Any MTB staying at Ang Mo Kio

hi mami
i've yet done research on the playgroup thingy. since i am at home wif her, i am learning to plan activity for her. so swimming is a fortnight thing that i am trying to do. next is painting. have bought a number of books to plan our "curriculum". getting hb to be involved too. see when u r keen, a few of us can gather at my place to do stuff
hey timminbuzz
i think ice or burger girl bring their kid there too. not sure is it the same clinic. hmmm, did u see Dr K at sbcc or someone else? heh heh if its someone else i likely wil second ur opinion
<font color="aa00aa">jolene/timminbuzz,
i go for Peace clinic at amk blk 453, look for Dr Hing or Dr Ram they are very nice doc, tinker also go there...their medicine is same as PD</font>
Hi Ladies,

Juz finish playing MJ. :p Now come online awhile. Tonite I panda liao.

Thanks for the no. I'll call them next mth for the sample. Hehe, fresher when I call at a later date rite? Hehe.

Thanks ah... I try calling. Anyone I should b looking for?

Phew, gd to hear Ethan is better. I very scare Erica being sick, cos I suffer the most one.
Which PD in Bishan is gd? Previously who u go to?

Haha, No loh, he said only. He wanna change but ask me to do the comparison. So imagine me putting the 3 tins of FM together and standing at NTUC comparing the prices n nutrition. -_-:

Jolene, Tim,
Yeah, I go to the Peace Clinic. I think their Med is gd. Usually I request for Dr Hing. Hehe. I very familar wif him liao. Got one time a relief dr overcharge me n I complain to Dr Hing and I get discount on tt visit. Haha... Cos usually I paid 20 plus to 30 plus and once tt relief dr made me pay 52 for common med. Den Dr Hing "rebate" me and tt visit I only paid 20 bucks for 4 med. Hehe...
Hi mummies, now Sylvia is 10months old. Do I need to bring her to PD for injection at 12months old or 18months or can go for normal checkup? Recently she's passing out motions with pain but the stool are pretty soft.. Wonder if its because of the food seasoning. Can infant tolerate soy sauce and sesame oil? sometimes, i lazy and buy the fish soup from the coffeeshop stall. Is this allowed? I only gave the fish but I cook the porridge myself.

I am also thinking of changing PD because I prefer the patient and meticulous type of service. I was thinking of going back to the first PD cos no GST but very Chinese speaking and patient. How is the service at Peace Clinic?
tinkerbelle, ice
i have a usual GP that i go to. he's very nice. near jubilee. my mum used to work there and he doesn't charge me consult, just base price for meds and i get discounts for jabs.
just that if ethan's illness prolongs for 4-5days, then i wld want to take him to PD for 2nd opinion. somemore this time, my regular GP was on leave. saw locum instead. so i got a lil worried.

it came highly recommended by a good friend of mine. her daughter sees the doc there now. it seems that wait is MUCH MUCH shorter, and prices MUCH lower compared to sbcc. heehee...

my good friend recommended Kidsclinic@Bishan.

u can go to a GP for jabs if that's wat u prefer. i usually take E to GP for jabs. it's up to u.

soy sauce is salty. it is recommended not to give salt &amp; oil to babies. cos their digestive system can't take it yet. her pain when passing motion might be due to her inability to digest them? maybe u wanna take her to PD and ask if it's ok? i usually just give E plain porridge and add in purees. maybe jolene or clover can help with this? alex &amp; mireillie are 1yr already.

hmmm...with regards to fish from coffeeshop stall. i personally wouldn't do that. cos usually, they will season the fish with salt and flour to make them tastier and smoother. and you won't know if the fish is fresh. cos the fish might be exposed for a while already. sorry ah... don't mean to scare you or anything.

actually, you don't have to buy fish everyday. can buy fish, separate into small portions and freeze. just defrost 1 portion each time to cook. i haven't introduced meat/fish for E yet. but i'm going to try this method when i start introducing meat/fish.

if i'm not wrong, peace clinic is not PD. it's GP.
Healthy Times
hey mummies...anyone interested to order? i'm thinking of ordering bulk again to get 15% off. trying to see if aug thread has any interests too.
hey timminbuzz
i wan food jar again!! too bad i stock up 4 boxes of cereal liao.

i haven't introduced salt or soy sauce or sesame oil to mireille. i intend to hold it for as long as possible. these items make our bb's kidney work very hard to purge them out. to make the food tasty, i would cook 1 week's amount of soup stock, purely veg and meat bone, put into small containers to freeze it, then take 1 portion at a time to cook porridge. even for chix or fish, like what tim said, i divide them into small portion and take what i need for that day and dump into porridge. it is not a lot of work. really! if u wan, can come my place and i show u how i do it.

o about sylvia feeling pain, try massaging her tummy clockwise direction daily, probably can help. also can try moving her legs in cycling motion. i am doing that daily as mir constipates badly.

the nex jab is MMR if u r not doing chix pox or Peumococcal, that 's 15mo.
Healthy Times
those mummies interested... PM me ur orders! i'll collate them and once orders reach $250, i'll let you we can get 15% off.
babylynn, I never add seasoning into bb food, esp. salt or soy sauce coz bb kidney can't process much salt still. they have a life time ahead of them to have food with seasoning, dun hv to start now lah.

regarding outside food, hv u tot of the hawker adding MSG into their food?

anyway wat's eaten is eaten. tomorrow can start afresh!

timminbuzz, I will skip the spree.
I also freeze my stock like jolene. I even steam some of the veg/meat, portion them out n then freeze. when I cook alex's porridge, I can easily pop out fr the container. just be careful dun overcook otherwise nutrients will be lost. I use baby cubes, bb food jars n ice cube trays with lid to freeze my food. hth.
u steam the meat b4 freezing in cubes? how long shld i cook the meat approx to not overcook them? how long can they last in freezer after being cooked? do you blend then freeze or blend after combining with porridge? sorry many qns. hee... thinking of intro-ing meat when E hits 8mths. and also trying to see wch method is easier.
yah I steamed b4 cooking. it's best to steam with skin on, be it fish or fruits. it depends on the cut. for leafy veg abt 5-6mins, a thick slab of fish abt 10 mins, apples abt 8-10mins.

better to use them within 2wks. I blend aft I steamed them.

I use the frozen food when I run out of options coz still best to give bb fresh food.

u can start E with pork, followed by beef or fish. chicken is always last.
hi ladies... sorry, after the initial 'hello' post, i think i disappeared. baby duties called...

i know this isnt the thread on nanny/babysitter but i shall try my luck if u ladies have any advice. also, i don't know if any of u are WFTM and have successfully engaged a nanny/babysitter for day time. we will need to, cos both sets of grandparents are not able to babysit.

as a recap, we have 2 kids (1 is now 5 weeks, the other is 15month toddler). I have a domestic helper who's been lookg after the toddler since he was 3 months old. as kids r close in age, helper would not be able to take care of both kids alone (my toddler is a typical boy) once i return to work after maternity leave.

do u have any contacts for good nanny/babysitter who can either come to my house in the day? or less ideal is for us to bring to nanny's house? OR... would any of u be open to such a situation yourself if u are a SAHM?

hubby &amp; i started thinking we'd need to get a nanny last nite after we realised our impending problem (both our parents said they cannot help us)... sigh...
hi angie
it is ok to "disappear"
as of now i dun hav any nanny contact. let me ask my fren and i get back to you. is ur 2nd one a girl?
hi Tim, Clover and Jol,

Thanks alot for yr advice..
Today I went to wet market to buy 1 week's ss of cod fish for Sylvia.. Actually I clashed with my grandma who felt that like adding abit of soy sauce and sesame oil makes it tasty and of no concern. I nvr want that but it happens when I was working, I left full authority to my grandma. Afterall, she was the 1 who brgt us all up. I am not blaming her or wad but Sylvia has taken a liking to salty food..So I tend to put abit as well. So when Syl had difficult time in passing motion, I got tensed up and pointed this out to her not give those adult food to her, we had an argument and she said its I who gave her the gripe water too much. I tend to give this to Sylvia each time when she sleeps abt 2.5ml or max 5ml 3 times a day.

Now, Sylvia has been passing stool without pain le but tends to give out alot of air n always poo first thing in mng at 6plus or sometimes 4plus.. *YAWN* I am thinking of potty train her?

I m thinking of following the suggestion as well. Now I tried to steam the fish together with the porridge, will this 'overcook' the fish?? I do put a bit of the mamite to the porridge to have bit flavouring. Perhaps we meet up again to discuss? It'll be easier.. :p

LAstly my concern is that sylvia is learning to walk with one foot pointing front and the other sideways outwards. Is this normal? Did I let her cruise too much by herself in the playzone? I feel like taking a day off for myself.. but no one helps me.. HAr... feeling bored and tired.. Bad mummy
<font color="aa00aa">mummy,
for those dat giving cod fish pls becareful of e bone cos cod fish got very fine bone...

wat are e timin u lookin at?and wat r e pay like..</font>
Hi Jolene, wah you plan activity for your girl, very good mummy, i can't seem to do that with my boy. It is always free play with him, just do what he wants, usually is driving his car or cooking or mopping the floor or just playing hide and seek, i stay with PIL so they keep him occupied when i need to cook or do chores. I would love to pick up some tricks from you.

Hi Babylynn, i agree with the mummies, delay the seasonings as long as possible, your girl is only 10 months i feel it is not advisable to feed her outside food. DS took the usual porridge till about 13 months and then rice, but he rejected his usual food soon after as he eyed our adult table food, that is when i would add a tiny bit of soy sauce, but if food is cooked by MIL then i got no control but i would remind her ...and as we do eat out quite often DS got a taste of more adult / hawker food. Maybe got my DH taste bud too, heavy on flavour sigh ... but when i do the cooking for DS i will try as much as possible to keep to natural food flavoring.
Hi Tim / Jolene
Yup, I would like to go to Jol's house. When is convenient next week?

Hi Clover,
Sure I will take a look at FB..

Hi Mami35
Yes, my grandma got the message and she had not said anything since yday. I noticed I must not have my meals together with Sylvia cos she will reject her food when she sees my food. Hope I can slim down.. wahahaha
babylynn, Sylvia very clever to know that your food tastes better than hers !! kekeke ... on slimming down, heee i am not back to my normal size, and not thinking of doing that either, i am eating alot heee

any one cooked millet for the little one ? I would like to include that in DS meal but dont know how it is like after cooking with rice, cos my rice is cooked but the millet is still a bit hard and crunchy. any help ?
hey mami
i got the activities fr books i borrowed fr library. 1 activity a day. that's all. can be as simple as learning to zip/unzip, walk to pick things up... i've cooked millet...gotta soak it before cooking. if we r mtg this week, u wanna join us?
I made some stock today using spare ribs, chicken bones, celery, onion, potatoes, corn, carrot n white carrot. brewed everything for 2.5hrs
Hihi Ladies,

So sorry I missed Alex Bday party cos the Isetan Delivery Guy came LATE. Supposed to be between 10-1pm but he called at 1 and said he can only reach 1/2-1 hr later. Sigh. I feel so bad...

Sorry ah, forgot to reply ur sms. I usually go back to AMK on Wed nite. Will stay there till fri nite. So when u free, we can meet up.

Hmm, as tim advised, best nt to give seasonings to baby before 1. In fact, even as adults, we should nt be taking too much seasonings also. That day when we dine out, my MIL wanna feed Erica with outside food when we dine out cos she said Erica looks like she wanna eat, I told her no and she refused to listen and try to sell me her experiences. *Angry* Lucky my hubby backed me up and said I know wat to give to Erica and Erica is taking very nutritious food at home and no outside food until she's older, den she stopped.

Nowadays when I cook for my hubby, I usually give him e soup from the stock I cook for Erica's porridge. It taste very sweet even without seasonings. U can try it...

U cook Millet is as replacement for porridge? I try cooking porridge with Lentils. Hmm, I dun like it cos it makes e porridge starchy. But Erica likes it. Does baby prefers starch or sticky food?

Re Soup Stocks: I cook them everyday when I am at Chai Chee. Haha, so when I go back to AMK, my poor erica survive on cereals. For the stock, I'll juz use the rice cooker and set to slow cooker to cook the soup every nite before I sleep, if not I'll cook in e morning for 3 hrs, den take out a portion to cook the porridge and the rest I'll give to hubby.

Usually I'll use Sweet Corn, Potato, Carrot as base taste. Sometimes I'll add in mushroom or soya bean. Once a week, I'll throw in some Dang Sheng, Red Dates, Wolfberries and Honey Dates to the soup cos I believe in the chinese medicine. I've asked the ppl at the Hock Hua and they said it's ok to give Dang Sheng so I just add in and I think it's gd. Cos last time Erica used to have alot of cold sweat and cold palms but after I started adding Dang Sheng and Red Dates to her stock, her palms are no more cold after taking it for about a month at once a week. So u ladies might wanna give it a try.

I was told nt to intro meat n fish to Erica due to her sensitive skin. So Erica's diet is mainly veges.
My mum told me that the TCM said best not to give white carrot and Cabbage to babies cos it's very "liang" and when we let children take too cooling when they are young, later stage very easy to develop asthma one. Hope u not offend by this...
Jolene, Clover,
Ask u all ah, When should I stop blending Erica's food? THis fellow hor, She still like the smooth consistency kinda food except her biscuits. When I give her potatos tt are mashed and not blended, sometimes she gimme e wanna vomit look and refused to eat after tt. Only when I blend den she eat. Sigh, I headache leh. Cos I attended the weaning talk tt time and they said once baby got teeth can start to give little chunks to train them to start chewing. Sigh. How ah?
ur ger like mine, doesnt like chunks. so i'm waiting till she is ready. thanks for mentioning abt the white carrot. what abt green carrot and winter melon, any idea? my hb usually wont eat any of bb food. but whatever i cook wif stock, he will happily finish. i give her millet alternating wif white rice, brown rice or multi-grain. i'm gg try lentil soon.

About stock
i used almost the same ingredients as ashley. pressure-cooked for 20min, can make abt a week's worth of stock. look like i can try chinese herbs....make the stock even sweeter and tastier!
kelly, so near yet so far. haha~ for white carrot, I supp I give him only as stock so it's not tt bad? but I see yr point, will look into other ingredients.

jolene, sounds like this pressure cooker really saves a lot of time. wat's the brand and how much does it cost?

recently alex won't eat. at first I tot its the chye sim I added n made the porridge bitter. yesterday gave him sweet potato, pumpkin, tofu n pork. the porridge smells so good but! he still won't finish his food. after a few mouthful, he will hold the food is his mouth. I even tried blending it. haiz.
thanks for the tip! when can we try putting in herbs?

is alex teething again? i tink E's teething. tho' i don't see any teeth, tink his gums are uncomfortable and eating became a nightmare. so i tried feeding him cold cereals with my chilled BM or yogurt or chilled jar...and he ate it all up!!! read somewhere. i tink the coldness gives them some form of relief.
hey ladies, long time since i post... been very busy... yawn... it is another sleepy day for me in office.

tinker, thanks for the information in dang sheng and red dates, el also have cold and wet limbs. let ask my mum to try it on him.

timminbuzz, i have send you my order for ht. please let me know it is ok. thanks!

jolene and ashley, wow... you have been spending so much effort on mirelle and alex's food. i am so gulity of mistreating el's stomach on weekend. i just can't get myself to have the extra effort to do stock.
btw, mirelle and alex's presents are still with me. i was so uncoordinated that day to leave home just with el's diaper pouch, never bring the presents or even my wallet.

i will be on leave on 9 april. anyone free on that day to do any activities? i must bring el out to play with his peers since it has been a long time since he had this kind of activity. me a very lazy mum...
timminbuzz, looks like it. i felt something in his upper gum. shld be his no.9 teeth coming out soon. now aft 1 hr, he's still taking his lunch. it has turned cold lor. he just hold the food after every 3rd spoon... until he decided to swallow it and cough/sneeze everything out which is most of the case.
have received ur orders.
will email everyone soon. closing orders tonight. have reached min order for 15% discount.

i should be free on 9april.

wanna try chilled food? and see if it helps?

aiyo...dunno y E's been sneezing again. boohoo... sianz! and nose a lil' wet.
<font color="aa00aa">timminbuzz,
u got my order rite?

just to share on baby food, i've never blend e porridge before.usually i start cookin e porrdige on stove 1st then put into e slow cooker by then is very soft liao,i was told dat blendin will intro wind...

1) use bone/ikan billis to boil e stock
2) add vege like carrot/spinach/pumpkin/broccoli
3) scallop (blend into powder)
4) sometime fish
5) cordyceds (tong cong cao)

i also blend ikan billis into powder so i add to porridge to make it more tasty.</font>
Wa.. so many postings!

Yes yes, now we totally stopped the seasonings for Sylvia but today, she dun really want to eat the porridge. I steam the cod fish with beancurd with tomatoes and a piece of ginger.

As for the porridge, I just cooked it with water. Sylvia dun really fancy the vegetable stock I cooked. I got the receipe from the baby book. Added white onions, cabbage, carrots, mushroom and corn. But I am very stupid to cook it over the pot, then the water drying up! I should use the slow cooker.. Wa biang.. Think must see Jol's demonstration ,I blur blur. My ah ma dun really encourage celery and cabbage but I told her its for the flavour, not eating it, should be ok right? I also dun noe leh..

Blending baby food
Ice ar, I didn't know blending could intro wind, sounds scary! I do use blender to blend the mushrooms and the meat cos Sylvia is still bo keh.. (toothless). Sometimes her lower gum is red and sometimes, I can see the whitish line.. then I will get excited.. I wonder if she can speech correctly with no tooth.. hahaha, ya many mummies said should not worried, but Sylvia really dun gain much weight and always lose her appetite.. Miss the fatty Sylvia.

Ok I noted.. These two weeks got activities, I will sms you when I am free.
i show u the presure coooker tmr. let me see if i can borrow my fren's yoghurt maker then we make not so sour ones for alex. chilled it and add fruit. poor boy, must be very uncomfortable!

baby food
i didnt use slow cooker cos higher electricity consumption. as for blending, it is for seconds, so i personally think it is ok to do it. i hold off ikan bilis and dried scallop as the salt content is very high. only use it once in a while.
hey u hav given mir present liao and she is enjoying it. thanks to the board book, right size for her small hands, and now she can flip book well, page by page. she likes it cos i could sing the rhymes to her as well
thanks a zillion! i think i am freee on 9apr. wil think what we can do...if not we can go swimming!!
baby food
i also give half teaspoon of ground ikan bilis in E's porridge. but must wash and soak them well. so salt is out. and i blend the porridge a little also. E's not i guess it's OK! haha...

i read somewhere that try to hold off dried scallops till 12mths. cos it's a shell food, so might cause allergies. but if u give already and nothing happened, then shld be ok!

i'm using slow cooker also for his porridge. i find it so hard to monitor fire &amp; E. :D and i've outsourced the making of soup stock to my ILs. heheh... then i only need to freeze. i must think very hard on wat else i can outsource. hahaha...
got ur orders!

Healthy Times
i've placed orders! HT will get back to me on delivery day &amp; time. will send out email when they're delivering.
mummies ... abit ikan bilis is good cos for they have very high calcium. me also washed them and fried them the grind into powder form.
Jolene, sorry i dont check posts everyday .. when are mummies meeting again ? at least you make the effort to plan activities, sigh DS so active and has a mind of his own cannot even get him sing with me or actions .. that is why i am looking for playgroup for him

babylynn, maybe your DD just no mood to eat and not due to the seasoning and also she could be adjusting to the taste since she already tasted food with seasoning before
tinkerbell, how old is your DD ? you dont have to blend the porridge if you are trying to intro more textured food, just cook the porridge for longer or you blend half of the porridge. for my case, DS took textured food for a very short period then he advanced to rice .. i did not even offer soft rice as recommended by other mummies as when i tried he rejected, so i think it really depends on the baby so have to trial and error.

DS when he was moving off porridge also rejected mashed potato. Or if you are still blending porridge can try to add some very finely minced meat to give the extra texture but you DD must be able to chew to an extend to avoid choking.

Your girl got sensitive skin as in eczema ? DS has eczema and some food allergy such as pork, apple, cauliflower and carrot.
jolene, swimming is great. it will be the 1st time el goes to a pool. hahahaha... as i may not want to get swimsuit, likely i will be using a girl's one that my colleague passed me. hahahaha...

timminbuzz, you also free on 9 april. great! then, maybe i will collect the ht on that day too.
see what we can do. i am open to any activites.
just that i need to leave at around 5 pm as planning to go for maundy thursday service.
re: food

so far, el has taken most of the items discussed, scallops, ikan billis, vege, etc. he is fine and doing well with them.

as el has bad skin, so sometimes all the rashes and stuff on him, i also have no idea what is the trigger. but so far, he will recover within a few days.

as for seasoning, i have been reminding my mum not to put. just a bit hard to get that through my mil as she still think that el know what is fishy and tasteless. sigh... never mind as my mil only feed el one day a week.
hi mummies, can I ask where do you all buy those semolina, beetroot, etc? Cos I am looking at the baby recipe book, it says these are good for babies.

regarding dang shen

for those who has yet introduce it to the kids, please confirm with another physican. when my mil checked with fu hwa if can introduce dang shen, they say ok.
but when my mum ask her tcm physican friend. her advise is to hold till 18 months, only can introduce pao sheng now. when my mum ask why fu hwa say can, she says that the staff looking after the shop are just doing sales and could be without chinse medicine background. so, when possible, ask a tcm physican instead.

please note that chinese herb have grade, some grade is meant as tonic while other is only meant for normal soup. so, have to be careful on what to buy.
