Breastfeeding Support Group

hi Sharon,

You may want to get the breast shields from Avent. I find it's very helpful to collect leaking milk. Anyway, leaking may be passing phase. I used to wake up with wet t-shirts; now I hardly leak.

Dun worry about no excess. As long as it's enuf for bb, that's all. Keep up the good work, and I'm sure your supply will increase.

Quite interesting really - when bb was on tbm, my supply was ample. Now that he's started on solids (about 2 meals per day), my supply also dipped somewhat, and I dun really nid the breast pads/shields cos seldom leak now.

masshiro, ya i think i ll try till she is 1 yr-old
My baby is almost 6mths now. I don't experience any pain anymore. yes, only felt the pain last time when I over exert myself, like trying to up from lying down position using stomach muscle. When bb cry so gang jiong and forgot to get up from the side.
Hi mini, I tried to relax more these few days. And I found that ss has incr'd abit. I think what your mil not really true cos there's pple who bf bb till 1-2yrs old leh.

Hi styloBB, so lucky of you to be able to get PIS for 'free'.

Hi Serene, my bm is very dilute since I had my menses. Not as concentrated as before.

Hi desert, so good that your menses not back yet.

Hi mon, so you only got to wait for another mth to exercise. BTW, what you plan to do to trim down your tummy?

Hi QSG, not sure if my menses will be regular cos I only have it this mth. Hope that it'll be regular lah. Good that your hubby compromise abit liao.

Hi Masshiro,so you planning to stop bfg soon?

Hi littleprince, I've been using the Avent pump for 3-4mths but nothing like this happened leh.

Hi Sharon, I've been wearing bra since I gave birth cos my friend told me that her breasts were sagged. And she felt that it's cos she didn't wear bra when she sleep.

Hi melody, hope that you can reach your target.
Giggler, Stylobb & Masshiro,

Guess what? My hubby called his parents on wed nite asking them to help bring bb over on those days when he is on morning shift and since my mum is helping to take care as well, his mum only need to come over to help at most 2 times per week. I dun think it is very much to ask of them esp i got injured not because i went to do something else but bec i carry their grandchild,etc. I witness my hubby's conversation with his mum and she agreed to help, the communication was clear. Yesterday nite i went to bring bb home, i told his mum that friday morning and next week morning shifts, she can come between 7.30 to 7.45. She said oh she can only help on this friday bec she needs to serve her daughter and hubby breakfast between 7-8am everyday and today can bec her daughter is going out early.I asked her why she agreed with my hubby on wed nite and she said maybe she heard wrongly. I am shocked that she can actually come out with such silly excuses. I asked her dun her daughter ever make her own breakfast before (she is already 26 years old and working as a lawyer)she said no.I was thinking what about the times when my in laws go overseas so she starved herself since it seems both she and my father in law dunno how to get their own breakfast at all. They are just not willing to help if they are willing, she can always make breastfast slightly earlier or later assuming really my sis in law and father in law are so "handicap" in this area. They obviously couldn't care much about whether my back can recover or has deteriorated. They are willing to come over to our place to look after bb when it it is raining bec they afraid their grandchild get sick if caught in rain when we bring her over but not willing to help me bring bb over so that i can recover. My mum still say they won't be willing since they are grandparents, looks like they are really very selfish people.

Anyway, i told her i will get her son to talk to her.
i called cannon avent and reported my problem, the lady offered to mail me another 4 valves under FOC .. says these valves wear and tear easily, lifespan abt 3-4wks for a valve .. told her mine worn off in 2wks ..

so sorrie to hear abt yr story .. how abt putting yr kid in infant care? will tt be better? if they are not willing to help u, then u find a way to help yrself ..
Hi QSG, aiyo how come your mil like that? Think it'll be better to ask your hubby to talk to them instead. I always ask my hubby to do the talking one.

Hi littleprince, the Avent so nice hor?
little prince, they are not not willing to help look after bb just not willing to help me to bring her over despite my injury. Also dun have any infant care centre nearby, the same issue will persist about how to transport bb from place to place.

Giggler, hubby is the one who spoke to her that nite and she can still turn around and say something else. I dunno how to describe them but they are not the typical "people"....even during bb one month celebration they shown it so cleary to others...when there are so many people around, instead of mingling with the crowd, 2 of them just stayed in the kitchen and look out the windows together and talk to each other ignoring everyone else...i felt that as the host's parents they shouldn't be behaving like that. When its time for buffet lunch, they took their own food and sit at the stair case and eat among themselves....maybe i shouldn't expect them to do anything for me since during pregnancy, they didn't care much also. Everytime i heard other people's in laws made bird nests or tonics for them i felt sad bec they din bother and everytime we go back for dinner they only ask is it baby boy or girl.
ya .. it was nice of them to offer me straightaway but she didn't answer my qns at first on how come the valve pops up so easily until i asked again at the end then she says wear and tear easily .. hehe .. but if the valve gets damaged every 2 wks and each pair is going to cost me $3.00, then its going to be costly liao ..

where are u staying at? i was thinking if can find an infant care nearby yr place or convenient for u to go to, then at least not so shiong .. else u going to carry on like this everyday meh? u must be in good health in order to take care of yr bb well, so must think if u can take it in the long run ..
how often do you change breast pads? my breast pads dun feel wet though i believe at times, milk did leak but it got absorbed in so dun feel any wetness .. okie to wear fm morning till nite before change? me hvg abit of rashes near my upper breasts, dunno if its due to the breast pads worn all day long ..
oh dear I din know the valves wear so easily... then where can we buy extras? I only know the box came with 1 extra. :/
lil_prince I change my breastpads 4 times daily, maybe I'm extreme. But u won't see the dampness until it's really too much and by then not too gd... using the same breastpad for too long will encourage nipple thrush (yeast infection which can spread back and forth the nipple and bb's mouth. Bb's mouth may get oral thrush, in serious cases spread to intestinals. Can google on this to find out more).
Your mum can't help at all?
At least they try to help on some days, no choice now for you, even if one day or so, at least it helps lessen your load a bit. Dun feel so bad ok.
To be fair to them, they dun owe you anything, whatever they offer to do, it's considered extra so try to take it in a beta light.
FYI my inlaws also never boiled anything for me...hehe... and one of the first questions she asked was also what is sex of bb. She even predicted it'll be a gal but haha, wrong! Haha, anyway me never bothered with such things. I think we ourselves have to make sure we are happy, don't expect others to make us happy lor.
Hi QSG, then maybe you shouldn't expect anything from your pils. Just be happy that your hubby is on your side.

Hi littleprince, I think it depends on luck lah. Nothing wrong with my valves since I started using them 3-4mths ago. (touching wood) I only wear the breast pads for half a day.

Hi styloBB, you're rite. I also just make sure I make myself happy. I don't bother much with my mil and luckily she does the same too though we stay together. ;)
little prince, i staying in jurong west near Boon Lay MRT station.

Stylobb, my mum is helping to look after bb on thu and fri (can't help for whole week bec she needs to help to take care my grandma who is bedridden and at my uncle's place)...but at least i dun have to ask her about coming over to bring bb over, she volunteer herself even before i got injured. I know our in laws are not oblige to help us, its just a matter of whether they are helpful enough to go that extra mile for you if they care.
QSG, so sad to hear ur MIL like tat..luckily ur hubby on ur wat giggler says, maybe u set ur expectations fr them to be nil, then wont be so my case, i dun expect my pil to help me in anything...they only wan to be entertained by my gal..tats all...
I also not sure what to do. My plan is to spend 2 weeks to catch up on my sleep first. Always have to sleep late after pumping and wake up early to pump, so must enjoy the sleep first
And during these 2 weeks, may want to take cambridge diet to lose some kilos first. Then on the 3rd week, will start exercise routine. Thought of getting up early (the same time like when I need to pump) to jog around my estate. Hopefully I'm discipline enough to stick to this plan..hehehe

Now no more pain even if I press. Just that sometimes I will feel the scar area a bit itchy.

Like Stylo mentioned, take it in a beta light. Sometimes when IL bother too much, also headache. So grass is always greener on the other side....there will always be complains no matter what.
just call up cannon avent and they will mail the valves to u, think u got to send cheque to them for the payment?

dunno whether i need to change the pads as often as u leh, coz my milk ss not alot so dun think leak alot also ..

half a day means like how? i shower at 6am and put on a fresh pair, then at nite shower ard 9pm and change another pair ..

agree with the rest, it is when we set our expectations to nil then if they offer to help, u will feel better ..

in the meanwhile, maybe we can help qsg source for some infant care centre or what to help?
Think it'll be beta once bb grows bigger. Dun be sad, ok. Sayang, sayang.... Will feel beta if you destress.
Actually what mon mon said is also true, if inlaws too meddling, it's also quite stifling. So whatever they can help you, just accept it. Before you know it, bb will have grown bigger liao. Since the situation does sound not like it's gonna improve, then have to make the best of it. Accept whatever days she can help. Maybe talk to your hb and check how he can chip in more. What about finding a nanny around your area? Finance an issue?
I pray that your back problem will be go away, cos that is the major reason for you being unable to handle the bb and extra stuff. Cheer up!
Hi QSG, there's no infant care around our area. I found out liao. That's why I may send my gal to the one near my workplace instead. You may feel itchy when the skin around the scar heal?

Hi mon, I can never wake up early to go jogging one. I thot of trying out Atkins diet and may go for jogging during office hrs as we've a gym here. How many kgs you thinking of shedding? I don't dare to step on weighing machine cos I can feel that I put on weight liao.

Hi littleprince, I change abt 3times everyday.
stylobb, problem is she not willing to help by coming over to bring bb over to her place on all those days she looking after bb. If my hubby help to bring bb over then he has to do it before 5.45am and he is afraid his parents not awake yet. He also mention about nanny but doesn't solve the problem since i still have to carry bb and other stuff to nanny's place on those days he on morning shifts (bb getting heavier also)...see how his talk with is mum turn out.

Giggler, who is looking after Vanessa now?
Hi QSG, both my mom and mil. My mil 'volunteers' to help but my mom knows that I quite worried so she'll go over to my place to help out. Luckily, both women are ok with each other. And I must thank my mom for being so understanding. But my sil (bro's wife) is preggie and going to give birth next yr. So I thot of sending Vane to infant care by then so that my mom can concentrate on my bro's bb.
Giggler, where does your mil and mum stays?

little prince, unless the nanny stays next block if not will not solve the problem. Also dunno if nannies are reliable or not.

Actually i thought of becoming SAHM but too many factors to consider so till now haven't resign.
Hi Littleprince,
Can you adv me the Avent contact? Also need to get some pump accessories. Thanks.

not sure also....just a bit only so didn't really bother me.

I still have 4kgs to go before I reach pre-preg weight but hope to lose more cos was already quite heavy then. I am going to try cambridge cos I have a box at home which my client give to me. Plus, I tried it before my wedding and it works so can try again lor.
Hi QSG, my mil stays with me and my mom stays near Gek Poh. So my mom comes over to my place everyday to help my mil out.
Giggler, you are so fortunate to have them as your mum and mil.

Have you been to pioneer mall? Giant opening there somewhere in Dec.
Hi QSG, ya lor... I very thankful to them, esp my mom. No, haven been to Pioneer Mall. But heard that the food there sucks. Let me know if Giant open ok? Hope can get cheaper diaper there.
<font color="aa00aa">giggler,</font>
my ss seems to get back.. but still will hv 1 or 2 sessions that dipped by 20~30ml
now 5~10 ml oso important to me leh....

<font color="0000ff">glass bottle caps</font>
any mummies has any to give away?
Giggler, I went pioneer mall last week and ate chicken rice at food court there. Felt that it is not as nice as the one at JP level 3 food court. Think if Giant open, newspapers may have ADs. Probably open in mid Dec so as to bring in the Christmas biz.
Hi littleprince,
Yah, have been training myself to wear bra 24 hrs liao! :)

Hi masshiro,
Am pumping every 3-4 hrs to keep my supply &amp; wearing breast pads is a must for me now!

Wat is breast shields, cant seems to find on Avent website?
dear bfg mummies
is it considered experiencing a let down when there is a tingling feeling at my breasts and when i look at the nipples, milk is starting to leak? i usually pump 4x a day, 6hrly once but at times, my milk leaks after 3hrs .. just experiencing this recently, does it mean my milk ss is increasing?

and, if i pump and milk is only flowing out fm certain "holes" and not all holes, is this considered blocked ducts? i tried pumping yest am and experienced this, only got 3oz .. but when i feel my breasts, they are still quite full .. so i hand expressed and managed to get total of 6oz in the end .. then this am, experienced something similar again but no time to hand expressed for so long, so only expressed till 5oz and stopped .. but i still feel a short sharp pain in my breasts on and off ..
Hi angelia, you shd be glad that your ss incr liao.

Hi QSG, heard that the Giant will be open on 5th Dec.

Hi littleprince, I think you're right. That is, considered let-down. I think 6hrly is too long a stretch liao leh. Think you shd pump every 3-4hrly. Sometimes I experienced the same thing leh if I only pump for 6-7hrs spread. Think it's blocked ducts leh.
Giggler, where you heard it from? Is the source reliable? Dun want to go all the way there then not opened like 2 weeks ago.
but me working leh, how to pump every 3-4hr? i can only cope with 6hrs once, and at most when i reach home ard 7+pm can still latch bb on ..

how to cure blocked ducts huh?
Hi Mommies,
Just to share something with you with regards to one particular confinement lady. My SIL just delivered last week and she engaged a confinement lady who actually left her with a major crisis 3 days after she went home. After doing her confinement for 3 days, her CL told her that her father passed away and she needs to go back to Msia for the wake. And she recommended her friend, who she claimed has more than 30yrs of experience. When the friend came, she not only is naggy and also, from what she has done, has shown that she is not experience at all. The new CL actually thrown away the expensive fish that my MIL bought. And she seasoned the fish that she cooked for my SIL with salt until it is so salty and cant be eaten. Plus she didnt burp the baby probably after feeding resulting the baby kept having reflux. She also didnt clean her babys butt probably after baby poo, my SIL check and still got poo stuck to the babys butt. Thats not the worst, the new CL told us that the previous CLs father actually passed away quite sometime back. The real reason she had to leave is because she got another confinement which pays her more $$$. She actually lied about the father so as to get to the higher paying engagement. My SIL was really depressed with the new CL and she was so angry with the previous CL for lying. She chased away the new CL after half a day. For your info, the name of the CL who lied is Mei Yi, her msia number is 0207-4672582 and spore mobile is 96569258. Pls put her in your black book so as not to suffer that same fate.
Hi QSG, heard from a relative who stay opp Pioneer Mall.

Hi littleprince, sorry I thot you still having your ML. ;) I also pump every 6hrly in office.
Hi Mon Mon,

Your SIL is not the only one who faced such a crisis...My Malaysian CL did not even turn up!!! On the day when I was supposed to deliver, my mother called to remind her .On the day prior to my discharge, she told my mum that she was unwell and could only come on the second day of my discharge. She then made an arrangement with my mum on when and where to meet on the second day.

However, on arranged day, my mum waited for an hour and she did not turn up. She did not even call. When my dad called, she claimed that there was no confirmation.

As a result, I was left with no confinment lady for the first two day. My mother and MIL had to take turns to cook for me. Fortunately, on the third day, my MIL managed to find a Singaporean CL. Her cooking is so so and tastes the same for all the dishes, and she was quite a busybody. What I dislike is that she would open your closets without permission and she caused a burn mark on my dining table from Life Shop. Worst, she collected 4D in my house. Her mobile was always ringing and she claimed that she was just buying for her friends, but do you know how long the list of numbers was!

Gosh, after these experiences, I dare not engage CL anymore. Even told my friends not to. Mother and MIL although they may be difficult too, but they will not leave you in lurch or break your trust.

Trust me, you feel worse with a CL at home.
Think must really get a trustworthy CL. My friend also got a last min CL fron Spore as her Msia CL got rejected at custom so can't come over. The CL also very lazy and like yours also always buying 4D.Maybe it's the same one. However, her original CL was supposed to be very good cos her SIL actually uses the same CL twice.

I had confinement with my MIL...think also not any post natal blues due to her demands and nagging. So I vow to get a CL for the next preg but must book early so can get good one. Will hope to get the one that my friend's SIL uses.
mon mon
Sounds so bad. I only had a confinement helper who is my mil's friend. It was too expensive to hire one during CNY period plus we could not find one tho we tried. Actually it worked out fine for me cos she cooked, cleaned bb, did housework but does not stay. Her cooking wasn't fantastic but me wasn't fussy either. Effectively hb/I looked after jesse from day 1, and at nite I b/fed him anyway. Hb also recalled those times that jesse slept on him till 3am! Hehe...those 'tough' times....
I personally dun like having a 'stranger' staying with me or asks me questions. Mil/mum chipped in to help so it was ok. Tired as I was at times, glad that I managed to get it over.
Even if I have a second one, I dun think I'll want a confinement lady.
My gf had one who opened her wardrobe and used her phone.... another one found the CL too dirty...

I think I had post-natal blues leh.... felt so lousy that time ..hehe..

So how, did your hb had a talk with mil? So she will come over to help one /two days?
stylobb, she called me before my hb can talk to her.Now she said she talked to my SIL and she said SIL agreed she can come and help maximum 2 weeks (actually it is only 1 or 2 times per week). I asked her thought she said she needs to serve SIL and FIL breakfast everyday? She changed her excuse to she wants to spend time with SIL every morning before she goes to work...anyway i already know how they are like. They try to push it to my mum to help (my mum already helping to look after bb on thu and fri currently). MIL said ask my mum to look after bb on those days when hb is on morning shifts (initial arrangement is in laws look after bb on Mon to Wed regardless of shifts). This arrangement is abit luan3 for bb and everyone as hb's shifts can be luan3 but no choice loh his family not willing to help longer than 2 weeks. Anyway i told MIL that my mum got to help out with my grandma so if mum cannot then she will need to help still.

It is not a long term solution though bec my mum is kinda old already in her mid 60s(in laws in 50s) and we can't expect her to walk over to our house early in the morning and bring bb over as bb gets heavier even i myself also can't tahan the weight. HB said find bb siter near our block or hire a maid but i am not comfortable with it as too many horror stories about them. The best soluction is of course i become SAHM but making this decision is not easy.

hi all...
hvnt come into tis thread for a long time.

hi angelia...
u hv given birth! dat shows how outdated i am... hehe... how come u not latching ur bb on? try to relax when u r pumping... dun keep lookg at the pump... divert ur attention away... tis will help u get letdown. sometimes i put a magazine in front of me and read while i pump. hehe...

hi sharon...
read in past posts dat ur breasts keep leaking... i think it is very common to leak for the first 6-8 weeks... because this is the time when Bfg becomes established and ss still not stable yet... hence our boobs still adjusting lah... hehe...

hi mon mon...
so sori to hear of ur sil's case. agree dat must get a trustworthy CL... oni engage one thru good recommendation.

hi little prince...
do take time to clear ur breasts... its tedious but its worth it... blocked ducts can cause mastitis... and it can be terrible.

hi stylobb...
hehe... jesse so active arh... must be good exercise chasing him ard the house hor... my boi nw still lazy to flip arh... haha...
