Anyone TTC in July 2006?

Sweet and Yoji,

YOu mean your child can take such variety of food for breakfast? Wow..impress! My gal cannot make it leh..only drink milk. Rejects bread etc. When I gave her star biscuits, she love it, ate too much and next moment nose bleeding. My mum say biscuits too heaty for her so now I completely stop.

gal, wow serena now eating chee cheong fun le? sounds like a great breakfast idea leh! must try it on trishelle somedays.. as for soya bean and bean curd, we let her eat on ah hoc basis when we happen to eat in hawker centres..

cruise has breakfast, lunch, tea, dinner and even supper! no lah, not open for 24 hrs. from 1am to 7/8am is closed de ;p

jeng, so your gal only drinking milk for breakfast? my gal also loves the gerbers star puffs! but each time i limit to 2 small helpings per nite, luckily she will understand when i said "no more" and she wouldnt wail for more ;p
Cheong Fun is the less oil, less soya sauce and less sweet sauce version and not like adult version - everything MORE MORE. hehe
My mother needs to go to the market and get breakfast for the family every morning, if not every alt day so she will just get whatever she thinks serena can eat during breakfast. Ideas are indeed running out so have to get more ideas from you all

Your gal only drink milk for breakfast? Your gal is 17 months too like Serena right? Won't she be hungry? My girl sometimes take biscuits for her tea time during 4-5pm and then to make sure she is not heaty . We give her plum and sometimes papaya juice for breakfast. So, she won't have constipation.

If your child is not allergy, you can give her barley or some liang tea. Serena drinks that too. If not, can't poo.
is it safe to take barley now? Aiyo my gal not interested in food leh.. wat to do? Now she even rejects her porridge for lunch and dinner. Stressed!!!!
Gal, wow...alot of trip indeed!

Joshua eats whatever we are eating for breakfast. It can be plain bread, chee cheong fun, fry bee hoon/kway tiao/noodle or fry carrot cake, hotcakes, muffins, cakes, you tiao, waffles, biscuit etc. I am not afraid of too oily or whatever as he is so active now so he can definitely burn all the whatever away. And anyway, he doesn't eat alot.
It's not safe to take barley when the child is 6 months and below. After 6 months, barley is ok.

Is it like not interested in food for some period of time only? My gal sometims dislike eating all things too. We used to give her porridge but she rejected it so now cook one dish for her and then put over rice. She seems to be ok for now. Not sure what happens next.
Joshua certainly does have more variety. You can share all food with him for breakfast then

Sharis has not been taking her porridge for more than 2 weeks. Still cook but every meal throw away. Heartache (both food wastage as well as her weight going down).
Your daughter is call Sharis? Also 'S'
other than poridge, do u want her to eat other things like soup noodle, rice? My daughter hates her porridge. This is what she has been eating since like 7 months. The same food all the time. The texture makes her angry too. We dun understand why. Whenever we gave her rice, she happily finish all. So, we thought she wants to eat 'adult' food like us. Have you tried giving her rice(1 mouth or 2)? what is her reaction?

How much rice can Serena eat? Sharis tried but at most a few mouthful, not enough to make up one meal. She likes to eat chicken though.
Sweet, I managed to get a free upgrade to the seaview room at Ritz but the seaview room had nothing more than a view of the IR construction!!

Gal, Joy normally eats oats with fruit puree for breakfast, then she also eats bread/waffles/muffins. Then 10am, my MIL will give her kuay teow, chee cheong fun or anything else that my MIL is eating and she will still eat... *greedy* Hmm... beyond what you mentioned, can't think of anything else new to feed them already... You're not from the mountain lah... you'll only know cruise got lotsa food after you go to one.

Actally I have not been on a cruise in Singapore, I only cruised to the Bahamas before from Florida but I assume all cruises are the same with plenty of food.
irene, wow that's a lot of food that joshua has tried before!

jeng, when sharis doesnt eat the porridge for the past 2 weeks, what did u feed her with?

u can try those ABC pasta too.. trishelle initially also dun like but now she can finish it (but she's a small eater)

mich, wow that's great! at least it's an upgrade, how u manage to persuade them? got any pics to share? how was the whole experience, romantic anot? hehehe
When serena is in the good mood, she can take one adult small bowl with chicken, soup , vegetables. When she is in the bad mood, everything will be reduce to half.

Do u bake waffles and muffins for Joy? How heavy is Joy now? That's a lot of food for joy huh
Sweet, they gave us the seaview cos the city view room wasn't ready when we checked in at 2pm... I didn't take pictures leh cos the moment I saw the messy construction of the IR, felt very sian already. But overall it was nice being away for the night.... romantic simply cos its away from home ha ha. But the jacuzzi at the swimming pool was the best... sooo nice to soak inside. Did you try that?

Gal, lately Joy is inching towards 10kg or so... my MIL has been feeding her 6 meals a day! Yup the muffins and waffles are made by me.
mich, icic that time our room was facing citibank bldg and the highway... quite all right. we went inside the jacuzzi @ swimming pool but i didnt stay long coz trishelle was there as well ;p

wow, that's a very good wt! considering she started off as a bit underwt too
u very good leh, can still bake muffins & waffles!
Sweet, actually I have concluded the view at the hotel is overrated! But the service is really good though. The butler showed us up to the room, then took 10 mins to explain where everything was and even how to draw the curtains.

baking bread and other stuff and shopping online is therapy! I think i'm additced leh... I even shipped in peanut butter!
mich... hahaha tat time we were pretty amused when the butler explained the room in so much details!

wa, peanut butter also shipped in? heehee
Sweet, yah I felt quite bad that the guy had to go through all the trouble... wanted to tell him no need already kekeke... yup, got craving for this brand for peanut butter cos cannot find in Spore liao!
Ladies, my Joshua going thru terrible teething woes. Its driving me crazy!!!

Lots of whining, fussing, crying and not eating...
Mich/Gal, give the teething gel already...helps abit only. Still super whiny and keeps crying...will wake up middle of the night to cry and cry.

Gal, of the 1st molar has cut through and the rest should be on the way since the gums on the left, right and up and down all hard hard now.
My sharis also going thru this now I think. Her gum super hard and red n very clingy, cannot carry cannot put her down...don't know what she wants. Even have fever and runny nose but still haven't seen any tooth cutting out yet leh.
irene, how's Joshua doing today? Hopefully this will be over in a day or two.

jeng, hope Sharis gets better soon too! It is very stressful when they are clingy.

Last night, Joy had 39.3 degrees fever, and neurofen didn't work! So we had to go to the GP for the suppository.
Serena is also sick. Down with fever last night and diarrhea about 5 times already, just bought her to the PD. Gastric flu. Gotten it from dad. Good luck to us all this week..

Hope Joshua and Sharis is feeling better today.

What happen to Joy? How come sudden Fever?
Gal, looks like there's this bug going around relating to the stomach. Joy's fever also came with vomiting and the GP says that its a stomach virus.

How is Serena today? Is her fever better? Joy is back to her chirpy self today, the high fever is gone, left with a low grade 37.3 fever.
Hope Serena and Joshua and Joy and my Sharis will all feel better today. Last night she kept waking up but with eyes closed, turning round. I guess she was sleepy but not well so can't sleep. I carried her to pat her, she cried. When I put her down on her bed, she is not happy and cry too. Luckily we gave her a dose of paracetamol b4 sleep. If not the whole nite might be worse. Still not eating and drinking leh... now worse, 60ml every 2 hourly also can't finish.
oh dear, how come all the kids are sick
wish joshua, sharis, joy, serena all a speedy recovery!

seem like stomach flu is making its round again!

have been busy since yesterday trying to book thru jetstar for the cheap airfares promo to HK.. wa! the tixs selling like hot cakes. initially wanted to go in Jan, but by the time i decided to book last nite, sold out liao for the dates i wan.. so in the end, we are going in Apr
but i think they are not selling all the tixs, coz when i select the seats, most of the seats are still available. then straight after my booking, i went to check on the time and date that i have chosen, they indicated as not available anymore!
Just came back from PD. Joshua has some rashes since yesterday and there were more this morning so brought him to PD.
It's false measles so PD says will take a few days to go away and its not contagious. PD said that the false measles is due to the high fever few days back and it will make the kid super grouchy!

Mich, that day when Joshua's fever hit 39 degree, I immediately gave him a cold shower and neurofen and short while later the fever came down.

There's some virus going on...sianz...

Wish all the sick toddlers/kids a speedy recovery!!!
Serena also kena stomach virus. Heard this virus very strong. It can spread from parents to baby and vice vesa. So, please open as many window as possible so that Joy won't spread to all of you.

Serena's fever is like 37.4 and watery poo for almost 5 times. Joy vommitting also stop?

Sharis teething? U tried teething gel? any fever?

yes. U are right. This is what my sister is doing. Click and then no more tickets - click again then another round of tickets at 0 dollrs.

Serena also got fake measles - also due to high fever last time round. Seems pretty common for the kids. Joshua fever hit 39 degrees because of teething? Wah.. seems this molar teeth is quite 'stubborn'
Sweet, wow selling like hot cakes. Despite recession, people still travelling. How much did you pay for the HK tickets? How many day are you going for?

Irene, Joy also tends to get the fake measles after a fever. I found out about it from Serene's time so usually just leave it alone though it looks like rashes which is due to heatiness and I want to apply calamine lotion or something.

Gal, actually this virus was from Serene, and I also have mild sore throat so i think we all kenna the virus already!
irene, if kenna rashes after the fever most likely is viral fever and not coz of teething le. the rashes will clear by the 3rd day. trishelle also kenna that in May.

gal, that time when trishelle kenna stomach flu, she can LS for up to 8 times a day! but she didnt vomit

mich, i think jetstar is trying to keep some tixs for another wave of sale, coz when i select the airplane seats, the flight is practically empty. once i confirm, i go back to the sale page, they indicated my chosen date/time as NA. cannot be sell out within 5 mins mah, so actually not many ppl book, just that i think a few ppl book only, they close up the dates. we are going with my parents + granny (as a treat to them for taking such good care of trishelle), adult tix is $239 each and trishelle's tix is $100. we are going for 6D5N. tiger's tixs still cheaper but coz we dun wan to take ferry to/fro macau, so have to wait for jetstar's promo.

that time when trishelle kenna the viral fever, her PD did warn her of the rashes. she told us to leave it alone, no need to apply anything. so we just left it and it really cleared up by 4th day.
I also kena sore throat already.. Hope I am not next.

How do you go and select the airplane seats?
gal, after u filled in the details.. there's a button for you to select seats ah. it indicated that if u didnt select your own seats, they will just assign on their own
Oh got it. Thanks.. The flight which I am eyeing at seems to have about 17 rows of empty seats but no more available for selections.. Strange hor
Gal, oh dear, you also... take care! Looks like the airlines are holding on to the seats and not letting go. When are you goinng to HK?
you kena sore throat? Me too. Suddenly developed middle of last nite. seems like a virus is in the air attacking ppl.
U also... aiiii, not easy being a SAHM, let alone sickie SAHM.

Other mummies, please take more vitamin C to stay strong.
Yeah lor but won't be long(say 2-3 days just to spend birthday with my hubby's grandpa) He is like 90+ years old so hubby thought why dun we visit him since it's cheap.
Wah...even mummies are going to fall sick. Please drink lots of water hor...and ofcoz lots of vit C.

Gal, no lah...the fever is not due to teething. PD said its some virus or viral...whatever.

Sweet/Mich, I was given a bath powder, calamine lotion and one bottle of anti-itch syrup.

Sweet, by 4th day ah...sianz is 2nd day and I can see that there's more rashes and I forgot to get a certification from PD to say that Joshua is ok to go for GUG. If his cheeks got alot of rashes tomorrow then I have to go back to get a certification from PD.
Hung, you still want to try for no.2 so cannot go back and work leh...

Could it be heat rash? Or is it dirty?
gal, so which mth u going to HK again?

irene, tat time our PD told us to leave the rashes alone, it will go away on its own de. trishelle didnt kenna the rahes on her face though, mainly on body & legs and she didint seem bothered by it. by 4th day, totally cleared, so should be only 1 more day for joshua.
Hung, show us your Paris photos leh... I can understand how you feel. When I wasn't working, I missed working very much too. But, like what Irene says, have no 2 then work again will be better. If rashes without fever, could be just heat rash.

Irene, the PD won't charge you again for getting the cert?

jeng, get well soon.

My throat is mildly sore and I feel kinda tired. Think I definitely caught the bug from the girls who are now totally well.
Sounds like you have a good time and also good chat with your DH in paris.

Your gal got a fever before the rash too? If it's no fever then it could be dirty/heat rash or allergy?

U planning to try for no 2 ?

Planning for 2009 april. U?
Gal, when I read your post to Sweet, I thot you meant you are going to TTC April 2009! Then I realised you meant that you're going to HK in April
Mich, I don't think will be charged. But I won't be getting the cert already since Joshua's cheek doesn't have much rashes.

Sweet, since the PD gives me those stuffs so I use on Joshua. I think it helps to make him feel more comfy too.

Gal, no make up classes for GUG. Actually no point to make up too since the lesson is different.
