Chin Leng, PLS TAKE NOTE!!!

Is this allowed?
This user nick: cordblood is only posting in the forum to promote Cordlife. She/he already state she/he is a manager with Cordlife.

You can do a search with the nick: cordblood, and you can see all her/his postings are related to promoting Cordlife.


Er... I have to say upfront that there is no offence intended to my comments below:

But the way you go about doing your sprees and advertising your spree blog make it seem like you are a professional spree organiser. Most of the spree organisers here charge between 20 - 50 cents per order for each mummy not per item to cover materials for postage.
So if you charge 50 cents per item, if a mummy orders 5 items, she'll be paying $2.50 for handling? If the total no. of items for the spree is 30 items, you'll be taking total of $15 for the spree.
There is no right and wrong about charging handling but I'm not sure whether this is the forum for you to do so because some mummies here feel very strongly about such things, especially about fixing exchange rate much higher than the actual rate (which by the way, the exchange rate now has fallen to 1.43 and you are fixing at 1.54, so the gains from exchange rate is potentially $20 for a $400 spree) and having to pay more for handling.
Not too sure what the moderators' stand is on this, but if I'm not wrong, generally you are making profit (whether outright charging a percentage, or through subtle means of fixing high exchange rate or handling charges) from organising sprees, then you should be organising the sprees in the Bulk Purchase thread where you'll have to pay a fee.

As to advertising your spree blog, you may have to check with the moderators on whether this is allowed.
chickenlittle: you mentioned that "nick" is helping you all to get a good deal, but has she did it the right way? I read and guess you all are going for Bulk Purchase, which means "nick" has to apply to MODs to be listed in the Bulk Purchase Section (which is Payable). If "Nick" did not do that, means she is doing it against the rules of the forum.

hope this info helps
Hi queen,
Noted your thoughts. No offence, don't worry.

Hmm.. FYI, after increasing the exchange rate, I am not charging extra handling charge anymore. I think I might put all my future post into bulk purchase to avoid such uncomfortable incidence from happening. Thanks.
Handling fees is not abt 0.50SGD per item, its 0.50SGD per person. If 0.50SGD item, the spree organiser might be having a small profit. 0.50SGD should be charge for per person, ie, Scotch Tapes, Envelopes and some papers for wrapping etc. if the spree organiser has to use a bigger envelope, the cost should be only slightly higher.

Postage should be excluded.

Now the exchange has gone even lower, if the spree organiser is charging higher, she should use the extra to cover the shipping.

in any sprees, needs to 2 hands to clap. If buyers are ok with the conditions, then its alright. but if Handling charges are far too much, guess its no longer a SPree but a Bulk Purchase or Biz

Correct me if I am wrong. I understand that a $25 was imposed for BP because the moderator sees a lot of mummies making $$ out of BP as some no longer seems to be purely getting good discount due to group purchase. Thus imposing a fee is like detering some mummies who are making $$ to do BP.

In this event, the nick is just checking if there are any interested parties. Just helping to group some orders together and I also help by asking friends from outside forum if they are interested in. Mummies who joined this activity are able to vouch that this is a geniune BP without any advantages taken.

MOD should investigated, and once clearance is done , the nick should be reinstated right ? So how long does this process takes ?
ChickenLittle: bulk purchase is not about making money but to keep the forum tidy. This Thread is to help mummies who interested to get a good deal and this SGD 25 is to be split within the mummies that is in the buying spree.

If this "nick" is checking interested parties, means she has already made an offence. Why is this is, because once "nick" gathers enough number of people and she can start the purchase in the same thread. Then is it fair to those who paid SGD25 to jio buyers? Some Bulk purchase organisers paid SGD25 just to jio mummies to join but if there isnt any mummies interested, Mods will refund the SGD25.

its is not about many mummies gather together to get the appeal through, its in the first place "nick" should have ask if that Bulk purchase being allowed. "nick" chooses to go ahead and when someone reports "nick" then claim innocence, its then too late.

Why isit taking so long for Mods to reply, the answer varies. 1. Mods does not depends on only this forum and also Singaporebrides. 2.There is only ONE nick being suspended and i assume there are many like "nick" case too. 3. Many mummies are helping the Mods to report on "unrelated threads" and these many a times are still hanging around.

If "nick" has asked about the rules & regulation in the first place, i am sure the Mods will not be bothered to suspend her acct at all.

hope this info helps... before Mods can take actions, "nick" should know the consequences.

No offences ya...
Thanks for your explanations. I understand no hard feelings at all just need to clear the doubts.

But juz wondering why no warning given before the account got suspended leh ?

To be frank, people all do make mistakes. Like me, I also posted something which the Moderator feels not appriopriate in that section and it got removed. I even received a message from the moderator on the reason. So I feel this is good and my account is not suspended.

So why is this account being suspended and no explanation given leh ?

So sorry to create so many post to resolve this issue as I feel unfair for the nick who have done the work, we enjoy the benefit but she got suspended. The thing is also, no warning, no reason given for suspension le
no need to ask the mod to remove your post in this section, as any thread that is inactive for at least a week will be automatically removed....
Hi Chin Leng,

Would like to apply to post at restricted threads as my 1 yr "probation" will soon expired. & I do really need the access for some sprees.
Do take note of this user : pipo (pipo9)
Post Number: 1 ; WTS: Breastmilk Storage bags at Year 2008 and later Mums

Post Number: 4 ; Anyone knows where to get cheap milk bags?

Post Number: 5 ; anyone knows where to find cheap milk bags?

Post Number: 6 ; share with all nursing mothers who wanna get CHEAP MILK BAGS

Post Number: 7 ; there's milk bags for sale at $7 only. check out this link

Post Number: 8 ; Anyone keen to share bulk purchase of Blue Egg Milk Bags?
Hi Miracle Bebe.. I'm sorry if my thread upsets u. Thought of clearing all those good condition items due to some circumstances.

Chin Leng, u may get rid of my thread since it caused unhappiness among members here. No hard feelings
apple, its not about unhappiness that you have caused. But its that you have not read the Terms & condition of the Forum before you post. New Members who registered after 15 Nov 06 are not allowed to post items for sale until its 1 yr maturity. Hope this info will help you to understand why your thread Link is here.
