Any MTB staying at Ang Mo Kio

Can I just check if any mummies' placing their kids in Kids Stars Childcare @ blk 565 or Little Genius at blk 470? I would like to change CC for DS #2. So would like to know more about the CC

thanks for the tip! i've also just read a baby recipe book and they advice to consult tcm physician before giving chinese herbs. i tink i'll hold off chinese herbs then.

from my book, it says u can buy semolina from indian or asian specialty stores. semolina is actually broken wheat. i'm gonna try ntuc hypermart later, cos i wanna get ragi flour. i look out for u. beetroot, u hv to try supermarket. not sure if ntuc has, but i'm sure the more ang moh supermarket (i.e. marketplace) will have.
I dunno abt the green carrot n winter melon leh. I help u go ask my mum.

Huh, Mirelle also dun like chunks ah? R u worried? Me worried leh, cos tt time I went for the weaning talk n they said by 8 mths or when e child have teeth, should start giving them chunks to train them to chew. Haiz. My Erica so lazy, like to juz swallow n dun like to chew. yet always go n bite other stuff. Sigh...

Wat my mum told me is if wanna use cabbage or white carrot, cook once, den pour away e water den cook again. This way not so "liang" but also means lesser taste lah. Haha... So I nv try. But I must admit add in white carrot n cabbage, e stock is really much sweeter.

U said El got sensitive skin, u might wanna take out scallop frm his menu cos tt time the PD told me shellfish, seafood are best avoid for sensitive skin. Den he knew I got eczema case, he told me I should keep off frm seafood also.

Sometimes my mum try to feed her rice, but mashed it, she takes, but as in if potato, carrots got abit of chunks, she totally rejects. Haiz. So I dunno is becos she dun like or she cannot take. COs she give those vomit looks.

I nv blend porridge, only the ingredients. The rice usually already very soft cos I cook them in e slow cooker for hrs.

SO far now haven discover any allergies, choy choy, but I also dun give her meat since e doc advise against it.

Re: CHinese Herbs. Huh, cannot give ah? If so far I give her, she taking it ok, issit ok to continue?
tinkerbelle, thanks for the advice on scallop. so far, the trigger is all external oriented like paint, diaper or medicine.

hmm... according to the tcm physician friend, every child is unique and we also don't want to give tonic that the child can't absorbing... plus, over "bu" will also have problem next time... or you want to bring kelly to tcm physician?
tinkerbelle, you are definitely welcomed to join.

btw, what should we do on that day?
i am open for any kind of activity.
9 apr
i don't mind swimming! but that's if E recovers from his cough. took him to doc again ytd. cos his cough, even after meds, just keeps worsening. doc says he has lot of phlegm in throat and nose is stuffy. but thank God lungs are clear. so hopefully he'll recover within the next few days.
oh! i found ragi flour in the mkt opp my place! anyone interested to try too? i'm gonna try ragi banana porridge tonight. heheh...
Hmm, I wanted to bring her to the yu guo at changi there leh, but my hubby dun like the idea of baby massage. Haiz.

U all swim lah, I help u all to look after ur belongings. Cos my skin condition ever since I delivered, seem to worsen, so I'll stay off the water. I dun mind help u ladies look after ur stuff.
oh yah wendy, i'm sorry that i forgot.

if we swim, it will be in the late afternoon. looks like no program now huh. unless u all wan to go fidgets?
Hi mummies

I am having a very difficult time. Sylvia has lost appetite on Monday and having diarrhea. Usually she has a lot of wind and will pass out wind, so her stools are very watery. This is usually the case when I tried her on fruits and ya, I only realised I gave her the kid's yoghurt after met Tim by chance on Monday.

I felt that the PD was not that caring and concerned as before. This was the first PD that attended to Sylvia and apparently he asked where I brought her for vaccination. I replied that brgt her to SBCC at AMK central. The PD wasn't professional enuff, cos it was past 12.30pm (closing time) and he was rushing thru the consultation and said that since Syl hasn't gone for rotavirus, he doesn't know what the cause might be and told me to bring her faeces 3 days later. With consultation and 3 types of medicine, its alrdy $87!! WA sey, so heart pain.

I only feed Sylvia porridge and Friscsoy milk. She only took 1 oz or 2 oz of soy milk each time. I don't know how long this will last. She has lost 0.2kg within days.. I intend to bring her see my family doc today. But her diarrhea has stopped. Now is her appetite..

Any mummies who have experienced their baby having diarrhea and lost appetite. Can share the experience? My grandma has been nagging at me, then I become panicked and worried!! I alrdy worried le, then my grandma kept saying this and that, I lost the confidence but yday I met my gf who is a mother of one, she told me dun speculate many thoughts cos this will last at least a few days.
that pricing is normal for PD. they're considered specialists. when i brought E to SBCC when he had a flu, it cost me $91. did u send sylvia's faeces back to PD? i tink he wanna test for virus/ bacteria. i tink u shld stick to this same PD till sylvia's diarrhea has resolved. when u go to different doctors, they can't track the progress and follow thru the case.

how come sylvia's on soy milk? is she lactose intolerant?

don't be too stressed! keep calm and see what the docs or tests say. if diarrhea stopped, then see how things go. it might take a few days for appetite to pick up again. same with adults. make sure she's taking enough fluids to replace water lost in diarrhea.
babylynn, probably u might wan to let e PD check the faeces and see the result. if still not recover mayb u might wan to seek 2nd opinion

tim .... typically pd would advise bb on diarrhea to take soy milk in order not to make the diarrhea worst.
babylynn, alex has an episode of food strike recently n bcoz he's active, he can do without sleep. dun eat n sleep + growing taller, as a result he's skinnier. aft bb turns 6mths, their growth rate will slow down. sylvia's loss of 0.2kg is nothing. she prolly lost water wt only?

my hb's relative came up to me at his bday party n said she feel cheated aft seeing alex in person. lol. coz he's so chubby in the photos. she must have made the same comment to my mil who had to share her recipe to cooking baby food in details when I shld be busy running about at the party. lolz. frankly, i'm like that 1% unhappy but I just put it at the back of my mind. alex is healthy so I won't mind too much abt his wt n wat ppl say.

i'm so long winded. lol. wat i'm trying to say is as a mother, u will learn what's best and what will work for your baby. dun be discouraged or run around like a headless chicken coz of someone else's comment. otherwise u will be stressed out.
eversince we visited the underwater world at sentosa, alex's been saying "eesh" for fish. the pl must have left deep impression on him. I think the entrance fee is $ well spent!

recently he added "bye bye", "pa pa" n "phone" into his vocab. quite thrilled at his achievement.
gabby's mum
ohhhh...ok. i didn't know that! thanks for info!

wow! alex's learning so quickly!!! so cute!!! next time i see him, i must ask him! heheh...
lynn, how is sylvia now? doing better?
i agree with tim on letting the same pd follow through unless it didn't improve after the follow up.

clover, i don't understand on the cheating part. hahahahaha... what is her problem? yes, as long as he is healthy. you can tell that relative that obsesity in young age will cost a lot of problem when they are older.

no worries about alex, el is more feather weight as alex.
is sylvia better? mireille's appetite can be pathetic. clover and tim can be my witnesses. so for a while, i feed her smaller portion and but more times a day. she is a xiao-bu-dian. not even 8.5kg at 1 year old. but as long as she is happy and learning well, i remind myself to enjoy her. i think your stress came fr the nagging u receive. u gotta not let it affect you. today sylvia loses some weight, but she'll gain back in no time. what ur gf said is right, dun think too much. o, did u return to PD abt faeces tests? what's outcome?
pictures can be deceiving @ times. when we went to collect E's passport, the immigration lady couldn't wait to meet him (my hb was carrying him up while i queued 1st). haha... cos she said the pic like very fat! lol! then after she saw him, she say "aiya...normal lah". hahahahaha....
Hi Mummies

Just to share....
Tupperware will be holding a party event on 10 Apr(Good Friday) 2pm to 4pm at Blk 259 Bishan(Opp Salvation Army).
Door Gift, Lucky Draws, Cooking Demo, Food Sampling, Special Buy on selected Tupperware products. Entry by tickets only. Anyone keen to attend, email to [email protected]

Have a good day! Cheers
How is Slyvia already? U dun worry so much ok? I agreed wif Jolene, usually it's all e naggings frm e older generation tt added stress to us. U juz try to one ear in, one ear out. Or else be like be, I talk back and said, My baby, let me try my way of bring her up cos every baby is different. U all have ur chance of bringing up your babies, now is my turn, let me learn ok? Den my mum n mil all will shut up. MUahaha...

Erica be sisters with Mirelle liao. She also another petite mouse. I juz try to think positive whenever my mil comment she so small size. Sometimes I shot back n say her son also nt very big size, if baby too big size, den ppl wun believe is his baby liao. N I'll add, later baby too big size, carry whole day back will break hor...

Must be very touching when u witness all e developments rite? Cos I feel very happy with Erica reaches another milestones also.

I ask u ah, Erica recently always says "Mama" or "Mum MUM". "Mum mum" I think she knows is eat cos she'll crawl towards me when I'm eating something n say "mum mum" but "Mama" leh, she see me she says, see me walk away also say, den play also say. So I dunno she's learning to talk or she's juz playing with her voice. Hw u test if Alex really understand the words ah?
at first they will babble without the actual meaning. when they look specifically at the object, you know they mean it.

he hasn't repeat bye n phone since!
Hi-5! on hindsight, i am thankful i can manage her better cos she is light-weighted
lately, i gave mireille slightly bigger pieces of food, like pasta and non-blended veg, she took them. but there were occasional reject too. so everyday is trial and error lah. tell myself not be negative. a fren reminded me it is more impt to savour my daily moments wif mireille than how much she eats. heh heh
Dear Mummies, if anyone looking for a home base professional infant care center@ AMK just drop me a mail for more information
just wanna to share some information

oh btw their service is quite flexible hours

[email protected]
Mummies, can I check, the price listed on fidgets website ($15/hr) is it for whole day play or for an hour play? How do they charge actually?? Hourly or....??
isabella, the $15 charge is for kids above 3 n unlimited. $8 for kids below 2.

mummies, just realised tt alex is parroting us. is this a common development for his age?
yes! that's how they learn....those that spend a lot of time wif maids wil learn maids' mannerism and language as well. my nieces were like that.
Haha, Den I am confirm Erica knows "Mum Mum" refers to eating liao. Haha... Cos everytime when we are eating, she goes "Mum Mum" and crawl towards us. But means she also dunno how to call "Mama" yet liao loh. Haha....

Haha, ^5! Yesterday I went to a birthday party and my hubby's cousin's baby, 1 mth younger den Erica also quite petite. Den she was saying Erica is taller while her's chubbier. I add in and say, haha, gals petite nvm, got more choices of bf next time. LOL. Den the mummy also agreed with me. Muahaha... Ok, I'm being abit bo liao trying to convince myself to be contented with a petite baby. :p

I also tried giving Erica less blended food like instead of blending potato, i mashed it so it'll be like chunks. She took it well, but some others like carrots, she dun like it. Hopefully she's nt as dreadful of carrots like me. So, I must force myself to eat carrots in front of her although I really hated it. I dun want her to be like me...
tinkerbelle, it's good to give bb a variety of food since they are young, like food that we dun like and even though its good for us.

baby talk
yesterday alex keep saying loudly "pa pa" to my hb during our car ride. hb said he feels so shiok. hahaa...
clover cute! he's learning so many words! yeah...and they always start with imitation. that's y it's impt for us to behave the way we want them to. if not, they'll learn all our wrong things. haha...:D

yah...i hate peas! but still give E peas, tho i will never eat his leftovers. haha... aiyooo.. so cute, all the bbs here are starting to talk.
morning ladies! what would you like to go on thursday?
we could do swimming in morning? or jolene, could we do painting?
hi wendy
we have not done swimming in morning cos quite rush. like gotta prep kids' lunch, depending wat time our kids wake up....mir stil wakes up at 10am. sure can do painting at my place! i've water color, marker and crayon. all are relatively kids-safe

any more suggestion wat to do this thu?
wow... mire sleep till so late. what time does mire sleep at night? if mire wake up at 10am, what time she take her breakfast and lunch?

my mum will insist on waking el up by 8.30 am for breakfast each morning. for me, i will let el skip lunch if he wake up late...
Good day ladies,

Yaloh, I try to give intro more while she's young cos I read that once they start to learn more abt the world and more ability to express themselves, they will den reject alot of food tt is new to them already.

Haha, Yes yes, I also hate peas! Hahaha... But Erica haven try peas yet cos the dr told me peas are highly allergy food, so ask me to hold until one cos Erica tends to have sensitive skin rather easily, so I'm more careful with wat goes into her.

Yaloh, I find it very cute when babies babbles. Only thing is they are very noisy. I feel so paiseh whenever Erica shouts in the public.

Jolene, Wendy,
Erica also sleeps until 10 plus 11 like tt. Usually woken up by my stupid neighbour who plays the electric guitar tt is out of tune. She sleeps at 11 plus or 12 plus at nite. Sigh. SOmetimes I feel like changing her sleeping pattern but den becos sometimes we go out n only bring Erica back at 11 plus, abit hard to change the timetable leh.

Thanks for sharing the website! Haha. Looks great. But now I wanna get those blank flashcards cos I wanna write words like my baby's name, father, mother, and put our own pictures on it. U know where to get it?
