Any mtb/moms staying at Woodlands area?

afternoon mummies.

Did somebody mention that the ccs are full?? Which ccs are you referring to?

Hi chua,
Welcome to this thread.
I have a maid, who takes care of my going-to 16mths girl. She has been with me since my girl was one month old. She used to work for my aunty for eight years. Went back to Indonesia one and half month and back to Sin to work for me. So, i would say she is not a 'new' maid, if not i will not employ maids at all becos of their 'reputation' (simply can't trust them). And also, my granny is staying with me. She acts as a 'supervisor'. She and this maid are pretty closed.

May i know which part of Woodlands are you staying? I am one of the 'pioneer' Woodlands residents..hehe..some of the mummies here too.
<font color="ff6000">bee, haahaahaaaa u guys so funni.. keke.. But u r nice!! If me, for now shld I bo eng go prepare for him.. keke Poor hb.. :p Ganbatte ne!! But hw mc he wans jap food har?.. kekeke

Chua, for my opinion.. I dun realli feel comfortable havin maid to tk cr my kids.. cos will prefer mum or MIL or someone whom I noe n can b trusted to tk cr so till now I been asking hard for my mum to help me... but other hand will get helper to help her on chores ... Whr abt r u in Wdlands? keke.. Me stay here marsiling mrt...
How old is yr bb?... keke.. *KPOKPO*

Ya another thing is better like Wendy lidat got someone act like supervisor to see the maid, mayb better than jus leave the bb wif the maid alone... Just my torts only.. cheers!!

daisy.. *faint*... secretary not me la.. its Ling la... wahaha.....
don't mention it..
hee.. yes, i started very young. what to do..? got boys want to 'tackle' me mah...? eeeeewkh... I so not shy hor?!
kidding... kidding... scared u all throw eggs at me!

you preparing sushi for your hubby! so loving and sweet! i always buy buy buy.. too lazy. tsk tsk

ok i pray for vacancies in the CCs we eyeing oso.

clovy, TMI = too much info


<font color="0000ff">maids</font>
i don't have a maid. my mom takes care of my son. every day send every day fetch back. luckily nearby. planning to get maid if no 2 comes but no sign of no 2 yet leh...
<u>eniale</u>, But hw mc he wans jap food har?.. kekeke ??? wat do u mean huh?? hmm, he told me to prepare some lor,so thinking of the sushi rolls whereby can keep for 1-2days in the fridge..
. no lah..try to make him a bit more happy, as his work wise is very stressful one.thus making him always very tired..i guess its the process we will enjoy(doing together)..anyway,my cooking skills are taroh one, and he is the one with good skills. i help do some homework now and hope my results can pls him on his birthday.haha.

<u>famela</u>, hehe.. he helped me a lot &amp; tolerate me alot so have to pls him abit on his birthday..hehe.
paisey lah..
Maids - My dear helper is taking care of my kids with supervision from my mum. She is wonderful with the children and well loved by them too. Too bad she is going home in Dec... sigh.... I agree with the rest, best to have supervision. But sometimes we just have no choice yes?
U ever thought of installing camera?

At least your hb trust your skills leh. Everytime I ask my hb if want to cook, he will say cook what then after I tell him, he will say eat out lor. kekkee

Hi Clovy
Oh yes, I wanted to get that brand too. But it says "manufacturer out of stock" leh. So I wonder if they will carry some when we want to order. Was thinking to put that as priority, if OOS then bo bian order the other one bah. Eyeing on the below, you might wish to consider.

Should I peg the exchange rate at 1.45 first? Or you have another rate in mind since you spree more often and is more aware of the rates? Do let us know.
You know all these talks on #2, makes me feel like having #3!!!
I like being pregnant. I like giving birth. hahaha, I just dun like the initial 3 mths post birth. kekeke....
Was teasing my hb abt 4mths maternity fully paid by govt for #3, he ask me to "dun even think about it."
So sad, so I tell him if factory close, then "production" can also stop lor.
Linda, but sometimes veri sad one..he laosai after dinner, he will look at me.
wah, i nice nice cook food for him and gana looked as if i put poison in his food.
<font color="ff6000">Hi babybearbear.. welcm u here

Yupyup.. I tink I am the one of those who got the OPC (Mistubishi) Holder from u keke... :p Nice seeing u here

bee, keke I tort he specially asked u to make keeke. cos its tough wrk manz, I dun like making jap food but I love cooking Jap curry &amp; Stew Pork with potatoe oni.. keke.. :p Yalor at least ur hb trusted yr skills keke.. I always the one end up eating the whole lot that I cook.. keke..

Linda, as I can see from overseas spree.. most of the exchange rate had jumped up to 1.5.. would prefer to set at 1.5 first.. any bals will used to adjust from the shipping.. How abt that?..
Serious har.. #3.. kekeeekeke.. me dun even dare to tink... til now havent check the IUD yet ... lazy me.. I got to do it b4 my hb comes over on Nov keke... *shyshy*</font>
That's a good one for your DH, Linda (linda_thea)!

*eniale* (eniale), I like the Japanese food esp. the sushi rice and Jap curry, the noodles, can say almost all etc. Jap curry so easy to prepare just buy the ready made one from the supermarket. Maybe bee (didibee) can consider that rather than making the sushi which seems to take alot of work..

Ooopppss, hear that japanese rice is having some issues..shacks!
i think any other brands so long is short-grain rice can be used to do sushi one hor??
<font size="+1"><font color="ff6000">MoRnInG MumMieS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</font></font>

<font color="ff6000">bee, yalor sometimes I also kenna lidat. Ask me cook then end up kenna suan by him sometimes... &amp;*(&amp;^^% angry kekeke..... :p jap curry is easy to cook, not like chn curry keke.. and taste sweet rather than spicy.. :p

clovy, Wow.. new khaki for jap food keke.. :p I am japan craze... :p *thats y hb oso make in jap wahaha * Yes, actually jpn curry is very easy to make, jus ned to stir fried the ingredients &amp; add water to boil, after that add the curry rew n melt it will do.. :p Now everwhr also can find instant jap curry, I even saw 7-11 selling kekek..with rice somemore..

bee, not too sure woh.. but was told that if used normal rice the taste wun be sme like sushi rice n not sticky enough...
What happen to the rice har?...i dunno leh keke my mum ask me to switch to nespray, mayb all of us drink that when we're young so she ask me buy lor.. She started the one age 1+ when we return bk sgp, she was then age 2+ then on June switched to age 3+ . She was on Meiji FM b4 she changed to Nespray at age 2+.. its too exp to buy from sgp...&amp; limited plcs to get this brand of FM..

daisy, OMG thats sick!!!.. thanks for sharing.. ist so near us manz..!!! </font>
haha... Bee, your hb also funny. My hb eat the food I cook then he will ask "you cook one ah?" Not me dunno who else lor.
Jap rice - more sticky hence easier to wrap.

Hi Clovy,
Nature Way also have another one in original flavour. Dunno if you want to try if OOS for the Kids version. Cos the original flavour also meant for both adults and kids. Or if none of us in hurry to get the stuff, can wait a while to see if the stocks are replenished.

Hi eniale
Sure, will peg at 1.5 first.
USA market dropping, hoping the rates will go down fast fast.

Me also jap food craze. is my girl. She loves sakae.
<font color="ff6000">clovy, sure yr item will be the sme as Miki's
Noted at my side too..

Linda, Wowoww.. keke.. 3 of us Jpn Craze.. ok next meet up can head for Jap food liao wahah.. :p There r alot more nice jpn food in sgp but all very exp..
keke... I craze for ramen also, the one located at orchard Plz next to Ah Meng's Cafe is nice.. pricing range $8 onwards if i din rem wrgly.. but very nice.. owner is a Jap.. keke..

hahaha if he ask lidat means he cant believe the nice food is cooked by u har.. heehee :p..

Ya hopefully by then USA rate drop keke.. Hb told me Yen also had a sudden drop.. its from 80 dropped directly to 72.. he faster go exchange to sgp $$ for his trip on Nov..

Y likes eating the cha soba at sakae sushi keke.. </font>
<font color="ff6000">Gals.. I am hesitatin to do IUD or Implanon leh.. haiz.. i read the side effects for implanon in SMH, seems very scaring.. theres a mummy who put on wtg &amp; heavy flow for 5 mths,almost everyday.. aiya make me worry..
Hi eniale
I understand from my gynae tt the IUD Mirena actually slows menstrual flow, even to the extend that some women do not have their menses leh. U might wish to read up more. But then again, side effects are experienced differently by different women. If your HB is not in town often, why not use condoms?
Hi Wendy, Linda and other mommies,

I and my husband are Malaysian,been here around 2 years plus.we just bought the hdb here less than a year.
now my baby is going to 7 month,is taking care by my MIL.But is in her house,there is Pontian.I am a PT mother and self employee.Every Wednesday I will fetch my daughter back to Singapore and send her back to Pontian on Sunday,oledi do this for 5 months.

I felt so tiring,somemore I wish everyday to c my daughter.That y I plan to hav a maid here,so my daughter will not leave me anymore.

but I hav nobody to help me supervise my maid.but the maid is from my student place,she will be with me in next year.The maid is from Piliphine,is a kindergarten teacher there.I hav no choice.Do U all think a 14 months kid able to talk if the maid treat her not good?
Hi chua,

Every babies are unique. Some can start mumbling some words at 14mths, some will only start talking at 23mths. So, it really depends on the babies.

What i would suggest is that you do a body check everyday and look out for any signs of anxiety, sudden outbursts etc. It is never going to be easy.
what every mummies' greatest fear is that: the maids suddenly go 'gila' and do something drastic (not to scare you but it is the fact).
hello, Chua, is it possible to ask your MIL to train the maid? but to be frank with you, even the well trained maid can give you "supprise",esp those smart hepler,heard too much such real stories....
eniale, heard frm radio saying Jap rice is contaminated etc and not safe(something like this). Wats IUD or Implanon?? operation to stop woman frm conceiving?? sound not very safe..?

Chua, whats Pontian??

To be frank, i NEVER NEVER trust maids, even those who have been you for a while.

I am firmly sending mine back next year becos she will sometimes do not listen to my instruction. Eg ask her to let my girl try to feed herself, she will still feed her. Tell me it is 'faster'. I know these are minor stuff, but i want my girl to learn to be independant. Also, i want my girl to learn to speak properly. My Indo maid's English is ok, but 'broken' (if you know what i mean).
haha! eniale, i prefer the traditional spicy curry type, as i feel curry a bit odd is not spicy..hee..

OOhhh! thx daisy for the info.hmm, have to very carful liao..
ling-agreed w u, no x 2 read through. So when is our next meet-up? please sms or msn me when confirmed. no x to check forum.

Chiao (^.^)
hi wendy,bee,and grace
My MIL said maid also not reliable,she means ask us to let my daughter in her place till my baby 18 months,then I can put her on childcare centre.but my working time is not flexible,sometimes I and my husband need to work till quite late,so cant fetch her punctuality.

Actually,my down floor got a nanny.but my husband disagree cos felt like uncomfortable.we want hire a maid is because besides od take care my baby,she can help us to do some housework.

Somemore,I also don wish to rely on my mother and MIL.

Yeah Linda (linda_thea)!! How many should I order leh? Do you know when is the expiry date? On a safe side should I just order one first to try try? In the future still can order more right?

Chua (yernying), Agree with Wendy Sim (wesim). LIke my gal still doesn't want to talk...I woul dsay getting a miad is heng suay.. But most of the time I aLways hear bad stories so you think carefully see whether you want to take the risk lor.
