Breastfeeding Support Group

hi QSG,

Abt FM, recommendation is that once you open up, scoop some into tupperware or other container. That way, less powder will be exposed to air whenever you have to open up.

There was one period when I opened a tin. As I didn't open very often, could keep for like 2mths. The smell usually tell you if can keep or not.

oh...and about bb food, I dun have those special bb food processor. Each morning, my mum will cook porridge (enough for 2 feeds) in a tiny slow cooker (the one portion type).

It's really easy. Once the rice is 'nua nua', if you want, just run the porridge through a metal sieve, and it will become runny.
Hi absolut, I think Avent manual shd be good enuf. Ameda's motor quite heavy leh.

Hi sharon, I think you didn't assemble the avent pump correctly leh. Bfg not very painful mah.

Hi QSG, you also stay in Jurong area? I stay very near to Jurong Pt. Ok, I'll go to KP to take a look. What's the brand of the food processor?

Hi desert, you just came back from Australia rite?

Hi QHL, so your mom cooks both lunch and dinner in the morning?
Giggler, I stay near JP also can walk or take bus one stop only. Which Blk you stay at?
Can't remember the brand but u can find it near where the sterilizers are.

Just curious, did you major in accountancy last time?
I bought the Heinz Multi-grain Cereal...hehe...dun know if have chance to let jesse try or not...

Ho-ho, I told hb I dun wanna stay in hotel here in S'pore for a nite cos too troublesome, carry bb's stuff to another location, it's probably feels the same at home, only sleeping on another bed... I tell you, me/hb can just pack one bag and it's enuf for our stuff.. really, with bb, it's another big bag....
Hope your back gets better.

Wow, 45mins... try your best, dun get so stressed. Relax before pumping, drink a glass of warm water.. at home, listen to some soothing music..

I certainly your situation with mil, plus cannot tell her to keep quiet cos will offend her...hehe...
Oh, the exec coach is S$69 per person. The first class one should be $90+ but the timing we wanted is sold out so we opt for the exec coach.

Ooh..jesse means 'God's gift' or 'the present of God' and 'wealth'. I think Jon also means 'God's offering'.

I like the name 'Dana'... Dana Scully as in X-files..hee....very cool.
OIC so far... is it possible for mil to look after say, on Friday nite, then you pick her up on Sat morning?
Yes you use normal rice... you add in water and if you ain't in a hurry, turn to Low... and leave it. Sometimes I just boil over the stove and once cooked, I pour into the slow cooker to keep warm. I change the veges but fish is always part of the porridge. Sometimes my mum adds in a piece of pork for the taste but dun feed bb the pork. Scallop is also nice.

Yah, bring the pump, pump and throw (to keep the ss) is better than having engorgement.... worse in case bb dun feel like feeding, then you'll go into panic mode cos hardening is uncomfortable.

But Iv still looks so chubby despite not taking 'solid' food..hehe..maybe he's teething?
Yah jesse is eating and shitting..heeee...I am so scared of overfeeding him....
Me also like to go back to Melbourne again.... sigh.....
When did you start supplementing your boy with FM?
Then how do you start converting to FM?

I'm planning to stop BF when my girl reaches 1 year, need to know how to convert her to FM
the lady from Abott told me to mixed FM with BM as baby been drinking BM for so long most prob will reject FM. after they got use to the taste of FM then can just give purely FM. i think will not follow her method first. will just give FM straight. if he reject then have to resort to adding FM to BM. depends on bb, some can just switch milk w/o problem but some will need time to adapt. when u plan to start introducing FM? i m thinking of introducing when jon is 9mths old. i also thinking to BF max for 1yr, so would means have to start FM soon so tat can slowly decrease ss.

yup jesse also means god's gift. "Jesse" is one of our options too.
it's not necessary. Thanks anyway. Your encouragement through these period that helps me to pull through till now is already a reward to me.

the coach is it the double-decked type?

yeah. maybe Aussie is a more popular destination to bring bb to.

I have started supplementing 1 FM for night feed whenever he wakes up middle of nite since he's born. Stopped supplement when he can sleep through the nite (he about 3.5mth) from then till last 2 weeks. Past 2 weeks had been giving him FM for his early morning feed and maybe 1 FM for his last feed sometimes depending on what time he sleep. Last weekends will try to give him one more FM for his evening feed in addition to the early morning feed, then on coming sat will give him alternate FM and EBM till EBM finished which roughly next tuesday. From then will be FM all the way. So far, my boy is okay with both EBM and FM.

To put it simply, I introduce FM about 3 weeks before I totally stop giving him EBM. Maybe for your case, if your bb has never had FM before, you would like to start introducing FM much earlier around 6-8wks in advance. For my boy as he's had FM before since he's born, so I know he has no problem with it, so I only add in more FM feeds about 2-3 wks in advance.

There are some PD or LC mentions that can mix EBM and FM together when introduce FM to bb but I don't feel comfortable.
<font color="aa00aa">jas,</font>
think my supply is fixed at miserable 90ml only, dunno can TBF my gal for how long. but, she's not taking the "supposed" amount for her weight so still can hv some "leftover". however, i do hope she is taking enough

btw, i do hv some EBM "stock", but not too old - 7 Nov oldest. should i give her the old stock so i can clear &amp; keep the newer one for later or should i give her the fresh ones. but if i give fresh ones and later her dd increase and the old ones expired, i gotta supp wif FM leh

now i headache how to express when i go attend wedding dinner.. my each pump takes abt 40mins leh. then that place, Yio Chu Kang grassroot club, prob won't hv nursing room.. &amp; i dun really think i want to pump in the toilet leh. how??
hi giggler,

yup, cos she cooks the porridge until very very soft.

hi girl/mini, my pd's nurse told me cannot mix ebm &amp; fm together leh. If I want to slowly wean, have to give him fully FM like maybe once a day. Will confirm when I see pd tonight
You mean you have 90ml for one pumping session? This is consider not bad already.

What I did is that I will still give fresh EBM most of the time and only freeze one pack of fresh EBM to exchange for one frozen old EBM. example, total requirement for the day is 6 packs, I can express 6 packs as well, I will use 5 packs fresh EBM and 1 frozen old EBM. The extra 1 pack of fresh EBM will be freeze to replace the 1 frozen old EBM which I used. This way I maintain a moving stock of frozen EBM.

How long you need to reach the wedding dinner venue from your home? What I did previously is that assume to reach the venue by 8.30pm, travel time needs an hour so must leave home by 7.30pm. Then need to start pump at 6pm - 6.45pm, wash pump and everything by 7pm. Prepare for dinner - change clothes etc from 7pm - 7.30pm. It depends on what time you pump/pumping schedule. Alternatively you can travel by taxi instead of bus/mrt to cut down the travelling time, or pump at somewhere nearby the dinner venue e.g shopping centre which has nursing room. That was a time I pump at Raffles City shopping centre nursing room when I need to attend a company dinner function at the convention centre.

its not really that far but to carry heavy load and walk, take bus its very tiring esp early in the morning. I prefer not to leave her throughout the week with our parents also bec want to spend more time with her, if possible dun wan her to become a weekend baby.Alot of people dunno how to pronounce my bb gal's name. They pronunce as "Da2 Na1" rather than "Day Na". Btw, which church do you attend?

How do we know how much porridge to give bb?
Gee I understand, feel so 'chuan' right, carrying bb and carrying stuff... I can only carry either...
I thot can suggest what you can do to relieve your tiredness.... hehe... me and hb also bring bb back every nite...
Dun worry, I got it correct...'Day Na'... it's such a cool name...hehe...I like it.
Church? You email me and I tell you ok?
What happened at delivery? Sounds traumatic.....if you dun wanna talk about it, it's ok.
Porridge - start with a small bowl first.

Guess some bbs are fussier and maybe they are so used to BM, they take more time to get used to FM.
Jesse ah, everything also eat, so long as there is food, can already...I can't complain about him where food is concerned....

jas finding excuse to eat also...
Coach is, I think, 26 seater...pretty comfortable, I have taken before.. but now with jesse, dun know how he'll behave...
Thanks for your advice. Will start her off on 1 FM feed after our trip to Thailand in Dec, then slowly wean her off

Wah, your boy quite good ah.... Easily satisfied.... If only all babies like him

Sometimes so hard feeding my girl!
Came back last mth.

Yup, he's still growing, coz getting heavier. But I dunno why leh, coz he's taking very little solid fd, maybe he drinks too much bm.
oh i see so you also want to eat ah... in this case I can eat with you. sure you can use me as an excuse to eat. anything is fine with me.

my boy same as stylobb's boy Jesse, where food is concerned he takes anything. I can't complain on this area for him as well.
Hi Ruffy,

Haven't brought my baby for swimming yet, cos told to bring only after he finished his jab. He had silght fever yesterday so took leave to take care of him. Maybe I'll start next week cos going for Mama Mia this Sat

hi Giggler,
Pd gave me some cereal samples. Told that my baby's weight below average, 20th percentile only so told to increase to 2 cereal feeds a day. hiaz..heart pain..but should be ok cos he's so active and eating well. Prob cos he was born not very big also, so now only 7kg.

My MIL keeps wanting to introduce porridge but I thought can start later. Now give him cereal first. Dun want to introduce too many kinds of solids.

Gals, any idea when is a good time to introduce porridge and is it ok to add ikan bilis powder inside to flavour the porridge? Tot cannot start fish too early??

Hi Stylobb,
Hope you enjoy your trip. Wow..taking Jesse on long distance coach. My nightmare is to take car with baby every day cos he hates to be in the car. Maybe claustrophobia. He'll keep struggling and screaming and I dun have the liberty of space to move around and pacify him.

I got some recipes from the Motherhood website
Found some info on introducing solids here;sub=99
Hope you enjoy Mama Mia..heard that the play is not bad

I introduce porridge to Ryan at 6mths. but till date he doesn't eat porridge everyday. When we cook porridge for him at home we add ikan bills and carrot or spinach to it. Actually there is also the cereal form of this ikan bills with rice from NEstle brand but it has a more fishy taste so ryan doesn't really like the Nestle one.
Thanks Ruffy,

Did you join the Marsden swim school? I just bought the swimming diapers the other so expensive. About 2 bucks for one piece.
So far Jesse never fusses in the car, always sits there and then falls asleep...hehe...
Your bb below weight? Dun worry, feed him well and he should put on.
We brought jesse for his second dip, he's ok lah, friend's dog went to lick him..I sent you email..did you check? YOu should have taken my boy's swimming diapers cos he is getting fatter liao, macham we have to squeeze him into it. Still have so many left...
I never use ikan bilis cos I find them salty leh... only give veges and fish.

Yah, jesse is ok when it comes to food....only that he surprises us with his sleeping habits....every nite, we pray that he will have good sleep so mummy/daddy can sleep too! An uninterrupted nite of sleep is very important to my well-being...hehe!!!!

He looks strong and sturdy...maybe he is too used to bm already.. Does he take cereal???

Joel and Jesse are quite similar, love to eat. Bite people too...hehe
Hi Stylobb,

I not abba fan, but my hubby likes so go wif him lor. I like musical though. I just called May at Nepia to check on the free delivery. slow. Just found out that can get $5 NTUC voucher if I show receipt. Never keep my receipts so now must go buy. Also can exchange some stuffs with the seals. You got the Miffy storybooks or the vouchers? Wonder if the book is nice?
hey mummies
when did u all start bringing yr bbs to swim? hubby likes swimming and we are waiting for the day when we can bring rhyan for a swim too ..

i am trying fenugreek currently, not too sure if it helps coz my ss is increasing but slowly lor .. and i am taking other stuff like fish and papaya soup, oats etc .. think i read somewhere tt our breasts take 48hrs to react to changes so maybe at least 2 days .. are u trying fenugreek already?
I have receipt, you want or not? I dun understand how they work..
If you order from Nepia for free delivery, wouldn't the price be still more than from NTUC?
You mean, we can still send our receipt now and get the $5 voucher... I still have some receipts.
I always get the voucher, can buy milk powder mah.

Unfortunately no effect on me...

I brot him when he was 8.5 months..
me also an ABBA fan... I like the 'Dancing Queen'... hee hee...

how much must you accumlate to get the $5 voucher?

can't advise you as I never take

I haven't bring my boy to swim yet.
Hi Stylobb,

Can send me the receipt? Tks. The $5 voucher is only one time off. So if you have got that before, can't get again. It cost $16 per pack if you buy the carton - 4 packs. must have bought a lot of nepia to get the $20 vouchers if that's wat you're referring to cos May told me need 10 seals for that.

Yah..I would get vouchers also, but I dun have so many seals. So probaby wil exchange for the storybooks or wipes. Better than nothing.

Hi Jas,
Just need to show receipt can get already, dun think can min purchase.
Ya,i jus started to try on the pill....dun feel any changes,maybe taken only one day the result haven show yet. I will contiue to take as my BM is miserably low as in a few drop only(less than 10ml).Can i know the papaya soup,do we use green or ripe one?
jas funny.. you like 'Dancing Queen'.... I like most of their songs...
You haven't brought joel you intend to ??.

OK, I send you the receipt. Think she may send you the form to collect the seals later, let me know if she does and I see if I can spare some...
I am still waiting for NTUC at TPY to replenish their L diapers, Preggie bought them all! Hehe....
Fortunately I already stocked up enough for now....

You just delivered???
My baby is one month old in two days time. Feeling so sad, tried to pump jus now, i could get only a few drop of milk. Does that mean that the end of BF liao?
hv u tried latching him on since your delivery? i started pumping my milk with only 10ml also .. but after all the advice and encouragement by the kind mummies here, the amt increased more and more .. but not enough for TBF so i am PBF now ..
Hi QSG, I stay at blk686A. How abt you? No, I don't major in Accountancy. I also pronounce your gal's name as "Da2Na1" leh.

Hi styloBB, I bot the Heinz rice cereals. But Vane prefers the Dumex one.

Hi mini &amp; girl, I also intend to intro fm next mth too. I thot of just intro fm as one of the feed. Don't intend to mix with bm.

Hi Jas, does that mean I got to start giving Vane fm now if I want to supplement one of her feed to fm?

Hi angelia, I'll mix the 'old' pack with the freshest ss.

Hi desert, looks like you enjoy yourself so you thot of visiting the place again hor?

Hi Masshiro, I think 7kg is quite light hor? Vane weighed 7.67kg when she was 4mths. I intend to intro porridge next mth when Vane is 6mths old. $2 for one piece of diapers! That's very ex leh.

Hi littleprince, I brought Vane to pool when she was 5mths old.
I used to have enuf supply but i stop BF her for two days cos too tired and stress, after that contiune to BF again realise the supply is decreasing and my bb knows it, and she dun want to latch on.

Low chew lian,
I'm taking Fenugreek, jus stsrted taking so dun now the result yet but will you posted.But have you tried to latch your bb on? For me ,i tried to latch liao but supply still low.
Low Chew Lian &amp; Cindy, if your bb is under 6 wks, it's best to latch on directly to increase the milk supply. After 6-8 weeks, your milk supply should be well-established.

Cindy, sorry, I haven't been keeping up with all the posts here, any particular reason why you are not latching your bb on directly? Keep trying, don't give up!! The more often you feed your baby, the more milk you will produce. Try not to give up on a good thing, OK?
Hi Stylobb,

No worries, I'll see what I can get. At most get just 1 or 2 storybooks. You mean need a form to collect seals. Can't we just send her? My office just next door so can pop by to pass her the seals. You have my addy? Thanks for sending the receipt.

Hi Giggler,
Was Vane quite big when she was born? My boy less than 3kg. Supposed to be 7.5-8.0kg now. He doesn't really eat a lot but he's super active. I was exhausted taking care of him yesterday. He can keep jumping on my laps when I carry him by the arms. Yah..I remember Vane. What a big difference when I carried 7kg my arms already aching
As a matter of fact, I thot I jotted down your address but no! Please email me.

SO long as he is active, should be ok, you dun want him to be overweight right... try giving him cereal and porridge and monitor. He can jump on your lap ah? Then must ask my hb to come and try, let your bb jump on him!!

I stay at 611. Yours is street what?


Can understand how you felt..i took 2 months to establish my supply very upset initially when supply is very low too, be patient and persevere. I started expressing without latch on since bb is 3 weeks old and can still have the supply so far for bb.You can make it.
<font color="aa00aa">jastan,</font>
90ml per session not per breast leh, still consider not bad meh? u gals getting at least 180ml rite? think will soon not be able to meet her dd cos she's starting to take 100~120ml per feed or maybe needs more alr cos now give her that amt, she can finish it.

am pumping at 3 hrly, so will need to pump 1x halfway thru dinner (9pm)
dun think there's any nursery room/shopping nearby
hiaz.. dunno what to do..

<font color="aa00aa">cindi,</font>
maybe ur bb alr finished most of the BM when latched on so u dun hv much left to pump
dun worry, stress will affect ss...

my gal now 6 wks, my ss oso low. now TEBM. hopefully i can latch her on again soon.. guess will be very difficult cos she cries her lungs out the min she's latched, so i gotta give her bottle. dunno izzit she lazy to suckle now or my ss/let down still not fast enuff for her, or maybe both cos when i pump, i only get 90ml from both breasts each session

<font color="0000ff">thanks for ur methods on "clearing" the old stock
Now the moment i latch her on now, she will cry her lung out and all her face turn red, maybe she knows that the milk supply is low so i have been feeding her with FM. My milk supply now is very very low(really a few drips only), til i felt very sad.

Nowdays BB have been on FM and not BM as the supply is real low....i try to pump becos i hope that the supply will increase but to my dissapointment it hasn't and it is decreasing by day.
oh so good ah? So if I buy nepia now which is having promotion of $15.9 per pack I can still get the $5 voucher?

thinking of letting his has his first swim at my aunt's place when she has christmas party. but the problem is I don't know what swim wear to buy. I hear some said buy wet suit, those that can keep the body warm. What is that?

Vane is approaching 6mth already right? In this case you can start supplement one feed with FM and see how it goes.

I used to get 90ml per session too. I didn't get 180ml during the time I am pumping 3 hourly lah.. I can only get such amount when my interval is around 5 -6 hrs lah..

Alternatively is to delay the pump about one or two hour till the dinner over, faster rush home to pump. It will not affect the ss much for such one delay, as long as the normal schedule soonest possible.
don't feel bad about giving FM to bb. I know of some people in situation like you.. no matter how hard they tried also very little milk. You have tried your best already. FM isn't that bad afterall although it can't really compare with BM at this point. Give yourself maybe say few more weeks, if things don't improve after you had tried all possible means, then just stop BF. Don't make the start of your motherhood so miserable, that's much more other things to look out for and having fun in motherhood other than BF.
Jas is right...if you know you have tried your best and still no bm, dun fret over it too much.. sure most mummies will feel guilty about it, but you have already try to relax a bit and enjoy your bb ok? Beta to give fm then bb not having any milk at all right?

We did not get wet suit for jesse. We bought the swimming diapers, was about to ask you whether you want or not, cos I have leftovers...can send to you.
The voucher, why dun you call them first? If they say they need the receipt for redemption, I can send you cos I still have some receipts with me which I have not thrown away. Let me know.
Hi Stylobb,
Have e-mailed you my addy? Thanks for the trouble.

Hi Jas,
The wetsuits I've seen all very big. There's one two piece one which I saw near my office, but very very expensive. Not worth it cos baby will outgrow very fast. I bought him a small swimming trunk, but I think that one just for fun, won't help much cos he'll be wearing swimming diaper anyway.

Hi Cindy,
Dun feel so stressed up. Agree with Jas that you shud try to enjoy motherhood. You've tried your best afterall.

Hi Giggler,
I'm pumping one less session now cos my baby needs to drink more at night so less to pump out in the morning. Also too tired since he's waking up like 2-3 times. I suppose now that it's past 6 mths and he's started on solids, I'm easing off a bit. So how long you plan to bf until? I'll prob continue until my battery really flat or he doesn't want anymore.
Hi Masshiro, Vane weighed 3.02kg at birth, not very heavy lah. But I noticed that she seems lighter recently. Not sure why. I'm still debating if I want to stop end of the mth once she turns 6mths. But I really bu she de to wean off so most prob I'll just continue till no milk or she rejects my breasts.

Hi QSG, I stay at central 1. Not sure where's 611 leh.

Hi angelia, I always tell myself that as long as ss is enough for my gal, it's good liao. I try not to compare my ss with others cos everyone is different mah.

Hi Jas, shd I wait till Vane is 6mths before I supplement one feed with fm? The fm samples I have are all follow-on leh.

u get 90ml for every 3hr pumping? tats not little. must have positive tots to make ss increase. have u eat those "increase ss" food n do they help? yar like wat Jas say u can wait until go home then pump milk. delay by 2hrs for once should b ok. troublesome to pump at the grassroot club n have to prepare cooler bag n ice pack which is troublesome too.
