Any mtb/moms staying at Woodlands area?

Hi eniale, sent you a PM regarding your Old Navy spree.


<font color="ff6000">lynzi, wowo mus be a very enjoyable + tiring day for u yday kkee.. I jus had lunchie wif my malay collicks.. they brought nice yumy food!! keke.. also alot of kuey &amp; cookies.. keke..

Hu Chua!!

Hi Vanessa, keke got it ler.. replied u aldy do check ya cheers!!
Lynzi, you must be very tired...should have more to gi, right? Yesterday I'm busy cooking at home didn't go out cos in-laws is not in S'pore. My hubby is the elder so his brother and sister came. This weekend still cannot go out cos 2nd daughter is have her PSLE.

Daisy must be "busy" with the PSLE too... coaching her daughter. hihi...
Small Bell - thanks. i did run the search before, it's not really near my house or workplace. wondering any FTWM have solutions if they constantly unable to make it by the "deadline" to fetch the kids...

Bloom - ya, i know...
Hi Juzyounme,
How about extended hours childcare along the mrt between your office and home? At least you can still try to pick up then head home.

I have a friend who send to half day childcare then a home babysitter willl pick up, feed dinner then parent can pick up as late as 9pm or 10pm. So the child can still learn things in school and being taken care of. But this will be more costly as you need to pay both cc and babysitter.
hi mira, yes .... busy stress week ! I was fine at first but got influence by my girl. Today I let her play whole day, music + msn chat + gaming ! Hope can help her to release stress.
Wow daisy, so good. My girl so seem like no stress....that make me so worry..."sign". I told her liao... I had done my part... the rest up to her...hihihi...
good morning everyone...It's Friday. another boring day for me. sitting in the office doing nothing...Good Luck to all PSLE Student...
morning mira, you are early !
What's your work scope ? So good, get paid and do nothing ? hee ... hee ...

This morning, my daughter was wondering why she was feeling not as nervous as yesterday. I told her that's because in her mind, she knows that the day is here and there is no way to escape but to face the reality ! Life !!
Hi eniale,

Re: ON spree, they are having additional $10 off for every $75 purchase but it expires today (October 2). I hope we can also avail of this on top of the 10% off and free domestic shipping. Sent you my orders last night.

Mummies, please come and support eniale's spree! Hehe!
<font color="0000ff"><u>ON ORDER</u>
Hi Vanessa, got yr order.. had started a thread.. &amp; had emailed u too..keke.. I got the 10% code.. thus I believe cant apply another code (10 off every 75 purchase). ON will only take 1 discount code.. For the free domestic I will source for another code... keke..

snowqueen, had replied yr email.. pls revert ya cheers!!

Mummies.. anyone keen to join?

HiHI.. okok.. if thats the case.. then u pass me the code when i cfm the spree.. cos now its like alot of spree leh... wah also dunno got wnuff on our side anot.. I only worry ur item all went oos then I will feel bad..
hi Daisy..that right, get paid and nothing to do lor..everyday sit here and do not how to pass time. I just change my job. Started my new job 3 weeks ago. and been sitting doing nothing for 3 weeks. i actully working as a sale co ordinator. That why I so free to chat with all of you
PM'd you the link to the $10 off code. It expires today though so if our spree closes on Sunday, I'm not sure if it will still be valid.

Yeah, there are so many sprees ongoing but none of them have a convenient collection point for me. I hope this one pushes through.
morning mummies.

My granny is sick. Scare that she will fall and my maid cannot handle two (one young and one old). So, now staying with one of my aunties. Hopefully, she will get better.

I told my boss that i will have to work from home most of the time liao (don't know whether my maid can cope or not)....luckily, he understands and told me not a prob. Whew....
<font color="ff6000">Vanessa, thanks i got it!!

cclyn, snowqueen &amp; Vanessa, now oni 3 cfm buyers joined from Wdlands thread (u gals) keke.. we still have an hr to go.. hopefully can gather more buyers.. ned min 5 buyers.. so hopefully can pull thru... esle i tink got to drop the spree ... not worth sharing shipping among 3 person..
kep u gals posted..

mira, thats a gd job keke sitting dwn n eng eng.. :p whr do u wrk at?

Wendy, oh dear..!! ya its bette to let her stay wif more adults at least got ppl to see n tk cr.. What a gd boss..
keke </font>
<font color="ff6000">Vanessa, keke cos its USA timing.. where now if 2 Oct 11.09pm.. reaches 12 will not be valid for the any code u gave me jus now ..
Small Bell - well, my workplace is at senoko, so it's still at woodlands. ur suggestion can consider, just that ya, maybe too costly for us...
Peek in here before I start work after my lunch.

Hi mira_tan (mira_tan) about your qs:
Well I chance upon this in one of the threads here but I lost the thread link...But luckily I bookmark the event.

Baby’s Day Out
A fun day out for mummies and babies. A weekend event organized by Mother &amp; Baby! Click here to find out more!

Baby’s Day Out

Date: Sunday, 5 October 2008

Time: 9am to 1pm

Venue: HortPark ― The Gardening Hub

33 Hyderabad Road, off Alexandra Road

Admission: Free

Enjoy a delightful Sunday out with your babies and kick-start your week on the right note with Mother &amp; Baby! HortPark is the place to be if you are ready for a host of great activities, from helpful talks and fun contests, to energising entertainment, performances and games.

Join in a hearty gym workout session with your little ones and be entertained by The Playclub Bears from the Julia Gabriel Centre for Learning! Are you the proud parent of a mini dynamo? Then don’t forget to sign junior up for the Baby Crawling Contest, where there are attractive prizes to be won!

Come and be part of the fun and excitement awaiting you @ Baby’s Day Out!
eniale. i work in Gateway...Beach Road...Eng eng till I cannot take it....whole 3 weeks leh....I feel like so siah...stay at home, I can do lot of things..
Clovy, Thanks for your information. I forget I cannot go out this weekend cos Mt 2nd daughter is having PSLE... better stay at home..sorry to trouble you...hehe.
Good afternoon mummies!

hi clovy, im keen. but hor where's the place? near where huh?? any restriction to bb age grp?
<font color="ff6000"><u>VITACOST ORDER</u>

Mummies, I am sending the shipping cost to everyone now via emial.. Please check &amp; revert thanks!!</font>
hello mummies

i from woodlands but seldom post..

just to share, hort park is a v nice place to go.. i feel that it is better than jacobs balla garden.

not so stuffy plus there is a playground for kids.
<font color="ff6000">Juzyounme, jus saw yr posting keekee..

I saw bus 963 goes to Hortpark..

It can be taken at Marsiling mrt (shld be opp side) but not too sure how abt other busstop this bus cm frm b4 reach Marsiling mrt..
hope it helps.. Once U saw the white henderson bridge at AYE, U shld be ready to get off the bus...
check it out ya cheers!!</font>
morning mummies !! How's your weekend ? Basically I have not gone out to any place for 2 weekends already :-( Look forward to this weekend ..... hee hee
<font color="ff6000">Yohooo mrning mummies!!

Juzyounme, hihi welcm..
did u visit thr on last wkend?

Hi Mimosa!! keke..

Hi daisy... for me soso.. went to my Malay collick house for hari raya visiting.. then went to dwntown east - EHUB - on sat lor.. sun went to my cousin's son 1st yr bday party then went makan steamboat at AMK central wif my families.... you mus be busying preparing hard for yr gal PSLE right?.. tough on u..
hope she able to pass thru with great results!!

Hi Wendy.. yohoo mrningmrning..I have PM u regarding the ON spree.. do check ya cheers!!
Hi mira, because i know this week going to pass very fast lor, so now alrdy looking forward to weekend. Hahahah !!!

Hi eniale, AMK got nice steamboat ? Expensive ?
Thanks for your wishes, I hope too ....
<font color="ff6000">daisy, okok lor the steamboat.. its 15bucks per pax... its abv the This FAshion building near Jubilee.. at 3rd floor..

Dun get too stress also ya.. she will de la.. mus believe!!
<font color="ff6000">Eniale,</font>
Oh u went to 好粥到!不怕你不吃,只怕你不试!! Right? Introduce by HDB太太, right? I go there for steamboat quite often too! Not very fantastic but value for money! If wanted a little "blend" or not so "heavy" in taste, can go there for steamboat!

The very 1st time, we went there. It was SO QUIET!!! Not much customer! And they r selling western foods, like fish n chips too!! Nw that their biz is so much better, the boss will alway come up to us, telling us that they finally 苦尽甘来!!! Hahaha....
VQ, Eniale, most important, the food and environment must be clean. I think of last time Marina park there, sooooooo dirty !!!
*eniale* - i didn't get to go, but intended to go one fine day, so ask for direction 1st. btw, the bridge u saying is after the bus past ikea area?

haiz, my ankles are swollen, think water retention, can hardly walk...

Gd nite mommies......
Wendy Sim --> abt 320~350...their 1 day off is abt$20

Juzyounme --> while sleeping can put small pillow juz under ur knee....put pillows at ur sides also
