Breastfeeding Support Group

Hi Giggler,
That's why I said that your is power milk..can make Vane so chubby and cute
I miss her bak bak thighs..

Yah..very frustrating if compare with other people's milk supply. I have given up comparing. Even my left breast can't compare with my right breast, how to compare with other people

Just enjoy the process and as long as baby is growing up well, don't take it too hard on ourselves.

You're doing great already. Sometimes I only get like 60ml after 3 hours, so very good already.

I'm so happy it's Friday. Hopefully baby will let me rest more over the weekend. I carried him till midnight last night. Dun want to sleep. Kept fussing. hiaz.

hmm .. anyone brought their bbs to swim once his head is stable, say 3-4mths old? what are swimming diapers? diapers meant for swimming use? where to buy them?

agree with giggler, i just monitor my ss per day and try to make sure i can at least meet or exceed the same qty everyday .. dun dare to compare coz mine is beyond the ability to compare .. hehe ..
so we can just let bb wear a swimming diaper and just a t-shirt over it for swimming is sufficient? If you don't want the swimming diaper, I would like to have it then. Thanks.

you can wait about 1-2 weeks after Vane past 6mth before giving the FM.
lil bb can't swim until he is over 5yrs old, according to the fortune teller who calculate his chinese sian %@!$%!^!@!!!
i think better to bring bb swimming only after the jabs are completed
i only started bringing my girl swimming recently when she was 7 mths plus....

you mean can exchange nepia receipt for something? i've been throwing them all away!
jas, actually jus chg a new normal diaper b4 going in is fine...thou it might be heavy, but my gal's bottom still float up when i held think ok... if u swim in the morning, says 10...ll be okie...cos altho water is cold(in 4pm, water oso cold), but weather is warm, so need sunscreen...if swim in afternoon, i feel the air is not so warm...

enjoy ur bb first swim...
Giggler, your place is within walking distance from jurong point also right?what colour is your blk?Mine place is near to jurong primary school.

On leave today, went JP to see GP regarding my back problem and dropped by kiddy palace. The brand of baby food processor is "CORE". They sell fearlin and munchkin grinders as well.

Any mummies know whether grinders can be used to make fruit purees too? and where to get samples for Friso follow up formula?
rhyan's fortune teller never commented abt swimming .. hehe .. cld this be the reason why he hates bathing?

cannot swim till bb finishes jabs? tts sad news for my hubby ..
We did not let jesse wear t-shirt..we brought him to friend's house which has a pool and maybe becos the place is surrounded by greenery, there is no wind, so it's ok. Dun know why they sell so many in a pack....

What I know is the last time when I asked for samples, they sent me a form and if I return the receipt, they will send me $5 voucher. Now it seems that Masshiro called them, and they still give $5 with receipt provided if you are a first-timer.

What did doc say about your back?
Hi Masshiro, luckily for me Vans sleeping pattern has improved now. She only wakes up once a nite compared to thrice last time.

Hi Jas, I afraid that my ss may not be enough next few weeks and Vane has not reach 6mths yet. So can give her the follow-on milk even before she turns 6mths?

Hi AC, the fortune teller will tell you details like that?

Hi melody, I opp as you leh. I prefer to bring bb to swim in the late afternoon cos water will be warm mah. So you use sunscreen on bb?

Hi QSG, mine blk is white and green one, walking distance to JP. Sorry leh, I also not sure wheres Jurong Pr Sch. ;) Thanks for checking out the blender for me. I find the GPs at JP all not good one leh.
lil prince...mayb lor, my boy not supposed to go near water, even bathtub before 5yrs old, my hubby say canot swim

giggler...ya, also said my boy will be Gu Pi when he grows up, so we have to educate him
Cannon Avent has shifted to Gateway East ard Jul/Aug. U can call Sally Ng at 6391 9191.

Hope this help
stylobb, doc said pins and needles sensation probably due to compressed nerves.Gave me a cream to rub and anti-inflammatory drugs (ponstan) said to be safe for breastfeeding. But she also said if i continue to carry heavy things, no chance to rest then difficult to recover
........dunno how also since i can't avoid carrying heavy things. Said if now still can go on with normal activities and no acute pain try not to go x-ray which may affect breastfeeding. Hope it will not get worse.

Giggler, i have been seeing a malay female doctor for past 4 years, find her quite good, patient and caring. Which GP did you go to since you dun find any good one at JP? I know roughly where you stay already the green and white one is much nearer to JP then where i am.
Hi AC, how much did you pay for the fortune tellers service? He can tell you so much hor?

Hi QSG, which clinic is that? Maybe I can try next time. I usually go to the GP at Gek Poh. So do both of us stay near to each other? Your back sounds bad leh. Can you put your pump in your office so that you dont need to carry it around everyday?
You stay near to m2b's place too? Hers is also the white and green block...

Unfortunately I think those medication is only treating the symptoms and suppressing the pain and not really getting to the heart of the matter.
What do you think?
rhyan went to Yu Long Zi too, he is actually my uncle's sworn brother so rhyan is considered his nephew so its FOC for us ..

if he tell u to make sure yr bb avoid bathtubs, then best not to bring him to swim .. this kind of thing, best to believe since u already brought yr bb to let him "suan" the name .. hubby's small cousin also being told before cannot go overseas before 3 years old and hubby's aunt still brought him for holiday and in the end, the cousin fell ill for very long ..
Hi All

Need advise urgently ... if I'm experiencing engorgement, who should I consult? Gynae or LC? There seems to be 2 white bubble on my right nipple and it seems to be blocking some of my milk from coming out. Was worst yesterday but I finally broke the bubble and manage to ease the blockage but it doesn't feel empty enough and really want to avoid it being engorged again. It was super painful yesterday.

Can I check if LCs only work according to office hours, if they are the right person to consult? Any recommendation? I know mrs Wong from TMC is good but I didn't deliver there so I don't think they'll entertain me.
Hi there,
Anyone knows how to increase the milk flow ? I've been expressing milk out but seems that the volume has been decreasing each day.
Thanks in advance.

gynae should be able to give you good advice on breast engorgement. Hv u tried using cold cabbage leaves? Its suppose to be an effective remedy. Also can try to use warm towel and massage on the affected breast b4 latching bb on or expressing out the BM. Warm bath or warm drink also helps BM to flow out easily due to vasodilation.
The last time i have the same problem. I try to do manual expressing every time after i use my breast pump. The "harden" part of the breast slowly clears up after a week.
Hi pringles abd B2B3M4

Tried the hot pad and hot shower and it didn't help much. In the end, sorta burst the lump on nipple and then it ease off a little but can't keep bursting the lump... am afraid I'll cause an infection ... that's why need to seek professional help. Pumped for 2 hours and the harden lump still didn't clear.

Just wondering if there's really a blockage, will the gynae help to clear? Just worried that it'll affect my milk level and can't afford that now coz intend to direct feed bb when we're away next week.
the LC in Eastshore is Fonnie- phone the reception, ask to be passed to nursery, Fonnie, leave your name, contact no. and she will return your call (during office hrs). Check with her over the phone whether she has any over-the-phone advice, or whether you need to make a trip down.

Your white blockage on nipple does not sound like engorgement but I *think* it's called something else... if I'm wrong your treatment is right to burst the white thing but do check with professionals.
Typo- If I'm NOT wrong your treatment is right. I read it somewhere... I *think* it's called a milk blister, where you have to manually prick it, then massage. Best to follow with latching to clear the duct.

But do check with pros!
lil prince...will follow his advise lor, canot bring my boy to swim, but my boy's name is not calculate by yu long zi himself, it's done by his "Tu Di"

absolut...canot use cabbage treatment coz it will ultimate stop yr milk flow
Is it pimple like? A white spot?
If so, it's could be a granuloma... I got something like that..can't remember what caused it... very painful when latching... in the end I pump out but after I applied cream given by the GP, I threw the milk away. Took more than two weeks for the part to heal.
ya, can chk with Fonnie at ESH .. if she can give u over the phone advice, u will not need to go down .. but if u hv to go down, she will at most charge ard $40 for consultation .. can chk with her first lor ..

the names are usually done by his "tu di" lor but think yu long zi will usually go through before giving it to you .. hmm .. tts for our case but i dunno if he does it for everyone .. anyway, so long as bb is healthy and happy, will hv to try and follow whatever is told to us lor ..
Hi stylobb, I stay quite near to M2B.

Hi AC, heard from You Long Zi. Didn't know he's so detail.

Hi absolut, have u solve your problems?
Giggler, I can't leave my pump in the office as i need to pump early in the morning and at nite when i get home. Now fully on expressing...Dana also forgot how to latch on already.

We stay near each other, about 5-10 mins walk to your place. Yours is very near to MRT station. The Clinic at JP which i go is DRS TRYTHALL, HOY AND DAVIES.

stylobb, i agree the medication and cream is only treating systoms.Even my condition do improve abit, it may come back again since i still have to carry heavy stuff. In fact, the pins and needles sensation is spreading abit to left side of my back
Actually Mrs Wong of TMC is very good. She will "entertain" you even if you don't delivery there cos they charge $35/hr for consultation. her contact is 6251 40900 4043 if you want to call. Better to call for an appt cos she's always very busy since she's so well-known. Her other colleagues are also very good.
how many more days to go before Vane is 6mths? I am not sure whether is it safe to give 6mths and above FM to Vane or not.

can I have your email address?
you have to take lots of fluid, drink plenty of water, or can take oats, green papaya with fish soup. If you want can try to take some supplements that known can increase BM. However, the above results varies with individual. Some I know tried some of the above didn't work. Important is to have enough rest and drink plenty of fluid.
Hi QSG, for my case, I got 2 pumps. One is Ameda which I left in ofc and the other is Avent manual pump which I use at home. So I don't need to carry my pump everyday. Ok, I'll take note of the clinic at JP. We can meet and go shopping at JP hor?

Hi Jas, another 7 days to go and Vane will reach 6mths liao. I think my ss still can 'tong' but I find that the quality not as good liao.

Hi stylobb, I only got follow-on fm leh. Does that mean I got to buy infant fm to mix?
<font color="aa00aa">giggler,</font>
hhaha.. problem is, my ss is not enuff for gal if she is feeding the required amt. however, she's not feeding the amt she's supposed to, so end up i still can manage to "stock" a bit each day.

<font color="aa00aa">mini,</font>
am taking oats and nettle every day. try to take fish too but quite limited cos we "ta-pau" not cooking ourselves. so, no soup

<font color="aa00aa">mashiro,</font>
my 90ml is without latching. if after latch can get 90ml, then considered good. without latch get 90ml... a bit little.

but well, am "getting used" to it. "kan4 kai1" alr. worse to worse, supp wif FM cos i alr done my best.
Hi Absolut,

Yah..Mrs Wong is good. And she'll help you massage and massage to help relieve the engorement and to get the milk out. Some more got hospital grade pump there, very powerful to help get the milk out quick.

I din deliver there but I went there to attend her pre-natal course. She's very good.

Hi Giggler,
Just 7 more days to go and Vane will be 6 mths..another milestone. I'm now at 6 mths and 1 son now like no patience to suck now, very curious and always looks around. He's enjoying himself with the solids. He had milk, cereal, pumpkin and apple yesterday.

Got to remind my MIL that milk is the most important so must still take the necessary qty. I scared she happy happy give give give all the solids and forget about milk. ALamak, still need to get Similar to send me the free similac follow on.

Hi Agelia,
90ml is quite good already..really if not enuf, just supplement lor if you've tried your best. If I can survive until now with only 60ml sometimes, I'm sure you can
My colleague told me she can pump like 240ml each breast after 8 hours. She's stil bf her 1 year old.

err..even if I sleep whole night, if I can get 120ml very good already. haha..anyway now past 6 mths, I more relaxed already.

Hi Stylobb,
It's getting more fun to play with baby now, cos he's learning to crawl, sit up and he got so many funny movements. So amusing. I guess that is the joy of parenthood..

So when we going out for our meal?
Giggler, can't afford to buy another pump to put in office. Already the pump in style traveller cost a bomb. It came with a manual pump but i need a effective pump since i have limited time to pump everyday.

Btw, i saw in the newspapers a few days back that Harvey Norman selling a mini chopper for about $25 which is cheaper than the processor in Kiddy palace. You may want to check it out, can use to chop, blend,etc. But limited sets only, i think it mention about 20 or 30.

Yup, since staying nearby can meet up when got chance.
how do u tell if ur milk is not so good quality as compared to last time? one more week to go, i believe u can make it! once after 6mths, should b ok to just start to give follow on without having to mix with infant formula since Van has not tasted infant formula before. mixing infant formula with follow on is for those who had taken infant formula. for our case what they advised is to mix EBM with FM follow on. but i m not so comfortable with it will just give FM follow on direct. if bb cannot take it then have to mix with EBM.

is it possible to buy fish from supermarket or market then cook it on ur own for dinner on top of the ta-pau meals? steam fish only takes 10min. though its troublesome to have to make a trip to supermarket.
i also carry my pump to n fro everyday as i need to use it at night. have to take train n bus to work. using ameda. its quite heavy n bulky but have gotten used to it. at times feeling quite negative n asked myself y must carry this extra "luggage". but told myself all for the sake of baby. heh..can treat it as exercise n help to lose wt :p
as what stylobb suggest, maybe it will be good to mix infant FM and follow-on together as infant FM is suitable up to 1 yr. I am still giving my boy infant FM.

these few days I also find my EBM quality not so good, not as milky white as previous, today is worst. Anyway, me also stopping BF today.

that's good. now after 'kan kai' not so stressed up already right and enjoy better times with bb.
Hi angelia, so your bb quite 'guai' lah, accomodates to your ss.

Hi masshiro, me thinking what food to start to give Vane next mth liao. Heehee. Quite excited abt it.
You give your son similac? I'll be giving enfalac since I got the free sample.

Hi QSG, you bought PIS? That's very ex. I bot Ameda instead after I read that its performance is comparable to PIS. Maybe we've already seen each other in JP before hor?

I dun mind carrying it but am concerned about my back problem (the pins and needles sensation is not improving) especially have to carry it with baby at the same time and when i bring bb to in laws place, no lift have to climb 3 storeys with 6 Kgs plus altogether.
oh ok. forgot u mentioned abt back problem. yar wont b easy esp baby will get more n more heavy. try to minimise carrying so heavy wt as much as possible when u r going out with hubby/someone else.

those of u whose bbs are using M size Nepia, is the cutting big or small? if compared to Pampers premium M size is the cutting same or ...? my boy going to finish his M size stock but he is 8kg n can still fit in Pampers premium n Pampers bb dry. so think mayb can still use anr pack of M. thinking of getting nepia. but tat pack will last abt 1.5mths so hope he wont grow fat suddenly.
any reason why you are taking nettle and not fenugreek? like what mini advise, maybe can buy fish to steam and eat lor .. during my 2wks at home with bb, i got my aunt to help me buy and pack the fish .. all i had to do was to take the fish out of the bag and rinse with water, put ginger and tomato, then put into pot for steaming .. but it can be diffc at times if bb makes noise, thats when i end up eating lunch at 5pm ..

must be happy that u are stopping bfg liao .. hmm, envy you all for being successful in tbfg yr bbs .. though my ss is slowly increasing, but my bb's dd also increasing .. cannot imagine a day when i can finally catch up with his dd so tt he need not take fm in the day ..

did think of stopping bfg next mth when my bb will be 3mths old but also she bu de since i hv already put in so much effort .. at least now he is only taking 1 or at most 2 fm feeds at nanny's place, and 2 fm feeds at nite ..
Hi mini, my milk is very diluted these few days, unlike before it used to be very concentrated. So you carry big bag around also? Is there any discount for Nepia now? I can't seem to find any Nepia at NTUC JP.

Hi Jas, you stopped totally today or you start to stop gradually today?

Actually i bought Medela Mini Electric Plus from Robinsons initially then i heard from friend PIS better so i returned the Mini Electric since never used before and bought PIS from KKH at 599 instead of original price 699. Didn't know Ameda pump exist last much was it? does it come with cooler carrier bag, bottles,etc?

Maybe we by pass each other in JP before also dunno
U work in tanjong pagar right?
yup i bot the ameda cooler bag set n have to carry it to n fro. even carry it to gathering when meet my friend after work. also carry with to my jap lesson until the teacher asked me whats inside the big bag. quite heavy though..
think NTUC having Nepia discount now. i received their sample a few days ago n there is a form attached saying must send them a receipt before 29nov in order to get the $5 NTUC voucher. so thinking of buying a pack these few days. cant decide to buy M or L. how heavy is Van n what size is she wearing?
Hi QSG, my Ameda cost abt $250-260 (forgot liao) but it didn't come with cooler bag lah. I work at Tg Pagar area. You too?

Hi mini, I didn't buy the cooler bag. I just use a small cooler bag which I got it free from GlenE. Where do u take your Jap class? Me interested too. I not sure what's Vane's wt now but she's wearing L size cos she got big thighs.

I'm taking Fenugreek and green papaya fish soup but it dosen't seem to work on me. My BM is still doesn't increase and I'm unable to latch my bb on due to low feeling so sad.
