Any mtb/moms staying at Woodlands area?

<font color="aa00aa">morning mummies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thanks dearie!
btw, better for u to go see doc cos it can be infectious.
scared will infect your children when u come in contact with them.

hahaha...if brisk walk or exercise equipment then im onz!
but my hubby said i seem to have more stamina brisk walking at orchard road..
<font color="ff6000">bee , what happen? din slep well yday night har? ya today Thurs liao lor!! another 1 day and comes e wkend..
cheer up!!

Not yet.. wanted to go today but thinking since tml bringing H to gd for injection then mus as well wait til tml mrning then shub bian see my eye also lor.. now much better.. the worst feeling is always in the early mrning when I open my eyes.. very painful!!.. I only wearing left side contact lens heehee so weird.. :p

I still have not rcd some of the mummies' funds..(except Miki &amp; Lynzi).. pls kindly do so by today ok... thanks alot!! I will be ordering tml.. cheers!!</font>
<font color="aa00aa">eniale,
u siao hah?
your eyes sore can still go wear contact lens.
vainpot rite?
hehehe...we women and our vainities...
switch to glasses for the time being lah gerl.
if not will aggravate the situation.</font>
eniale, dun play play with your eyes. Agree with lynzi, switch to glasses.

I had experienced contact lens infection before and the eye has to bandaged for 1 week ! So swollen and red !

Lucky now I have already said "goodbye" to lens and specs !!!
<font color="ff6000">lynzi, wahaha.. bo la.. I oni wear left eye, affect eye is right eye.. :p but if i dun wear I can see... so i only using left eye to see now kekee... right eye half closed...:p I dun have spec leh.. yalor haahaahaaa.... I wanted to buy specs but now if do sure ned wait 3 days to collect right? by then my eye mayb recover liao :p:p:p... tml mrning go Dr Seow clinic so will get him to see for me.. keke...</font>
<font color="ff6000">daisy, prob is i dun have specs now..
kekeke.. U went to do lasik har?.. keke I keen of doing but my degree not very deep leh.. 225 both eyes.. </font>
i agree with lynzi, dun wear lens liao.
making condition worse leh!

enaile, nothing, too much things to get fustrated and irritated easily..mood no good these couple of days...Siannnzzzz....


Heng still got u gals to talk to..hai.
thanks, I am total breastfeeding, and have bought some avent bottles before i gave birth, but have been using milk bags to store EBM,bb clothes i have enough, bcos i only have those plastic drawers, and quite full liao, any idea where to get cheap kids wardrobe?as hanging the clothes is easier to know which sizes of bb's clothes he can wear at this stage, cos i realised some clothes didnt even wear, already too small when we dig them out

as i am working with my hubby in his interior design business, as a draughtsperson,using software to draw interior drawings,i told him either i stay home and work at the same time take care of bb, or ask my mum to take care &amp; bring pump to work, so he asked me to stay home, anyway, only need to work when there is work, if not, expenses will surely go up, having need to prepare 2 sets of bb's things if my mum were to take care, being mum is not easy, have to plan everything we do now, so back to SAHM or FTWM,i also not sure how to classify myself
enaile, yes I went for lasik. U are super ! No specs for standby ?

Chua, I personally feel its not a good idea. Friend once turn to be colleagues, can have many politics and conflicts. It would either affect the relationship between your hb and friend or worse, cause harm to your hb's work. Unless they are working in totally different area. Eg. your hb is in sales and the friend is in accounts, then can consider lor. Just my personal view.

hi bee ... I also have been very down for the past 1 week .. more of my daughter's problem.
1st child - Girl age 9
2nd child - Boy age 5+
3rd child - most probably Baby girl, not so clear during scanning..

To all mummies, hello and good afternoon..
Those FTWM, happy working, tomoro's Friday!!!!
I dun feel good as well as HB working night shift this whole week.. And i have to be cheerful when he comes home as he's facing alot of problems at work.. Have to think positive, lucky he didnt vent his anger at home.. If not..???
mummy JL, u r a strong and 'Titie' wife.
hmm, have to learn from you.

btw, can i ask wat makes u wana go for a 3bb?
u love childrens alot type?

im stopping at 1 so hmm, asking..
bee ... haha, you still haven't make up your mind. Not teasing you but more to cheer you up. :)

After seeing so many teenage problems from my colleagues and recently my own experience, I really feel that being a parent is soooo difficult. My hb also run out of wits and this is the first time I see him stuck with a problem. Looking at his "lost" face, sometimes would cheer me up ! To him, nothing has ever been a problem but this time, 考倒他了! Anyway we are still trying our very best. Sigh ...
haha daisy, u caught me!

now my boi 2.9yrs. i oredi oso feel hard being a parent, cant imagine he teenage that time.
This is from my friend.

Please note that the following coffee contains melamine which causes bb to die in china.

Indo Cafe coffee
Gold Roast low sugar 3 in 1 coffee mix
Super coffee mix 3 in 1
Mr Brown ice coffee
Aik Cheong Coffee mix
to Daisy,

we have a same morning he asked me wan to introduce his best fren to his company,they are in same field.cos my husband company is a good company,he hope his fren also can join.his fren wife is going to givr birth husband company can pay higher salary,that y my husband wan to recommend to him.

but I told him as wat U said.later,if my husband manager found his fren not suitable to the job,then how?

to Mira,wow..the youngest and the oldest got a big age gap.
Never mind, I found it in the deleted folder.
Actually just now I accidentally click "mark as unsafe" so it disappear from my inbox. So I tried my luck to see whether it's in the deleted folder and I found it now.
To Chua,
Yap..I having headache sometimes with them this year...most worried is the 2nd duagther,,,havung PSLE final exam in next month.

by the way, any one can recommend good halal resturatant
hi bee
Thanks for the info
will change to drink Kopi O instead of 3in1 liao...

Hi mira
You are my idol leh... 5 kids!
<font color="aa00aa">daisy,
your gerl still giving u probs?
kids at this age are eager to try out things especially if they see the rest of their frens doing it.
just monitor her her behaviour now.

sure gerl!
maybe we can also bring our kiddos go swim together...hehehe...

5 kids??
*jaw drop*
btw, why u wana know about halal restaurant?
nowadays halal restaurant also got many types...western, asian, fusion, korean, jap, middle eastern.
which type u want?
and specific area?</font>
to mira,
that rite.I also scare to got 2nd child.cos as parents we need to worry them for whole life.
Yup,PSLE is important,all my PSLE student stop for lesson to concentrate in PSLE,now so many prelim...

may I know wat is SAHM?
to lynzi, because I'm a muslim..a converted muslim hihihi...I'm look for Halal restaurants for my reference.

to Chua,
SAHM is Stay At Home Mother if I'm not wrong. others please correct me if I'm wrong.
all prelim should finish becuase PSLE will start 3rd Oct 2008 which is around the corner and my girl are still not studying hard for it... I heart pain....
Wah u praise me good wife.. Think all of us have a part to play as wife mah.. I just want to be supportive of my HB as he's the sole breadwinner.. My 1st girl taken care by her grandma so left me and my son only at home.. I love kids lah.. My HB say we are turning 30 soon so if we plan to have another kid must plan now.. A bit financially strapped lah but i always believe that tomorrow is a better day..
I mean life is short right so make full use of it.. Actually last time im working.. But too stress cannot get pregnant.. He he he.. Now waiting for time to "POP"..

There's alot of Halal restaurants available..;ccode=sg&amp;locationid=0&amp;classid=293265&amp;AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1

Try this link.. U may found it useful for urself.. Cheers.. Congrats.. 5 kids.. U r good and a super mummy at one..
lynzi... great got one kaki liao... anyone else keen... swimming where you always bring you bb for a swim? i brought my kids to safra yishun.... quite nice coz they got warm shower at their shower room so I can bathe the kids... :)
Hi JL,
Life is indeed short. If work is stress, find something else to relax. Don't bring stress back to home. I read from a book that this man is under a lot of stress from work. But, once he is at his home doorside, he will hang this make believe baggage on the tree. Then, he will smile and open the door to his family. I read this many years ago. Always try to apply this principle.
Morning Mummies

Yeah ! It's Friday

bee, i drink Super 3in1 white coffee... manufacturing in M'sia. In office drink nescafe 3in1
hi mira ! So I found somebody with teeange kids ! My girl is 12 and yes PSLE next week ! 11,12 &amp; 15, wow ! 3 at the critical age ! Salute to you !

chua, I also stop her piano lessons for 2 weeks.

lynzi, at this age, problems come one after another. They always have funny ideas and acts you cannot imagine. In fact she started to give me headaches at the age of 11. That time was girl-girl relationship problem. And now different set of problem. Everyday my and hb are discussing different strategies to cope with her, hard, soft, whatever methods we can think of. My hb told me, patience is very important so now I am trying to change my mindset.
Good Morning, Mummies.
Thank goodness is Friday.....I'm so boring as I had just change my job and now sitting in office doing nothing...that's why everyday go surfing net..hihihi....

To Julie.
thanks for your information.

to Daisy.
your daughter is in which sch? My girl in fuchun Pri. and she didn't do well in her perlim... worry on her PSLE....
mira, my daughter is in AiTong. She was telling me there are rumours saying this year PSLE Science would be difficult because the prelim Science was very difficult.

mira, you have msn ? mine is [email protected]
To Daisy,all my PSLE student stop piano lesson for 2 months.even got one next year take gr7 exam.
AiTong is in Clementi???

My other 2 twin students said Prelim is very important,whole month of September also prelim,1st week of October is PSLE test.They start to stop in August for preparation,they have no tuition teacher.but they study well.

To mummies,did anyone go Taiwan b4?how is the exchange rate?
<font color="aa00aa">F1 WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
woohoooooooooooooooooooooooooo...i'm so happy.
cannot wait to go and watch.

yup i know the things these not quite children but not yet teenagers up to.
had a headache every year cos i always kena teach p6 class.
nowadays even kids in primary 3 or 4 alreadi start having BGR.
my pupils always got a long lecture from me if i got to know about it.
during my 2nd year of teaching, i got info from another pupil about this couple so me and their form teacher went to the girl's house to check it out.
can u believe the p6 girl and p6 boy were found in state of undressed???
the girl had no top on.
we immediately took action.
the kids had to go counselling together with their parents.
i got scared when i think of my own kids.

in woodlands u can try the teh tarik near woodlands polyclinic.
can also go to the old woodlands interchange, got 1 nice all halal coffeeshop very near to sheng siong.</font>
Lynzi, Ya I know Teh Tarik and the one near Sheng Siong. there's one coffee shop near the road ( at the other end of Sheng Siong) the seafood also not bad...
are you in the other thread(malay thread) also. I think you guys talking abt skin care...are you the one.
lynzi, thanks for sharing this "horror" facts ! Scary ........ My hb said, the worst mistake parents can make is thinking their children are always the innocent, kuai kaui and its other kids that stray them.
And wah ! you going to watch F1 ? You bought tickets ? I wish I can go ... :)

Chua, AiTong is in Bishan, near to the Kuang Ming Shan temple, to be exact at Sin Ming. Haha, so I am not kiasu parent, I only stop 2 weeks before. :)

<font color="aa00aa">mira,
yup i'm in the malay mums thread.
for nice indian chapati u can try the stall in the hawker centre, opp the coffee shop near the road, the other end of sheng siong.

if u are game to try further off places i can also recommend u cos i'm crazy about eating.
me and hubby always wana go try out the moment we hear of any new halal eateries opening up...hehehe...

kids nowadays are not as innocent as us.
i can still remember when i was at that age i dont know so many things and yet the kids now are trying out things that they should only do when they are full grown adults.
hehe...the F1 tix i bought long ago liao...the 1st day tix are open for selling.
plus bought thru corporate bookings cos my sis working in today paper.</font>
