BEDOK mommies club

cherrios, don tink like that wor... every ppl gt their way of handling of kids. I oso give my kids junk food including soft drink as well. As long u ctrl the limit will do.
as for accdemic wise, i don tink go in gd sch will bcum a dragon or is the best ting for them. i tink it will give them more stress during their childhood period. my son oso study in these CC & tution class which no brand @ all. I prefer simple life & my kids are healthy most importanly.


Dont think this way...I am a SAHM...but I give my boy junk food too...and I am worse...even when he eats KFC...I am as happy as a lark...because I have been through days of toddlehood reflux where he pukes out after every milk feed and solid feed...even now...he is a super duper fussy eater...and he is not good at chewing and eating even a slightly bigger slice of you long as he eats...:p

What is a good one knows...I have been offered places at Chiltern House, NAFA, St Hilda's...all these schools were in my more preferred list than MMI...but since my boy attended MMI...I find that the school attended to his needs I am in the process of rejecting CH and SH...but I really dont know if I will regret...

My girl will be going to preschool in 2 years time...2 kids in preschool = >$1500 per month...*gasp*...and they will be attending varsity in the same year...*faintzzz*...

I saw your boy in class that day...very well behaved compared to my lil rascal...:p


Regarding that BP seller...she initially claimed that she had some lobangs to bring in Peds cheaper...but I guess she bought in bulk during some OG sale...her J&L were also from a shop in HK...LittleBareFeet...haizzz...


Have you been to any mall shows?...I brought my boy to Spongebob that day and he loves it...thatz all that matters yah...
Hi U r back. I thot you went on holidays. I'm the pathetic one stuck in Spore while my colleagues having winter Xmas overseas. Sob sob... First thing I must go and make passport for the baby.

I only manage to see mickey minnie from far away. My kids have outgrown and not so keen on these shows anymore. I used to comb all the shows in town last few Xmas. Haha... Now "retire".
But would try to go town tomorrow to catch Narnia musical and maybe Sesame street
Hi mummies! Thanks for the consolation

Am going to KL next week for oneweek! Last year, I would try and catch the xmas shows in the various shopping centres..but this year, I find it too much of a chore, especially with having to justle with the mad crowd.

Haha...Josh is so shy that he ends up being v. well behaved in classes. But he's a rascal at home.

Yeah, I know it doesn't have to be a 'branded' school (hahaha I thought MMI gd enough already) but while I was in my friend's presence, can't help but feel sucky lor.
My boy watch the Barney show on Mon, last show.. I organise and in the end my SIL brought him to watch.. AS she was there early to queue for me.. and in the end they only allow one adult to enter. All thanks to her..

Don feel like tt. Cause my SIL's son attend Etons, eat organic etc.. But my son eat everythin, KFC, choc etc.. She is shock when she is with me at times.. But i feel everyone is diff, cannot compare.. Cause giving kids range of food also easier for us as they don pick on food in future. Compare only stress ourself up..
Doesn't mean branded sch is gd too.. Her son just switch from Eton to something else.. Realizing that Eton is nt as gd as imagine.
I was at united sq on monday too. we watched the 2pm show. didnt manage to get into the area so we watched from the 1st floor. which was ok cos half way my girl got bored and we went cotton on shopping instead. haha
hi mummies
I was thinking of doing a family photoshoot (just the 4 of us) on xmas day. Any suggestions where I should go? Was thinking of one of those studios at united square....or do any of you have better ideas?
Hi Mummies, jus to check whether mummies knw where to buy these heat roller for curling hair. I Once saw some ppl sell it @ raffles pl bt that time i don knw is gd untill my colleague use it & she bought from Japan just 5 min is done. compare to these curlers tones i had i hv to spend almost 2 hr and the back part always can do properly.
cheer up ! u are doing yur very best for yur kids alry.

Share wif u, I am even worst then u. My kids are expose to ice-cream, nut fast food at a young age below 2. Expose or not is also pro and con.

I have friend who din expose her kids to all those in the end the kids are facing porblem.
the sch bring them out for excusion and were given mac happy meal, the kids dun even know wat is a french fries and refuse to self feed and claim those are worms!

as for sch, my girls also attend normal non branded sch. did not attend any pte gym or enrichment class too, just purely cc.
so cheer up ok u doing well.

i saw u buying those atm coin in forum. JTS i saw toyrus at Tam mall sellign at $19.90 only. tink better to buy from there since not much diff in price.
Those bulk purchase seem to have lot of problem recently
Hi mummies! Thanks for the consolation!
Me too. I feed Josh so much french fries that my mother in law often looks at me in disgust. But then she can find several other reasons to look at me in disgust as well.

To be honest, I don't believe in bulk purchases. I have to see the item before I buy it. Just a quirk of mine.
Dear Bedok mommies with kids in RSS...

Can you pls advise if school bus for RSS can pick up from Punggol? Thank you.

just returned from Bintan. We stayed at Angsana & Bintan Lagoon before. hehe, exploring different resorts in Bintan. This trip we tried another resort. Nirwana. Not bad leh, more activites compared to Bintan Lagoon. Tried massage (near Oleh Oleh), archery & air rifle. However, Bintan Lagoon's beach is nicer lah

Anyone been club med?
I heard not so worth unless you are into sea sports. Since it's all inclusive so kinda of wasted if paid for but not utilised


My kids ate fast food too. As long in moderation I suppose it is ok.

My dd2's classmate attended everything you mentioned. Julia Grabiel, Chiltern, Shichida & a number of others. All the super brand type. They live in landed property & own at least 2 cars.
Cannot compare to them lor. Mine only attend those that I can afford

That was >3 years ago. My dd2 attended the same class with that boy for 1+ year. Not in contact with his mom so not sure how he turns out now. I think should be quite well. That time he was already very bright for his age with good attention span
u mean yur mil dun approve those thing?
my pil are monster they feed my girls many junk since young cos they under their care.
even nut they feed i am so piss but then i dare not voice out cos i need their help.

same as u i dun belive bulk purchase cos at shop i can see and try every single button of the item to cfm is wat i wan. afterall bulk purchase are no longer the so call cheap price
My sis say she want to buy that atm cos got hello kitty. Sigh... Dunno how. So far the Bp I join all ok. Qt pissed off. From now onwards, I stick to "safe" products. I also bot honey candies through BP as Xmas present. The reason why I buy from BP is bcos no time to go shopping and can opt for delivery. With 3 kids like impossible to shop. Sigh...

u are right some item are really ok. Last year I bot honey as teacher day gift too, and they are really good.

Some item are really cute and nice, at time i also very tempt but after a while have 2nd tot. The atm u bot is really very nice and cute but function wise cannot be accepted

ya at time bp can help save some time for shopping. I shifted my office from a shopping area to a Ind area and it really a killer. My colleague also switch to online shopping
Hello Mommies

Did u read the news that HDB releasing the area at bus interchange for tender for commercial, residential development?

Does anyone have any idea whether the residential is HDB or for condo?
The thread has been quiet since last friday ...

Saw in papers that MOE is making some changes to the Pri One registration exercise where Spore Citizen will have more chances, however this is only effective in Yr 2011 ... Sigh ... why not Yr 2010?
Also higher fees for Spore PR and foreigners. For me not much difference since #1 already in pri school so subsequent kids will be under phase 1. They should have implemented this long ago. My friend who is PR will be affected as now she has to pay higher school fees than before. Qt jia lat for the middle income non-sporeans.
morning mummies

My cousin is Selling 4tickets for Act 3 PLAYTime! Farmer, Fox, Bird & the Cookie plus ther stories with Tick, Tack, Tock

date 22 Dec Tues
Time 4pm
Esplanade Recital Studio

Selling 4 Tickets - $40/-

Collection : My place @ Kembangan (East Side).

anyone interested ?

What have your dd been doing this school holiday?
Mine quite hard to ask her to sit still to do assessment books. She insisted holiday is for playing

They messed up the house everyday. I've been so busy at home that I've not made a trip to school bookshop yet!
SNG's mummy

I recall you mentioned your boy qualifies for GEP

Have you decided which school to transfer him next year?
Is he excited? or missed leaving his friends?
I make sure they do some work if they get to play in the afternoon. Except those days when I bring them out for shows/beach etc, then whole day enjoy lor. Went to bookfest and stock up on stationeries and more books. These few days won't be going out cos from 23rd Dec onwards, it will be everyday Xmas party until Xmas day.
Lee Tai,

Think everyone bz with Xmas? Hehe...

I also very bz, cos few friends coming back to Sg for Xmas so busy meeting up and shopping for pressies. These few days will be groccery shopping liao.
Yohooo yohooo... Wher have all the mummies gone? The thread has been so quiet last few days huh...
Guess everyone must b real busy wif the Xmas parties n gifts Buying n stuffs....!
Hereby, I wAna wish everyone here n ur family a MERRY XMaS n a HapPY New YEar!!!! Best wishes for the new year ahead!
Hello Ladies,

Belated Merry Xmas and have a great boxing day today~

You are still remembered. WHere have u disappeared to all these while? Nice to see ya in e thread again.
Hi Tinkerbelle and Jayce

Thanks for rembering me. Hee, I am not disappear I just being a silent reader. Jayce, my little gal is ok run here and there. I am busy with work and my dd1 going to start P1 next yr. Hope everyone is fine.
I'm also starting to move to the silent reader category already. Getting more and more lazy to post sometimes.
Hi dory,
Merry Xmas too. Time flies. I still remember meeting you early this year now your gal and my boy both attending Pri 1.
Hi all mummies
Happy New Year! School reopening next Monday. Will be a busy start to new year for us.
Hows everyone? Today is the first day of school, Everyone must have been busy sending ur kids to school.

I thou Polliwogs should be empty today, so i went there at 10am in the morning. But i realise that Ang Moh kids don seems to go to school. No chinese at all.. all Ang Moh kids.. hehe... Its been months i last went there.. and see that Lucas have grown quite a bit.. He is able to slide down the slides and play around independently.. So happy...
When is Lucas starting school? Today, I was busy running to school see my kids go to school. Then went around looking for childcare centre. The kids very excited to go back to school. Tomorrow I muz go back to work too. Sob sob...
Jun, which Cc u wen? Chosing Cc is cc nt easy. I understand d feelin of gg bk 2 wrk aft long break. Anyway cny comming soon endure ba.
I went to a few,

Babyplanet Montessori (for 3 year old and above) - qt good but we prefer their preschooler school to the infant/toddler care.
Our junior schoolhouse and Treasure Box - don't really like it.
OrangeTree - affordable and environment seems ok though I would prefer it air-con. Location good.

We wanted to go Brighton Montessori and a few others at Upp east coast but didn't have time.

How's 1st day of school for your kiddos? I was at the school and all parents in full force - camera, videocam, to catch the kids first day. Haha... I am one of them. I thought my son would be small size but many boys are even smaller than him.
The medical hall is at blk 122. Sorry for the late reply.
Lucas is starting school on feb as he will only be 19mths by then to attend.
So your looking for CC for little baby.. how is cute little one.. miss his smiles..

Thou of meeting you'll next wk.. but realise my staff have to go for reservice.. so i can't go on leave.. When is ur next Leave(Jun)? can try to meet up.. been long we last met..
No prob. Baby is as smiley as ever. He's getting smarter now. Will crawl to all the "forbidden" corners, pull out the drawers, drag the chairs etc. Then the kids and I will run there and carry him away. That day he bit me while BF, so I shouted out in pain very loud. He got frightened and started to cry too.

I'll try to take leave every or most Wed. See which Wed you all free, let me know. I can meet for lunch - after I send the kids off.

That was what Lucas did when he had teeth, so i stop breastfeeding by then.
Wed is usually fine for me.. but I got to reach office by 2 or 2.30pm.. So morning till 2pm I'm quite free. Give me a buzz when you confirm ur off day.

Do join us, been long i last saw Erica.

If you'll want to meet up when you're free, let us know the date, we try to meet up too...
