Anyone TTC in July 2006?

mich, hope that u will get well soon

gal, we also going in apr!
u booked your tixs liao? which dates u going? we going from 2nd to 7th apr

We are going 8 april for the long wekeend. Why going on the 2nd to 7th april when 10th april is good friday long weekend?

gal, we try not to go during their public holiday coz tend to be very crowded everywhere! initially i looking hard for dates from mon-fri type, but cant get any!

which hotel did u stay for your previous trip? and staying back at the same place for coming trip?
We stayed in Royal plaza hotel (we got 2 queen size family suite - because maid went as well). This time round thinking hard where to stay. U?
gal, royal plaza was one of my shortlisted hotels!
read great reviews bout it but the distance to MTR is like quite far. didnt know they have family suite room, how much per nite? and where did u book from?
Yes. Walking distance was quite far from the hotel. We stayed there for 10 days. Paid like HK1088 in sept 07(low season). We just wanted to be near a shopping center so that serena can walk and play in air con places
gal, that's really a steal considering that there are 2 queen size beds in there! u treat your maid very good leh, let her sleep on queen size bed ;p did u booking directly from hotel or those webbies like asiarooms?

i m also looking into nathan hotel, park hotel & ashley apartments. which other hotels have u shortlisted for this coming trip?
One of my friends say Harbour Plaza servive apt is cheap n good at $120 per nite fr internet booking. Maybe you wld like to check it out?
Yeah. It was a good promotion. I booked it thru directly from their website.

I stayed in park hotel before in one of my hotel stay. It was in the mid of doing some renovation back then. Should be good now. TST shopping.

Ashley apartments? Is that Citadines ? I wanted that before? Was debating that or royal plaza but then read heaps of reviews that it's small even selecting the most superior rooms. There are photos to see from the travel advisor reviews too.
Where can you book to get 120 dollars a nite? Sounds good. Is there min stay like 1 month? I emailed a few service apartments in sept.Most need 1 month stay.
Yeah!!! The rashes has subsided!!! Hopefully Joshua's appetite can pick up soon as he has lost quite a bit of weight.
YEAH YEAH.....It's good to hear that. what did you cook for Joshua that spice up his appetite?

Do update on Prudential hotel in your next stay. Planning to try that next.
Gal, he don't even have appetite to eat so no need to cook at all. I just ask him if he wants waffles or cake and if he wants I just buy and give. He usually only take a few bites and refused to eat already.

Ok ok...I will take pics of the hotel and review it when I am back.

I am super low morale. My hb has 2 sat and 2 sun burn in Nov due to class. Then he just told me last night that he is travelling next Sat till Wed. Wah lao...I immediately become upset and refused to talk to him. I know its not his fault at all but I just can't bring myself to smile at him.
jeng, i just went to check out harbour plaza apartment, but apparently it's quite far away from the action places ;p

gal, icic! yes, ashley is by citadines. i surf thru the HK hotel website, the rooms are actually bigger than most hotels in HK leh...

u bringing your maid along this time again?

irene, great that the rashes are gone! see i told u right, by 4th day will be totally gone

i can totally understand that feeling! like since 4 mths back, my hb almost everyday work late.. he only come back for dinner like 1 or 2 times per week (weekdays). i also know it's due to work but i damn pissed and show him black faces too
Sweet, yah lor..its not their fault at all but really cannot smile at him and talk to him lor.

Yes, just yesterday still got some rashes and today almost 90% gone liao.
I can understand. That kind of "hear also sian" but can't do anything but to absorb that information given. Don't have to smile lah. My DH told me he needs to travel to Shanghai twice this coming Nov. I just listen lor. We dun have a choice. Where will ur DH be going this time?

Organise some playgroup with the mummies in your group. Time does fly faster like that.

This maid is a new maid and can't handle my daughter so not planning to bring her along.

Ashley is big?? Strange, I see like smaller. This place include kitchen too right?
Sweet, now I so bad mood till not interested in the HK trip liao. Everything seems so sianz to me now.

Gal, yah..thats the most sianz part...cannot object or do anything but take it!
He is going middle east.

You not going to Shanghai with him?

See how lah...if go out with mummies in my group mean I have to jagar Joshua all by myself. Will die of exhaustion leh.
My friend said she booked fr internet but I did not ask her which website.

Ladies, for your info I used to stay at Prudential when I booked my tic n stay fr travel agency. The room is small. But there was once we booked direct fr the hotel lobby and we got a much bigger and brighter room even tho we did not request for any size. So better check what type of room you are getting.

Aiya, my hubby got in-camp svs next wk and then flying to Vegas after that. I also very sian and fed up cos no one to help me wif kids at nite but wat to do?
No. Not planning to go with him. He still must go two times in Nov
My gal still dun want the new maid and is extremely sticky to me. Even going out is hard, she will go round the house and go every room and shout ma ma ma ma ma... How to go.. U thought of going along with your hubby?

Vegas - go with him? Should be fun right? That's the real downside of being a SAHM. Everything also must accept.
I would also lilke to know what do you do with your girl at home. I need more ideas. I play pretend play kitchen set with Serena, with art and then read books (everything almost the same thing, can die of boredom soon)
gal, yup ashley has a kitchen. from wat i gathered from the HK hotels webby, ashley is 35 sqm whereas royal plaza is 32 sqm.

what did u do for the 10 days at HK for your previous trip? got go disneyland?

irene, u will think differently when your trip is near! by then, the horrible nov will be over le.. cheer up!
I just see those actual photos posted by vistors. What's the bedding configurations? similar to royal plaza?
I went to disneyland and mainly going yum cha, walk walk with relatives. Nothing much to do in HK, been there quite a number of times but with Serena along - shopping was hard. Even being there for 10 days, I didn't get to go to HK island because of serena sleeping timing.
gal, i doubt they have 2 double beds at ashley though, coz they have the mini kitchen in there. probably either twin bed or 1 double bed?

icic, i also dun think i can do much shopping with my parents + trishelle ;p so probably have to do more sight seeing and eating hahahaha. i just check out royal plaza, they do offer free shuttle to TST area which is not bad!

how many days u going for this time?
irene, ask your hubby to make it up after his trip! I understand how you feel, I wouldn't feel very good about. I remember once my hubby was on this IT project that required 24x7 support. Whether it was midnight, 3am or 6am, he was getting all kinds of calls. I demanded he quit his job as I really couldn't stand it cos he simply had no time at all. Half way through breakfast or dinner, he will need to rush off to pick up the phone and then got to talk for 30 mins. In the end, he asked his boss for a transfer to another project.

Gal, I think its better to wait till they are 2 yr old to give them vitamins.

jeng, can ask your parents or in laws for help if your hubby is not around?
Gal, I won't follow at all lah. Its not exactly a destination that I desired to go. If he goes to place like Japan or Australia then I will consider following.

Sweet, yah..I guess you could be right. I am fuming now so can't think of the holiday.

Mich, make it up ah? Guess our HK trip will be the best way lor for now.
I've never asked my hb to quit his job. I think I will only do it if I found a 'vixen' at his workplace. Other than that I think I can still tahan all those ridiculous commitments.
gal, the shuttle bus drop off pt, near to TST MTR a not?

currently, trishelle is taking mutli-vits as perscribe by her PD..

mich, wa 24x7 support? ya, if me i will also ki siao!

irene, how long has your hb been at this current co liao?
Sweet, I think 5 yrs. No intention to leave as he loves his job and has lots of challenge.

Mich, my hb's job is actually 24/7 too. There are nights when he will leave home at 10plus and come back next morning 5am or 7am. Think most wifey will think the hb went out to meet his girlfriend but I don't even have to energy to go think about it.
irene, where is your hubby going to next week? wow, he works overnight at times. Is it very often? I remember you told me he is in sales line, is it?

sweet, I'm really not the understanding kind of wife... can't stand it if hubby works too much also! I'd rather he quit and I'm prepared he will take time to find another job. Think once he my hubby took 3 months no pay leave cos he was super tired out.
yoji, I am not going Vegas wif him. He is also going Florida in Dec and that's the one I was supposed to go wif him but I could not get my air ticket.
That's why I am going HK lor.

Mich, my parents will be helping me but somehow it is just not rite when hb is not around. If your hb is always on business trip, you will know what I mean.
Mich, he is going Middle east.
No, its not often that he works overnight. If its often, I think I will really start to think he has a girlfriend!

Jeng, your hb sounds like a high-flyer! And your sahm job is not bad too as I can see your hb is compensating you alot.
irene, no my hb is not a high flyer but a frequent flyer...heehee. YOu think holidaying is compensation? No lah. But seriously, I think couple need some time to be alone to relax. That's why we try to travel without the kids at least once a year to bond and rekindle the fire again. This is even more important to SAHM like me as we don't get to go out and see the world like most do and we can really expire very fast you know.
mich, me same lah! hee hee my hb's previous job was like siao de. EVERDAY work till 9 plus.. sometimes even 11pm.. i force him to quit his job ;p
jeng, i understand, what we value most is support from our hubby. AFterall, its his kids also. What line is your hubby in that requires so much travelling?

irene, middle east? my colleague who works there says its super boring... nothing to do kind. Can you discuss with your hubby maybe twice a week must have dinner with you and put Joshua to sleep? If he can commit, it will be helpful.

Sweet, ha ha, you also! Looks like we are the same in this area. I always "nag" at him that there are more sane jobs out there if only he look for it or venture out.
Sweet, if my hb works till 9plus everyday then I think I cannot tahan too.

Mich, middle east is not one of my holiday destination for now. won't follow lor.
Its difficult to make my hb commit must have dinner with us twice a week as sometimes he has oversea customers that he needs to entertain and its not up to him to decide when they are coming.
Somemore he still has classes every now and then so if the whole week he has class also boh bian.

I dunno how to let Joshua get used to letting my hb put him to sleep again. The moment my hb carries Joshua to the room at night, he will start to fuss and cry for me.

Hung, can I ask you how you are going to cope when you have no.2? Hiring a maid or your MIL will help you?
Your hb's job requires him to travel often so how are you going to cope without him around most of the time?
And, now you have only 1 and your hb already not helping you much so won't you feel even more fustrated when your hb didn't have time for you and your 2 kids?
Hung, where is your new place?

Irene, think only when your hubby is more free to spend time with Joshua then its possible that he get used to him again cos now he never see your hubby much at all. How abt morning? He got time to spend with Joshua, say even half hour?

Hung, try work out the logistics before having no. 2. My mistake was assuming I can manage it all, housework, cooking and the kids when I was a SAHM. I'm a super perfectionist and it drove me nuts. That's why I ended up having to hire a maid... not to say maid is only way out. But try get consensus of MIL and hubby that they will help you out more. Or else when its really happening, can ki siao one. I remember it was such a emotional and trying time... sit down and cry everyday cos felt like cannot cope.
Mich, I think Hung's new place is Changi area if I didn't remember wrongly.

Actually my hb has put in alot of effort to spend more time with Joshua and me. As long as he didn't have early morning meeting, he will try to take breakfast with us and go to office abit later.

I've told hb to try to re-bond with Joshua after he completes his course next year. Hopefully it won't take too long.

I can really imagine how scary it is to be a sahm without maid and manage 1 toddler and a newborn all alone.
Saw ur siao lang family photos. Seems u are back in good mood already ah

You moved to changi area? near? Quite near to me!
Gal, that siao lang family pics were taken quite some time ago already...but always too lazy to post it.
But yes, I am indeed feeling better. I talked to hb the other day and he does understand my fustration.
mich, ya.. esp now got kid, i cannot take it if my hb needs to work everyday till 9 plus!

irene, at first i didnt complain much coz no kid and i everyday go back my parents' place for dinner before going back to our home, so he worked everday till 9 plus, i also heck care. but since we start to TTC-ing then, i "force" him to quit his job and true enuff, we striked with trishelle the month after he quitted his hectic job! hehe

irene/gal, thanks for your recommendation of the wheels on the bus DVDs! trishelle finally found something that she likes to watch
at first, i bought 2 titles at $7 each. seeing that she enjoyed them so much, i bought the last title as well ;p
U managed to find all the 3 of them? I only found 2. Where did u get it for 7 dollars. Cheaper than border. I am still looking for the animal adventure. Serena love them too.

Glad you are feeling better now. It's good your DH can understand and dun find excuses and complain to you that you are not understanding enough so on and so on.
irene, your photos very funny... glad you're feeling better and that your hubby is understanding. yes, its very scary to be a SAHM with 2 kids... i keep thinking back about how i could have made things better... maybe i was too tense already and want everything perfect.

sweet, so stressful jobs are no good for TTC hee hee!
Gal/Sweet, what's the 3 titles? I've got the animal adventure and save the moon mouse. Is the 3rd one the dog parade?
Joshua don't really like the save the moon mouse. He loves the animal adventure!

Gal, my hb don't think I am unreasonable coz he knows its tough on me.

Mich, I am also a perfectionist so I know what you mean.
gal, i bought from a seller in this forum. It's BN, sealed up de so i thot $7 each was a steal plus there's free postage
so i no need to go hunt for them

mich, yalo.. stress are a def no-no for "creating babies" hahahaha

irene, yup the last one is dog parade. trishelle also likes the animal adventure the most! hehe
Can PM me the seller details? Wonder if she has the animal adventure? I still can't find them. Seems all kiddos like animal adventure. Serena don't have that but she likes the dog's parade one most out of the two we have

The three titles are

The Wheels on the Bus: Mango's Big Dog Parade
The Wheels on the Bus: Mango's Animal Adventure
The Wheels on the Bus: Mango Helps the Moon Mouse

U have all 3?

hi yoji,

if you get hv the seller details pls let me know so I can buy the animal adventure for sharis. thx
