Anyone TTC in July 2006?

Maybe this is too early to talk about this now, where do you all think is the best place to buy maternity.. Hoping to talk about some positive things to keep postive vibes coming to all

hi gal

i like suntec! actually i have hop in to see see look look liao... hehe... spring & cloud9 maternity clothes very nice
Hi sweet,
What are nice maternity clothing to wear? TOP and BUTTOM or a full dress? I don't wish to look old and haggard..
Spring and cloud9 : do they have a website?
You can use the article posted by gal as a reference, it is quite true for my case except for the position and boxer shorts.. hee hee..

As I am quite big size, I can only find maternity clothes in OG when I am preggie with #1. The prices are reasonable too. I don't believe spending a lot on maternity clothes coz only wear for a specific period of time.
Hi JasTan,
Are maternity clothing in OG expensive? what is the average price of a maternity top?
hi gal

i saw a few trendy tops like baby doll type.. very sweet and nice
i think i will get a mixture bah... but i prefer wearing skirts.. coz i am short, so quite difficult to find pants (always got to alter).. haha

i dun think they have website leh...

hi jas

icic... thanks!

btw gals, just went toilet and discover that i am having the EWCM!! but alas, hubby on biz trip.. will not be home tonite
Hi gals,
Actually, I hope to go BKK to shop for clothes. Even thought of once know I'm preg, will take a plane there. haha.....

I go lunch now. Cont. later.
Hi Sweet,
Hwere did you see those baby doll girls type? Like those tubes or?

Hi April,
Is it very much cheaper to get maternity clothing from BKK? Isn't it dangerous to take a flight during 1st trimester?

I do have a friend that spend about 1.5K on her maternity wear. This makes me shock. I am not willing to spend so much on maternity wear esp only wear a few months.
hi gal

in spring and cloud9 lo... hehe... got spaghetti straps one, not tubes...

think it's normal to spend that kind of amount.. coz maternity wear not cheap... a top costs ard $50 then quality bottom ranges from $80 to $100+.. but if u r petite, then can buy normal clothings in L size
can save quite abit
Hi Sweet,
hehe. Thanks for the information..

So expensive.. if so, better start saving hard for mommy's fashion
since I am not petite.
Hi Sweet,

did u take any special juice to get the EWCM? My AF just ended last few days, today is CD11. But noticed the CM is cloudy look, and bit yellowish. Is it normal CM? i just bought OPK but thkg to use it from CD14. Duno will it be too late..
hi gal

sale time is the best period to buy.. 20% off!

hi patty

no leh, didnt drink any juice, but every mth i will get CM, just that i didnt go and notice the texture and color.. but just that i saw it really transparent and stretchy kind! Today is my CD15.. too bad, hubby not ard....
Hi sweet,
Will go and look look see see..

Talking about CM, maybe you can monitor how long your stretchy last for this time? Will your hubby come back in time tomorrow?

Is it true that after EWCM finish, when CM is creamy and stick again, BD around that time is not so advisble if want to be PG?
Hi April, I saw lots of cheap cheap and nice maternity stuff in BKK... especially this place called Pratunam market. Everything less than $10 per piece.... back then so tempted to buy and keep for the future but didn't lah... should have hor... ha ha
hi gal

i was just about to ask that!! haha... whether when we have EWCM, does it mean that O is coming or already ovulated? He will be back tomolo nite
dunno in time anot...duh...
hi sweet, I think during preggy time got test for rubella... but not for chicken pox... many kinds of test I think also got HIV test... cost me $88 I remember
Hi gal,
Yes, it's much cheaper cos of the exchange rate. Can buy a lot. But after that they said 1st tri cannot anyhow buy. So, best is wait till after 3 mths. If can, go after 1st tri. hehe....

Hi Mich,
Luckily u din. Cos it's a taboo. Cannot do that. Anyway, it may go out of fasion if keep too long. They oso got one bobae market. Must go as early as 5am. Then can see alot to buy. Cos wholesales market. Wow, miss BKK so much.

Hi Sweet & Jas,
I thot if see that means O already? Like eggwhite rite? I think I've O but I still have not seen any CM. hmm.... My temp and OPK showed O.
hi mich

u mean the $88 is for the tests u did before pregnancy or it was done during pregnant?

if i have chicken pox before liao, will it means tat i m immune to it oredi?
hi april

i just check out Baby Center... we are considered most fertile on the last day when we see EWCM, this is my first day... hopefully the EWCM will still be ard tomolo... haha...
Hi Sweet,

I read in fertility friends that EWCM appear few days before O and maybe a couple of days after O. Actually can feel it lah... few days before O, u will be less friction during BD

Speaking of maternity wear, anyone heard of maternity exchange? I remembered they were being featured in one of the episode of channel u's xin xin mummy. They allow mummies to rent their maternity wear. Thinking of checking them up when i get preggie.
hi pageup

is it? then i better go read fertility friends

yup, i have heard of it.. but heard that the rental charges also not cheap..
hi sweet,
1st tri, cannot anyhow buy? Old wives belief? If so, not PG better don't buy - sometimes it is easy to buy and get things organise before you are PG

What is maternity exhange?
Hi pageup,
Do you have EWCM before and after? I noticed for myself I have EWCM not stretchy and then EWCM can stretch.. Wondering if there is any differences
hi gal

huh, 1st tri cannot buy ah?? but then i heard some gers at 8 weeks oredi cannot fit into normal pants and skirts liao... need to buy leh.. i oredi bought some baby dolls top liao.. hehe...

i just called a GP to enquire about the blood test to check immunity against rubella.. the nurse told me rubella is rare, actually no need to test... so i dunno whether wan to test anot...
Hi sweet,

It's a myth. But sometimes juz choose to believe. No harm. Ya, some gers nid to buy new skirt.

They said when we in P6, we already jab against Rubella. So, if dun want, can dun test. If want, can oso test, juz in case.
hi april

icic... see how when preggie.. coz my clothes all quite tight fitting one... so dun think can wait till after 1st tri then buy... haha...

anyway, i have confirm with my preggie fren, she said that blood test to check immunity to rubella is also complusory as one of the blood tests taken by preggies
Hi sweet, the $88 test was when I was preggie. It consists of triple test (for down syndrome), rubella, HIV etc cannot remember liao. If u have chicken pox before, then you are immune for sure already.
Hi sweet,
If you do have chicken pox before, you are immune to it. For my case, I wasn't sure....

Hi All,
something interesting to ask all if anyone got little pimple-like bumps that have become more noticeable around my areola? Also call this Montgomery's tubercles....
Please advise?
Hi April,
Areola is the area that surrounds your nipples and montgomery's tubercles is the pimple like glands that is in the areola..
I am just curious how many gals out there got this before AF?

A question about BBT - a dip means O approaching right? a RISE may mean you are ovulating or you have already ovulated? Am I right in saying that? So how do one know if you are still ovulating or have ovulated?
hi mich

icic, thanks!

hi gal

i didnt notice whether it happens before AF.. but occasionally i do see the little bumps

hi april

that's great! so high chance to strike this mth!
Hi gal,
ohh.... I see. I din notice too.
From wat I know I only can tell whether O or not. Cos the dip I have is very small diff. But this is only my 2nd cycle charting, I oso cun tell u much. Sorry.

Hi sweet,
Have worked hard last few nites. Hopefully strike.
Hi Sweet and April,
Hmmmm.... you both also didn't notice... then I must be abnormal .. aiiiiiiii
Hi April,
I will wait until my AF arrive to see if it is still there. If yes, might then go gynae and check. Still two more days then AF is due........
Hi April,
Hopefully lah.. just like me also waiting for your good news...
Anyone here strike, we all will be happy

Waiting, waiting, waiting hehe.
hi april

wow, good for u! we havent even start to BD these few days coz hubby away on biz...but today he is coming back liao!
Hi gal,
Me waiting too. Still got 2 weeks plus to go. haha.... Now, juz enjoy do other things. Going to do hair rebonding next week.

Want to be pretty pretty before pregnant.

Hi sweet,
oh.... so u looking forward to tonite? Must dress nice nice sexy sexy. On the romantic light. hehe.... That's wat I did last nite.
Hi sweet,
Wear sexy sexy lingerie and colour that hubby like.

Hi April,
still got another 2 weeks.... be patient and then think of more things to do.. This two week waiting time was soo long for me this month. Do rebonding is a good one, contiune give one another ideas so that 2 weeks don't seems two years. hehe.
hi april

yep, looking forward and mainly coz i havent see him for a few days lioa... hehe... yup, i will put on his favourite lingerie

hi gal

how long is your usual cycle?
Hi gal,

As tmr my hubby nid to work whole day. I thinking of go shopping. hehe....
Actually recently got tummy and bigger. So have bought abt 4 skirts at one shot. haha.... So exciting. But all from This fashion, cheap cheap. And I bought M size, juz in case.

Hi sweet,
hehe.... woo.... All the best. Enjoy. ;p
hi april

tomolo, most probably will get my hubby to do the thalassaemia test in the morning.. then evening having dinner with my parents outside

i am just praying that he wouldnt last min call and said that he cant come back today... it happened before....
Hi April,
My CD is like 28-30 days. u?
Bought 4 skirts in one go, you are treating yourself very well.. Hope tummy is bigger and bloated , this means got chance huh

Hi sweet,
He can't come back? So your hubby job sometimes don't come home type?
hi gal

my cycle ranges from 29 to 32 days

sometimes he need to fly to HQ in Japan for meetings or other plants overseas...he does fly occasionally... and these trips will last from 3 to 5 days lo
They have different price ranges from 20+ onwards. They have casual to those more formal type. Sometimes they have special promo for some design and can be quite cheap.

I think I have what you mention leh. But actually what is that I am not so sure. Is it normal?

So you can BD these few nights since it will be the best time to do so.

You must make full use of tonight then.. enjoy..
Hi gal,
Mine is abt 25 days. hehe.... I scared the real reason is, I put on weight. haha.... Eat too much.

Hi sweet,
How u endure when he's oversea? I mean missing someone is very suffering. haha..... Hope my hb no nid travel. So far dun have.

Hi Jas,
I've already O.

Hi April,
25 days, this is very short. So, lesser waiting time for you

I also scare put on weight. If put on weight then PG then not so bad.
