Autistic children - Share your experiences here.

Hi Jevinsmum

It's actually St Gerard's ... but if you dislike KitsForKids because it is "run down" (as you had mentioned above), I do not think you will like St Gerard's either :p

St Gerard's is even more "run down" than K4K

Actually , i feel very sorry for special needs kids like ours... if you scout around, all the SN schools are old & rundown ... unless you go to those "high end" ones in the Orchard area... sigh!

I always joke w my husband (when i m in good mood lah) that our son has a "rich man's condition" (ie everything abt him is expensive...from diet to therapy school doctor's fees... it's really $$ matters.. but unfortunately, he doesn't have super rich parents

When I read about Peter Lim (the remisier king) wanting to buy Liverpool football club, my heart ached and my eyes sore with envy ! I told my husband ... if only we were THAT RICH, our boy can have ALL THE THERAPY SESSIONS he needs !!!
Don't you all agree ?

Seriously, between a football club & setting up a SN school, i think it will be more altruistic to set up a special school to cater to the needs & demand of the growing SN population, our children, the future of Singapore, maybe tomorrow's leaders too
hahaha again i dream
Ying Ying, I agree, I read abt that Peter Lim and told my hubby 'how nice if he donate some to SN kids's intervention .......'
Haha... I do agree with momto & ying ying...

I think in S'pore very little people know about special need kids even myself(last time). If not my son is "special" I would not know about autism & etc.

My son school principal told me that in Australia once diagnosed as "speical needs" all therapy & school fee will free even in USA but like us all single cent have to come out from our own pocket. sigh...
Hi everyone,

Am feeling quite down and frustrated because my 22 month old son, can't talk. Earlier, we brought him to playgroup and a principal mentioned ASD. Erm... I just felt so depressed and down hearing that. We brought him to CDU, but dr can't tell. Got to wait another half a year, meanwhile, I'm trying to stimulate him.

ST queues are really very long, does anyone have any recommendations for good STs? Am also thinking about letting him try out kits4kids. Does any one have any feedback on them? Are they qualified/effective?

Any recommendations right now for EICs or STs will be very good because I really feel quite lost.
Hi Reintan! Your kid's really young, so there's lots u can do to help and most likely see loads of improvements, so, do have hope!!! You can check out Dynamics. It's located at Forumn. They do assessments and all kinds of therapies. Can use baby bonus to pay too. If you are living anywhere near hougang, pm me and I can pass u the number to my son's ST. The charges are $100 per session of an hour (but she usually spends more time than that). Also, if u got the time, set aside as little as half an hour (or more if your kid's attention span allow) just to read, sing or play, one to one daily. I did that before starting therapy and saw loads of improvements before my son was sent to the professionals for help.

If u need support, this forumn has heaps of really helpful and encouraging parents with similar experiences, and are more than happy to share! Good luck!
Hi mothers, I like to recommend this free website for help in autism. there's also plenty of free flash cards on daily lifeskills, free games on emotions etc. i used to use it to create 'morning schedule' for my kid.. very very useful and helpful! and best of all, is FREE!!
Hi my son is attending normal K1 and ARC every twice a week. I believe a mainstream school is very important for him, but most importantly is also the mainstream teacher must know how to handle him. my suggestion is to see what are your kid's needs(gap). eg mine has very short attention span and is slow in taking instructions/understanding. I will let the Teacher know that maybe- Teacher need to talk to him slowly, (as they normally have slow auditory processing), and will break down the instructions into smaller steps.(eg take pencil, take paper, draw, colour) will 'disengage' him from what he is doing first, before giving him instructions. given one step instruction at a time. will give him 'reward' system. eg stars for behaviour like 'listening to teacher', 'sit good', 'follow teacher' etc. encourage him to get answer from classmates. able to 'model' for him the right behaviour or answer when his peers approached him/to initiate play..

i noticed that not all mainstream teachers will be enthuisiastic to do the above, but some really are. so do try and 'guide' the teachers along if they are not sure how to handle him. i even drew up a pic schedule when he needs to go for field trip, and for some picture cards when he was in nursery level. one of his teacher even initiate the token/reward system before the ARC teacher started. i was really impressed.
Thanks for the info on the websites
it is really heartening to know that yr son's teachers are so engaging towards your son..... may I know which location is your son's kindy ?

hi all,

thanks tam for the useful link.....

at least your son can attend normal son cant as he has sensory issue which delay him from learning....he cant sit for a long time & he need to jump/execise all his energy b4 getting to work.... his therapist told me to get the weighed vest for him....does anyone here know where i can get it in singapore???
Hi kath so sorry to hear that. my son used to go for OT, but i stop cos so ex and parking is so difficult.. it is at forum.. the ot will ask me to brush him like at least 4 times a day. must be at least 2 hours apart cos the effect only last for 2 hours. is a special brush -- provided by OT.. and we brushed so much that it needs to be replaced frequently. the arc teachers commented that he was much calmer after the brush. they even helped me to brush when i havne't got time..he was also very hyper and we used to suspect maybe he also has ADHD.. but he seem to get better after getting older.. maybe u can try the OT.. mine was at OZworks.
Hi momto3 my son is attending daily morning session at schoolhouse by the bay. i send him there cos the physical structure is good.. eg canteen for food, excercise/games at gym, music at dance studio, studying in classroom. and also the class is big with 18-20 children. hence i m sure of plenty of opportunities for social interaction. tat was my main intention when i send him. so at nursery level, when i saw that he was being 'unfairly' treated (all classroom has parent observatin room that parents can go in anytime to observe), i still send him in cos i know he will need to learn how to handle such situations.. we will try to 'simulate' the situation and demo to him to let him know what to do. he used to cry when he attend one caucasian teacher's class. then i realised that it was because she was very 'expressive', 'dramatic' and frowns her eyebrows frequently out of habit.. hence he thought that she was angry with him. i will then feedback to teacher my observations and see what can be done to help. most teachers are very accommdoative but it is only at k1 level, we finally meet one very good one who came up with up the token system.. but they reshuffle the teachers around every year so not sure who teach what level yet.. and i don't choose teachers jsut let the school allocate cos i prefer him to stick with his classmates whom he knows since nursery.

but my point is it will be good if the school allows us to observe/feedback so that we can work together to see how we can help the child better..
Hi Mums here,

Could you help me with few questions below :

- How do you cope with your first feeling after your child is confirmed by doctor with ASD?

- How do you cope with questions from family and friends and outsider when they look at your child?

- Did you blame yourself/hubby for what happened?

- How do you encourage yourself to be strong?

- Who is taking care of your child when you are working?

- Do you still dare to have 2nd child after knowing your 1st one has autism?
Dear all,
My 24 months old diagnosed of autism. I am new to this site and dont have any idea of schools.
I have waiting time of 6 months to 1 year for AWWA and ARC. Please let me know your opinion on AWWA.

By the time I get admission I want to her join in private schools. I am considering divinity intervention centre and dynamics OTC orchard. Please give me your valuable opinion.

Latha OT also recommend the brushing....but too bad that i dont have time to do it for my son. I cant make out the schedule to brush him at least 3 times a day..... More over, I am in the looking for another child care centre for my son as the present one will be closing soon... But if the new child care centre can help me to do the brushing for my son.....i might consider to have that on him. My son too a hyper-active times, if we need him to cool down or concentrate...we will make him jump as this will help the same time, me is trying to make a weighted vest for him too that will help him to calm down... So any recommendation for the child care centre??? I am staying at the east side
actually talking about OT...

I agree w Tam (ram) about OT being ex & parking in Orchard is just pure madness.

Altho I do not attend the same OT as Tam(ram) - my son used to go to this OT in Tanglin.
PARKING IS so EXPENSIVE - to add to that, the OT charges is like "daylight robbery" and OT spent more time talking to me, interviewing me, asking me questions; i felt like it was more of chitchatting ... instead of "working on my child" ... and soon 1 hr is up ...and i was charged $130 for that 1 hour of "chit-chat" w the OT... (bearing in mind that the OT disappeared for 10mins supposedly looking for a working CD player to play some music to calm my crying child - AT MY REQUEST !)

Most of the time, my child was left crying... and the OT didn't even have the ability to coax my child ! I would have thought that since i m paying so much, i am also paying for quality of the therapist - ie i expected the OT to be able to handle SN kids.... but far from it !

Honestly, it left a bitter aftertaste in the mouth.
Needless to say, i did not proceed w more sessions cos i felt i was paying to see a specialist surgeon at a private hospital when in actual fact, it was far from it !!!

The Government DEFINITELY needs to step in to regulate this industry ... a lot of us are paying though our noses... but yet not getting the end result !
Hi Ying Ying,

My son OT is good....he managed to find way to train my far there are improvement from him....Do u wan to try??? Even my fren's gal who is also under the same OT also commented that our OT are good compared to their previous OT.... They are located at Marine Parade...Parking r not too expensive...I can get the Name card if you need....but you have to check with them whether do they have any free time slot for the OT session.... The OT was previously from RainBow Centre....He is good..... You may wan to try. You may PM if u r interested.
Hi Mummies,

-Do you know if there is PD specialist in autism in Singapore?

-Is there a diagnose test for baby less than 1 year old?

-Cause in US, this can be detected even before 1 year old. Usually PD will do the diagnosis and refer you to neurology to confirm.

-Can you refer me to a good PD for autism?

-How much is the charge for full diagnose on autism at private or government hospital?

Thanks a lot
Hi yee and mummies reading this post,

Sorry for my late posting as I was in confinement earlier on. My son enrolled in divinity on 01 Jun this year. Till now still not a single word yet though there is other already of improvements. I would like to contact mummies with kids in Divinity and Raindow centre @ yishun. Do sms me at 94312090 or pm me.

Hi jennifer, after joining divinity, my son has improvements in eye contacts n awareness of surroundings. U may call me for more details

My boy has just been clinically diagnosed to have mild autism by KK CDU doctor recently and he is attending ST & PT on abt 6wkly basis.

We have to wait for abt another 7mths before he can get his full assessment done.

He is able to talk though in only a few words at a time, recognised words, feed himself, toilet trained and just that his progress might be slower than his peers. However, at times, he can be quite rigid in certain ways especially when it comes to directions and is very into numbers. His eye contact is so-so and we are encouraging him to look at us whenever we talked.

CEL has just contacted me and my boy will be on wating list for Touch Hougang while still attending his normal daily cc.

Anyone has heard abt this Touch Hougang and any advice what else I can do for my boy? I'm actually quite loss...
Hi Yee

My boy is 4 this yr. Yes, he's able to say "I want" and point. He was slow in picking up speech and only started to walk only at 18mths.

He usually doesn't request in full sentence. Thus we might have difficulties in finding out what he actually wanted and it could result in him throwing tantrums

My son is now 2 years old, suspicious of autism. but can only be assess for the psychological assessment when he turn 3.5 years old. We are attending the OT and ST at HPB every month twice for the OT. however for the ST is on 3 months waiting list. CEL has also called us on the waiting list at Austism children centre at Clementi. Good new is they had another Year 2008 child to enroll. 2 children to form a class. Hopefully will start soon next year. Therapist suspect my son had sensory perception problem. Not much on the noise and taste. I think more on the touch. He still had no speech yet. but can only gesture for things he needs. He also started walking at 18mths.
I see improvement when attending in OT as previously he don feed himself, now he do. so am happy with the result and the therapists are very patient and kind people.
Hi Odae,

Wah, so long the waiting time in KK CDU. My son done the assessment in Jurong Medical Centre(NUH) it take about 2months between clinically diagnosed and full assessment.

Where he study now? Playgroup?
Hi Kath Tan,

Can you give me the contacts for the OT you recommended? My email address is [email protected]

Hi Lynn (Lin),
May I know how did you get OT and ST at HPB? Is it must get KK to refer?

20 mth son suspected of autism
Hi Adeline, congratulations. I hope for my 3rd child to be girl too.. which i plan to try for it in few years too busy..

Hi Kath, can you email your OT contact too pls? cos i also stay in east. my email is [email protected] Thanks!
Hi Yee

Did you get a referal to get to NUH? Seems like the waiting time is very much shorter than KK.

My son had been with KK on ST since more than a yr ago and it was only last yr they recommended OT and this yr to the CDU after we raised our concern on his development and behavior.

He is attending normal childcare near my pl and with the Nursery 2. Next yr he'll be in K1.

Honestly, the thought of transferring him to Touch Hougang is very stressful for me as I'm not sure how he'll react to the entirely new environment, teachers & friends.

Plus, to get there is quite a hassle for us as the centre does not provide transportation service. Anyone is able to advise on this?
Hi Tam

Just would like to find out if 2 sessions per wk with ARC is sufficient and is your child in full day childcare?

Actually was thinking if should let my son continue with his current childcare and just add on with EPIC.

Hi Odae

for arc, is 5 hours per week and is up to the teachers to decide if twice or thrice per week is best for them. ie if twice per week, then 2.5 hours per session. if thrice, then 1 hour 40 mins.. they will assess and will recommend. my son started at 3 sessions, 1 to 1. then after 2 terms, is 2 sessions, 1 teacher to 4child. he will stop ARC and go to pathlight prep class in 2011. the prep class has only one session 12.30 to 4pm. so most likely he will continue his K2 at mainstream kindy, then rush to prep class immediately after class for next year.. i'm still thinking hard on the logistics ...
Hi Odae

at ARC, one of the main 'curriculum' is for him to learn to self regulate and work independently. most autistic children are visual learners, hence they would make use of picture cards to help them to learn. eg they will be trained to follow schedule and work system. schedule is good so that they know what would happen next as routine and predictability is very important to these children.. as they could not 'percieve' what other are thinking or going to do.. hence they maybe tense when there are changes.. ARc will also teach them how to handle when there are changes.. what to do when they need rest, need help cos they display socially inappropriate behaviours, eg screaming when frustrated and maynot know 'how to ask for help'.. they neeed to be shown specifically what to do in each situation hence it would be good to observe him and demo to him or use pic cards where appropriate. while waiting for EPIC, i would suggest you can try to work these with your kid in the meantime. do go to website, where alot of free pics and schedule to download for free.
my son used to throw terrible tantrums, even pull his hair and bang his head on the floor! he really improved alot by being able to communicate better.
u can try using Pecs.. actually there are parent training courses organised by pathlight/arc. do look out for their websites. some are subsidised by government.
Hi Odae,

I just went to Polyclinic and told them I suspect my son had some delay of development and requesting refer to NUH.

I think you should let him joining both program instead of EPIC itseft. I also will let my son join both when he turn 4.
Hi, does anyone knows of speech therapist which will visit your home? Im staying at pasir ris and is looking of gd ot and speech therapist for my boy.

Hi yee, your son joined divinity prior to doc 's diagosis?
Hi Tam,
May I know if the Pathlight Prep class is to prepare yr son for Pathlight School ? or into mainstream ? Heard abt the Prep Class thingy but not sure the purpose ..... and does the kid need to have certain requirements prior ?

Hi momto3,
prep class is to prepare children to go into mainstream primary school or pathlight. they need to follow school timetable, bring own schoolbag, stationerys etc. expect diff teachers to come in for diff subjects.. go to canteen during recess time. they will need to 'listen' for 'recess' or end of class etc. heard from other parents that it is also very academic driven and there are homework to be completed at home too.. of course the teaching style and classroom setting is autism friendly too. same as pathlight, their curriculum also include self help skills etc.

the criteria is he must have iq of at least 70. the iq test must be done by those approved by pathlight.. can go to pathlight website for better idea.. for 2011 enrolment, we have to register by 1 july10, if i remember correctly. Prep class accept children at 6 or 7 years old. school fee is 420 per mth. and they have schoolbus.. unlike arc..

i send my son there so that is easier for him to adapt to primary school setting when he needs to go for pr1. but still continue to let him go to normal k2 in the morning so that he can learn to interact with friends/classmates.
Hi momto3 and odae

btw prep class is from mon to fri, fixed timing at 12.30 to 4pm . ie 5 sessions every week. whereas for arc, is 5 hours per week only. ie 2 or 3 sessions every week. timing can be in morning or afternoon. for mine at arc, i always insist afternoon so that he can continue his morning mainstream kindy. it seem that prep class is 'more value for money' cos more hours.. but the teachers will not update/advise u at the end of each session while arc ones do. not sure of other diff cos ds haven't attend prep yet... hope the above clarifys..

Hi Tam

Thanks for providing so much info and the URL. It really makes me understanding much better.

Btw, since your son's classes are from back to back, does he appear tire or cranky? Does he still require nap in the afternoon? Also, may I know how did you make the switch to Pathlight - have to go throug CEL?

Sorry for so many queries asked as my son still take his nap every afternoon and I am a FTWM so it is not possible for me to fetch/send him to different centres during wkedays
