Chin Leng, PLS TAKE NOTE!!!

hi CL and mama_ash,

i just happen on this thread cos and am shock and very upset to see this accusation.

i am not doing business here. i have no idea v-baby sells for so little. i bought my stuff from New Zealand website a year or so ago. i have receipts to prove. definitely cost me more than $7.

where do u buy v-baby for $7? pls let me know, maybe i can buy cheaper next time.

CL, feel free to remove my thread if u wish since mama_ash is so unhappy. thank you!

hi mama_ash,
Could you PM me to share which place is selling v-baby at $7 too?

hi dna,
Your thread is still accessible so I guess the moderator doesn't see the need to remove the thread. Hence don't need to feel so upset.
hi cakey,

feel kind of cheated actually. if i had known of this forum earlier. oh well...

i have gone looking, and i found sprees / BPs on V-baby (i think under the overseas bulk buy link). u can go see. they buy direct from US/China. that's y so cheap. now we both know
a friend on mine wants to sell her
home made kueh lapis and cny goodies,
can I do a BP for her at the BP section
or should she advertise at the advertisment section?
chin leng,
if let say e mummy advertise at biz thread and doing bp. Can she allow go into other thread and asking pple whether to join her bp thread?
Hi Violet & CL,

Amyway being MLM is besides the point. It is the mis-representation of the distributing coy. Skylight is distributed by Kwang Yeow Heng International (KYH). The coy was set up in 1966 in Singapore by Mr Ngan Tang Joo.

So, now the question should be ... the seller got info wrong or selling counterfeit product?
why make the 'uncall' remark about unkind people... we just want to be sure that items given are not "re-sold".
noticed, she's always 'taking' the "freebies"... on the Free Items threads... and she's mostly on the WTB/WTS/Free Items threads.

she did ask for alot of stuffs for charity...
so it's only right for people to check and verify...
if she says the 'charity organisation' hasn't even got a place now... then she should stop taking and put a notice up. b'cos people still need to do spring clean and clear away stuffs and can give to other organisations...

just my thoughts.. no malice intended.
But the blog is essentially abt the kid, there is nothing wrong abt putting a link to her biz blog. The main thing is she din put her biz link in the forum.

I went to read the link you spoke abt. I finds it fishy too. Why is she so secretive abt the Charity Organisation? So many pple asked but she chose to PM them instead to publicly state the organisation name.

From my understanding, charity organisations usually needs and welcome publicity so that more pple are aware of them, and thus reach out to more who needs help and wanna help.
yes now that you mentioned; indeed Charity Organisation needs and welcome publicity... hmmm wonder why she's not 'open' about the name.
she said she, works for them (to me meaning taking salary lah) but yet she doesn't disclose further info "openly" when her requests are "openly known" and becames rather "hostile" (in my opinion) in the way she replies when asked.
anyway, no offence really... i just bring up to let known "awareness"... afterall see what happened to 'NKF'. everyday we read news about how kindness is being taken for granted... and yet people still do fall for it...

anyway, look at the post that was looking for her... if she was prompt in replying the mums' (many emails / smses) in returning or refund whatever, this wouldn't turn out like that.
Read it carefully. There's no link to her kid's site. There were 2 websites: one of her kid; the other of her business there.
Chin Leng shares my thoughts, so if you were to return to the thread, the one on her business has been removed.
Is Amway MLM? not sure if the original user is fm Amway ?

Amyway being MLM is besides the point. It is the mis-representation of the distributing coy. Skylight is distributed by Kwang Yeow Heng International (KYH). The coy was set up in 1966 in Singapore by Mr Ngan Tang Joo.

So, now the question should be ... the seller got info wrong or selling counterfeit product?

Regard to this posting, i sincerely apologise that i not sure of it, just given an offer by a friend and therefore share the posting. Will be careful of such.

If the posting threads are highlighted, once CL removed it, they will be gone. By extracting the postings here,it means free advertising in this thread liaoz!

I supposed you would have to remove not just threads but also the posting by Carole re: Mdm Rokiah's posts?
Christ: the thread is actually ok. but Mdm Rokiah ride on them to do her biz. These thread are naturally sharing contacts. should only just delete any postings by her, will be just fine
I agreed! the threads should not be removed, it's especially useful for mummies who's looking for post natal massage!!
This forum provides great info! I source my gynae and post natal massage, almost everything from here!
