Any MTB in Punggol?

Eunice / blur,
The first one is from my contractor
She said their standard are like that
Not thorough one

Then we engage this ah mah service
My hb said got good review so we willing to pay coz I really got no energy to clean the house le
Yes we check and complain
Too many till I also paiseh
like i so picky lor
Then my stupid hb like bo chap
Then the guy keep said this can't clean that can't clean
After they left
I clean half and leave half to show my hb
I can clean it by only using a wet cloth
why they can't

HaiZ... Seems like everythin not right
Ecmom : no leh. I agreed with Smurfy. Elisha started 1st day sch rite mah
Smurfy / Eunice,
Still too early to say
Today mainly play
Sekali after lesson resume she tell me she don't want to go school
At least elvis smtimes can recog words. M doesn't seem to leh. I think he recog letter sounds so he can guess. I read any word, he can tell me the 1st letter and he will find the word base on sound, but not recognising.

Writing fr difft direction is quite common among kids, according to PD. if aft 7yo still like that, then gota start worry. So for nw, blur and u shld nt get too worried.

Ur bb jus enter 2nd tri, wun feel movement so fast :p wait patiently. Kekeke

I also lag for nw ;p so long as by k2, muz b able to knw sm words... For nw, i jus expose and dun expect returns. Kekekek i prefer the lil surprises he gives me fr all the exposure, like suddenly he will write his name by himself.

U muz hv taken hundreds of pixs ;) will wait for ur pixs, esp disney pics.

Think on the flip side, at least the cleaning coy has cleaned more than 50% of the house, so ur load is 50% lesser
PM188 : huh? those simple ones leh. I remember you mentioned in fb tat M recognise "Kids something right?"

I'm surprise lor. Elvis can write A-Z (most of them) but cannot write 4 & 9 and reverse of 10 onwards :p

Then Elbib will say I will teach Elvis :p

regards to movement, I heard can feel liao and I really feel "her" movement b4 tat Oscar test. made me so sad
A cheeky Elbib said to me one nite :

Me : you cannot beat "meimei" ok?
Elbib : I din

then he use my hand to beat my tummy.

Elbib : Y you beat "meimei" ?

i still attribute that he 'recognise' words based on sounds. i also dunno.. coz sometimes when we are outside, he'll point and call out that word, which is correct. so i'm also confuse at his development. but to me he seems quite 'normal', so i wasn't very bothered by it.

He's now learning to write chi strokes in sch and he will tell me about the 'heng' and 'shu' and how to write.
oldest kid not sabrina? I always thot she is coz she seems sooo advance to me :-D

i tink jboy can only read 'jordan', 'nemo' and one to six coz dats wat he can spell. No more le.

chinese name, i tink diff .. coz i oso dunno how to write his name .. lolz.
Think we have 5x06 kids here..

Apr:- Rez
Jun:- Zav & KH
Aug:- Elbib
Dec:- Mei's Jboy

Ops... all monkeys... no honey for 06...hahaha...
ya.. acutally I also did not realize there a few a handful of 06 ard this thread.

KH started when he was in N1 think 3+. YX started from 2+... But YX is not really benefiting cos she is a very impatient gal.. can't focus... very different from her koko.....then this mummy is so lazy to do home of waste money leh...
Maybe I shld not push her too much.. Every kid develop differently....If I'm half as hardworking as you, maybe I will see result loh... hahaha...what a lame excuse...
Elbib shortest mah??? But he is younger as compared to KH mah... I go measured KH tonight... I nvr record their development...
my 06 kids? hehehe .. i dun hv 06 kid :p

maybe nemo easy to spell, + we hv the story book 'Finding Nemo' so he will always see this word.

on writing hor ..i oso want to share actually jboy some x write reverse oso .. like 6 becomes d, 9 becomes p etc.
I din measure Elbib's height. I compare with 07 kids like Matt, Elisha etc :p

n Elbib is short :p

CoolD : not me leh. I din say Jboy is 06 ;p
Elisha is very tall as compared to other kids... KH was shorter than her too.

Not sure abt now cos have not been to any gathering lately... so can't compared.

Been busy or lazy...wahahaha cos hb doesn't want to come along, very difficult to handle 2 monkeys
YX is not honey k...she is a monkey too
and a very sticky monkey
Ya I have to conso myself
But think abt the $$$ spent and I have to do the job again feel xim Tia

Juz touch my kitchen cabinet door handle
I still can feel the thick oily
Tonight Need to make sure i finish packing
And come up and clean tomorrow
Elisha used to e higher amOunt the kids but se seems stop growing vertically
Now still 103cm nia
Guess few kids already higher or same high with her le

Ya agree YX eyes very pretty
Too bad my cayden younger then her lor
Aiyo, my gal is a very stubborn gal... I can foresee that next time her hb will be sandwich between his mum & my gal ..
why not get your maid clean for you?

wah, so fast foresee your future son-in-law will be sandwiched between YX and you? You dun look like a difficult MIL :p
my home monitor kept showing 'no signal' sign, after i turned my PC on. any idea what happened? Monitor spoilt? I tried to replug in the cables again but still the same prob.
U may need to check (extension connection) cable connection between monitor to CPU.
I had same experience on that...
Take out the extension connect it direct to CPU..
U may need to test ur monitor is it still working ? if yes.. normally is the connection cable cause that.
I really no hope on her
I don't want to complain abt her anymore but she is getting into my nurse
A simple hygiene like wash hand after throw rubbish she also don't want to follow
I ask her help she go sleep instead
I rather do it myself then waste my energy on her
iPhone hang

I learn something yesterday
iPhone have this multi function thingy
All te appt u open will remain open unless u close it manually
If not it will "eat" up Ur memory
That why Ur phone always hang
smurfy - haha.. yeah.. cant live w/o one. ;p
but also lucky lah.. we share the load aka zay!! :p

think she jetlag+tired+cold - also fa pi qi at me in hk and i also buay song her. came back sin apologise to me! whahaha

If you try re-plug the cable and still have no-signal, it could be the display card inside the CPU has problem too. If power on the monitor still able show no-signal, should not be the monitor problem bah.
nah.. They left e youngest baby at home rght? It's e youngest tat's harder to manage usually. Anyway u r so so kind n errrr rich to bring ur maid to HK!!!!

Photos!!! Blog!!!!
ya ya.. alot of pple exclaimed at my choice to bring maid liao :p but i am glad tat i brought her.. if not, think worst! haha

pics/blogs - wait lah. i am still recurpating from the tiring trip with maid + 2 kids! wahahaha
sharon & evelyn,
tks for the tips. will check again tonite. I also asked my IT colleague and they told me it could be cable faulty.

any idea if it's the display card in CPU has problem, issit faulty to change it? I just changed the hard disk last year and paid a fair bit to change.

wah.. u so rich.. bring maid along. She must be so happy to go disneyland
How come she gets angry with you? she looks so obedient.. and is food an issue for her in HK?
pm - not rich lah. just a decision to pay abit more money for a more relax tour. actually my maid offer to pay some parts of it.. like those entrance fees.. maybe she scare i leave her in hotel. whahaha

change graphics card - can DIY... if u know.
cable also easy.. go sim lim buy one

wow.. dance huh! dun think will go :p
hv another show - the baboab tree in end may. anyone going?

Cold storage kids run - anyone onz??
but it clash with my "james n giant peach" show!
now thinking to sell tics! :p
