Any mtb/moms staying at Woodlands area?

Ok. So, no chance to see you at LNT then.

Hi Juzyounme
You must do a check on your boy. Better play safe.
My husband forwarded to me a news from asiaone regarding about a one yr old girl being sexually assaulted (raped?) by the babysitter's sons (20 yrs old - i think) in Malaysia. Gosh....they are worse than beasts.

eh, i wipe baby's body when he is back home, no issue regards to body check, so far so gd. The babysitter only has experience taking care of her own 2 kids. Babysitter costs abt $600 per mth... Infant care about working mum subsidy is $670+. i don't c much difference in price, but more of the strict timing. The infant care near Wendy's Blk has no vacancies. We are sending him to the one at Blk 406 Woodlands St 41.
<font color="0000ff"> hi ,, wow thread moves fast this few days,,, been really busy so i also read not much time to post....

Juzyounme - oh.. do look out how infant care the caregivers and whether u are comfortable. any option that u can work from home , talk with your company or flexi work hours etc ..

DB- ya it quite ex , i just sign up one month see what they teach actually my daught like to play with my computer at home hah only i dun allow her to touch it .. think of it maybe i will stop after 1-2 months...

anyone tried crestar dance class for toddlers? was thinking of sign up cos u i find any other class available near our area..
Hi mummies, anyone send your child to ntuc cc at st 41 before n withdraw?
I withdraw both my girls on 15Jan, till now(almost 2mths from withdrawal date),havn't get my deposit refund..tot usually 1mth?
Meet-up ( Weekday ) , pls stated preference
( morning, afternoon , evening)
1. becky_ cat - afternoon
2. Josephine - after 3pm

Meet-up ( Weekends ) , pls stated preference
( morning, afternoon , evening)

1. becky_cat - afternoon
2. Mira Tan - afternoon
3. lina yh - afternoon
4. juzyounme - late afternoon, evening
5. jasmine - afternoon
6. Jane Ling - late afternoon
7. Josephine - after 3pm
<font color="0000ff"> hi josephine, tks for adding to the list, guess our meetup will be schedule to april as i think most of us cant make it weekend in april,,,,</font>
Thanks Wendy! Keep me posted. If the expiry dates not going to be over soon. I shall buy from you cos I need the wipes. Newborn pee and poo alot. The wipes will come in handy when I go out or even at home.

Juzyounme (juzyounme), so far I am fortunate to have no stretchmark still. Maybe becos my stomach is small even now at 3rd trimester bah. So I don't need them lor. In fact I still have the packet size samples of the stretchmark cream from palmer too.
Wow, your bbsitter sounds like inexperience. Can't handle a cranky bb. I thought it is normal for a bb to be cranky at times. Does she take care of other bb besides yours as well? Maybe that's y cos she can't cope?

Yar lor lynzi (lynzi1606), I am putting on weight. Hence I feel heavy and clumsy! Imagine my weight now is already the same as when I was going to deliver my older gal. I still have 2mths or less to gain more weight!! *Signz* See you looking so slim after birth in the picture just make me feel with envy man. Even db (dryperbaby) is also very slim the last time I went over to her place to collect the spree item.

So Juzyounme (juzyounme), have you gain back your pre-pregnancy weight already?

Yikes, 1 yr old kena rape?? I cannot imagine how the rapist is able to bring himself to do it. The victim is still so young! Really break my heart to hear such news. *Signz*
becky, ya lor expensive... i rather them do the montessori work than computer for now...

clovy, wah you still remember me huh... hahahah i only remember you join my lucky vitamin spree right? but i cannot remember much... memory lost after lack of sleep and giving birth...
becky_cat - i don't think my boss allows me work from home or flexi hrs, coz of the nature of my job. I'm a Personal Assistant, and my boss summons for me anytime &amp; everytime.

clovy - then how about nappy liners? do u use cloth nappies? i don't think i will ever get back to pre-pregnancy weight, still abt 7kg more. She is just taking care of my baby. The thing is probably yes, she has only look after her own kids before, her 2 kids in sec sch now. and she said her kids are v guai when they r babies.
juzyounme, dun worry about weight... you will shed it off as time goes by... actually, last time babies are easier to take care then our babies... i think last time the babies not so demanding like now... even my neighbour who had 'accident' and gave birth to no. 5 told me this baby is different from the 4 kids she had... the elder one alr in Sec and the 4th one is alr P1... i guess different generation of babies behave differently... it gets more difficult to handle...
db - i went to gathering for dec 08 mums yest. i think my baby proves himself to be v cranky, compared to others. so i think for his generation, he can be one of the more difficult babies to handle.
<font color="aa00aa">morning ladies!!!

db, wendy,
oh u gerls went to toa payoh.
i guess if i finally decide to put my boy in lnt i will have to take saturday class as his sunday is very packed liao.

aiyoh..dont say like that leh!
i want to gain more weight u know.
but i'm happy with my new job cos i have gained 3 kg since january...hahahaha!!!

mama n baobao,
my boy is 15 months now.
he is early december baby.</font>
<font color="0000ff">hi,, finally had time to logg in... down with fever flu cough,,, my gal was sick also sso last week didnt went school... now my younger on has some running nose...
feel so weak for past few days.. today slighly better

Mamabaobao- welcome to our thread... my younger girl is 14 mths.. she born in jan...

hi mummies, anyone of you in facebook? like to add you in...

lynzi- congrates on your weight gain... haha you are the lucky ones.. most of us want to lose weight,,,,

juzyounme- dun worry, perhaps you boy is not used to the environment- it gets better. somtimes need to knoe their pattern
juzyounme, actually some babies gets pretty excited over new environment... so you got to find out his preferences and dislikes and work around it... once you know his character it is easier for you to handle. my gal when baby, when we bring her out she will sleep throughout... but when we reach home, she becomes really cranky... cannot sleep in peace at nite... we realized that she was stress out when we go out... so we decided to bring her out daily to ensure that she gets used to it... after one over week, she get used to it... so take your time to explore...

becky i got facebook leh... how to invite you huh?
ask a qn. is it true that milk bottles just need to be sterilised until they are one year old? after that even if use bottles, don't have to sterilise? thanks.

becky_cat - u can add me into facebook at [email protected] I hope his pattern will change for the better. anyway, do take care!

db - thanks for advice. i'm trying to figure out his crankiness.
lynzi, becky, good then can share info &amp; tips! do u find dat once they turn toddler even more difficult to handle esp tantrums. oso hv to watch over them very carefully when they can walk and explore things around the house. Do you baby-proof your home? I just bought 1 cabinet lock to test if useful.

Juzyounme, I still sterilise the bottles but cut down to 1x per day, i.e. every nite only.
<font color="0000ff"> mama n baobao- for toddlers they seems to to difficult cos they are in the exploration stage , want to explore everything but sometimes their physical does not permit them to so it can be quite distressing for them... = throwing tantrums... No worries they will grow out of it.. most important home proof , give them all the freedom to explore the environment. They learn faster ...
haha for my 1st one i bought every type of locks, those to protect the sharp edges but i find its no use cos all was being tear out by her even those good ones using 3 M tapes.... so we figure out just let her explore and only those really hazarous ones we are very firm to tell her cannot touch....

my 2nd one we just let her "wander " around... she open every where and climbs too, but her learning ability is faster,, at 14 months she can hold a pencil and scibble on paper... maybe we are not so strict with her as the elder one so she get more chances to touch and feel and master certain skills faster...
Hi mummies

Welcome mama N baobao.
I have a 21mths old+ princess.

I stopped sterilising the bottles when my girl was 18mths old.

Like becky, i don't really child-proof my house. I will only close the doors to my bedroom, study room (where i am working) and kitchen. She is free to explore, but make sure there is always someone to walk together with her.
Hi mummies,

Welcome mama N baobao.

Mine also really not child proof house, all the time must take note where's my kids around especially my boy now 19 mnths, really curious to explore the environment. Some time my 5 yrs old gal will help to look around brother, still not so bad.

Pls add me at facebook: [email protected]
hi mama N baobao, I did not child proof the house... I just make sure that they have space to roam around...

ok i have added juzyounme, becky and jane to my facebook
Thanks Juzyounme (juzyounme), I also used cloth diapers for my first one so I still can recycle them for my 2nd one. I also recycle the liners. If only stained with pee, I will wash together with the cloth diapers so still have liners left from my first one too.

Welcome mama N baobao (mamanbaobao) to this thread!!

Child proof: well for me I just put the 'round corners' (dunno what is it call) fit into the the corner of the coffee table and the door fit with the 'something' so that when strong wind comes, the door will not close with a bang that may accidentally hurt a child's fingers if their hand happen to be there. Other than that no other specific childproof measures. All these that I mentioned can be bought at the DIY shop at CWP basement.
G'morn to all ladies and thanks for the warm welcome

No nice to read about all your childproofing experience. Like most of u, I just close my room doors when I "free" him to walkabout the living room. Naturally I hv to follow him around. Fortunately, my furniture no sharp edges so no need to cushion. Main headaches are the fan, cabinets (worry his fingers/hands get bruised if slammed), tv and electrical outlets.

He also love to move chairs alot...our sofa chair and dining chair. Had a mishap once when I took my eyes off him for 1 sec only. He pulled the dining chair and it fell on him!

Becky, ur 14MO gal must hv great motor skills...can hold pencil and scribble!
<font color="0000ff"> hi mamanbaobao- tks for your complimenty.. maybe she learn from her sis.. so she is faster... but she can grab climb to my toddler bed then grab the window grill and try to pull and climb herself so that her head can see out of the window,, she is the adventurous girl... climb chair and sofa also.. she also once fell off my chair once but not scared just cry a bit then u see her doing it the next day...
she also like to chase my cat talk to her so close sometime i myself also scared. also like to close room doors and hide behind too ...

at tis age we must keep an eye on them as well give them freedom, hee not easy but soon they grow out of this stage .....</font>
becky, agreed to give freedom but with watchful eye. hehe, can't wait for this stage to pass leh! My son tries to climb sofa and gate but mostly I'll stop him...prob when he is older then I allow ba.
thanks for adding me into FB.

mama N baobao - welcome. i see, are you intending to stop sterilising bottles at certain age?

Mummy to PrincessA - after u stop sterilising, does ur daughter has any digestive problem or all ok?
juzyounme, i'll stick to nightly sterilization and stop when he eats 3 solid meals and drinks less milk. Currently my boy doesn't eat solids very well and rely alot on milk still..haizzzz.

oh how old is ur child? wat abt u, wen'll u stop sterilising?
Mummy to PrincessA - i c. thanks.

mama N baobao - my baby is only 3 mths, long long time to go. i heard from some pple to sterilise until 1yr old. but i'm just not so sure when i will stop.
<font color="0000ff"> for my 1st girl, i sterlize until 15 months,. after that after wash i just rinse it with hot water...

normally after 12 months no need sterilize.. hee maybe a bit more KS ..
<font color="aa00aa">hi ladies!!!

mama n baobao,
hahaha..yah now that my baobei is running around practically everywhere have to be extra careful.
for drawers or cabinets he wont open cos i told my ID to make for me clean cut cabinets and drawers with no handles..just the grooves for me to open.
for some other stand alone cabinets, he has been 'train' not to open open them from the time he started crawling..hehehe..that time he was around 10 months old..every time he tried to open we will make the no sign and say cannot firmly..after few days he realised he shouldnt do it so now he dont even try to..hahaha...
corners of my coffeetable i placed the tablecorners..this one have to cos most of my furniture are made of glass and stainless steel.</font>
Juzyounme, hehe u still hv a long way to go indeed...decide when ur child reaches 1yo. I think there's no right or wrong, do what u are comfy.

I rem reading somewhere if the child is eating mostly solids then sterilization not that impt vs infant when their main diet is milk. Am I rite to say that sterilising mainly to ensure no bacteria in case there is milk residue in teats?

When I stop sterilising, I would do like Becky, rinse with hot water. That's what I did when I was at PIL's in Malaysia for CNY.
smart move lynzi...wish my cabinets and drawers hv groove and not handles :p

My infant boy was crawling on playmat and later inside play yard so didn't "educate" him about what he cannot touch. Maybe that's why it's such a headache now coz repeat few times every day and he'll still reach out for those "forbidden" spots. I think much easier to teach when they are still baby vs toddler.
Anyone read the ST article ast Sat, 14 Mar "baby-care products tainted: report"? This was in relation to the report at They found 2 cancer causing chemicals in some baby baths, shampoo, etc. One notably is the Johnson's Head to Toe Baby Wash. Aiyo, I used this for my boy but now switched to Kodomo. I wonder if Kodomo is safe?

Do you think it warrants our attention and switch to safer products like natural, organic type?

What products are you mommies using for your child's bath and shampoo?

I tend not to bother coz there are really so many unsafe stuff in today's world, can we actually avoid and prevent all of it? Substitutes maybe inconvenient as not readily available in everyday stores and costly too.
<font color="0000ff"> hi mamanbaobao- i saw the article and also 2 yrs back in other countries also stated that J&amp;J pdts are not really safe in long run...
the childcare my gal atten uses J&amp;J... when she was littel i use Avent ... now at home we use California BB but school no choice... I hear fro AVA that the toxic contain is very low and it is still safe to use so it is not banned.. actually i also not sure better to use or not... cos i use J&amp;J lotion for my eldest since birth,....

i guess it still safe too use until further notice from ava cos J&amp;J pdts if you notice differenct places sell the origins manufactures is from different counrties, some from thailand, malaysia. philipines... If to be safe just switch, if got extra $$ use organic pts...
I have been using J&amp;J head to toe bb wash on my child since birth too. I did read in this forum that J&amp;J is not safe but I wonder why it was not banned in Spore. AVA is quite strict so I think still considered safe to use bah...

What other bb shampoo is usually recommended - affordable and mild for newborn?
clovy, I heard of GAIA. Their products "are free from artificial fragrances, soap, sulphates, petrochemicals, mineral oils, parabens, propylene glycol and other ingredients that are known to cause dryness and skin irritation."

You can find out more (prices listed) at

def more pricey than normal bb products. I haven't tried it.
becky, I bought Kodomo before my baby is born but I'd used J&amp;J given by TMC first.

I'm using Kodomo now coz I've finished the J&amp;J and not due to reading the article.

I'm still using J&amp;J Baby Powder.

I find "natural", "organic" terms on products can be misleading too. Not easy to find a sure-safe product IMO.
<font color="0000ff">i think the only affect pdt is J&amp;J shower , bb powder should be ok... i guess cant find products that 100% safe since it we human that corrupts the environment and many natural things are slowing fading away...

probably just get a pdt that uses mostle natural ingredients so the chemical / unnatural stuffs are minimize inside....
justyounme, me rarely comes in..suddenly read ur msg abt the bbsitter..if the bbsitter really cannot handle, better look for alternative (maybe another bbsitter till ur bb is old enuf to go child care which is cheaper than infant care)...

if u want a short term alternative while looking for another nanny (understand ur constraint with infant care cos thats the reason why my gal is with bbsitter too), maybe u can consider my bbsitter..she lives near admiralty mrt station..but she have 3 kids (sec 1, pri 6, 4) and my gal is almost 2.5 yrs old..... (knows that it sounds 'crowded' but if its short term soln.. she should be able to offer some help as she is very helpful person..)

pm me if u wan her contact...

mama N baobao - yup. thanks. i think sterilising is to reduce the amount of bacteria.

Bloom - thanks for ur offer. I have already settled him into infant care centre. so shall stick to that.

I'm using J&amp;J head-to-toe soap n the bedtime soap. are they affected?

anyone has any job lobang in terms of areas like admin &amp; secretary, do let me know... i think i will start to slowly find a job. my current job is 5.5 days week, and my boss doesn't like to let me go on leave or like the idea that i have to go sharp sharp to collect baby. so i'm hoping for somewhere more pro-family, 5 days work week. nm abt the pay. i think my this job hunt can start now and may stretch until next year, looking at how bad economy is...
