinchow dont report, someone else who see it not appropriate will also do the same.

Have a good day.
Hi Carole and Moderators

I wish to clarify that I have no intentions to solicit my hubby's photography biz in the Clementi/Dover Thread. I am really appreciative of the friends I've made and the tremendous support and invaluable advice from all the mummies in that thread to the extend we post daily to keep one another updated on what's happening. They grieve with me when I lost my twins and they rejoice when I recently brought home my newly adopted baby. As new parents, we posted some photographs of our child and the mummies were impressed with my hubby's photography skills. Some of them started asking if he can help take some family shots for them. Of course, my hubby and I are happy to help but we need to collect some payment to defray the rental of a professional studio and lighting equipments. The mummies were delighted that they do not have pay exorbitant rates to have their family portraits taken and asked to reserve slots. For transparency purposes and also due to my naivety, I posted the pricing on the thread. Since we 'meet' daily in the forum, I assumed it's more convenient and transparent to post the details of the shoot there rather than communicate one to one in email esp since many mummies were requesting to 'book' the Sat slot.

I can assure you this photoshoot arrangement is only among the small group of friends who know me in the Clementi/Dover Thread. I certainly did not go round publicising this photoshoot anywhere else!When I saw the email that I had been reported, I was very affected as I never thought my simple act of goodwill was a violation of rules and can cause such a huge negative repercussions.
If I had known, I would have just turned all the mummies down out-right.

Worse, I cannot imagine how it would be if I am ever banned from 'chatting' with my friends here again. If the moderators feel that I'm actually conducting a biz and if paying $25 would make matters more 'black and white', then perhaps they can just drop me an email rather than have annoymous people report on me like catching someone who has committed an offence. I hope I make sense. Sorry for all the trouble.
angel, very much upset to hear about your lost and rejoice with you on your adopted child.

maybe there is something which you might want to know its that, the moderators will not drop you a mail and tell you that you have violated the rules and request you to pay a listing fee. its not their practice. Its our job as the organiser to get this mail to them and requesting for starting of the BP thread.

like i say in the post above, many of us "FREE People" does not goes into specific threads that is of no relation to us. This thread that is being highlighted should be someone who has been with the thread for long and reading all posts or he/she is a hidden biz owner.

Frankly, booking of slots is totally ok with no PRICE TAGs attached, which price tag sent via email. and this Annoymous person wont have a chance to jump upon the thread and make you more upset. I dont see any problem if friends gather together to have photos being shoot by a family friend, but of cos... when the price tags come into the picture and with your posb acct being reflected, not even Annoymous person will jump, but biz owner who paid SGD 25/7 days will want to have your thread being removed or even your acct being suspended.

I m not sure if you know what i am trying to explain to you.

The problem is not about Good price deal, but a violation of rules and conflict of interest with the biz operators here.

Moderators are not people who are blind, they will just likely to delete the affect posts and and case close. dont get too affected by this annoymous person. I am sure he/she doesnt mean to upset you at all.
ChinChow: there is a link that you posted..

chinchow (chinchow)
New member
Username: chinchow

Post Number: 5
Registered: 2-2008
Posted on Saturday, April 12, 2008 - 8:55 pm:


Does Agnes B bags have factory overruns??!!


This organiser has paid its listing fee, which means moderators has approved the BP.

I too read some links u have posted. And some, you are really creating a war and letting people to flame you. Why create problems for urself?

chinchow (chinchow)
New member
Username: chinchow

Post Number: 7
Registered: 2-2008
Posted on Saturday, April 12, 2008 - 8:57 pm:


another one selling at wrong section

if you see clearly, this one used item which someone wises to offer for exchange of vouchers or sell.. but her intention was to exchange, but if someone offers to pay she is ok to let go at SGD7. This thread starter has registered way back in 2005, and she already can sell in WTS, but she chooses the option of exchange first.
angel, conclusion after reading all chinchow posts...

ignore this CC and move on in life. he/she is just trying to be funny and gets on ppl's nerves.

I also derived a conclusion myself. Chin Chow could be a person whom had been suspended before. Thus, came back for 'revenge'? Reverse psychology.
