Carpe Diem Childcare resort @ Punggol?


sorry to hear abt jeryn's hfmd outbreak. do u separate jeryn and your bb? I put megan at my mum's place cos I'm stil nursing so have not seen her for a day. miss her. the last time she had hfmd, i didn't see her for 5 days. so far megan only has 2 ulcers. I'm gonna keep her at home for a while. just wondering if the cc should consider voluntary closure since there is now more cases.

britix, if you can, good to keep kelly at home.

let's hope this will all be over soon.


i can't separate them during the night. daytime my boy goes to the nanny's house, then night will bring him back. minimal interaction between them. my hubby n i will each take charge of 1.. i'm really worried. thot i saw 2 small spots on my boy's hand, will observe again, hope it's false alarm..

ya, i hope all ccs and schools can be closed to prevent it from spreading. i think they (govt) shouldn't wait till a specific figure to be hit before they order mandatory closure..

sorry to hear about your bb getting it too. hang in there k. your husband and you must take care too.
Have not called up the school yet today. I'm keeping Megan at home for another week. how's your bb now blur?

britix, is Kelly alright?
my bb is actually ok, thank god no ulcers, so it's rashes all over.. bringing him back for review tomolo, hopefully he will be cleared..
Hi awl, Kelly was alright and she went to school as usual. I did not confine her last week. I went to fetch her last friday and her teacher Meng lao shi said that probably most of the parents left the kids at hm so her class very few students lesser contact.
hi bitrix,

Mr Lim no longer the bus driver of the Punggol Route. Changed to Mr Chong wef today... dunno if he's as good..

Hi blurqu33n, oh really! wat a pity! Dun worries, the safety belt issue have been enforced and taken care of by David Tan.

How's Jeryn?

Hi awl, is Megan in school this week?

hi mummies,

I kept Megan at home this week. kia-si mother. She been saying she wants to go to school and that she misses meng lao shi.

blur, is mr lim the friendly bus driver who has very small eyes?

brix, glad to hear the seat belt issue has been enforced.
hi mummies,

ya, both my darlings have been certified fit and well now. Jeryn returned to school last wed..
ya, mr lim is the one who has very small eyes. The one replacing him now i dunno good or not coz i've yet to interact with him... am glad the belts' issue is enforced...
hi ladies,

Happy belated Mummy's Day!!!

Megan returned to school today! Keeping my fingers crossed that there will be no more hfmd cases at the childcare.

Actually, I was not too sure if Mr Lim was a safe driver. I happened to be driving behind his bus on a few occasions and he did seem to drive a little bit fast, esp along the small road leading to the childcare. Hope this new driver is a safe driver.
Happy Belated Mother's Day!

Glad that Megan is in school today. My personal view is if you are not comfortable of the way Mr Lim drives , perhaps you should bring this to David's attention cos it is real important and a must that our kids are in good/safe hand with the school bus driver. Better be safe than sorry!

Have a good day ,everyone!

really??!! Then I think it's better to have a change.. hope this uncle chong is a safer driver. nothing's more important than the kids' lives..
will observe the new driver when i have the chance. will feedback to David if I do notice anything.

Megan and 3 others form the todd class will be promoted to N1 on wednesday.
yes....she's absolutely correct!!! what a smart gal! I saw jeryn lying on her matteress today when I went to pick Megan up. so far, the n1 trs have not told me abt the ptc on 31may. shall ask them on tues.

have a great long weekend mmummies!
cool... so she's right. anyway, she also told me ian has been sick for quite a while, has fever. apparently he didn't attend school for 2-3 days. I hope it's not HFMD..
Hi Everyone,

Hope this thread is still active. I’m sending my gal to Carpe Diem Toddler Class end June. May I know how many sets of uniform & tee/shorts do you buy?
Since this needs to be interchanged daily, I’m wondering if 2 sets of each is sufficient?


My daug Kelly is in Toddler class so will be your gal class mate. Welcome to Carpe Diem!

It is sufficient to have 2 sets of each. Also, it is not neccessary to wear their tee/shorts they are flexible especially for Toddler class.
For Kelly, she will wear the uniform to school and then wear her own clothes after taking shower and back hm.
Thanks Bitrix. My gal will be attending half day, hence, I will just pack 1 set of tee/shorts as backup. I’ve been bringing my gal to the child care last 2 Saturdays to familiarize herself with the environment & I’m glad to see that she helps herself to the toys and books. Btw, does Kelly take the school bus? My gal will be taking the Sengkang route. David hasn’t provide me with the timing yet.
hey mummies

I'm tinking of enrolling my gal there too.

But how is the activities huh? Heard they are using multiple intelligence it good?

Hope to hear some good advice. Thank u.
hi juzunmi and papamama,

welcome to the thread! my gal is in N1 now... i only bought her 2 sets of uniform and 1 set of PE attire.. Like bitrix's gal, she wear the uniform to school, then changes into her home clothes after shower...

nice environment, and there's a lot of singing, and many different corners for learning..
Hey juzunmi, what's your gal name? Gd to know that she is enjoying herself in school. Kelly is in full day childcare. She takes school bus from Sengkang route at 9:15am and 5:30pm back hm. Bus driver is Mr Ong. I couldn't get the 8:40am timing have been wait listed for long time so decided not to change stick to the current timing.

Hi all,

Am looking for half-day programme for my 2.5-yr old gal? Care to share a bit more on Carpe Diem's curriculum?

Are there lots of mozzies at Carpe Diem?

Thanks blurqu33n. Think I will do the same, 2 sets of uniform & I set of PE attire.
Hi Bitrix, if Kelly takes the 9.15am school bus, what time does she arrive in the childcare? Won’t she miss out the breakfast at 8.30am & outdoor session at 9am?
My gal’s name is Cherelle, she just turned 2 in May.
Hi PA&MA, will your child be in the toddler class?
Hey juzunmi, Kelly reaches childcare ard 9:30am and she still get to eat b/fast. According to David, he wanted to make sure all the kids have b/fast before class start. As for outdoor session, she will get the chance to play in the after half of the day so it is okay.

Hey Missysunflower, as for mosquitoes, so far I did not get to see any bites for kelly . Dun worry, the teacher will spray insect repellent when they are outdoors and every week they do fumigation for health concern.

Hey mummies blurqu33n/awl10/Alezander , long time no chat. Hope all of you and your gals are doing well.

hello mummies,

good to see this thread active again.

my gal, megan will move on to full-day from july onwards. She's in N1. I hope she'l adapt well. any advise on what I'll need to prepare for her for full-day? e.g. mattress, bedsheet, milk? tia.

As for mosquitoes, I've enquired with David b4 cos my Megan did have some bites but he assured me that he just installed some very good electric repellents in all the rooms. The teachers also spray insect repellent when they go outdoors. Perhaps my gal is just more prone to mosquitoes. hehe

Megan was down with sudden fever last sad...we missed the barney show cos of her the end gave the tickets to my cousin and her gal. Sunday, my husband and i had slight fever while Meg recovered. good thing my baby gal was fine....ppl say that's bcos she's bf!

have a great day.
hi bitrix and awl,
my gal is fine and is still enjoying school now. I went the other day but didn't manage to see Megan as she's half day.. hee.. anyway, for full day, pack for her bedsheet, bring on mon, she'll bring back on wed, then thu bring a new set, and fri she'll bring home. The centre will provide mattress but gotta pay. Also have her bring her milk powder and bottle, a new set of clothes n diapers, towel and a plastic bag for her soiled clothes. Hope this helps.

mosquitoes.. sigh, jeryn still has it though they had repellent put on. I think maybe the mosquitoes there r used to the smell and just bite anyway.. jeryn has bad reaction to the bites, will be red, then swollen and harden.. always take about 2 weeks to clear, then got scar, so another 1-2 weeks for the scar to disappear.... now i put on anti-mosquito lotion from Johnson's for her b4 she goes to school...

missysunflower, hard to tell u how much I like CD till u see it yourself. Go down to the centre and u may like it also.... big outdoor space, spacious rooms, etc...
Hi Awl,

Usually teacher will do the milk twice for the full day. Kelly gets to drink milk at 1pm before she takes her nap , another 5pm before she goes hm. I'm sure blurqu33n have mentioned the rest to be prepared.

ya... bitrix is right.... milk will be prepared twice a day, but I told the tr only need to give her 1 feed b4 her nap as she'll take dinner when she gets home.
I heard that David is gg to increase 2 more teachers for toddler class as he sees that the class is growing fast ....

hi britix and blur,

thanks for the advise. btw, where do u buy the bedsheet for the mattress? i noticed that the size of the mattress is smaller than a normal ti lam.

missysunflower, what i like most abt carpe diem is the spacious environment which allows the kids to have plenty of outdoor opportunities. The centre is also very clean and well-ventilated.
it's quite ex though.. but no choice coz the dimensions r funny... unless u can get someone to sew for u.. that was what lynn told me then..
Hello All

My gal is entering toddler bah..i tink..19mths. Im starting in July if nothing goes wrong.

Infact i'm wondering the activities as compared to Montessori style of teaching. Any one has any advice to share?

BTW most of ur send ur kiddies half day only ar? den my poor gal will be very lonely after half day leh.
it's 2 different schools of thoughts. Carpe Diem uses the MI approach, and I personally feel that they emphasizes on the Bodily-Kinesthetic and musical-rhythmic intelligences. So it's actually up to ur pref...

my gal is full day, but she's in N1..
hello mummies,
I’ve just settled the fees and my gal, cherelle, will commence school on 24 June, so exciting! Btw, the Popular Club magazine (pg 62) has a discount voucher whereby there’s a wavier of fees for 1 set of school uniform worth $20. (not sure if it is only applicable for new registration?)
May I know besides putting labels on water bottle, plastic bags that contain diapers & towel, do we need to label the towel & PE attire that is used as spare clothes? Gosh, there is so much stuff to pack & I’m wondering if my little gal can carry all these barangs by herself …
Hi missysunflower, besides the inputs from the other mummies, what I like about CD is that it is non-airconditioned where I feel fresh air is better and less prone for virus to spread. Also, it is a single storey campus coz I feel staircase are prone to accidents. I’ve a friend’s child who is in this child care that is located in a 3 storeys terrace house & her child fell from the stairs!
free set of school uniform? hmm, maybe i should ask...i did not label the towel and clothes, only the milk powder container, milk bottle and her water bottle are labelled. so far no mistakes...

hope ur gal will enjoy school!
thks blurqu33n. yeap, i got 1 set free already. btw, what type of footwear does your gal wear? track shoes?
Hey Pa&Ma, dun worry Kelly is in full day toddler class. Your daugh will have company.

Hey juzunmi, oh yes this is apply to the new registration. That time, I managed to get $80 fee discount when registered kelly.
For labelling, I did the same as blurqu33n only the milk dispenser, bottle and her water bottles.

hey missysunflower, another thing I like abt CD is they organize occassion activties for the children to experience.For example, during CNY, the children are to dress up the chinese oriented style like qipao and bring some CNY goodies to share and celebrate with the class. During X'mas, they have gift exchange with their friends. The recent dumpling festival the children hand on to wrap the dumpling.

oh, only new reg.... thot can take one more uniform, haha.... ya, i used the $80 free reg when i registered Jeryn too...

juzunmi, i got her crocs coz i think that's the easiest and safest to put on esp when they have outdoors, protect her toes.

yaya, during CNY, they even engage lion dance to the centre! Cool... bitrix, u ate the dumpling kelly made?
Hey juzunmi,same as blurqu33n , I got crocs shoe for kelly too.. I agree it is much easier and safest especially when they are outdoor.

Hey blurqun33 ,Hmm, I have yet eat the dumpling still in the fridge kekekeke.. How abt you, have you eaten Jeryn made?
$80 free reg? where u get the discount from? even better than the free uniform ...

haha, cherelle's also got a pair of crocs and it's mary jane cotton candy colour. will the teacher mixed up the children's shoes? perhaps gotto use the jibbitz to differentiate ...

juzunmi, that was the promotion for Popular member then.. ya, $80 vs $20, even better..

each child will have a shoe hole with their names on it. but u can also use the jibbitz. I did that too.. hee
