Chin Leng, PLS TAKE NOTE!!!

in fact, you scared me with that post leh. anyway when joining bp/sprees, collection is very important even though singapore is very small. but if i ask hubby to send me to sengkang/punggol to collect something, i will definitely get nagged all the way there and back.

<font color="ff0000">janet

ha ha.. sorry if i did scared u.. *pat pat* erm true oso lor.. collection jin impt.. same oso lar if i ask my hubby go so far to collect from me arh.. i oso sure kena left rite from him arh!!</font>
the last time i asked my hubby to send me to woodlands mrt to collect something, he nagged and nagged. sian man
<font color="ff0000">susanna

dun need to paiseh coz i think we indeed got out of topic here.. heh


we better stop :p</font>
Dear Janet

Hi, just got the chance to see ya post now. I am puzzled too.

Any, just make sure we open our eyes BIG BIG in whatever we do

But the inside info on the BP on ssw playmats made me dropped my eyeballs liao... imagine selling the 2 special-discounted mats at normal or even BP pricing to other mommies for 4 times...
hi me new to this forum. just want to share that the following threads are actually suppliers themselves because i have seen similar postings on other forums. it seems these BP starters posed as mummies organising BP in favour for other mummies but are actually the REAL SUPPLIERS and many issues have occur in the quality of products sold. they want to save the money to post in biz section by doing that which i think is unfair to biz threads' owners who paid.

Do read the contents and how these mummmies either mia when many questions are pose to them or they can ans quries in detail.

after they started 1 BP and response is good, they always claimed that they still have more orders on hand to start a 2nd BP...weird rite?

just a warning to all mummies out in these BP. no offence.
hi prettymama,

care to tell me more abt the ssw bumpermat?coz saw a thread here tt says theres a SP of $113 for the pooh/princess/piyo design..tink its organise by babejoy.going to order liao until i saw ur post..
Hi Chin Leng,

Lately too many BP on baby wears. They claim they are getting for themselves, someone, as a gift, supplier clearing stock, due to request from others etc. Sometimes it's quite obvious they could be the suppliers themselves.

It could be a benefit to consumers ourselves but it hurts some suppliers who pay to advertise as these BP prices are killing some, undercutting each other.
Hi Kanec,
I atotally agree with you. And to think that the biz owners actually pay $ (however little it is) to do an honest biz dealings. Sigh.
fyi, i know u dont only post in this forum. u posted your items for sale(various sizes) in other forum also.
Who's the 1 who's acting innocent? *LOL*
which FORUM are u talking abt? can give me the link?

Who are u to confirm that I'm the same person as the person in the other Forum. Anyway case closed, do not want to discuss this issue anymore. I'm really buying for my own gal and not profiting any cents. need me to show the emails between the supplier to prove my innocence?
i really wonder who did i "offend" in this forum that "people" say that i am supplier? if not because mommies request that i do the BP again do u think i would bother? anyway thanks to those mommies who supported me and trusted me......
don't understand how come many BPs of kids clothes are now allowed when it's obvious people are making money out of it... and there were previous ones but they were banned...
so whats the actual rules of BPs? Only those frequent organisers can organise them? It cant be organise by a new member?

Why are some BPs being deleted? And some are still surviving. I think its not fair. And its obvious ppl are making $ out of it. For example BP for classic polo tee &amp; dress. My supplier price is much lesser then what the BP organisers are offering here. And why are the threads still surving and getting more even.

Why are these threads still surviving?

if ur banning BPs on children's apparel.. why banned some and not others.
Hi Chin Leng,
I know my suggestion is likely to invite some Shounting in Caps, or protest from some members,but I feel that you might want to consider banning BPs of kids clothings from local suppliers completely.

It's very very obvious that SOME are sellers themselves, they may not be the 1st tier supplier, as some are quite "frank" to mention "My supplier has this,has that...", but they are likely to be 2nd tier or even 3rd tier sellers,and some of them also happened to be regulars in this forum.

Though you are a father yourself, I am not too sure if you are aware that nowadays it's very very easy to get stock lots of factory over-runs for brands like Old Navy,Carters,Ralph Laurent,Gap etc.So many FTWM or SAHM are into this kids clothings businesses. Sometimes, just because of the way the phrased their BP threads, their "businesses" survived.
Hi CC2, i agreed with u. I oso duno who i've offended in the forum. Who r u all to say that im actually the supplier myself?? Like wat i've stated in my bp thread, those who's comfortable with the price buy &amp; for those who's nt comfortable with the pricing den juz dun buy! Y must we make accusations here leh?? Dun u all tink its better to make more frens than enemies??!!
Not accusing anyone of being a supplier or retailer. but hope the moderators are being fair. A lot of BPs on children's clothing has been deleted. But why some still surviving? What is the reason? just bcos the way they phrase their BPs??

Moderators, either u banned all kids clothing BPs or enforce a new rule.. those who wanted to start a BP have to pay a nominal sum. And that nominal sum can be devided among those who have participated in the BP. Example $10 per BP. If MOQ is 10pcs. then each person pays additional $1. i think it will be quite fair to everyone.
prislin - i guess ur thread had being removed is it? and prislin must be a new nick created just to come in and "complain".

we mummies are always looking out for "good" deals. in the neighbourhood, there are lots of 'pushcarts' or "makeshift" stalls with cut lables pretty/nice kids clothing. so it's not surprise that we start to say "my supplier" have this or that.

but that doesnt mean that we are making money out of these BP.
I'm not here to accuse anyone of anything. But I guess it's just the general feeling that, if you are a FTWM or even SAHM, your hands would be so full that organising a BP would just zap up all your energy... check with supplier, moniter orders online, chase payment, check payment,arrange for collection, change sizes...etc. If you don't benefit, who would bother to do a BP?

Of course I don't doubt that there are some very helpful mums around, helping each other to save some $$. And there are some mummies who actually enjoy doing BPs.

Frankly, I found that they are alot of complaints recently and most of them are new members.
Who is fair or unfair? this is really a debatable question as well as subjective.
However, I do feel that moderators are trying their best.
Voice out the ones that U feel that some1 are cheating rather than complaining that pple are not doing their jobs.

I found that yr posting is abit contracting. U say u r not here to accuse anyone of anything. But already yr statement If you don't benefit, who would bother to do a BP? is a real accusation coz is based on feeling.. isnt it?
No offense but I feel that since yr accusation is based on feeling maybe is best not to join the BP then.
