Any MTB in Punggol?

Sigh, hearing more stories about the Jap current crisis really make the heart heavy.

Heard from BBC just 2 days back about this Jap mum driving with her 2 young kids when she saw tsunami coming soon. She quickly ran out of the car with her 2 kids to a relative's house nearby. She passed her kids to the relatives who are living on higher floors and after both kids were passed to the relatives, the waves came and she was gone
Sounds very dramatic, but that's life.

read from today's papers about school children still waiting for their parents to pick them up from school, but many of the parents probably have been swept away by the tsunami when they were arriving to pick up their children. wonder whether these kids are aware that their parents may be gone.


act 3 holiday workshop usually lasts 1 week. The Sunday with Us workshop by Act 3 is an ad hoc workshop on Sun morning for about 2 hours.

Which one are you keen? Pinocchio is holiday workshop.
can i kiv? i suck in making commitment

act 3..
pinnochio is a nice story. but leaves as per normal is an issue.
later kena said "cannot manage leaves again"
i think it is good, if u can, to expose jboy to outside "cc" curriculum
but THINK jboy oso growing up very well

elisha's birthday party pics in fb
someone pls tag me if got my kids pics.. kekekee.. my eyes straining frm viewing using hp.
oh . .so pinno is 1 wk course .. hmm, than i think diff to make it :p

if got those sun 2hrs one next time, I will join u all

haha .. u see my jboy jumping in/out pool concluded he growing up well huh :p

u knw dat day, i was actually very worried abt the other boy who keeps jumping in wif jboy coz he was w/o the wing. lolz.
very cheeky N fast thinking boy. nearly bluff QY into jumping to the other side of the pool.. hey, do u recall when he wwas young, he used to snatch other kids toys and make them cry? ;) now is so much better and err maybe softer?

who nearly bluff QY into jumping? jboy or Kieran?

oh, u notice he changed? ya, actually i do feel that as he grow older, he become more dong si and can accept reasoning. I cud tell him good n bad, rite n wrong

U knw last nite, my 9pm drama ends so i show sad face, he asked me who make me sad .. i juz pretend n said abit loudly 'its ah ma' pointing to my mum. He told me 'but u cannot shout at ah ma, she is ur mummy. if u shout at her, she will be sad too' .. hehe.
Jboy!!!! Jboy running in front. QY running behind. then he jump into the deep pool. QY squatted down and climb into the shallow pool. very funny sight then.

yah, i noticed the change ;)

yah, if timing allows, join us for the 2hrs sundays w us. nowadays, the mummies seems like having a mini gathering while the kids go for drama class
Ya very fast hor
Aiyo I still packing
Not enough half done
I try to pack according to where am I going to store the stuff
Don't dare to think abt unpacking with two kids at home

Throw 4cartons of junk Liao
Still have many she bu de throw but don't know where to store them

Now straggling to sell the and baby cot or not
House warming
Will have but not so soon coz my sofa won't be here till end April

But Ur can text me any time if u wanna come an let the kids play at the pool
I see if tomorrow morning if Eric well to fetch us to Ur place
He sick, don't want to ask him drive me for collection
I text u
knock! knock! knock!

guess noone at this hour
still up packing
suppose to move today
but cant finish packing and sick

feel hungry but no appetide to eat
Morning ladies

Hope ur packing completed le. If U still felt sick have to take a short rest, ur kids still need u to tend.. Ur maid still with u? Hopefully she is of gd help. Many things bu she de to throw? Can store at storage hub that is available in the market then slowly arrange them back to ur new nest loh. Maybe that will reduce some stress for u at the moment.

Won't not be attending R's birthday as my kids have lesson in the evening. For the helium gas, u can call 64812277 and make enquires
you wrote 'supposed to move today', you mean you did not move eventually? Thought you engage mover? can make such last minute change?

elisha oso starting school today right? u very ambitious leh ")

it's alright. everything will settle down soon

hmm my company doing dollar to dollar matching for the japan diaster.
good that ur company is doing their part. my coy is asking staff to donate and eventually will combine all donations and be donated to red cross in the name of our company :p

i also spoke to the boys abt Jap's situation and like QY, they also looked very sad. Is that a natural reaction? Hahah, but it's good to see the compassionate side of kids. They have agreed to help the Jap by packing some of their toys, clothes, books etc and i'll try to sell them and all sale proceeds will be donated to Red Cross.

Hmm.. to test them, perhaps i should take their favourite toy and sell it away and see if they are willing to let them go :p bad mummy hor. kekeke
i have not gone to the part on selling his stuffs for donations. i bet he will say "then bomb somemore, dun need to sell my toys oredi". whahaha
wat classes r ur kids going??

me getting worried for QY's english (Reading) development.. but haiz.. not ready to send him anywhere.. he oredi weak in this area. taking wrong step (or enrichment centers) will be even more detrimental to the current situation.
hi smurfy,
KH is now with ICL with Teacher Eva for weekday class. Weekend is at RB in Toa Payoh. KH will have big problem for his Mandarin. He kinda dislike Mandarin, whether is cartoon or books. I'm hoping his preschool Chinese Teacher will stress on Chinese for him.

QY preschool not doing a good job on his English development?
wat is RB?

i dunno how much "english" he learns in school, the reading part n the phonics and those related. i ask him about letter sounds.. tat cheeky boy gives a "were.. were.. were.." for all a-z alphabets...

he is just so full of nonsense and excuses.
Smurfy : aiyo. QY not bad liao la.... his school still have enrichment program rite? and you signed up too?

I'm worried about my boys too. No enrichment. English maybe got a bit standard maybe not for both. Elbib likes to whine and I hard to teach sometimes. Elvis seems ok, but standard wise like dun recongise many sight words till now. Teacher now teaching phonics to him.

Chinese : Elbib super keen but I have logistics and $$ prob to settle him. You talked to him in chinese, sometimes he made the effort to reply in chinese

Elvis is like huh? you talk to him in chinese, sometimes, he looked blankly.

Btw my boss still dun koe my preggy how? tell her or wait till this mth check up?
Morn!!! me back!

Jap - sad case huh. sigh.. well well...

Blur_p = ooh KH in RB too? under tr yanping? they are quite gd right?

Is ICL really gd? i hv a space in clementi.. abit far leh..

Smurfy - why dun dare to send him for eng enrichment?
Eunice, how many months are you now? Maybe need to let him know at least in 2nd trimester, as they need to arrange manpower when you on ML, right?

How to say har.. Hm.. just tell him you are preggy and due date lor..You afraid he may unhappy?
I have no contact in my phone right now...
Can only recd sms, pls let me know who u r when u sms me hor ( thick skinned) :p
Me bough med from Healthmark now feel better le
Ta she still with me but not much help
HaiZ... Don't want to say abt her le very sian
We though of store b4 but it not worth coz my junk not ex
If put storage I can u the money to buy new one

We plan to move yesterday by ourself
Move those small one la
Mover not working on Sunday so we arrant to move those big and heavy items on Wednesday
Ya Elisha attend new school today
Very "kiang" hor? :p
New house, new school
Lucky she attempt well
Her tr told me she is "complain" queen in class
She keep report to tr Coz I told her not to get involve in fight
"tr they fight" "tr he shout so loud" etc
She helps herself with porridge
Elvis and m same age and M also dunno sight words. Dun stress me hor ;p i m still trying to take it easy.

Welcome bk. Muz have had lots of fun ;)

Oic, move by urself. When is the last day u need to move out fr pgl? Gd to knw elisha is adapting well.

Btw, wanna ask u... Did elisha wrote all the names of the kids on her bday goodie bags?
pls tell ur boss u r preggie. tot a good time for them to kow is after 12wks.. after 1st trimester

btw.. 2 monkeys and a princess or 3monkeys? :D
PM188 : I'm more stress than you leh. Althugh M & my E is same yr, yrs is early yr n mine is end yr. Yrs is honey n mine is monkey. Just realise yesterday tat Elvis dun koe how to write 4 & 9. N his number is right to left instead left to right :p 10 become 01 :p

evelyn n Smurfy : I hv nt tell boss becos I dun koe if this bb stable a not. not much moving leh

Smurfy : i hope 2 monkeys and a princess. but not know yet. hope I can get an answer this sat :p
good luck to ur medical review this sat. how many wks liao? movementis like 19 to 20wks onli rght?

QY oso cannot write!!!!! he is so proud tat he can write 10 (only) *faintz* and tat EQ still not speaking up
Hm... I hold her hand to write la
If e can write by herself I will be happy Liao :p

But a left-hander holding a right-hander so the words bit ugly lor :p
wah!! why suddenly this thread becomes a "paranoid" thread!

Eunice - elvis only miss out 2 nos mah. very gd already righ? haha
anyway hope ur wish comes true!

Smurfy - EQ is probably just shy? she fully understands all the instuctions etc. think nothing to worry.

CoolD - jboy is also 07kid huh?

here 06 kid only Zav, KH, Rheys?
it was precisely tat she understand instructions and enjoying to make sounds instead of words tat get me worried. cat.. she goes kkkkkkk
Smurfy : thanks... me 16weeks? I tink so :p I was upset cos I koe "she" moves before I goes Oscar test. then tat day Oscar test, "she" turns a lot n refuse to give gynae gd position so "scolded her". Since then so guai till no movement

I 迷信

CoolD : sight words are examples : the, it, they, are, is etc. Dun really need phonics to koe the words as they are common words.

I also dunno is it my problem, I like every word as sight words which I koe is incorrect teaching :p

Elbib yes. Know some sight words. Elvis (07) I also dun koe if he koes a not. Some words he recognise but not those sight words leh.

How I wish my boys like Zavier :p
Feel sad now
We spent $400 and another $406 for the cleaning service
But they don't do good job
Not even wash the tap and basin properly
I'm doing it myself now
wah... dun wish ur boy to be like zav lah. ur boys are unique themselves! both are so hardworking and self driven.. also gd traits tat i wish my boy has!

detailed scan coming soon right? sure can confirm liao.
dun worry... bb just being guai and growing well.
Ecmom : u din complain b4 they left?

MTDT : lucky my boys are self driven else me lazy mummy die together. Elbib kinda of lazy n whine alot in recent mth. Told him many many times tat I simply can't stand anymore. I tink he understand but act blur.

I like Zavier with the ability to learn a lot of new thing fast. He has a lot of exposure and able to react fast.

hope detail scan no birdie :p

yes, KH is under Tr YenPing. He likes this Tr quite alot. He was once under Tr Genise (Was she Genise or Denise), but dun really like her.
YX is under Tr Lynia. Heard that she is also an ex-SM Tr.
Any HK pics? All in FB or ur blog??

Good luck for ur coming scan. KH also had the simliar problem like Elvis. Right to Left instead left to right, 10 become 01... sianz....
