Autistic children - Share your experiences here.


Agreed.... that's happened to our 1st speech therapy session too, I havent been to the 2nd session yet, maybe will go next month n hopefully wont be another assessment session again
Thanks. I will call up Pathlight tomorrow to check on the book, hopefully still have stock. If not, have to order from Amazon.

yah..quite frustrating right? Why can't they ask me to sign up for the It takes two to talk programme after I had the first assessment session with the therapist? Another 3 weeks wasted.

I am going to book the private speech therapist tomorrow. Will update you guys again after we start the session.
Hi scrumpee, you can order them thru pathlight emall as well at $117+++ ea. Heard that both hanen course are gd but kkh therapist never recommend me to take !!! They just said my son no suitable fir slt yet as they cannot engage him. Where you bringing your son for son for slt? The slt at keleidoscope is gd but dun hv a gd slot for my son. Im trying the slt which yvonne recommended me ..... First session Today.
Called up pathlight and reserved the book.

I am going to the private speech therapist at Thomson Paediatric Centre. Made an appt to see her on 19 Jan and first session of ST on 2 Feb.

So in the meantime, I will read IT takes two to Talk. Oh..And he is going to CC next Mon, excited and worried. Excited for him as he will be learning new things and make friends and hopefully pick up speakig. Worried because he will have separation anxiety and whether if he can integrate well with other children.

Anyway, happy new year to all. May 2011 be a good year for us

Happy New Year To You Too !
is your son going to mainstream cc ? I hope to look for a kindy that has a SN teacher, found one, but the prices is too expensive, considering the fact that it is not a kindy that specialises in SN kids n the SN teacher only comes in 2x/ week and my helper needs to sit with my son.......
Dear all mummimes,

Do any of you attend the training organised by ARC "Foundations of Successful Communication Skills". If so, pls share it is worth to attend?

Happy New Year to all mummimes & their lovely darling..
Hi yvonne, thanks .... I finally met lorelle today and she is as gd as the slt at kaleidoscope but better ar handling my kid!! Do you go to the center on sat?
Hi scrumpee, how much is the slt per session? Which cc your son attends? You must be very excited ... I wonder when mine mix with nerotypical kids....
Adeline, is at Pasir Ris Park, cant rem the name, monthy fees abt $2k plus, (cuz need to pay extra for the SN teacherh on top of the regular school fees), think the SN teacher needs to be paid like $70 x 3 hrs x 3 days a week so you need to pay $630 x 4 week n the maid have to sit in all the 5 days. Prior admission they have to see the kid 1st and assess whether suitable, cuz they dun want to take in those 'severe' / non-responsive kids (in their words), we went for the assessment n in the end we told her we not joining the school. We rather spend the $ on therapies .....
Yes, sending my son to mainstream cc since he has not yet been confirmed to be autistic.

I heard from my fren that Chiltern house ( not sure if I spelt correctly) has trained SN teacher for each class. It's around $1000 per mth. Maybe u guys can check it out.
Hi Mummies,

Beside EIPIC, did anyone send their child to normal childcare centre? I tried enroll my son, but however when they heard about his condition, most even the principal refused to accept him.. so sad.. my poor boy. any one staying near bukit batok and enroll your child to normal childcare centre even with condition like ours? my main caregiver is my maid.. she be leaving this year.. i hope to adjust my son schedule instead on relying on maid,
my son is not even access and diagnosed as austistic, but the principals are so cruel to say if doc suspected, it will be.. so insensitive the principals are.. to think that they are working in an educational industry?!!
Hi Lynn

I can understand how you feel as my son was rejected by an RC playgp near my place after one wk trial. The teacher felt somewhat my son is different from other children as he cried very badly when I was out of his sight and refused to let the teacher cuddle him. The advice given by her back then was "find a school that can cater smaller class gp for your son. I cannot focus so much on your son as I have many other kids to attend to."

I was very disheartened then.

But luckily I had found a childcare which is willing to accept him let him try out. It is a normal childcare and my son is with the same childcare to date just that he is at another branch of theirs from this yr onwards.

I have spoken to the new principal n she agrees to monitor my son too. Hopefully all will turn out well.

So Lynn, do not give up as am sure there bounds to be a centre that will accept him as long as you continue with the search.
I understand how you feel, I also felt the same when I went to the school at Pasir Ris Park.... they are so unpathetic towards our kids's condition
esp the SN teacher, we talked to her n her atttitude isnt what I want for my boy .... How about asking CEL abt the childcare prog for your son ? think they should have some centres that cater to our SN kids .....
There was one principal whom asked " why is your son luke that" ??? Thats a dumb q when i already told her my son's condition beforehand.
my worst experience with a childcare was the one that refuse to let me in when i had promised my son that i will accompanied him. i actually called up to ask the operator-cum-boss for permission to go in for the year end concert rehearsals. i told him tt he could not understand 'performance' hence he always cry n refuse to go to school. he said i could but when we reach there, his wife-cum-teacher-cum lady boss do not let me in. said i will disturb the class. that is really ridiculous. she even commented that we do not need to come for teh concert since we already made payment..?? i was very pissed off n was screaming at the male boss at the top of my voice outside the school. tis incident still make my blood boils!!
i send mine to a montessori school (before we suspect of his SN)n we were asked to pull him out on second day.
i visited another montessori school tt accept SN. i almost put my son there but changed my mind after observing how one SN kid being left alone at most times, rather than joining the group activities..
my younger son also attend montessori school but they dont accept sn kid..
Hi tam, at least yours still can attend mainstream CC.............. My son becomes very quiet these two weeks .... Dont know gd or bad sign? He used to make alot of auditory sound ( dun noe if its stimming or sensory issue) but ever since we started aba and special diet , he is calmer, listens better but make lesser sound .....
Hi Adeline
i think it seem a good sign that he is not making auditory sound. is better that he make 'intentional' communication rather than 'just sound'. maybe previously he did that to calm himself down?

the CC tat i complained was very new when i enrolled him. the class ratio was very small (not by choice as it was not popular and not located in residential area.. n no outdoor playarea etc...) hence guess they will accept any kids to meet their overheads.. n they keep on changing teachers.. maybe they could not pay enough to keep the good ones! anyway i really don't think my son lose out any by stopping N1 entirely afterthat.. n i thot mainstream cc is only beneficial if our kid can integrate with the teacher and the classmates n the timetable.. else could be waste of their time n our money too..
Adeline, Tam and Momto3,

My son attends Eager Beaver School house at Bukit merah central branch. I have told the teachers about our concerns and asked the teachers to take note of him. I must say the teachers are pretty accomodating and my son is ok with them when we are not around. In fact, he can be clingy to his English teacher, when the teacher steps away he will cry.

Anyway, today is his fifth day at the CC, he still cries quite badly when we say good bye to him. I asked the teacher how he has been performing in class, the teacher said he still crys on and off especially if there is nothing to distract him. And he is happiest when he is eating, bathing and listening to music.

I observed him from a corner on the first day, he really enjoyed his food and bathing time. I saw him playing with his teacher and sat obediently beside his teacher after he was dressed up.

As for socialising with other kids, the teacher commented that he did not join the rest of the kids to play when she brought them to the playground. He just stood at the side and observe. I was quite kan jeong when I heard that because this is exactly the kind of behaviour that I hope he will not have. The teacher told me to give him abit more time to adapt. thing good is although the school's ratio for teacher and toddlers is 1:8, the class actually only has 5 toddlers and during bath and lunch time, there are 2 teachers. This is good because they can have more time to look after my kid. But not sure how long this will last because I overheard that there are actually 40 toddlers on waiting list.

My son's ST is $130 per session.
And you mentioned your son make auditory sounds, what is auditory sound? Is it bad to make auditory sound?
hi mommies,

May I know what kind of straw bottles your kids using ? as my son is very FUSSY about the straws as some straws are the hard-plastic kind, if he gets those, he wont even suck at all...... I am using the honey bear bottle from Therapy Resources, its ok to use at home but not convenient to transport out cuz the straw needs to be pull-out everytime he wants to drink
Hi scrumpee, he used to make loud auditory sound which is quite glaring when we bring him out. Hence, he was at home most of the time then. As tam mentioned, maybe he is trying to calm himself ( stimming)? Well, recently that behaviour as well as jumping n rocking reduces. How much you pay for your son ccc?
Hi Scrumpee, adeline n momto3
my son played alone during 'free play' at nursery level (n2), unless is a 'structured' game session lead by the teacher. it was only at K1 level, he started to play with his friends on his own. ie they played catching at playground without teacher in the play. but i noticed tt he was always the last for the transition. eg to put on shoes, to queue up to see PC, to take bag which he did so without prompting (tt means he knows what to do).. but just slowly..
as for circle time, he did sit n listen with the rest of children, but still would not 'volunteer' to answer. he would only answer if teacher asked him to. for sitting down activities eg writing, he sometimes do not know what to do after teacher give group instructions. the teacher may need to come to him to tell him, sometimes his classmates will volunteer to come and help him or he will observe what his friends doing. He also 'follow' his class rather than wander on his own. hence i tot a 'structured timetable' is better than a 'free play setting'.
Hi Scrumpee
mine also used munchkin (soft plastic) but he likes to 'bite' the straw at 3+. hence it got replaced very frequently.. then used various brands incl $3+ ones sold at neighbourhood shop to save costs.. but also easily spoiled as he was very clumsy n rough with his bottle. finally a few months back, we got the lock n lock water bottle without any straw, just open the lid n drink.. so far so good..very lasting..but must make sure to close properly.
Hi tam, wow... Your son is progressing well! Even at divinity, my son still yet to integrate with other kids. By the way, i do nit really understand what the teacher fm arc means in the email  hee
I pay $400 a mth for the cc. Excluding gst

As for using straw, I think he started around 15mths. Before that he disliked drinking water from straw only wants it from milk bottle. But he can drink packet Milo from straw, so we realize is a habit prob, if he can drink Milo from straw, then should not be a prob for water.
Hi mommies,

Tried a few brands including those you have mentioned, think the main prob is we have to hold for him and insist that he finishes it
guessed will have to continue till he is ok


So happy to hear that your son is doing well .... your hard work pays off
hello mummiess.....

So nice to see so many posting here..... advise to you regards to the HANEN would be better for you to attend the whole course & you will benefit from it. We have attended the program from RAINBOW CENTRE, the lecturer was good...Our skills has been improved and so do Our son., you may want to consider & call them & check regards to the program. The lecturer will go to your place & recorded the "play" time with your kids & he will advise you where you can improve with your kids. IF you need, you may PM me & i will advise you who to call in Rainbow Centre. Do hope that you & your child will benefit from it.By the way, the course is abt 6 months program....
How's everyone doing?

Today is my boy's 8th day at CC. He still cries when we said good bye to him. But at least he will now wave goodbye to us and give us flying kiss (in tears).

Another improvement he made is that he no longer reject taking temperature. In the past, he really hated it when the teacher put the thermometer on his head and he would scream and struggle.

The teacher also shared with us something sweet. They had a session on family yesterday, so when the teacher showed him our family photo, he cried. Haha..he missed us
Hi Scrumpee,

So nice, your boy cried when he sees the family pic, he recognises the family
my boy has started attending AAS (today 4th session) and he is enjoying it
he will do the tasks when the teachers asked him to perform, his mood is good when he knows he is going there ........ hope he will improve .......
That's good news. Glad our boys have made improvements day by day. BTW, what is AAS?

Actually, I wonder if with intervention, will autistic kids be cured of autism? My ex-supervisor's son has been certified autistc but after he attended the therapies and went to Pathlight, he improved alot. He stopped his head banging, started talking and integrates well with friends...just like any other kids. The only weakness is that he is poor in reading. But poor in reading does not mean autistic right? maybe just academically not gifted. He is so normal now that my ex-supervisor don't think is is autistic after all.
Hi Scrumpee!
It is technically possible for an Autistic kid to be "cured", especially if he gets help early. Sometimes, theraphy works so well that nobody can tell the kid is SN. My boy was diagnosed under "moderate autism" at 3. Just did a reassessment for him at 5 and was told that he won't be considered Autistic now, given his traits and all. But this is only with all the therapy he's getting at the moment. Don't think he'd be "normal" without all that help. Guess when people talk about "curing Autism", it is really equipping the kid with ways to cope with their SN so that they can function like most other people. There is hope yet...
Hi Scrumpee,

Oh, AAS stands for (autism association of singapore) a early intervention centre
wow, its good to learn that your colleague's boy has recovered
however heard that they cant totally shake off their 'traits'
like some of their habits etc .....
Yvonne, your boy gave us hope, just like my colleague's son. Anyway, my son's "autistic trait" seem to reduce a little. He is less obsess with ceiling fan now, even if he looks at it, he will sort of point at it, makes some sound as if he is telling us to look at the fan too. N teacher said he is beginning to show interest in his peers. As for toilet train, he is actually half toilet train already. He will let us know when he wants to poo.
Hi Yvonne,

I remember that you told me your son trying neuro-rewiring.How's the progress? Is it really help. Yesterday, I let my son had free trial but only 1 lession cannot tell it is work on him. Btw, he have about 60 - 80 words. Now, my concern is to let him make use of the words.
Hi...sad to say that ASD will not be cured but under therapies....they can control their behaviour(under control) & improve their interaction with others... ASD will stay with them for the whole life.....

HI Yee & Yvonne, Where did you go for this neuro-rewiring session??
Hi Kath,

The centre call Spectrum Learning and located at UE square.

Which Rainbow centre you attended for the Hanen Program?
Hi Scrumpee! Great to hear about the improvements, especially showing interest in others. Personally, I think that if the kid is interested and aware of the people around him, he would be able to pick up more cos he can learn a lot from copying and interacting with his peers.

Hi Kath! I went to the Autism Recovery Centre for neuro rewiring. The guy that does it has a kid with Autism too, so I felt he was able to emphasize and also offer lots of other ways to help the child.

Hi Yee! R u going to continue with the sessions? I definitely saw improvements. He was suddenly able to bargain with reason and offer logical alternatives when things did not go his way. His ST and OT also noticed the improvements, before I told them I've sent him for neuro rewiring. If I remember correctly, was told it takes couple of sessions before u see results. My boy became super high and happy and hyper after the first session, and was also told that sometimes happen. Good luck with the sessions

Hi Scrumpee,

My boy is yet to be formally diagnosed as ASD, although we know very well he is one
soon he need to be assessed as the AAS would need such assessment to confirmed his 'status' .......
