Any mummies stay at Toa Payoh?"

Hi All Mummies,

I'm new. I'm also staying @Toa Payoh-Kim Keat Link. I've 2 kids.. a 2003 girl & a 2004 Boy. Nice meeting all TP mummies here..

Hi Lisa,
Welcome to the TPY club!

Hi Nicky's mom,
The reason why I wanted to get a flat in TPY is the savings for the feeder bus. Though my hubby is driving but considering that when my son grows up, we dont have to give him so much pocket money. Haha. Oh yes, TPY is better than AMK because AMK is further away from town. So more savings for your petrol. I dont mind bishan as there's a junction 8 there.

It's very diff to get one that the reno suits your taste. Most that I had seen had complicated design that I dont like or outdated design. i prefer something strict forward and nothing fancy.As simple as possible.

me staying at toa payoh lor 1. have two gals (3yrs and 4 mths old) and i'm a full time homemaker.

btw, where is appletree??
Hi Pooh,
Apple Tree is nearer to kim keat. If i'm not wrong its at lor 7. Bus 238 goes there. Maynot be convenient for you.
agree pantone.. Simple reno.. maybe a properly done up kitchen..

Any mummies have tried the "i can read" classes? any feedback?
pantone, my elder son no longer a baby.. ahaha.. i'm getting worried cos he could not get into Pei Chun and only got into first toa payoh primary.. so am thinking of "brushing" up his language so that i can change school for him when he is in primary 2.

Poor son of mine.. i think he's under a lot of stress from me..
hi nicky's mom

i'm bringing my elder gal to I CAN READ this coming weekend for assessment. the teachers need to assess her in order to put her in the 'right' class. heard that this programme is gd. will be registering my gal for mandrain class also..

your elder son now alreadi in primary 1?? i'm aiming AITONG prim for my gals...hehe
Hi Nicky's mom,
Oh ic. So your son borned in the yr of dragon. Which school are you switching him to? Will consider st. andrew? But what are the school's criteria if you want to switch him?
pooh, my elder son is going primary 1 next year.. My son did the "assessement test" last weekend and the teacher says he can go to the class meant for Primary 1 and 2. But she also suggested it's best he can build some foundation by going for stage 2..

Pantone, i checked with pei chun and was told that if they have a vancany, the child will need to go for entry test.. I will consider any other good schools around toa payoh area as long as it's not first toa payoh primary..
Nicky's mom,

One of my friend had send his boy to the "I CAN READ" class at Woodlands Civic Centre. It's seem to be not bad.... Now my frenz's boy will communicate with us in english and would want to my frenz to bring him to library....

The teacher are patient the class size is quite small too. I am sending my boy for the trial classes too...
hi jowin,

does "I CAN READ" have trial classes?

actually my son can read.. my objective for him to attend the classes is actually for him to learn to write in full sentences and write composition..

pantone.. today i go see an EM in Hougang within my budget.. i like the place, but hb say cannot buy cos the unit is at the junction of a road.. hb say all the good and bad luck will all go into the house.. and the owners of the seem very unhappy and my hb found some beer bottles in 1 of the rooms.. hmm.. i didn't realised maybe cos i liked the reno the moment i enter the place..
Hi Nicky's mom,
If you are int in EM, maybe can consider bishan. I saw one near the junction 8. Nicely renovated, perfect location. But I dont really like Em. Got to climb staircase and my son is still young. Afraid that he will fall.
Dont be too stressed out about the P1 thing. For me, I would prefer my son to go to one that has a primary and secondary school. So easier for him to enter a "good" secondary school. My first choice is st andrew and second choice is maris stella. Hehe but my son is only 20mths.

What's this "I can Read" thing? How does it work and for how old?
Pantone, me interested in those houses with big hall and plenty of bedrooms.. haha.. kitchen small nvm cos i only cook instant noodles.. Oh and many toliets too... haha

"I can Read" is an enrichment class that teaches children to break up words (phonics) and read. But i realise my son always break at the wrong places.. eg. OFFICE supposed to break as of-fice. but he will then break it as off-ice. headache..

For my younger son, i haven't started thinking on how to teach him.. anyone has any idea what i should start with? he's already 13months...
Nicky's mom

Yes. They do have trial class and have various location.... One of the centre is at Novena Square.... You can call and check with them....
TPY thread move to here liao?? I'm a TPY mum for 1 year when I stayed with my parent-in-law last year. I have a 27 month old boy. Now staying at tampines (my mum's) due to some reason. Am moving back to TPY in 2008 when the new flats at TPY central completes. Hmm, i got a 4-rm unit at central thru balloting. Managed to get 1 that's above 35 storey. It's very expensive costing $265K and miserably small. Only 75 sqm. Now regret a bit liao.
hello mummies...

Where have everyone gone to today?? Haha.. Today's a stressful day for me.. all my hair turn white already..

Hi Jesebelle..
lucky u.. i won't mind paying that price for that location.. somemore brand new..
Hi Jesebelle,
My cousin got 1unit through balloting but its only at 5th floor, but its abt 90sqm. His selection date is the last few days. So left only low floors. Your unit is a bit small. But dont worry, you will definately made $$$$$$$ after 5yrs. Maybe just do simple reno and if its really too small for your family, can shift out after making profit.
Hmmm.... now already paid deposit, so no matter what, must stay first then see how. Lucky we are small family. Don't intend to have more than 2 kiddos. My selection day was also towards the end of the selection period. When I went, what's left were only the 75sqm ones and a few low floor 90 sqm ones. My hubby loves the high high floor, so got a 75 sqm unit lor.

You so fast eyeing primary school already huh.. Anyway, I am also eyeing St andrews and Maris Stella for my boy. If the 2 above fails, then I will go for Pei chun cos my in-law's place is just opposite Pei Chun. My hubby always say I am very kiasu

I was in this year's Primary One registration "fight".. haha.. Seems to me that St andrews and Maris Stella is not as popular as compared to Pei Chun.. Pei Chun was left with 30+ vancancy for those within the 1km while Maris Stella still has 100+ for the same phase. So likely if u can't get into St Andrews or Maris Stella, u won't be able to get into Pei Chun too.. Also, Toa Payoh area is not within 1km from Maris Stella..
Hi mummies , for Peichun , have to stay within 1km , how bout , if the kids mother is from pei chun last time , will have better chance ? ha ha
Nicky's mom
Really huh, Pei Chun so popular huh? Hope that when it's my boy's turn to enrol there will be lesser children. Anyway, heard that 2004 is the year with the lowest baby born :p Seems like have to re-rank my choices then :p

White Lady
Of course if one of the parent is from Pei Chun will have better chance. Cos they get to register their children in an earlier phase.
White_lady, Jesebelle is right.. There is a phase before the 1km (cannot remember which one already) for ex-students. I think you may need to present your report card or something.. not too sure.. you can check the moe website for the phase..
Hi jesebelle n Nicky mom ,

Thank for the info .. but my baby only 6 weeks old .. ha ha ... still got 6 more years before going school ,me so kia su !
Hi Nicky's Mum,

Maris Stella is not within 1km, what about 2km? And what at St andrew? is it within 2km?

I think the reason for less vacancy for Pei Chun is because there are more HDB flats compared to st andrew and maris stella.
If i did not remember wrongly, Maris Stella is within the 2km from my block @ lorong 8. I did not check St Andrew. You can call the school to check.

Another thing.. I find Maris Stella is quite inconvenient for Toa Payoh residents. Maris Stella may also be within 1km for Potong Pasir and S'goon residents.
White_Lady, r u taking Fenugreek? I've got 1/2 bottle left to give away cos stop b/f liao but it opened 9 months ago.. Expiry is 2009..
Hi mummies,

Is there any nursing rooms at Toa Payoh Central that u noe of ? cos i'm having a few day courses at HDB Hub so need a place to express...Thanks !
I don't think so. But you can try those cleaner toilet located at the HDB office. Qute inconvenient to nurse my girl when I go Toa Payoh Central.
Nicky's mom
Forgot to ask you, what school did u register your child for primary 1? Other than St Andrews, Peichun and 1st toa payoh, there's still a Westlake primary and a Cedar Primary school in Toa Payoh's zone. Not sure where's Cedar pri though.
jesebelle, Westlake in TPY? No leh.. Cedar also never come across.. Is Cedat a girl's school??

I registered him @ 1st TPY primary..
Nicky's mom
My colleague showed me a printout from an MOE website for primary 1 registration. The website where it tells you how many vacancies left for the phase. Then I saw Westlake Primary & Cedar Primary in Toa Payoh zone. According to my Sister-in-law, Westlake primary (or is it Bradell-Westlake Primary) is near Lorong 4, the SPH Building there... I really have no idea where Cedar Primary is.
hi mummies

i was formerly from westlake primary. but i tot the schl has closed down liao?? its at lor 1 near SPH.
Hi mummies,

Heard that Robinson and John Litte are having Storewide Discount from next week onwards.
i was frm cedar pri, its near joo seng. right next to cedar girls actually. plus i think school has a new building. frm TP interchange can take bus no 155, abt 15mins journey
sorry but juz saw ur question. juz enrolled my eldest daughter last mth, abt 3mths after she turned 3yrs. she's in nursery 1. in a way i wld say its a childcare but i'm only sending my daughter for half day, thats frm 9am-12pm. maybe when she's in kindergarten 2 i will start her full day to get used to longer hours in primary school...
Hi mummies..

Not sure of the Cedar Primary school... I was eyeing @ Pei Chun only.. sigh..

I just came back from a short trip.. Didn't plan, just pack the kids, my dad and mum (before we drove off, they call us and joined in too) and drove off to Genting, KL and PD on friday evenind.. Haha.. was fun and everyone enjoyed except my poor hb cos he was the driver, the atm machine etc..
Any mummies staying at Lor 5, Blk 35-37?

Any mummies interested in babysitting co-op? Means we can take turn to take care of each others'child for etc: to run some errands for a couple of hours. My baby is 3mths now. Those interested pls pm me for further dicussion.
Nicky's mom,

Im currently staying at Lor 2 TPY, sounds like it is ideal for what you are looking for.. big hall, 4 bedrooms and the kitchen aint too big
Mine is low floor too.. got it 2 years back for low $400K.. our flat is about 11 yrs old

Though I dont really like the surrounding areas, find it a little too dirty, but it is really very convenient, 10 mins by train to reach orchard
hi hunniepot,are u a SAHM? me at lor 1.hehe

btw, are u the one who also BP GAIA products few months ago??
Hi pooh,

Hehe.. so you shld be staying just across the street from me... no lar.. I didnt BP for the GAIA products.. bought a few to try though.. how do you find it? I dont quite like the soothing lotion.. find it too sticky on skin... but the shampoo and baby wash is good
hi hunniepot

i mean ur buy in a bp of GAIA products few mths ago wif a mummy call bbloveme???

i think we ever email each other b4 leh...hehehe

i quite like all the GAIA gals using shampoo, body wash, moisturizer, soothing and the powder !!

which block u residing? my block very near beatty sec.
Hi pooh,

Oh.. I remember liao.. and I asked you for her no cos I forgot to pick it up from her right?

As for the soothing cream.. I prefer the california baby's one... not so sticky..

Im staying next to yellow pages building
Almost got a flat ard your area.. but the unit we viewed is too near the main road so didnt get it...

hu hunniepot

ya. so we actual knw each other liao...hehe.

oh. i used to go blk 116 for the long que yong tau hu. hehehe.
