BEDOK mommies club

Schoolhouse by the Bay is very exp but I heard very good. How abt Brighton Montessori, the one at Frankel? Is it a CC? Are u sending them for full day or half day?


my house between Tenah Merah mrt & Bedok mrt. Both train stations less than 5 bus stops away.

if near Bedok Central more convenient & I think easier to sell next time

But I can only consider flats within walking distance from my parents for their convenience

hehe, I'm not saying it's bad. Just not near mrt like my previous house lor. mrt is the ONLY thing I missed about my previous house.

New house so much better. North south facing, really cooling & with private lift access, shiok shiok

How's your flat hunting?
wow! pte lift access ah? so shiok leh! wow, north south is gd leh, esp year end...sure cooling!

oh, we bought a pte unit next to bedok south rd and it is within 1km fm the school.
now hunting for ID. any good one to recommend?
hi ssm
I'm sending them full day CC as no one helps me take care. That's why must be choosy as they'll eat and sleep there. If too dirty they fall sick, end up I must take leave take care of them. Brighton Montessori is very good but VERY expensive. It's $1.4k per month. If 2 kids, I've to pay $2.8k.

I heard that ID now very expensive bcos building cost increases. My friend's father bot a 5 rm opposite Bedok Swim pool, cost $30k to renovate as it's v old need to remove tiles etc. The renovator says now inflation and many enbloc, so cost increase lor.

private lift access means the lift stop in front of your hse? Wah so more privacy lor.
<font color="ff0000">Wendy,</font>
Good that you have finally moved back. You just need some time to settle down and tidy up.
Wow, planning a party for your gals next month. I'm thinking of having a party for my gals as they are born in the same month, 16 days apart but my mom said they are too young to enjoy the party.

<font color="aa00aa">Gin,</font>
At first I thought you are a new member...
Hey, you bought your house already ah. So fast. How much did you pay? I haven't been actively looking but seems like resale prices are still steep at the moment.

<font color="119911">Hippo,</font>
I also hope to get a good unit like yours. I am used to taking shuttle to MRT already.... and I get always get my pte taxi driver (i.e. hb lah) to send me.
Anyway, we are holding on first. Hb still has lots of feelings for our current flat.
hi gin,
oh, i didnt know brighton montessori is soooo exp! Hmm, no choice lor, gotta continue to look around and hope u find a good and affordable one soon!

ya, but if hv to do reno, also no choice. just do the basic first. now gotta go round hunting and find one that can meet our budget!
i couldnt find this thread for a few day finally found it

thank mummy for the well wishes.

yes agreed i hate tat TPE jam now travelling is more smooth. i dump all the stuff into the cupboard so i can clear the ctn less space.

mine oso in bet tanah merah and bedok, u at chai chee right? me too miss the lrt, old hse only 2 min to lrt and ntuc, food court etc. 1st weekend at bedok abit happicab on buyign food

yes i am in bet blk 85 adn 58 market, more near to 58. yes agreed at market area some shop selling ting is much cheaper then those new town, but guess now they oso smart increase $

my girl attending cc at senett lane, near east coast abt $450 after subsidy.

which area was tat, near temasek, welcome back to bedok too.

yes i feel my girl dun knwo too but friend keep askign for it so tot have a try. my girl is 11 day apart.
haha, me too! i think the subject heading used to start with some "!!!" but now gone liao....

yaya, totally agree on the traffic jam! was very relieved that we dont hv to go thru it every morning. but take mrt to work, wl hv to tahan the human jam lor! :p

my new house is rather near bedok court there. still not very familiar with that area yet. wait till the house is ready, which is many months down the road, i will take a feeder bus and "tour" ard the area....kinda excited! :D

Is there a new project near Bedok South?

I DIY the ID for my house, didn't engage a designer. Hire a contractor to carry out my design. Spent $50k to overhaul everything. We basically buy a shell & re-do everything inside. If engaged ID, easily cost me $80-100K leh, they mark up so much


hehe, the lift opens to 2 units on each floor. Yes, a lot of privacy. No strangers will walk pass


hubby uses the car on weekdays so I need rely on public transport to send my girl to enrichments lor. No joke if taking feedle bus during peak hours with 2 kids! We try to avoid the peak hours
hi, i am new to this thread. Just give birth to my baby in Oct. Any mummies can recommend any good PD in bedok area?

its a 11 yo house but very well maintained. We fell in love with the house the moment we entered it.
yalor, thats why my hb had the same idea too, he diy the id for the house and just get a contractor to do the job. Like u said, save $$$.
No lah. Not me buy. I'm already staying in Bedok. It's my friend's father who bot. He said they're going to spend a bomb on reno !

What's the CC name at Senett Lane?

Welcome to this thread. Are you a new mummy of 1 baby? I used to go PD at East Shore Hospital as my baby was born there. For injection and review, I go to the Polyclinic cos much cheaper.
<font color="ff0000">Gin,</font>
Opps! I blur liao. It is SSM who has bought a new place.

<font color="aa00aa">SSM,</font>
Glad that you found a place.

<font color="119911">Ponponta,</font>
Welcome to the thread!

<font color="0000ff">Hippo,</font>
You really solid leh. I bring dd1 alone already think twice. Bring two I will faint!
thanks! so glad that I dont hv to go for house hunting anymore. But now gotta hunt for a good contractor.
thanks everybody. I currently living in Eunos but work in Chai Chee so very close to Bedok.. In fact, i always hang out in Bedok Central.. Heehee...

Hi Gin, yes, this is my first bb and he is only 3 weeks old. I do not want to continue seeing his current PD in MEH becos too far and ex so thinking of switching PD.
Which PD do you used to see in ESH? Last week, he got some mucus stuck in his nose and we brought him to see Dr Low EH.

BTW, any comments abt kidslink in bedok north?
Welcome little_e!

<font color="119911">Ponponta,</font>
I've brought my gal to Kids Link before. The PD there is very nice, no complaints so far. But the clinic is very crowded during weekends. Weekdays are fine.
My PD is Dr. Low EH. He's very popular but good. The doc himself has 4 children so I thot he should know have more (personal) experience ; ) Nowadays never go PD liao cos kids grow up so we go GP. PD very expensive leh.
may i know which market do u all go to? i am referring to those who stay in or near bedok south. tks!
I go to the market diagonnally opposite Tanah Merah MRT and behind Siglap Community Ctr. I think it's block 50-60. Got many things selling there (cheap). On certain days can get good lobang. I recently bot 3 FOX ladies tshirt for $10.
hi med

i feel the standard is equally best as the other so is the cake lor just tat the cake have 1 flavour only.

when is yur son birthday? i oso intend to order for both my girl 1st and 3rd birthday.
oh <font color="ff0000">wen</font>, i intend to order now...cause it can store in freezer right? I always do my stuff way in advanced, cause i dont want last min order wait they say no stock i mati...

so if you want to continue we can share if not i will order direct from amosco...
<font color="ff0000">wen</font> to make it easier so our dates wont clash i asked my friend if she wanted to join me, so she will order from Amosco today cause I dont really know about the partytime ones.
Hi Mummies, i'm new to this thread. My girl is 19mths old i'm planing to send her to playgroup or childcare. I'm staying at chai chee now so sourcing for good one around chai chee or bedok area, any comment for Honey Tree Childcare cos walking distance from my hse. Any recommendation?
Hi Luvet

welcome, i jut shifted over 2 week ago. my girl is in My First Classroom along East Coast Road. we send her to and fro. the sch is those pte hse. currently ratio is abt 50 student to 8 teaher for whole sch. my girl class abt 6 to 1 teacher. she is there for almost a year, so far so gd.

is ok i give a miss.
<font color="ff0000">Luvet,</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Wendy,</font>
Yo! Reporting...

Where do you intend to order the birthday cake for your girls?

<font color="119911">Hippo,</font>
Thanks for sharing the threads. I have been pondering over it these few days. When I had dd1, I was dead sure that I can't become a SAHM because I simply cannot stand facing my cranky girl the whole day. When dd2 comes along, I am beginning to enjoy the company of my kids. The idea of becoming a SAHM crossed my mind again but I still feel that I may not be able to cope.
Hi hi,
I'm new to this thread and presently sourcing for a pre-nursery or childcare centre (preferred) around Bedok area. Any recommendations? Anyone heard of Bedok Lutheran Church Kindergarten?

hehe, I am back


what are the activities you have planned for your kids this school holiday?

dd1 will be going on a day trip as well as speech & drama camp. Her daddy will teach her how to ride bicycle (without training wheels)

I bought dd1 for movies yesterday. Watched 'Enchanted'. Very entertaining, I enjoyed the movie as much as my girl, if not more

popular having 20% storewide, coupon from pop magazine. We shopping spree at popular yesterday. Wow, so many types of assessment books, I see until my eyes got stars
hi caymon
welcome back. I had order from ecreative alry.
me too all along b4 give birth tot of being a SAHM but change my mind after tat cos I really cnat handle the kids alone and face them 24 hour, sound like a bad mum hor. after I shift back bedok i bring the younger one back daily and i feel closer so soem day hubby work late din brig back i tend to miss her

welcome back.
wow u very happening one hor, lot of lobang me still not so on, partial my kids still yougn still need milk go out very ma fan one.
caymom, wendy

a child only has her first 3 years once. I was almost 30 years old when I left the workforce. I was thinking at that time, if I'm retiring at age 55, I will have another 25 years of working life, taking a few years off doesn't hurt. Now I feel I may really be home for good.'s not only the first 3 years. dd1 will be 6 years old in Jan and I think she's still very reliant on me. Not forgetting dd2 the superglue

SAHM is a difficult path unless you have 200% support from hubby, both financially and emotionally. I do encounter difficulties in handling my headstrong girl & lost confidence at times. emotional support from spouse is very important.

hubby & I attended a 'fei yue' parenting talk together when dd1 was around 1 year old. hubby was so convinced by the speaker that he actually asked me to consider staying at home

In US, or other developed countries, 1 parent will stay at home with their kids, some even home school them. No maids allowed. sometimes, I think that arrangement is better for the kids, compared to the more cost effective option of sending kids to childcare or having maids as caregivers. Parenting simply cannot be outsourced

Of course money is the biggest issue! I have to forgo all my little luxuries, shop during sales only & holidays are mostly to Malaysia or anywhere accessible by budget air, that's all we can afford

retirement is my biggest concern now. Inflation rising faster than interest rate! my money is getting 'smaller' everyday

I do hope to return work one day (just don't know when) to build up our retirement nest eggs. I am those kiasee type, must buffer buffer to sleep peacefully at night, very scared no money at old age, eat grass how? crazy medical bill how?

meanwhile, brainwashing my kids to provide for us at old age. They are my insurance for old age. hopefully positive ROI
the ability to provide for our own retirement is confirmed a must. But I will still input to my kids the idea of providing for us at old age. I think children should be brought up this way rather than allowing them to harbour the belief that they only need to take care of their own survival when they grow up.

If my kids are left with the last piece of bread, I would expect them to offer to me first. I would certainly do the same for my parents


Have you tried asking your kids to give up their favourite food? eg left last piece chocolate & you know they really wanted to eat that chocolate. You try asking for that piece of chocolate. Kids always 'me first' so their initial reaction is not to share with you.

In order to teach them 'mommy first', I role play this very often during meal time or whenever opportunity arise. I make sure I eat that last piece that they so heartpain gave up to me
hehe, train until now, they no longer feel heartpain. They make sure I always get a share of their favourite food first & I never eat their leftovers

dd1 even told dd2 can only give us nice & yummy food, if not nice cannot give mommy daddy because dd2 is a fussy eater & tried to give away the food she doesn't like

I start from trival little things in life such as sharing food & things they treasure. Continue to brainwash them for the next 20 years. Next time ask them to share money they will not feel so heartpain lor
<font color="ff0000">Hippo,</font>
You ho mia already, no need to pack milk and diapers when you bring the kids out. For me, I even have to time myself as I need to express breastmilk. I need extra planning whenever I go out.

So fast shopping for assessment books already?

<font color="aa00aa">Wendy,</font>
Ecreative is a popular choice. Their designs are very nice! What design did you order?

I also hope to stay near my mom's place so that I can spend more time with my younger one. But... no luck in my flat searching.
<font color="0000ff">wendypooh</font>
SSM reporting! *wave*

Ecreative cake is quite nice but if u want those cartoon designs, some have to order at least certain size. I once ordered the Thomas Tank Engine, boy, its was a 3kg and we all struggled to finish up!

<font color="ff6000">Caymon</font>
No luck in house hunting ah? Prices still high? Sorry, just to recall, u are a weekend mum is it?

<font color="ff0000">Hippo</font>
I went to popular too! Me also shopped alot assessment books! I think I'm getting more and more ks! :p

hehe, don't mean to 'scare' you....I bought P1 & P2 Maths & P1 Chinese assessment books for dd1
plan to teach her personally next year. She's going P1 in 2009

I know I know, I'm a kiasu mommy


which level assessment books did you buy for your boy?
so shy to tell u. I bought K2 books cos I felt that his foundation in Eng and Maths is still not that strong. I planned to start him on P1 as soon as he can manage K2 works.

So your new hse is at chai chee now? Thanks for your info will go down & take a look. Btw, how much My First Classroom charging? Do you heard abount Honey Tree?

Thanks, nice to know you and all mummies
