Any mtb/moms staying at Woodlands area?

the swiming lesson is 4 lesson 100 which includes transport to and fro and nanny service for child bathing and taking care of them when on bus.

plc is admiralty country club, every monday morning at 10am. for my son it is a male coach and he enjoy it very much
No.. it is under a group but I cant rem what is the name... where they also have classes on weekends and I think we did mention something in the previous thread on this
<font color="0000ff"> mira- tks.. i was thnking more fun dance like lindy hop or something faster tempo... will go there check out too..

Pearl- do they have sat class? can give me the contact cos i call admiratly CC but no respond le....

meet-up- how ladies.. the list seems not moving already....

u girls keen to have short meet -up in Mar?
Hello mummies.

Meet up in weekends very difficult for me as i need to send my girl for classes.

Hi Pearl
My girl is starting her phonics class this Sat at 4pm at ZooPhonics located at Upp Thomson. Heard good reviews about them.
finally, come out with a list.

Can't recall which organisers are good as i hardly join now. Used to be crazy when i just registered with SMH. Nowadays, the BP price are not attractive at all.
<font color="aa00aa">morning ladies!!!!

miss u gerls...

sunday is out for me as faiq has swimming in the morning then kindermusik in the afternoon.

faiq also goes for swimming classes at admiral ctry club.

u change your nick is it?
btw how much are the fees for zoophonics?
what is the age group?</font>
Wow lynzi. Long time didn't hear from you. Yep, change my nick.

Which kindermusik did faiq attend? Tanglin?

The fee for zoophonics is $130 for a month. You need to put $120 for deposit and it is refundable. Age group is from 18mths to 30mths.
Will let you know how it goes when my girl starts her class this Sat.
<font color="aa00aa">wendy,
yup at tanglin..sunday 3pm class.
please let me know your reviews on it.
i'm still considering lnt but the fees of 600 quite ex as compared to gug.</font>
sure. LNT's program is different from GUG's. I think ZooPhonics's program is similar to GUG's when i look at their website. In fact GUG is using ZooPhonics materials, how irony!

LNT's program is more about challenging your brain to think. Also, a lot of hand eye co-ordination activities.
Btw, my girl, who is 21mths+, can now recognise and say most of the letters from A to Z (R &amp; W are still a challenge). She is also able to recognise and say some numbers from 1 to 10.

Is this a normal development for her age? My colleague whose kid is a year older than my girl, said that my girl is really good lor becos her kid still not able to.
Is it true??
Got my answer liao....

Expert Answers
Judith Hudson, developmental psychologist
Most children begin recognizing some letters between the ages of 2 and 3 and can identify most letters between 4 and 5. This means that you can start teaching your child the alphabet when he's around 2 — but don't expect full mastery for some time. What's more, toddlers learn differently from older children, so don't pull out the flashcards and audiotapes just yet. Instead, rely on visual aids such as colorful alphabet picture books — your child will have a great time pointing out the letters he knows, as well as colors, shapes, animals, and other objects in the book.

The first step in teaching the alphabet is getting your child interested in listening to stories. At around age 2 or 3, children who are frequently read to get the idea that books contain print, which is made up of letters.

There are lots of fun ways to introduce your child to individual letters. Sign his name to his artwork, then point out each letter one by one. Eventually he'll get the idea that those letters, put together, stand for his name. You can reinforce this identification in many ways: Alphabet letters forming his name on the door of his room, perhaps, or a toy or puzzle personalized with his name. Or help him play with alphabet puzzles or refrigerator magnets that he can manipulate. Once he recognizes a letter, play word games — "What words start with 'B'? Ball, baby, boy ..." or use the first letter of his name as the starting point — "Your special letter is 'P,' for Peter; can you think of any other 'P' words?" (Your child won't be able to write letters until he's about 4, so don't focus on teaching him to write until then.)

If he seems interested, feel free to continue helping your child learn more letters. But if he's under 4 and shows no interest, it's best to let it go for a while. No evidence suggests that very early alphabet learning is related to more advanced reading skills later on.
<font color="0000ff"> hi lynzi,,.- long time no seee,,,,

ya the mummy got arrested... poor mummies, hope they get their hard earned money back... anyway hope lisa learnt her lesson too...

juzyounme- how your day back to work?

for meet-up i ok with 21 / 28 cos 14 mar i cant ,,, hubby off... he seldom get weekend off cos work shift work...

haven log in for a while so many posts then usual... busy with courses and revamping of website ....</font>
becky_cat - what courses r u doing? of coz there is a pile of stuff for me to settle for work. but what is v sian is my boss... don't want to let me go off on time when i keep saying i need to fetch baby... i'm not free on 14 &amp; 21 March, it's ok to go ahead w/o me.
<font color="aa00aa">morning ladies!!!

wow..u are back to work already.
time flies so fast rite?
hope u are adjusting well.</font>
Morning mummies.

Hi lynzi,
ZooPhonics' program is indeed very similar to GUG - music, art + phonics. One thing is that the educator will show and explain the action of zoophonics to us parents. Wait until my girl turns 30mths. They will concentrate more on vowels and consonants then.

Their fee is definately cheaper than GUG. I would say GUG has nicer facilities....their place is not that messy. But, i think i will stick with ZooPhonics. The educator is ok lah.
Hi juzyounme
Some bosses are just like that lor...very difficult to get a boss who will back work-life balance.
<font color="aa00aa">wendy,
how much are the fees and where can i get more info on their programme?
got any website or not?</font>
<font color="0000ff">juzounme- i am having my final exam on montessori teaching this month... no worries if you not free cos not much respond hehe,. maybe in april...

anyone knowing swimming nearby our place.? other than admiratly club, safra yishun?

<font color="aa00aa">wendy,
thanks for the link.
will go and look thru it.

as i know thw swimming lessons at safra yishun is by happyfish.
the classes get full very fast.
that was the last i know.</font>
Good morning mommies,

Any mommies sending your kids to cc near marsiling area? Prefer nearby marsiling mrt.

Feel so disappointed with my gal current cc for transport arrangement, inted to change her to cc nearby marsiling mrt area which nearer to my block. She's in K1 this year.
<font color="aa00aa">wendy,
what happened?
dont be distressed.
i also kena play out few times here.

btw i went to the zoophonics link that u gave.
cannot find anything about the fees and how to register in there or whether there is any trial class.</font>
this mummy chole oh wanted to purchase the pigeon wipes from me. After numerous SMS and emails, finally confirm to meet up today (she is the one requesting the change). Didn't turn up at all. Waited for her for 25mins. Purposely went to the office today for this meet up. Very sad and disappointed lor.
As for Zoophonics, i think there is no trial class. Fees are $20 for one-time registration, $120 for deposit (refundable), $20 per session (duration 1hr). I paid $200 for this month for 3 sessions as the educator is going for holiday next Saturday.
<font color="0000ff"> tks for leads, called safra yishun but they go by term one.,. now dun have ...

wesim- oh that bad... wasted your sms and time to go to her office...

i also ever kena play out.. i giving thing free and yet this mum ask me to reserve but didnt collect for weeks ,email also never i give up giving things free. just not worth the effort to take pic, post , answer enquire and arrange meet-up via sms etc...

<font color="0000ff"> hi anyone want REnu contact lens solution ?i have one giving FOC. i not using....
let me knoe</font>
lynzi - sigh, ya, time flies.

Mummy to PrincessA - ya lor. even bosses with family also don't care abt work-life balance. i don't know y.

becky_cat - i c. i think april is better than march for me.
Hey wendy, I saw your thread you started in the Free Item section, complaining about Chloe Oh. Then I wonder why I have not been receiving emails from this thread again so come in and see see look look. I almost lost this thread again. *Signz*

BTW, why do you change your nick to such a long name yar? Prefer to call you Wendy leh if you don't mind. BTW, how much are you selling your wipes? If they are cheaper than outside, I am keen to buy from you. Need to stock up some before my newborn is out in 2 mths time. Are the wipes going to expire soon? Please pm me to discuss can?

Time really flies, man!!
I have mixed feeling - dread to go through the robotic sleeples life but happy to know my 2nd one is coming out soon to join our family.

becky_cat (becky_cat), how is your outing organised so far? Did you all have alot of fun?
Hi clovy
long time didnt hear from you yah. When is your second one due? Aiyah....don't know why all of a sudden i feel like changing my nick lor. You can still call me Wendy - no prob.

The Pigeon wipes (3-in-1 pack x 2) have not expired yet. I forgot the date of expiry liao becos i left them in my office and lazy to lug them back lor. I can sell you at $15 (cheaper than outside and i am not making a profit). Throwing in Kodomo wipes (not sure of the expiry becos can't find) and Johnson and Johnson pink wipes box FOC. PM me if you are interested. FYI, i bought a whole carton of Pigeon wipes from Shopbug that time becos they are selling slightly cheaper than department stores.
Wendy, Can the pigeon wipes used in the J&amp;J pink wipes box? I'm interested but need to know the expiry dates. I'm due in May. If the wipes are going to expire this year, I may not be able to finish them all.

Juzyounme (juzyounme), I read abit on the thread on top. How do you feel going back to work? Welcome back to the workforce!
Hi clovy,
yes, you can put the Pigeon wipes in the J&amp;J box. I vividly remember that the expiry is next year or 2011. Can't find the thread liao.

Will let you know once i am back in the office.
clovy - do u need any stretchmark lotion? I can give u a half bottle of palmer &amp; half bottle of pureen. thanks for welcome my back to workforce. haiz.
i'm v v upset. I started off with a babysitter next blk since last Mon, 2 March. Everything was fine last week. but last 2 days baby has been cranky whole day &amp; babysitter said she doesn't want to take care. have to discuss with my boss whether can shift my working timing earlier so that I can get him into infantcare centre... and also whether i can utilise one week of my maternity leave for the transition period. Sigh.
How many years of experience does the babystitter has? Did you do a bodily check on your baby?

The cheapest infantcare ctr is Global....(sth), the one near my block. The rest are expensive.
<font color="aa00aa">morning mummies!!!

wow..time flies so fast and u are expecting the 2nd one to pop out soon.
i guess must be tiring for u.

infant care quite as as compared to cc.</font>
yo ladies... been awhile since i say hello... been really busy... but i have been just a silent reader of the forum...

clovy, so fast you going to give birth... good luck

lynzi, hi hi... no time bake already huh?

juzyounme, there is no other babysitter around your area? infant care can be quite expensive.

wendy, how is your gal in LNT? my boy enjoy the lessons... always so excited when it is time to do hands on...

becky, are you signing the computer class up for your gal at mmi? i find it rather expensive... so i did not sign my gal up. i think i can teach her myself... hahhahaha
Hi db,
My girl enjoys the lessons too. Is your boy attending the weekend class? What time? Mine is on Sundays at 2pm.

wendy, my boy attending the friday class at 12pm... but once i am back to work i will send him on saturday that will be in the 3rd term... need to ask if they got slot in the morning or not on saturday...
