Anyone went for pre-natal checkups or tests?


New Member
Hi all mummies!

I'm planning for a first baby and I'm thinking if it is necessary to go for any pre-natal checkups or tests?

Is there any vitamins that I should be taking now?

Thanks in advance for any advice!

Hi Magneto

DO u mean prenatal checks before u get pregnant or after u confirm you r expecting. I kinda think u r referring to the former.

In my case, I have been seeing gynae regularly for my pap smears and woman stuff, so prior geting pregnant, he checked that my womb is in place and I am ovulating . simple checks.

Many drs will tell u no need checks unless u try at least 6 months without any sucess for a baby.. coz further checks eg fallopian examinations etc are pretty pricey.

If u wanna place safe, a normal annual checkup for woman will suffice coz that already covers papsmear.
Thanks so much Celia!

And yes, I meant checks before I get pregnant. I have some friends who went for checkups with their husbands before they try for a baby and I''m thinking if it's really necessary... I will go for pap smears every 2 years.

Should I start on folic acid now? Or better if I see a doc first before I take?

if u have been gg for pap smears, u should be fine. no need worry that much. I was very much like u. In fact, I was so kiasu, asked my hubby go for sperm count/ quality check when we decide to start trying for BB. My dr laughed and said dun waste money! End up, I got pregnant the very month we start trying. Kekee.. I am in my 7th weeks now, so this is very very recent experience!

As for folic acid, yes take now! I start taking them 10 months ago. NO need see dr or get prescription. if u buy at pharmacy at hospitals, they are dirt cheap.

Oh yes, if u try hard for say couple months without success, get a ovulation kit. My friends all swore by it and I used it myself too. So maybe that helps. My menses are regular but we just need the precise "time" so as to attack my egg accurately. hehee..
In answer to your question on folic acid - it is recommended to take them at least 3 months before you concieve.
And yes the ovulation kits work. Both my sis and I used one to concieve our first BBs. But it did take 3 to 6 months even with the ovulation kits to concieve.
It is good to do a simple checkup with gyane and some blood tests to see if you need vaccinations before concieving ( things like rubella, heaptitis b and chicken pox).
Hope this helps.
yo, i did a back-date counting based on my BB gestational age given by my dr and my LMP. Showed my conception date is apparently not on the day itself (the dark red line day). Instead of day 13, my conception date is on Day 10. Dr said I could have ovulate earlier.

Been tracking my ovu date for 3 mths before I 'offically' try for BB, so Ovu kit only shows u the time of highest success in conceiving. And it's best to make out few days prior that and few days after. at least in my case, I am surprised I conceived earlier than expected. Or maybe my BB grow too fast inside me. Hehee
Congratulation Celia!! I hope I dun have to wait too long for good news too!!

Thanks so much gals for your advice, it's indeed useful information for me! =D
