C section Scar

My gynae prescribed me a cream to be applied on the scar twice a day.

Dermatix Ultra. Not too sure if this will work well as I have used it for less than half a month.
i also use dermatix ultra, so far no keloid but could be only because i'm not inclined to have protruding keloids. i hardly used it...
My c section done in kk, doc nv give me any cream to apply. Any idea if the cream sell in those pharmacy store?
Actually can request the doctor to inject steriods when stitching up after the C-sect. This way guarantee to have no keloids.
Frankly, creams and gels do not work once healing is already in progress. This is from my own experience.
My gynae inject steroids for me . During 2nd mth review keloids forming Liao n he gave a gel to apply. But no use leh. I guess it's due to own skin condition. I've sensitive skin that scars easily :(
My gynae inject steroids for me . During 2nd mth review keloids forming Liao n he gave a gel to apply. But no use leh. I guess it's due to own skin condition. I've sensitive skin that scars easily :(

Oh dear. I had same issues the first time without steroid. The next time got steroid and fortunately no more keloids.
Wobble jelly, u lucky steroids worked for u. I console myself its "battle scar". I tell myself If go for #3, will still scar again anyway. If no #3, undies can cover it ;)
My gynae gif me dermatix gel to apply, he told me to apply cica care on top of dermatix if want to reduce the scar.
