Chin Leng, PLS TAKE NOTE!!!

Hi Chin Leng,

I got an unsolicited PM from Hugginggal promoting something akin to MLM.

If you need, I can forward the PM to you. let me know.
She posted her warehouse sales previously under ID appletan and her threads got removed.

Now signed in as Reiner_Pang.

One thread, she has infor on Avent warehouse sales,then said it's not just Avent products.

Another thread, she is organising warehouse sales.

Though the sales is over,won't be surprise there will be more coming up due to "overwhelming response".
i think there shld be restrictions right? other webby, limit one to org at most 3 at the same time. someone here is organising up to 9th gxxxxxxx spree and items are rolling in. the question is is this person also ordering for herself for every spree and each spree organised one after another.

and further claiming not BP from a certain website but in fact selling free gifts from the website.

Ive to agree to wat wonder said.. like this BP for Desitin cream, she obviously earning $$ out of it.. she selling at $14 a tube.. i can gt it for abt sg 8 - 10 from drug store plus shipping.. I can imagine she has earned so much fm the mommies' pocket..
I seriously think this shld nt be allowed.. if need to.. mommies here can just organise drugstore spree.. Add on.. 5% drugstore dollars will be given each time on those nappy creams.. I jus felt that its very wrong!! Eg, this Gourmet Kitchen by Upper Canada After-Cooking Hand Deodorizer, Wasabi Green Tea is given free by drugstore if u spent a certain fm drugstore.. she can even sell it..

Unless, u r saying bp that dun required us paying a fix amt.. like those fm gymboree, ON, etc... at least those mommies who organised dun make $$ out of it..

& to add on, she seems to be organising so many BPs (jus saw one new thread on some cream going on), i seriously think its ridiclous!

Hope u can put it to a stop!
CL & Ladies,
I'm just thinking if this suggestion will work. The person who organizes a BP must order something for herself in the spree, and that the item must be available in the case of Gymboree & ON. Otherwise, this place will be nothing but BPs.
Hi Janet,

Good suggestion! But then, spree is something diff, u paid for ur stuff based on the price on web, whereas for BPs, its not a fixed $$ on the net, rather on the person who organise itself.. unless the person who organise BPs, can show the buyers her CC bill or any receipts.
Hi doufu,
I get what you mean. In the case of Desitin or First Teeth toothpaste, we roughly know how much each tube costs. Well, we can't ban BPs altogether, so it's up to the mummies to decide if they are willing to pay.
Hi Janet,

Yes, i do u/s that some mommies dun mind paying out of convenient sake but then again, hw about the other mommies who have BPs on some kids clothings and got kicked out from the forum or get their acct suspended?? Izit the same?? I felt its unfair of the other mommies, eg, if a mom bot abt 100 pcs of clothes (slpsuits) and claim to organise BPs, she definitely got kick out. Then for desitin and the rest BPs, still happy selling.
Hi Janet,

Let me quote u an example on Boo's selling of clothes, since u can post it here for CL's removal, why not for those desitin BPs?? Buying in adv and selling them to mommies here?? This will attract even more mommies buying from drugstore and selling them here. Infact, this even encourage more mommies starting BPs here.
Hi Doufu,
I'm getting a clearer picture as you explain. Thanks. Since I don't buy Desitin, I really don't know how much each tube costs. But for First Teeth w/out the brush, Watsons was selling at $10+ after 20% discount. There are so many ways of doing biz here & hard to keep track. So the ladies' cooperation not to patronize is crucial.
I'm trying to figure out if Boo is clearing the stuff in her house as well as selling brand new bb tops for girls & boys. She has various sizes.

Tats the whole thing.... Since desitin cream/1st teeth can be buy in advance and sell to the mommies here, it can term as own business too. No diff to the mommies here that can buy kids clothings 1st and then sell to the rest of the mommies here.

Anyway, let's wait and see what CL say. Hope he can clear all this BPs thingy going on in this forum.
Were you referring to the thread ? USD$3.99 for a tube of First Teeth is like S$7.18 excluding shipping costs. How much would that work out to be around ? Sorry, I'm not familiar with this although I'm guilty of purchasing ON stuff by joining sprees. HeHeHe.
Carefree, so how much is Desitin sold in S'pore actually ? I wanted to get it and try on my girl but after talking for so long, still using Triple Care.
Hi janet and carefree,

Mommies who organised sprees, i felt is diff cos afterall mommies who joined their spree paid accordingly to what the organiser's CC bill shows whereas for BP is totally diff esp for those desitin and 1st teeth, she bought them 1st and then sell away to make $$.. im not selling those who organise sprees r wrong cos afterall mommies who joined paid accordinly.
Dear wonder888 & doufu,
welcome to,
in case you haven't notice,
prices of items which I did BPs on were much higher,
it was I, who bring down prices of many items.

Many mummies here look up to me to do BPs for them,
in fact, many BPs were started due to request from friends that I had made here,
All prices were stated clearly at the beginning of the BP,
if you are able to have cheaper source anywhere,
we will all welcome you to help all mummies here save monies.
Why didn't you comment earlier, before my BP starts?

There are mummies who told me their BP/Spree Organiser disappears after collection of payment.
So what, if their prices are cheaper, rates are lower?

As for Sprees, they are all done with request from mummies here,
I had been limiting myself and rejecting many mummies,
else there will be more than double of what I am organising now.
Do try organising one spree & you'll understand why it leads to another.

I am a SAHM & not any business owner,
I organise my BPs & Sprees just to kill time,
make some friends & have some good excuss to get out of the house.
To go to the Post Office & meet-up with mummies here.
I have VERY SERIOUS insomnia, most early mornings I'm here,
all thanks to this forum, my life is less boring.
I love to get appreciation at the end of every BP or Spree,
when mummies gives me a word of thanks,
I even got a gift from a mummy here before.
What's wrong with this little satisfactions that I get to earn here?

4oz is $20 something like that, cos 1 tube lasts so long that i seldom buy it but so happen to see it in TMC that day.
u made a BIG mistake here,
I did not buy them 1st & then sell here,
mummies here have to wait 2-4 week for all my BPs.
Please kindly note the date of orders taking & collection.

Anyway, do you know the meaning of Bulk Purchase?
Hi Tan Leng Leng,

I know whats the meaning BP but i even u/s that u are making gd $$ out it. Thats a matter of fact, if not y dun u organise a spree directly from drugstore?? Since u organise BPs to kill time, u may as well organise sprees too for Desitin and 1st teeth. I seriously believe that if ur spree is limit to desitin or 1st teeth each time, each mommy can save more $$ then to buy from ur BPs.

Since wonder has brought up this issue, i may as well see wat CL has to say.. this is his forum, if he dun mind u selling down here, i've no say. Afterall, many mommies know the tactics of buying from drugstore, buying fm u is just for convenience sake I believe. Also, i mentioned to Janet earlier, we cant stop mommies buying fm u, it their choice. But, i feel that at least must be make known to them.

Btw, im not being mean. Im sure u r earning $$ out of it rite? If its really out of gdwill, pse dun even earn a single cent out it.

Anyway, I din mention ur name at all.

If BP's price here is the same as her yahoo auction price/starting bid price,then it's quite natural for people to think that she is making profit out of the BPs.

I remembered reading CL's posting about the organiser of BP is not supposed to make profit out of it too.
Jessie Chua,
thanks for highlighting,
I was making profit at Yahoo Auction selling at $15,
but now the market rate there has lowered.
I am unable to lower my price any further than $14 already.
I am not siding anyone here.

I have organised a few sprees before. It really require a lot of effort, with the ordering, contacting, sorting and meetups. Not to mention the pressure if the parcel never arrive, like in Angeline's case. That's why nowadays I would rather join other sprees. I am amazed that Tan Leng Leng can organize so many sprees.

I think there are only 2 ways a spree organiser can benefit:
1. By charging large amounts to their credit cards, they can earn points. For example, OCBC Robinson cardmembers can exchange their points for Robinson vouchers.

2. By charging a higher exchange rate. But there are sprees where the organizer will refund the difference.

But the benefits is really not much compared to the effort put in. So most of the time I really do believe that the organizer is doing it because she just want to kill time. It is also a great way to meet people and find new friends.

As for bulk purchases, I feel it is up to the individual to decide whether it is worth it. I have seen people organizing BP for fake branded goods, but if the mommies want to buy, then it is their own business.
Chin Leng,

If I remember correctly, the poster of threads that bliss just highlighted is also karen lee,Karen(baby_baby),karen(sailormoon76)... who used to post her babysitter agent business.

Signed in with a new ID again.
This is the same seller who did businesses in this forum before under different IDs: twinsbaby/mandy68/mommyoftwo.......Most of her threads are removed by moderator already.

In other forums, she openly provide stock lots under ID :cc2568/ccfactry/tynghoe...... etc.But in some forums, she has edited her posts so that people cannot cross reference back the photos and pricing there.

After the announcement of new rule, she even started posting old photos of her stocks,which make it so obvious.

She is indeed a "supplier" of stock lots.
Hi Chin Leng,
I find it hard to understand why there are so many posts for brand new items for sale under the '2nd hand' topic. Isn't 2nd hand clear enough ?
cc1968, u knew she's a supplier all along?? Saw ur post on her thread but den u apologised so i tot she's a genuine mummy trying to sell some items.. Quite clever of her to mix BN & preloved items together!
I would never have find out that she's a supplier if Chin Leng didnt impose the $10 fee for selling BN items..Hahha.. Now she's too gan jiong (eagar) to sell off her items before 30th thats why didnt bother to cover up anymore..
After the new rule has been imposed, I realized many don't bother to cover their tracks anymore. They just try to sell as much as possible over here.

Any idea where to post if have questions that need mummies advice? Cos everytime saw some mummies posted in the marketplace. So like very messy. Would like to know the correct place to post.
