<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">
Lucas Papaw Ointment
Available in 75g (comes in a tub) and 25g (comes in a handy tube)</font>
I am getting this for my son as he has eczema. Was recommended to get this by my PD instead of using steroid creams for the skin.
For more information, can read the articles at following links.
Price per 75g tub: AUD 9.39
Price per 25g tube: AUD 4.39
International Shipping
5 tubs (75g) – AUD 27.74 (approx AUD5.55 per tub)
10 tubs – AUD 30.72 (approx AUD3.10 per tub)
15 tubs – AUD 33.70 (approx AUD2.25 per tub)
<font color="0000ff">
I do not know the expiry date as I will have to receive the items before advising expiry. </font>
<u>Terms & Conditions </u>
<font color="119911">
- Exchange rate: AUD1 = <font color="ff0000">
SGD1.33</font> (will adjust if credit card charges higher)
<font color="0000ff">1st payment: SGD 12.50 per tub (75g), SGD 6.00 per tube (25g)</font> (excess, if any, will be used to offset shipping in 2nd payment)
<font color="0000ff">2nd payment: International shipping + postage/courier fees + material cost ($0.50 - $1)</font>
All balance payment must be made before items are posted. <font color="ff0000">Do note that I am not responsible for lost normal mail. REG mail is
<u>highly recommended at additional $2.30</u>. </font>
- Please transfer payment to <font color="ff0000">
POSB Savings 560-62499-9</font> upon ordering. All unpaid orders will be dropped.
<font color="119911">
Shipping </font>
- Items will be shipped directing from merchant in Australia.
- Estimate of shipping charges as listed above.
- International shipping fees will be divided by the number of tubs in the batch.
- <font color="ff0000">
Please be willing to wait 3-4 weeks upon order placement for the arrival of items.</font> <u>No urgent orders</u> please.
<font color="119911">
Collection details </font>
* Postage (Normal or Registered) – Reg mail is highly recommended as I am not responsible for lost mail.
* Courier ($6 onwards)
* Sembawang Road
* Katong (most weekdays during working hours are ok)
* Yishun MRT taxi stand (facing Northpoint) – quite flexible
* Other locations subject to schedule (usually around town or central areas on weekends)
<font color="ff0000">
** All self-collection by appointment in advance.</font>
<font color="119911">
Standard conditions of spree </font>
- I reserve the right to call off spree if response is poor. Refund will be made within 3 working days upon receipt of account number for refund.
- I will not be responsible if items are damaged in transit.
- Please PM me if you are unable to post on the thread.
<font color="119911">
Order format </font>
Email: Please PM me
Contact number: (Please provide in case I am unable to reach you via email)
Number of tubs/tubes:
<font color="ff6000">1st payment in SGD: 12.50 x (number of 75g tubs) + 6.00 x (number of 25g tubes) = SGD XX </font>
<font color="ff0000">
Please only join if you are comfortable with the terms and conditions above.</font></font>