Any mtb/moms staying at Woodlands area?

spell out whatever u wana say..we r here to support u.
dun wori..

you have to be patient with her or it will be very difficult to speak to her again.

Maybe your hubby can speak to her and be the good (hao ren) ppl...
I was so down that I did not go to work yesterday, cried for the morning and today back to work, my colleague ask me why my eyes red red ... :-( Lucky hb keep comforting me and this time, I would let him take over to discipline her. I was too lenient on her.
Try let her know, BF is always there supporting her & wana see her get good PSLE results also,so watever is it,encourage her for the sake of having less tutions etc (after exams), she now need to revise & then can get good results and after that then can go dating with a peace of mind mah. This will benefit everyone, reasons with her down first.
I agree with bee... reasoning sometimes helps//

At this age to secondary school, friends and BF is the world... lor
i understand ur gal's feeling, being in relationship & have to tackle schoolworks at the same time is not easy.(i had walked thru this oso.) So just let her know the impt of the PSLE and tell her to go through it first, then after that comes her relationship. Her relationship will not run away if her BF is true to her.
My colleagues once told me, we have to understand our kids are growing up stage, no longer babies or toddlers (most of us having teenage kids) and we must learn to accept their change. I guess I am in this changing stage lor.
<font color="ff6000">Ladies,</font>
I wanna hv BIG HEADACHE liao!!! I called Global Child. NO VACANCY also ah!!! i put my DD's name on waiting list 1st! Aiyo.. HOW?
small bell, hope the blog is useful... :)

daisy, hope everything will turn out fine... just need to cool down first before talking to her again...

VQ, there is no other options? fine a nanny maybe?
<font color="ff6000">Dryperbaby,</font>
Thks! No need nanny! It's not that i hv nobody to take care of her. I wanted my younger DD, to mingle with more friends earlier, not to stay at home doing nothing, watch TV n being spoilt by my parents.

I had learnt my lesson from my elder DD!! Morever, i intend to return to the workforce next year. Too boring being a SAHM for 4yrs. So, gonna plan earlier.
VQ, I am also returning to work next year... yup my parents also spoiling my gal so I decided to send her to childcare at least she will be learning something, learn how to share and make new frens... but my boy kind of young so no choice need to let my parents take care for next year... after that see how it goes...
<font color="aa00aa">sorry been MIA cos been so busy and tired.
i think i can fall asleep anywhere now.

from drugstore or vitacost is safe lah.
i always get my sambucol and probiotics from there.

the probiotics is called Childlife Essentials Colostrum with Probiotics.
u can try clicking on the brand name and all products under that brand will be featured.
probiotics is 1 of it.

the first few times i fed my boy, i mixed his cereal with his own milk instead of just water.
even when i started out on porridge i did the same.
cos for my boy, he needs the taste of something familiar first.
maybe yours is also like that.
and i made the first few feeds, more watery.
slowly after the first month of starting on solids then i made the cereal drier.
hi there again ladies.

just logging in before i go work on my maths exam papers...

don't be too upset my dear. these things are pretty normal. even though my son is still young, i rem that i gave my mom this exact kind of prob too wen i was young! i rem very vividly leh. that time i primary 4 somemore. i received a love letter (haha.. lame! don't laugh hokay everyone) from my "boyfriend". i wrote back and wanted to give to him (i said, don't laugh!! hahaha). but before i managed to do that, my mom found the letter!!! die!

i rem i was SO blardee terrified. my mom scolded me but she didn't harp too much on it. in fact she was rather cold abt it i rem. it made it even scarier cos i didn't know what she'd do next. i believe she told my dad. he didn't scold me either. he just became v cold and silent and had an air of disapproval. u can be sure that i tiptoed ard the house that whole week if not the whole month cos i wanted to make sure i didn't trigger any "explosions"

i was so scared. it discouraged me from much else.

sometimes, this kind of method can work..? i dono. it sure did its magic on me, man. i mean, i didn't stop talking to boys completely or anything drastic like that la, but knowing that my parents strongly disapproved made a HUGE impact. and on retrospect, the fact tt they didn't kick up a fuss meant that i didn't have a chance to rebel against them and do sthg that i wouldn't otherwise do.. u know what i mean?

talk to your daughter nicely. she needs to know u're there. if not, she'll think u dowan her and all the more she'll rely on external relationships. don't fight her, try to win her over. try not to give her a chance to rebel agst u ok?

again hor i say this, my son very young. i'm not talking fr mommy's perspective. just sharing my own experience abt a similar situation.

cheer up girl!
db, vq,
true hor? all cc now no vacancies. i called up quite a few also all waiting list. in the end signed up for 3 hour programme first. maybe if got opening next yr can change to half day or full day cc. i'm oso worried that my son is getting more "bratty" staying home all day with my parents.

oh yah, this one i forgot: u shld try lynzi's recommendation to mix cereal with milk. so that it'd be a familiar taste. i used to hand squeeze out my own BM straight into the cereal bowl! fresh from the moo factory. very easy! hahaha.. sorry TMI!

busy baking isit?
thanks famela..

My gal finished 3 spoons today... ya;;;

by the way, my sister in law, called me and say she got lobang for pediasure, 400g, any comments on the milk?
For mummies whom maybe interested, for like me giving NAN3 to my boi, but not sure which formula to follow-up when our todd reaches 3.
I wrote to them yest and i <blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

You may want to consider NESLAC 3+ or NESPRAY 3+ Growing Up Milk. For more information on these, please log on to our corporate website
<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
hope this helps..cheers!!
lynzi, thx for the info.hmm, but need to chk with HB if he allows me to order from there..
btw, y u so tired? started ur baking orders liao?? WowPhewWow!!!

Pearl, jiayou..slowly.things will improve gradually one, dun worry.
Any mummies can share about how to make sushi rice for preparing sushi rolls??
need to prepare for my HB birthday this fri,hehe..tqtq.
<font color="ff6000">Morning Mummies!!! keke... Mid of the week ler... :p

bee keke u more powerful then me, can do quoting.. hw to do har.. wahaha... now yr turn to teach me.. :p So u intended to change to nespray or neslac?.. U wanna let ur boy try first jus in case he doesnt like it?.. can request samples mayb?...

I've done sushi rice lng time ago wif the help of my hb but I am worst in cooking..
cant help much but the impt pt is to fan the rice lng enuff to cool it... keke... :p</font>
famela, thanks for your advice which its very useful. Haha, you started so young :)

BTW, any AIA insurance policies holders here ? My girl and my insurance are all under AIA !!! Panick .....
famela... ya lor now all no vacancies... strange huh...

daisy what famela said is true... my parents did the total opposite of her parents... and I become very rebellious (secretly).... i just carry on having bfs.... hahahhaha but they dunno lor... I think it is best to be there for them... otherwise she will do things behind your back... just wat I did... sigh
Hi mummies
Good morning!!!

Re: Drugstore/Vitacost
I think shld be safe, cos mostly are FDA approved. And I saw a lot of sprees ongoing leh.

AIA policies - Spore AIA says it has enough funds.
<u>eniale!</u> YES. Probably will change, but to which one, i need to discuss with my HB.

Any mummies know if nespray/neslac formula good??isit v sweet etc?? tq.
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

eniale! haha, no lah, me did wat was stated in the link u given onli..hee.
\quote {Your text.<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>

<font color="ff6000">kekeke.. Thanks!! got it.. wahaha.. :p
If U wan to get nespray 3+ &amp; they dun have samples.. I can pass u some scoops if u dun mind..
let me noe..
cos I think nespray 3+ dun have those 400gm tins.. refill pack, yes have but I tink still very big to buy jus to try..

Re: Drugstore/Vitacost
Linda, I also wanna get some for my gal n niece... keke is it good on the one that U r gettin?.. hehe... Thanks for helpin to consolidate the orders...

Mummies, pls pass yr orders to Linda if u r interested to get anything from vitacost ya..
The more ppl join, the more we can save on shipping..

daisy, my gals insurances is under AIA &amp; my car policy is under AIG.. I checked wif my agents... and was told that they have support from MAS &amp; sgp wasnt effected... My agent emailed me articles from papers.. U wan I can fwd u.. I believe MAS have actualyl set a rule for all insurance agents to kep a certain amt of funds with MAS so believes theres back up..
enaile, thanks but its ok because from bloomberg and cnn, fed has given the loan of USD85b to AIG this morning. Fed cannot afford AIG to go bankrupt so I think its still safe. Anyway for life insurance, unless its maturing soon or break even, or else not too smart or worth to terminate. Hence I would still continue lor. Not much choice.
Eniale, no one PM me their orders leh? kekekeke... Me getting the colostrum w probiotics lor. Heard it is good. Esp with 2 kids now, they tend to get cross infection. My #2 kena stuffy nose again, my girl's wheezing still there.

Me getting orders from my close frens...what is the amt to avoid GST?

Mummies interested in Vitacost, pls pm me your orders bah.
linda, to avoid gst, try to make sure that orders do not exceed SGD400. Also to be safe, have some allowance for the shipping charges too... meaning orders + shipping charges not more than SGD400.
<font color="ff6000">bee, u making me drooling!!! tempted to eat sashimi n sushi manz!! keke..
I am jus too lazy to step into the kitchen to cook since I moved bk here.. keke...

daisy, seen the thread over at FREE sections.. seems like there isnt any need to surrender any policy at the moment..hehee.. anyway my policies oni few mths old niah kekee.. jus bot it this year.. kekeke.. :p

Linda, yupyup as what db posted.. It'll be good to capped at USD200. So max to accept is usd200 ya.. keke. dun go beyond that.. but if so, u let me noe . I see what can be done..

OkOk.. I go read up on colostrum w probiotics keke.. mayb can let Y eat?... Its for kids from age? keke.. </font>
Chua, For me is nope, taken care by my MIL.

eniale, hehe,paiseypaisey man..
but after i read thr the rcps, wow..abit time consuming..hehe.

BUTee bobian, my HB wans to do it instead of buying..
<font color="ff6000">Chua, nope.. hehe I got my mum to help me take cr both kiddos.. tough on her.. only gettin PT helpers to help her on hsechores lor..
Are u plannin to get 1 ?..

bee, keke.. ya its VERY time consuming!!.. keke.. Its nice of you to plan to do it for him... if me, jus bring him to a jap resturant and done kekeke.. !! Its always taste nicer than resturant to have it done by own hands..
eniale, yalor, thought of that oso.but he looked at me and "haolah haolah" i said
happy.gif free at work, so do some planning first before i gabra in the kitchen.haha...
bee and eniale
yup,i got a transfer maid,will hire soon for take k my baby.just hope to know some advise.
i m new in Woodlands.hope to know more frens here.nice to meet u all
