Any mtb/moms staying at Woodlands area?

<font color="ff6000">lynzi, Linda had mass email u all yday.. U give it a check.. she attached a excel sheet ..
U tt to me... the acct details r on stated on the email
keke.. cheers!!

miki, Linda had emailed to u also.. to yr hotmail acct.. keke.. do check.. if u gals dun rcd.. do email me at [email protected] &amp; I will fwd u the email.. thanks!!

Hi Lynzi and Wendy,

Thank you for your advice. I'm also hesitating to go to JY. Guess I better not. Mayb I will try to use not too harsh product for my scalp.

BTW Lynzi, can help me update me details in the list too? I have pm you.
Re: Maid

Does any mummies left maid n kid at mum hse?
My mum is looking after my boy(11 mths) now. However due to her leg condition, she seems to getting weaker. Therefore was thinking to hire a helper for her. As I'm giving her a little token every mth for looking after my boy, do I need to continue to contribute to her after engaging a maid? I'm quite lost with this situation. Therefore seek all mummies advice from here.
jane, i think it will be nice of you to still give some token to your mum monthly. I guess she will be the one looking after your boy most of the time whereas the maid help out in other chores... just a thought...
Hi Jane,

Good morning... My mum looks after my son who is now 4 years old. I hired a maid under my name but she is left with my mum all times and only goes to my place occasionally becos I also stay at my mum place. My brother and me give my mum an amt and let her manage the maid salary and levy directly.
<font color="ff6000">Yohoo.. mrning mummies!!

Pls ignore the attachment I posted.. keke I wanna post up the list on the recall pdts from china la.. but file too big.. failed... keke And over time limit so cant delete the posting.. heehee.. :p</font>
HEALTHY JUICES , wld like to share, frm internet.

1) Carrot + Ginger + Apple - Boost and cleanse our system..
2)Apple + Cucumber + Celery - Prevent cancer, reduce cholesterol, and eliminate stomach upset and headache.
3)Tomato + Carrot + Apple - Improve skin complexion and eliminate bad breath.
4)Bitter gou rd + Apple + Milk - Avoid bad breath and reduce internal body heat.
5)Orange + Ginger + Cucumber - Improve Skin texture and moisture and reduce body heat.
6)Pineapple + Apple + Watermelon - To dispel excess salts, nourishes the bladder and kidney.
7)Apple + Cucumber + Kiwi - To improve skin complexion.
8)Pear &amp; Banana - regulates sugar content.
9)Carrot + Apple + Pear + Mango - Clear body heat, counteracts toxicity, decreased blood pressure and fight oxidization .
10)Honeydew + Grape + Watermelon + Milk - Rich in vitamin C + Vitamin B2 that increase cell activity and str engthen body immunity.
11)Papaya + Pineapple + Milk - Rich in vitamin C, E, Iron. Improve skin complexion and metabolism.
12)Banana + Pineapple + Milk - Rich in vitamin with nutritious and prevent constipation.
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">VITACOST ORDER

I have not recieved any pymt.. pls kindly inform me if u have done the trf ya thanks alot!!
Will be ordering this Fri cheers!!

Miki had got yr email &amp; reverted.. thanks!!
<font color="aa00aa">eniale,
just discovered that linda's mass email has gotten to my junk folder.
will tt the payment to u by tonite yah!

can i check with much are the fees for GUG?
cos since right brain is still full now i tot of placing faiq in GUG first.</font>
Justyounme, very funi..that time when i bring my gal to polyclinic, they only told me abt 5-in-1 or 6-in-1, never offer me the option of nothing-in-1-aka-free option...

jane, my 2 sis are going to this hair treatment pl in amk ... one of them kena hair loss after no 1... they say can see the effects.... if u still can afford it.. its still good to give ur mom a 'token'...

bee, my hb is quite like urs too! he refuse to exercise then depend on muscle relaxant! what i did last time when i dont have bb is that i gave him masage (i attended many cc courses on massages)..but now with my bb occupying all my time..that is not possible loh....

clovy, i dont live near vista pt..i near by admiralty mrt ..ehehehehe
Hi Mummies,
I'm new in this thread....I stay in woodlands St 41...i saw lot of mummies selling milk powder in the WTS thread do you all know how they get it..I'm so curious..hihi..
welcome mira.... and those newcomers that i have missed out...

what you all think about having some exercise activity for us ladies... maybe a run at admiral gardens or something... and let our hubby take care of the kids for a while... just a thought... we can do it on weekend morning (8.00am to 9am), once a week...

bee, man like to bottle things up within themselves... they dun like to pour out their troubles and emotions like we ladies... so they end up being stressed up... i guess the only way is to give him moral support and make him relax when he is at home...
Hi mira, welcome. At this time, I think better don't anyhow buy from source you are not sure. I am also curious how they get it ..... :)

Last night I went to NTUC, thinking to get fresh milk. Usually I buy farmland and Miji and I realised Farmland is not manufactured in Australia and Miji is not manufactured in Japan. The only brand I saw which is manufactured in Australa is Pura. hhhmmmm ......
Dear All,

Pls read below for your informations &amp; do not buy these products mentioned below:-

More products being tested

19 China brands being sold here include Magnum, Meiji, Walls ice-cream

by Tessa Wong

SINGAPORE'S Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA) has expanded its checks on milk and dairy products from China for melamine contamination.
The AVA said there are 19 dairy and milk products from China sold here. Among them are well-known products such as Magnum, Meiji and Walls ice cream, Rabbit milk candy, and Monmilk and Yili milk.


Dangers of melamine

MELAMINE'S level of toxicity is not very high, but it is known to cause urinary problems and bladder stones when consumed, according to Dr Leong Lai Peng, a senior lecturer in the food science and technology programme at the National University of Singapore.

It may also cause cancer, said DrLeong, adding that a research paper has shown that male rats exposed to high dosages developed carcinomas, which are malignant cancers.
... more
Daily imports from China


China-made dairy items sold in Singapore include ice cream from Youcan. -- PHOTO: YOUCAN


China-made dairy items sold in Singapore include candy bars from Rabbit. -- PHOTO: ST FILE PHOTO


China-made dairy items sold in Singapore include dairy fruit bars from Yili. -- PHOTO: AVA

Daily imports from China
· Condensed milk: Black and White (from Hong Kong), Diamond

Meng Niu Group, which produces Monmilk, and the Yili Group have been implicated in the scandal in China.
There is no China-produced infant formula or milk powder available on shelves in Singapore; however, manufacturers here do use un-branded milk powder and other dairy products made in China, the AVA said.
When contacted about this, Singapore Food Manufacturers' Association president Allan Tan said it would find out more details from AVA before deciding on a course of action.
He added that if needed, the association might send out a circular advising members to be wary of ingredients sourced from China.
The AVA has already advised retailers to yank a China-made dairy product from shelves - Yili's Natural Choice Yogurt Flavoured Ice Bar with Real Fruit - as a sample of it here was found by the AVA to be tainted with melamine - the chemical found in the tainted infant formula in China.
Customers who had bought the ice bar should dispose of it or return it, said the AVA, although it maintained that other products still undergoing testing were safe to eat.
AVA spokesman Goh Shih Yong said that it approves only milk powder products that are manufactured in establishments regulated by the authorities from the country of origin.
Imported infant formula products are required to be accompanied by a health certificate as well as a laboratory test report at the time of import to show that the products are safe and comply with standards.
Supermarket chains said they are following the AVA's directive and have recalled only the Yili yogurt ice bar, with no plans to pull other types of China-made dairy products from their shelves.
But FairPrice, the largest supermarket chain here, has gone one step further by recalling all Yili yogurt and ice cream products, said Ms Chong Nyet Chin, FairPrice's director of food safety and quality.
'As for other milk products from China, we have requested and obtained written confirmation from suppliers that the products are safe for consumption. As a precautionary measure, we have instructed suppliers of all dairy products to provide verification that their product is free of melamine,' she said.
Nevertheless, consumers here are not taking any chances.
A Straits Times check with 20 customers at three supermarkets here found that all are shunning dairy products from China.
Housewife Lilian Chau, 57, said she had stopped buying Yili yoghurt bars and milk for her two daughters and would stick to trusted local brands instead.
Housewife Celia Lim, 30, used to be a big fan of Monmilk but has stopped buying it since 'just to be safe'.
Mrs Lim said: 'The packaging makes it sound quite convincing, of how they manufacture their product and have collaborations with overseas companies. Now, though, I don't think that I will go back to drinking milk from China.'
Meanwhile, the AVA is also conducting further checks on samples of rice and other rice-based products from Japan.
This is in the light of the recent scandal involving Osaka-based rice miller Mikasa Foods, which was found to have distributed pesticide-tainted rice to a total of about 370 firms in Japan for edible purposes.
The tainted rice, imported from China, is designated for inedible purposes - such as in making glue or other industrial products - due to fungal contamination or pesticide residue.
Dear Mommies,
Any idea at this moment what brand FM safety??? Intend buy FM for my 13 mnth boy (smll package) for testing. Before tat he tried Pedia Sure but he not so like the taste.
Think better continue BFing don't know till when??? :)
Hai DB, your ideal is good. I only can do it on Sunday. my other children need to go for other classes on Sat. but have one problem...hihihi...don't know can wake up or not...

Hai Daisy, I agrees with you. i thought thoese mummies get it directly from the factory with cheaper price..I did ask thoese mummies but they refuse to share..hihiihi...
mira... hahhaha... ya lor dunno can wake or not... but I think maybe can because my kids all wake up ard 8am or so... see wat are others respond lor...
<font color="aa00aa">hi mummies...
finally i get some respite from all the baking.

good idea but i cannot do jogging.
the last time i jogged was when i was in jc.
that was donkey years ago babe!!
think got no more stamina now.
plus i think if i jog, i will just disappear into thin air...hahahaha!!!!!!!!!</font>
hi mummies,

i am new to this thread, staying in woodlands too!blk 893A, drive 50, have met Jessica Warrior at cwp gathering before,nice to know that there is this thread for woodlands mummies, i have a 8yr old son and also a 3months old bb boy
Hi All Woodlands Mummies..

I am new here.. Im staying at Woodlands Drive 16, Blk 575.. Currently im 6mths pregnant now due in December.. This will be my 3rd baby.. Anyone has any usable baby products or items no longer in use to pass to me? I dun mind going to your place to collect it.. My 2nd child is turning 6yrs so the gap is there and im a SAHM so a bit on budget till i get baby bonus.. hahaha.. PM me if any mummies do have ya... Thank you..
good morning, all mummies.
welcome Julie and Fennie. I'm also a "newly" here. just join yesterday...

Fennie, I had extra things milk bottle and some baby clothing etc. do you want it. I can give you if you don't mind 2nd hand.
morning to all mummies

Thks for the info, mimosa.

Hi bee, today is already Thursday. So, hang in there as weekend is coming!!!!!!!
Good morning mummies!

*eniale* (eniale), just transfer the $ to you for the vitacost. Pls check. Also can pm me your contact details too?

Welcome mira_tan (mira_tan) - 8-2008, care to share how many kid you have and how old are your kids?

Welcome Fennie Tay (fennie77) and JL (julie_c), will update you in our Woodlands Mummies list and upload on Friday.
Fennie Tay (fennie77), are you ftwm or sahm?

JL (julie_c), can share all your 3 children's age and their gender pls?

Note to myself:
Fennie Tay (fennie77) - 3-2008 - ? - blk 893A, drive 50 - a 8yr old son and also a 3months old bb boy
JL (julie_c) - 8-2008 - SAHM - Woodlands Drive 16, Blk 575 - kids's details pending
<font color="ff6000">Hi mummies!!
I hvaing a bad red sore eye !!!! haiz.. been 2 days liao... cant even open my eye &amp; tears kep coming out.. sians!!

clovy, had replied ur email ler..
I had put my contact over thr.. heehee.. Got the funds too!!

WELCOME all new mummies who have joined us!!!

lynzi, hahahhaha... i also long time never jog.... I think the last time I did that was when I was in polytechnic... i was thinking for light exercises like brisk walking or use some of the exercise equipment in the park and at the same time meet up with the mummies here.. just a thought... maybe i will do it in October bah to try out myself... need to exercise to keep healthy lah... kekekekkeke...
