Any mtb/moms staying at Woodlands area?

Hi mummies

FYI, i had called up J&J last week. Apparently, all their products are safe. I thought i read somewhere that they have issued out a statement with AVA to ensure the public.

Hi juzyounme
oh...your company is still at 5.5 days week...very sian to go back on Saturday hor...

have you tried jobsDB?
Hmm... nowadays nothing is safe in this world... what ever we use there is sure contamination... we might now know now... but do we have choice? we can never be 100% sure...

food we eat also contaminated with all kinds of things... pesticide... genetic modified food... farmed fishes and animals are controlled hormonally to increase their biomass... did you know that many places overfishing has occurred? sigh the world is really getting old...
With this in mind, I suddenly feel that if having more kids in this world seems to be causing more harm to them. Very funny thought I have esp I like to have many children myself. Weird - something must be wrong inside me. Hopefully this is not depression, hahaaa..
hi hi all young mommies
i'm a newbie here, just chance upon this thread after checking out the bps..dun know if i am welcome here because everyone seems to have little ones so young.... but i am in Woodlands Dr 14 for 10 years
2 kids, 10 and 5 yo. Older one in Woodgrove Pri
and the little one kindergarten. i had a nice time reading the posts here...
clovy, i also have this kind of thoughts... plus with all the hectic life they will have in primary and secondary schools... i kind of worried... i really hope they will be able to survive in this kind of environment...

hi cakes_and bakes cakes... you like to bake?
welcome cakes_and_bakes
it's ok if u hv older kids...u can share your experience since u hv already gone thru those stages. y unhappy face with Woodgrove Pri?
clovy, db, as parents all we can do is to nurture, love & guide our children to find their place in this world as they grow and learn. Just take it 1 step a time, no pt worrying over things not within our control.
Hi mummies, I only use Aloevera products for my children, natural. Cos, now children can get cancer at young age..due to many reasons. Since I studied nutrition before, knowing the different now having so many instant n polluted products. Milk also hav problem..growth hormon injected into cow, end result, children againg(have period earlier)..hormon imbalance..etc.
good morning!!! Yeah, i love to bake and eat cakes! (and butter cookies)

aiyo, to me woodgrove pri vry tough, just my opinion. i am the traditional type when it comes to education la... i think too difficult la... but of course also i am not well educated myself
i am very confused about the way the syllabus they have in school now, so different from what we were taught back then; and always so many types of streaming and banding etc etc. aiyo when i attend the school talks i really can faint
not smart people like that one la...

Jo is right here.... growth hormone injection so common now. doctor advised dont take too much chicken. few years ago my niece already had her period at around 8 years old.
Mummy to PrincessA - ya lor. whether jobs db or jobs alert, doesn't seem to have sth that interest me. in fact, the job market is so bad now. it is easier to go through word of mouth than just applying. there are many pple competiting for same position.
hi cakes and bakes

Which blk u stay? I also staying at dr 14, im opp vista point.

U can share your experience with us.. let all of us here gain knowledge
gheee.... hi jasmine. i stay 517 leh.. just opp woodgrove pri... but i always go vista pt to get groceries. i like that area
got everything we need. just sharing bit of experience la...
my MIL also always go vista pt buy groceries. she mention some stuffs are cheaper than 883 plaza.

we just move here 3mths ago. =)
welcome to vista pt jasmine!
not everythings cheap here, if i have time and lots to buy, i would go to admiralty mkt
<font color="0000ff"> hi cakes &amp; bakes - welcome..
Seems like our community is growing!!!

Oh dear those food we eat got so much un natural stuff, sooner or later everything we eat is mot the pure form...
jo- if dun take chicken, then what food to eat for young children other then fish? ,pork also scard got the ebolah disease. beef got mad cow, chicken got chicken flu...
like not much to choose from now?

cakes and bakes, i also like to bake... heheheh...

now greens and toufu and fruits also problem... pesticides... genetic modified... in a long run dunno will it affect us... basically eat everything in moderations.... the world is really getting old... everything is contaminated... so there is no escape... just have to live with it...
Hi mummies.

Hi clovy
I will PM you the date of expiry for the Pigeon wet wipes. I am back in the office today.
Hi mummies, does anyone have a feedback on MMI at Vista Point? I'm planning to start my girl with their playgroup by January 2010.

cakes and bakes - ya nowadays edu sys so complicated and confusing with freq changes. I was working in a Pri Sch library once and P2 students have to standup and talk about a fav! During my time juz hv to guai guai sit in class and listen passively to the teacher.

Do u network with other mommies in the school to share info and get tips?
only talk with one or two mommies from the same school (same level), sometimes they teach at different pace... i also dun know why. same level right? pri 2 &amp; 3 some more got mega class la, good classes start from E,F la, then followed by G, H la.... and the least performing class is A... i think it is very demoralising if the kid from class A understands this grouping
can i just check with u all? those soft tip feeding spoon need to be sterilised?

Bloom - i have requested my boss to let me start work 1 hr earlier n go back 1 hr earlier. so that in time to fetch kid. but my boss not exactly v happy w arrangement.
<font color="0000ff"> juzyounme, must see whether the spoom can be sterilized. otherwise just pour with hot water after wash.
at least your boss alllow,, just have to proof you can still perform your job well even though the time is change. anyway you still be at office the same period of hours. That what i dun like abt spore companied &amp; boss. AS long as we do the work finish, it doent matter how many hours we work, our productivity is not based on time... doesn mean you work OT mean you does your work very well... but sad to say this is the practise in many companies on Spore
i called kinderland to kpo abt their toddler childcare from 18mths onwards. after govt subsidy it's $630. i did check with a private operated childcare 2 blks away from my blk, they charge $250 after govt subsidy. why such a big price difference? is kinderland really good? But kinderland on Sat will end at 1pm. i don't think i can be in time to fetch kid.

becky_cat - hmm, i think the pigeon brand spoon didn't say need to sterilise or not. i think just hot water will do. my boss comes in late n goes off late, that's why she doesn't like me to start n end early. btw, i wanted to check with u telon oil with every diaper change... use until baby how old?
juzyounme, kinderland is a branded name that is why the price is so much difference... by the way my fren did complain that her son cannot even read at K1 when he was with kinderland because it seems that kinderland focus more on creative work etc... so she pull him out and teach him how to read herself... within 2 months her boy can read liao.... i believe most childcare on saturday will end at 1pm...
Hi mummies and welcome cakes and bakes to our Woodlands thread.

Agreed with db that everything we eat have to be in moderation. Even organic food is not 100% safe.

As for primary school, my cousin and her husband (both teachers) told me to be extremely careful in my selection. If i have to let my girl attend a neighbourhood primary school, it has to be the best.....gosh! So mummies, which neighbourhood primary school in Woodlands is the best??? Admiralty Primary? I sian liao leh....have to volunteer my service to the school.....
hi juzyounme
Branded school like Kinderland, Learning Vision, Cherries Heart etc are not cheap. When you look at the curriculumn, they tend to offer more e.g. Kinderland has music lesson that is conducted by a Yamaha teacher, Learning Vision uses an Australian program etc.

But, it does not mean that your child will learn to read when in such branded ctrs. Most of the time the teachers are busy taking care of the kids, rather than checking to see whether the kids are really listening.
For me, i have decided to put my girl in the childcare ctr when she is about to turn 4years old, just in time for nursery. I would rather she attend enrichment classes now and me teaching her at home as i can the result.
<font color="aa00aa">welcome to new mummies!!!!!

guess what..i went to LSH open house last week and being kiasu me and hubby registered faiq for the 3 hr playgroup there to start in Jan 2010.
my hubby said nevermind, just pay first to book a slot then we can decide later if we want to carry on or forfeit it.
we still have to check another 2 more schools..Eager Beaver @ Safra Yishun and Phyllis Riccia @ Woodgrove.
will start faiq on playgroup first then few months down the road will convert to half day cc and then to full day cc cos if my ttc is successful, faiq has to be in cc by the time the new baby comes.
my mil sure cannot handle a tot and baby at the same time alone.</font>
db - eh, most childcare ends at 1pm on Sat? i know NTUC ones end at 2pm. if really ending at 1pm, then i must really work hard to look for a 5 day work week.

Mummy to PrincessA - i also want to know what are the good schools in Woodlands. I think Marsiling Pri which is nearest to my house is damn ulu. they don't even have any banner up to boast of their achievements. i don't even know how to check what are the schools within 1km. Hmm, i think my baby will go all the way from infant care to childcare. just that we are thinking of switching centre when he is 18mths to somewhere nearer.

lynzi - new baby? u r pregnant? or ttc?
hi to all, I am new here and I am interested in bringing my boy to your next meet up. May I know when and where is it? thanks.
welcome wendy chow. my name is also Wendy...keke..

my colleague told me to wait for the registration for P1 in July. Sure will tell you which schools have long waiting list...then you will know which are the popular ones. Will check it out then.

btw, did you mummies read the BP thread regarding the egg-peg? My hilarious..keke..really, no offence to the mummies who are victims..but it is a kind of stress relief from work when i read the thread.
hiya Wendy, how old is ur boy?

Mummy to PrincessA, what happened to mommies in the egg-peg BP? Not another fraud case I hope.

Do you all buy stuff from BP? I did but mostly small &amp; inexpensive items and fortunately all positive experience.
<font color="0000ff"> hi rach &amp; wendy Chow, welcome to the community...

wendy- our meetup not finalised yet cos mumies were all busy in Mar,,,

hope to have one in April....
any dates you ladies prefer?
<font color="aa00aa">good morning mummies!!!!!!!!!!

rach n wendy chow,

just for the record, im not YET pregnant but HOPING to be...hehehehe

for the gathering i can only make it on saturday pm cos other times faiq got classes.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">db,
forgot to ask u..would u be interested to do relief teaching for F&amp;N 3 days next week at Yishun Sec?
just the practical theory..all the resources will be provided</font>
Hi mama N baobao
When i first joined SMH, i was crazy over the BPs. But, then realised that some of the BPs really not worth buying. Now smart liao lor.
