Any MTB staying at Ang Mo Kio

Event: Mar/Apr Kids Birthday Outing aka AMK KIDS' OUTING!
Date: 13 Mar (Fri)
time: 4pm onwards
venue: Bishan park (near Skateline Stall)

1. jolene n mireille
2. julyclover n alex
3. timminbuzz & ethan
4. burger girl & Usyair
5. ice & cheri
6. wendy n emmanuel
7. babylynn n sylvia
8. Tinkerbelle n Erica

clover and i wil be nearby the playground by 4pm. so look for us. if cant find call either of us ok? should it rain i'll sms u the alternative plan.

Wow, time flies.. Tmr is the day.. See you all mummies!

Poor Mireille ....

I rem my cousin bit me when we were young, I was older by 10yrs old.. Quite scary.
mummies, i'm having a running nose n a mild sore throat now. tomolo might have to kiv.
unless u all dun mind...
<font color="aa00aa">thanks mummies for e gatherin yesterday abit rush(ve to pick my son)
but is nice to se e little cutie ,,

too bad i miss e birthday cake...haha i shld ve ta bao(take away) :p</font>

great that u all enjoyed,cant join u all yest,to do hair clips on our own for bb,where do we buy the basic hair clips without any decoration?i got the ribbons,but dunno where to get the hair clips,any 1 noe?
it was great meeting up with all the mummies &amp; darlings!
tinkerbelle great seeing u after such a long time!
thanks jolene &amp; clover for organising and providing the yummy treats for babies and cake for mummies.
<font color="aa00aa">piglet,

for enfa milk here is e new pricing i ve

enfalac-$35 x 12tins
enfapro-$33 x 12tins

nowsaday drinkin milk is like drinkin gold so EX
heard from my fred they increase 2 time per yr...</font>
morning ladies, thanks for the gathering last friday! i truly enjoyed myself!

jolene and ashley, thanks for the treats!

i will be on leave this thurs, let me know if any of you are free for a gathering again.
el has just visit the polyclinic for assessment last sat. he is now at 8kg and 71.6 cm long. weight gain is not much but at least at 50%.

re: milk powder
i was telling my hubby that i am thinking of converting el to nespray when he turn 1... it will be cheaper than the infant brands... hmm...
jolene, no worries on mirelle... gal should be petite, lots of advantage! look younger than age, look fragile so always have guys to help them with heavy things, etc.... hahahaha...

el better have more bulk as gals are getting bigger frame these days...
hi ladies...
E is still having runny nose &amp; cough. took him to PD today. wah piang! cost us $91. and he has like 5 different types of meds. poor boy. he has a mild viral infection &amp; eczema.

he is 8.2kg today. no wonder my back is breaking. haha...
timminbuzz, sorry to hear that ethan needs to visit pd today. hope that he will get better soon.

wow... ethan is heavier than el, el is definitely a feather weight lor.

rearing a child is definitely not easy these days... sigh...
Hi ladies, I'm new to this thread but I live in the Bishan area... how old is everyone's kid(s)? I have a 15 month old and a 1 month old...
hey timminbuzz
Ethan is even heavier than mireille!! i am not worried long as she is she wil be a cute mouse!

if u dun mind leaving ur number wif me, i will text u if we do go bishan park. usually weekdays cos weekends r more for papa and child bonding. btw, r u SAHM or FTWM?
hi angie
welcome to the thread! come join us when we go bishan park! like jolene, we usually go on weekdays, cos weekends are family time &amp; also cos we're SAHMs.

jolene &amp; wendy
he only started putting on a lot more wt after starting solids. he is a lil rubbish bin. anything also OK! haha...

ur mir &amp; el are both OK wt too! don't worry. they all plateau after a while. E will definitely plateau too.
Fantastic! I'd rather not publish my mobile number here cos it's so open and pple who are just browsing thru the thread can easily copy it for whatever reason. My email is [email protected]

Jolene, would appr if u could drop me an email and I'll let u know my mobile number

I'm looking forward to going Bishan Park - usually we just go for walk in my estate, so will be a nice change for my son. We were last there 2 weekends ago cos we had lunch at The Canopy.

I'm a FTWM so am trying to treasure my maternity leave now!!
There's a taka fair going on now right? Have any of u gone - and is it worth visiting? I went for the one last yr. Don't think I'll be interested in buying toys cos too many at home.
hi angie
o i wasn't abt to ask u publish ur number here. u could PM me. i've emailed u my number. i had a short browse of taka fair...the toys r not cheap. the best deal i think is the maclaren stroller, 98. diapers r not cheap either.
<font color="aa00aa">wendy,
for mosqitoe bit u can apply Bactronban is gd for cut n open wound cos got anti batic

i got from enfa saleman so not to worry abt e product n we are gettin staff order submit by 25 mar...

for block nose u can try using Karvol,decongestant capsules just apply on his pillow or anythg can he can smell..quite effective for my girl &amp; boy...

hi angie welcome to e thread...
Hi LAdies,

Nice meeting all the mummies and babies last fri. Thanks Jolene and Clover for orgainisng the mini party and thanks Jolene for the thoughtful gesture of bringing food for our little ones.

Nice seeing u too. Time flies, now Ethan so big already. How is he now? Still sick? Where u took him to see the doc? If PD I think should be normal rates bah. Thats why my hubby nowadays always ask me to go gp. He said cheaper. Somemore tt time when Erica was down wif Bronchitis, the med from gp work rather than from pd.

One mummy told me tt u can use steam to unclog the nose. Juz on the water heater to the highest n fill a tube wif it, close the bathroom door and let ur baby breath in the steam.

Welecome to this thread!

Check wif u ah, issit possible to call Enfa to ask for samples or not? Cos my hubby said change Erica's formula after one cos we compare the FM and realized tt Enfa and Similac seem to have more vitamins and minerals inside compared to Friso so my KS hubby said whichever has the most nutrition and suitable for Erica, juz drink that. Cannot stand him sometimes. -_-

Now still got the Maclaren stroller, 98 or not? I wanna get a lighter stroller for my mum's place so I can be more mobile when I'm staying there. Cannot tahan the carrier for too long cos my back will break.

I was abt to ask u all if u ladies been to the baby fair already and wanna go together or not. Haha. I wanna trade in my Avent bottles for Pigeon ones cos Erica outgrow the 4oz ones liao.
can call enfa for sample. tel is 1800-345 5213. if taka fair runs out of that maclaren stroller, there a shop in AMK hub selling it for the same price. it's Spring on 3rd storey, near to minitoon.
how do i 'pm'?

The canopy is an aussie-style cafe at bishan park. i realise there's 2 bishan parks right? i'm closer to the one with the spa - havent gone to the other bishan park yet
yes jolene, i saw your email! yday was quite busy sorry din reply yet
yah...he's still sick. but much better! no more coughing @ night in his sleep. and runny nose is slowing down.
i brought him to PD cos the meds from GP didn't seem to work. i usually wld jus take him to GP. but after 4 days...cough got worse, nose very i thot better go PD, b4 it gets much worse. thank God he's better now!

talking abt PD, i'm thinking of changing PD to a PD in bishan. highly recommended by a friend! cheaper, shorter queue and much better bedside manners. haha...
angie, welcome!
i live along ave 1 and near the park with the spa.

you can pm by click my name and you will be brought to another page with a button that you can click to indicate that you want to pm.

tinker, your hubby really read all the milk powder nutrition panel.

tim, glad to hear that ethan is doing better.

as i will be on leave tomorrow, i am thinking if want to take el out or stay at home. hmm... sms me if anyone is up for a gathering.
hello mummies, can I join your thread ? I am living further north, in yishun. I am SAHM and my boy is coming 20 months this march.
hi mami
of course u r welcome to this thread!!! hey do u bring ur boy for swimming? we can do that on weekdays next week
for block nose u can try using Karvol,decongestant capsules just apply on his pillow or anythg can he can smell..quite effective for my girl &amp; boy... u can buy in wartson or gurdiance
Hi Jolene, thanks. wow all these mummies are so adventurous :) I cannot handle my boy alone for swimming leh. Plus he got lao sai last week so I am still monitoring him this week.

I am trying to look for 2 hours playgroup for DS around my place but not successful so far. So may opt for enrichment lessons just to keep him occupied some days as he seems bored at times. Anything interesting in Bishan or AMK ?
Hi goodbb, how old is your bb now ? ya i just want him to have some playmates and get used to attending lessons just to be ready if i should decide to send him for half day or full day CCC later on.
