Are you stress as working mum?

thankful for this thread.
i am a ftwm and i am stressed with baby in ifc too.
comtemplating about job switch cuz my current job is far away from home.
have an offer but new employer stress that i can manage to leave on the dot if i plan my time well.

@jayjayqueenie, guess its the common modus operandi for most FTWM to 'outsource' the child caring to ifc or nannies. I agree that the operating hours by ifc do makes time management more critical given that they close by 7pm and unfortunately we knock off around 6pm or so :( Worse of all to add on, the rush hour crowd via public transport :(

I guess most jobs do allow us to knock off on the dot but maybe on the premise that we bring our work home? I had similar consideration as you but I chose an even further working location based on the following scenarios:

Job A: office location closeby (15 mins driving distance and hubby will send to and fro) + might need to work OT occassionally
Job B: office location further (30 mins by public transport) + able to knock off on the dot almost every day + bring laptop home every day

I chose Job B as I find it stressful to ask others i.e. parents or hubby to pick up my girl from infantcare. The amount of time spent on arranging and so on, i feel better off managing on my own :) Bringing work home (may not sound pleasant for all) is a norm for me as I feel i'm more productive after putting my girl to sleep and spending time with family over dinner.

Do consider and see what works best for you :)

I left my job to spend more time with my daughter.

Currently building my wealth online.

I will be most happy to share with you more.

If you are keen, do leave me an email @ [email protected]
