Any mtb/moms staying at Woodlands area?

Daisy, you stay woodlands? curious, why you send your girls to the sch in Bishan?? So they have to wake up she go to school.

nowadays student feel that they know what they are doing..this is what my elder girl told me. My elder girl feel I'm don't give enough freedom. cos i expect her to let me or my Hubby know her whereabout. and must reach home by 6pm.. but she said her friend's parent allow them to reach home by 9pm....that why now she is not happy with us.

Lynzi, so you are a malay?? I went to that thread and trying to understand what are they talking...hehehe.. i can't really read Malay...

let me know if you know new place....
lynzi, you are one lucky mum !!! Enjoy your F1, the most we can do is try to find any loopholes to listen to the F1 cars and smell the petrol ! Hahaha ....
True lor, and sometimes, I am lost, whether to treat her as kid or adult or half adult half kid, 半生熟 (half boil egg). HAHAHA !!

Mira, yes I stay in woodlands. Since I was ex and its a good school now, so I send her here. Every morning, wake at up 5am, school bus fetch her at 5:45am. She already get use because started morning session since P2.

9pm, I think its too late. No matter how, a family must spend dinner together. This is the only time everybody get down to meet each other and talk. That's why we are trying to control now since she is still "controllable". And my hb's prespective to her is very clear "No talking about freedom until she proves to us she can handles situation well". Recently many issues prove to us she cannot handle situation and she now kuai kaui follow these rules we have set.
lynzi/daisy/mira, totally agree, now the kids are not so innocent anymore. we were quite 'sotong' last time... even though I have some friends who are lesbians... but they nvr really do anything physical... quite sometime back, there was a news about a P4 gal and boy have sex and the gal got preggy... and gave birth to the child... can you imagine that... sigh... the only way is to educate them about sex matters and keeping our finger cross...

mira wow, you are a muslim convert... my hubby too... but my hubby is vegetarian so we need to eat vegetarian food when we are out... :) I only know good vegetarian restaurants... hahhahahah
1) we have confiscated her hp, no more for her now and our intention is no more forever, (hopefully can lor).

2) no more msn and use of computers only if for school project which she won't have now because its exam period and won't have it after exam because its sch holidays. If want to play games, can play PSP or tamagochi or whatever lah, as long as no computer games.

3) housework chores coming soon immediately after PSLE

4) she wanted to go to a classmate birthday party and strictly NO

I know they might sound strict but my hb say if we don't start now when she is still afrid of us and when she is still "controllable", it would be difficult when she reach sec school. We are trying out this method and hope would work.

Do these rules sound strict to you all ? Mummies, give me some opinions, thank you !
daisy, good rules. will keep them in mind... but me and hubby tell ourselves no hp and PSP/X box/Playstation for the kids till they finish sec school... dunno can or not by that time... my hubby actually want to get Playstation, but I told him cannot. i got a student who is obsess playing games that he eats and play game. never sleeps or even sleep every late everyday. in class fall asleep. when his mother confiscate the game set he get pretty violent till he wanna whack his mum... we suggested that he go counseling due to his game addict problems... so now i so scared...
<font color="aa00aa">my sis said i'm becoming more and more like my mum.
isn't that scary?
cos i told her, just like what my mum did for us, i'm not going to GIVE my kids hp.
if they want one, they can be like me and sis who save up our own money and buy one.
and of cos, no hp in pri sch.
i told my pupils last time...i dont understand why they need to bring hp when their houses are just opp the school.
cannot go out alone with frens in primary school.
when in sec school must reach home by 7pm latest, no going out on a school nite, can only go out with frens that we parents know and must tell exactly where he/ she is going.

now u tell me if i'm going to be strict with my kids.
i think i'm going to apply the same rules as my long as u live under my roof, u will follow my requirements.
to Daisy,ohhh wonder so familiar.cos last time I taught in Bishan,one of student asked me whether knew Aitong OR not.cos he studied there.Clementi is Nam Hua.

To mummies,F1 izzit nice?my husband got the car stickers,cos his work related to the F1,he said bring me tmr.of cos we not buy tickets.hehe
Daisy, your rules sound stirct to me which i feel is easy to state but is not easy for your girl to follow. In sec sch, the gang of friend is very important....(also in pri)If the gang of friends are "study" type, then is good for you and your chld but the gang are "playful and problem creater type" then you will have lot of trouble too. confiscate the HP is good but when they are in Sec sch. and all their friend have she will feel she is out of trend..then problem will come. Just like my girl, all her sch mate have boyfriend... she also find one for herself..and i caught once and I forced her to break off and i told her..this is not the correct time for her have it least must finish sec sch or Pre-U...but she said..." I need experience on all this to know what to do next time if not will be paisei if she don't know...see what she told me....and I told her...then kiss, hunging etc all need exprience, are you going to do it for the sake of experience. if you get yourself pregnant then How? She said she know what she is doing.. I reply her if you get a boy whom are know how to tacker your weak saying " you don't love me that why you cannot allow me to torch you" so you might loss you mind and allow him to do whatever thing he want to do,in order to prove loving him. So I told her all these does not need experience, you will know how to react when times come. by then she will grow up and mindset has change.
I feel we must know when to be very stict to them like "fly kite"... sometime must let them go out with friend but once you feel their attitude change or something not good..then you must "pull them" back. must let them know their freedom is in their hand depending on their behaviour too. In sec sch, sometime you don't know where are true that the sch is having actitive in sch..and the sch they don't have letters to notify the parents. sometime have to do some "guess game" with them...some time will hit the nails..and have to pretend that we know and start digging more information from her mouth which she don't relaise it....and they will curious how come we come in that she feel that they don't give their privatcy...she feel we reading her things and check on her...that's lot more lah....
*eniale* (eniale), I got your hp no. Thanks. How are you feeling now - your right eye?

Fennie Tay (fennie77), put you as FTWM bah. Wendy Sim (wesim) also like you work at home and looks after kid while at home.

Wow, so many postings...let me see which topic I can reply to chit-chat abit..

daisy (daisyt), I feel it is too strict and harsh for your gal. If all the while you have been practising this toyour gal then its ok..But if you implement these rules out of sudden, its like all her freedom gone she may react very rebellious. But then this is up to individual lah. If you gal is copying fine with your rules then good lor.

Here is the updated list. <center><table border=1><tr><td>

Woodlands_Thread.rtf (11.6 k)</td></tr></table></center>
Canot upload excel file anymore cos can only upload 50kb file only and my list in excel has exceeded that..
lynzi, I guess because you have seen a lot of these cases and hence you have this this thinking. Its normal.

I guess different child reacts differently. That's why we are trying different methods and see what is best fit. We parents are also learning and experimenting :)

Thanks for all your opinions but if there are more, please contribute. Thanks
<font color="aa00aa">ND's girl,
welcome welcome!!!

yup i guess so.
at the end of the day, all parents will want the best for our kids.
of cos we will not do things to harm our kiddos.</font>
hi daisy,
Your rules are pretty strict granny tried to impose the rule no. 4 when i was a teen, but not successful becos i rebel and tell lots of lie.
when i was a teenager, i was very 'creative'. Sure, go ahead and impose rules, but i would find a way to break them.

My point is kids are smart, don't underestimate them.
wendy, that is the scariest part of parenting... i lie alot too when i was young... sigh... so worried now abt my kids next time...
hihi lynzi, wow u are a teacher? can learn some tips from you regarding parenting/teaching.

Sounds scary that kids nowadays start bgr so young! I cannot imagine next time my girl like that i will faint!
wendy, agree they would find a way to break them. I was telling her that day "all the thing you are going thru now, we have ... "pause" ... seen many such cases." I nearly phew out and said "we have done that too" ! Hahaha .... OK lah, who never tell lies to parents but now our role is parent and so we have to guide them lor.

So mummies here used to be rebellious kids ... don't let our children know about this thread ! hahaha ......

OK, I feel better now.
<font color="119911">aiyah...hi to all mummies again..

I've miss out a lot huh..didn't chat here as I've started my temp job at kk.</font>
<font color="ff6000"><u>VITACOST ORDER</u>

Mummies who have placed order with me &amp; linda... pls take note..
I am orderin the items now but for the (Nature's Way Sambucol For Kids Berry - 4 fl oz) there is a limitation of 12 qty per order..

We have 19 qty excluding my order.. I need to check wif u gals if prefer to amend some orders or prefer to order in 2 batch then total shipping cost divide among all buyers?...

Pls kindly advise ya...

Thanks for the attention...
<font color="aa00aa">nd's girl,
im EX teacher.
has resigned in june.

haha...i just tt and emailed u then went in here and saw your post.
i can amend mine back to 1 instead of 3.
anything just email me yah cos i wont have time to log in here, will be going out to my parents place today and to F1 tomoro.
<font color="ff6000">MornIngS MummIeS!!

Juzyounme, Thanks MUCH dear!! yupyup thats my #2..

lachesiz, uhmm cant har.. ops... I only got this link to give friends to vote ler..
alamak... U can try to search by alphebetically &amp; go to M..@ page 10, she is the one wearing pink keke... TIATIA</font>
<font color="ff6000">Wendy, thanks alot dearie.. keekee.. :p

Mimosa, hihi mrning... thanks so much!!

clovy.. kekee.. hopefully.. keke after applied for e contest then know theres so much of participants.. keke mild chances.. :p..

daisy, keke thanks alot!! hehehe..

bee, yohoo.. keke.. thanks dear!!
kawaii.. but not the mummy.. :p

I have send a mail to everyone except snowqueen, as the email bounced back.. checkin if u gals wanna change the order or would wan to order in 2 batchs? in which 2 shipments will be divided among all ppl..

let me noe asap ya.. cheers!!</font>
<font color="ff6000">Juzyounme, heehe thks thks.. now very notti galgal ler.. :p

mira, hihi.. mrning..
thanks so much!! me not sellin keke.. ordering for mummies.. u can view the items at
we be sharing the shipments.. they r gettin the Childlife Colostrum -- 50 Gram powder &amp; Nature's Way Sambucol For Kids Berry - 4 fl oz Let me nor i fu r also keen in gettin ya.. cheers!!

jane, keke Arigatou!!!
Hmmm..2 batches more xpensive shipping leh. If that's the case, pls drop my order. *eniale* (eniale), hope this is easier for you and remember to return me back the $ yor. =)
<font color="ff6000">batman, keke.. ok noted the right email addy.. :p:p.. I didnt order from vitacost b4.. thus cant advise much.. the shipping cost depends on the packagin &amp; it will charge the same way as VPOST charges except that there is no based charge...

MIKI : Proceed with ordering
lynzi : Can amend her order to 1qty
batman : ok to order in 2 batches
clovy : Dropped her order

clovy.. keke had replied yr email..
<font color="ff6000"><u>VITACOST ORDER</u>
MIKI : Proceed with ordering
lynzi : Can amend her order to 1qty
batman : ok to order in 2 batches
clovy : Dropped her order
Linda &amp; frd X2 : Proceed order

I have got the reply.. &amp; will proceed wif ordering later after lunchie ya..
