Any mommies staying in Hougang?

Hi ladies,

Yes, I am still here. Now into my 34th week of pregnancy and really getting BIG and HEAVY!!! Can't imagine my baby's gonna be out in a few weeks time... Feel so unprepared. Maybe bcos 3rd child, very relax liao. Don't even remember what to pack for the hospital bag.

Do hope I could join the future meet ups. Blessings to all.

Dear seawave44!!!

Wow, how's the feeling of holding another new bb soon.. So envy..

Has Yvonne contact you already?

Hi to all the HG mommies.. Guess all are busy so this thread not so active huh?

GOD blesses all here too!
current stock, yes. Will be bringing in shoes for younger tots in time to come. :)

u referring to me? If so, yes! I'm in contact with seawave.
Hi all the mummy there, i be moving to Hougang st11 blk 161 soon, got a 3 years old son and 18mths old girl. which kindergarten or childcare centre is good around that area...did check out the kidskingdom but seem the teacher lack of experiance...wonder how is TPBC kindergarten..any comment
Hi evelyn!! Welcome! We'll be neighbours soon! I'm staying Blk 159..

My son is currently K1 at TPBC, just enrolled my daughter into N next year.. Prob starting Sept for PN if there is a vacancy..

Pls email me @ [email protected], will explain to you in details..
Hi Abyane,
Truly, it's a great joy holding a new born in your arms, witnessing the very miracle of God. But of course, it probably will come with a bit of sacrifices...

I believe you are TTC...all the best.

And yes, Yvonne has contacted me and I've passed her the prenatal vitamins. I didn't get to see her in person bcos her hubby came to collect them instead.

Hi Evelyn,
My kids attend LSK - Living Santuary Kindergarten.

The principal and teachers are loving and kind.(They give the children lotsa hugs all the time, make them feel secure somehow, I think...) They practises Learning-thru-play.

Some parents are comfortable with that, some prefer more written work. I guess it depends on your philosophy too. Happy hunting.
Hi seawave,

Yeah, I think learning-thru-play offers kids more rooms to learn, and they will enjoy learning as well.

May I know where exactly is Living Santuary Kindergarten, and are they accepting registration for bb born in 2006? I'm kiasu as understand that many kindergartens are running out of seat!
hi ladies thanks for the replied...

Hi Seawave ya i agree too learning thru play will be better for my he enjoy the shichida class he attend on the weekend, he look forward to the class where is this Living Santury kindergarten, do they provide school bus?

Hi abyane, just email u..want to know more about TPBC Thanks....

Girls shoes added.

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Hi sonic n evelyn,

Living Sanctuary Kindergarten is at 2 Hougang Street 22, within the church compound of Living Santuary Breathen Church. (Near the Lorong Ah Soo market, I think.) Tel: 62833373

Erm... I think for children born in 2006, registration will be next year for Pre Nursery level.

Yes, the school bus network is pretty extensive in and around Hougang/Sengkang. I stay at HG central and my kids go to school by school bus as well.

I guess the best way to find out more is to call them, make an appointment with the principal to see the school....see if the children are happy, the teachers are cheerful and if you are happy with the environment...

Hi Seawave44,
How many hr/day for Pre Nursery Level? how old the child can enter? how much normally?

My son going to taking care by a nanny ($600 with 2solids food) expensive oh..and i'm thinking to enrol my son for 2hrs nursery when he turns to 2yr old. (now he's 9mth),,a bit kiasu, And any mum know which one is better choice for?:
1. Blk 926 - Saint Elmo's Child Care
2. Blk 950 - NTUC Childcare
3. Blk 946 - My Cradle Child Development Ctr
4. Blk 924 - Acekidz Creative Educare (q expensive this one)

Any mum can recommend K1 for which center nearby my place at Blk 924 Hougang?

Many thanks.
Hi All Hougang Mummies,

I'm new here and just realised there's an Hougang mummies thread and so active somemore! I'm staying at Hougang St 51 and am a SAHMTB EDD in Sept. Can I join all of you too?
Welcome wenniekok and Bena!!!

Sure, pls join us at this forum, this thread and gatherings!!!

I'm a FTWSAHM - full time working stay at home mom.. heehee..
I work from home as a Personal Assistant..

I'm staying Hougang St 11.. My son is 5yo and daughter gg to be 3yo this Sept..

Hi seawave..thanks for the infor on LSK..will call and check out.

I think of putting my boy at childcare got more time with my girl ...ladies..any suggestion on childcare centre ard this area
Thank you Abyane!

Looking forward to joining any gatherings organised on this thread after my boy comes

By the way, any SAHM/MTB/FTWSAHM/ on total breastfeeding? I'm hoping to garner some emotional support as my mil who will be doing my confinement doesn't seem supportive of me doing TBF and I know it'll be a tough road ahead. Just wondering if anyone here manages to totally breastfeed successfully.
Oh, Kin, my godsis, who stays ops me is a FTWSAHM who TBF her 13mo daughter.. I joined East Mommies thread and gatherings too.. Many mommies there TBF their bb, eg, Mel C, Mrs Piggy, Kris etc..

If I have a new bb, I sure want to TBF him/her for at least a year..
Welcome wenniekok and Bena & All the new mummies =)

Bena, i still breastfeeding my 15mth old DS but no longer TBF, partially FM cos DS dun like semi solid or solid food.... then Mil to lazy to feed him too... so he's always drinking nan nan... after he finsh my supply of emb for the day, he'll take fm... he drinks abt 3oz every 2 hrs =( think he's over-weight liao. My well drying up liao... near period, supply drops to less than 5oz every 5hrs pump =( On a ggod day i can get 15-16oz =)

Good luck, any qs juz pop on the thread =) My mil also dun like the idea of mi breastfeeding, but when my ds gain weight v fast... she din make any more noise..... haha...

Evon, sorry my warning came to late =( hope u get ur original acct back real soon =)

BTY i'm a FTWM therefore seldom join in the meet up as i'm working retail hrs =(

Thanks for the support and info. Did you started out on TBF when your boy was born? I suspect strong resistant from my mil in the initial days of delivery before my milk comes in. We might feed FM from the cup to avoid nipple confusion if baby really needs supplement though many books I read says that nature by itself will be such that baby doesn't need much milk in the initial days.

I must say that to be still breastfeeding at 15 months is really an accomplishment in itself! Kudos to you!
Hi Bena,

Yup he was TBF for more than 8mths. However, on the 1st 6 wks due to jandice, we supplement bb wif FM abt once a day =p... only to get scolding from the nurse during DA, that BM is GOOD enough for bb. My mil cant odject to wat the nurse is saying.... heehee.... BB did have v high jandice. We stay in the hospital for 5 days... went home for the weekend, on Mon, bb was admitted to KKH due to high jandice... in order to aviod nipple confusion, bb was spoon or cup fed FM/EBM =)

The 1st few days... bb only nids the colostrum from the BM that is the clear in colour... it is packed with all the goodness, natural antibodies direct from mum to bb =) But u have to take alot of fluid else no fluid = no nan nan =( N lots of fish soup to boost milk supply =)
Thanks for your email. No choice lah.... btw, u always check out that particular thread?

i TBF my elder boy for 22 mths, then my gal 10 mths. We do have a few mummies who are very supportive of TBF. Seawave bf both her gals now and till now when she her no. 3 is to be out in a mths time, her no. 2 still need to suckle to sleep. I think hubby's support is very important. Whenever ur mil comment anything about giving FM and bf is no good, ask ur hubby to reply. That's for my case.
Evon, yup... i do pop in to check the latest war... haha... eat snake @ work til nothing better to do =P

Bena, agreed with Mar_mum, get DH to shield all the bullets =)

Seawave, Hi dear, hope u r coping fine... u take care n haf lots of rest hor...
Sac2000, Mar_Mum,

Thank you for sharing your wonderful success stories on TBF. My hubby is 100% supportive on TBF and so far has been taking many bullets for me :p. But because the difference in opinion is pretty strong and the bullets are flying from everywhere (not just my mil, but from both sides of our family - my son is the first precious grandson for both sides), I expect some tough comments coming along. I think you will hear from me alot come September during my confinement
But really, thank you both for giving me the confidence that it's possible to TBF baby and confirming my beliefs in the things I read on breastfeeding.
maybe you can try letting your families read about the pros of breastfeeding. I guess they don't understand and keep thinking that formula are better. Maybe some shows or some articles to show them may help. The stress will really come in during the 1st few days cos your milk supply not in yet and the bb may be crying for milk. then your families will step in to say that you have no milk.

One very true but may be not so nice reply to them will be: "this bb is my son. Would I not want to give him the best? If breastmilk is the best, why do I give him something else?"
Mar Mum,

Thanks for the advice! Sad to say, for certain reasons (ie illiteracy/ language barrier/ face), asking my husband's and my family to read is probably not an alternative
I anticipate the comments you mentioned (which I know for sure will cause me immense stress then) and now we are trying to broach the subject with our family to verbally educate them whenever we can. But again, like religion, we can only hope for a conversion but can't force one
I hope I won't be reduced to postpartum depression or to have to use curt remarks that may do irreversible damages to family relationships (I'm always afraid I might!). Sigh..

Dun worry to much, not wanting to scared u but pls be prepared Asian bb r more prone to jandice, n if the hospital comments that bb needs FM due to BM jandice, u may even faced additional pressure.

At the same time, since there on on going drug store spree, order GNC Frenugreek, u can start to consume on the even of ur ebb, no earlier hor!!! as it will cause labour to kick start. ie contaction...

This will definately speeds up the procceds of milk coming in, else u got to wait til the 3rd or four day... by then... maybe u would haf given up cos of the pressure u r facing...

Wat i used to do was to lock bb n myself in the rm to BF. My gf has a CL would stared @ her while she BF, she almost lost confidence as there's hardly any milk... thank goodness she is better now =) new mum with lots of support from this forum =)
Thank you sac2000. Ok I must go buy fenugreek.

Ya regarding BM jaundice, I think this really isn't within my control. The only thing I can do now is choose a pro breastfeeding PD for baby and hope baby is healthy and doesn't have BM jaundice and also arrange to bf baby asap after birth(hopefully in delivery ward, as stated in my birth plan). But I can't really envisage the eventuality cuz this is my first labour and things would probably be tougher if a c-section is needed. Did both you and Mar Mum had natural delivery?

It's so paiseh to be "watched" when breastfeeding. Your friend must have felt very uncomfortable. I think if anyone wants to see me breastfeed, they must show me their breasts too :p But seriously I think I'll learn from you and lock the door.
Wow, the forum moms must have given you great support!
Hi Sac2000. I saw you are taking the fenugreek. Is it tat good and been a vegetarian do u think I can consume? Pls advise.
Don't be afraid or pai seh to seek help regarding bf in the hospital. Which hospital u delivering? When I delivered in both KKH and Mt A, both had lactation nurse who came to help me to latch the bb on. They may hold your breast to latch the bb on. Whenever you need help, DON'T be afraid to get the nurse to help you. If your CL stare at you while you bf, let her do so. She has what you have.... Maybe can on some soft music to relax yourself. Maybe the 1st few days when you are home with bb, have your hubby to take leave to stay home and support you. Once your bb knows how to latch on properly and your milk supply starts coming it, things will get easy.

As for BM jaundice, ya, be prepared! They will tell you to sun your bb once they see ur bb yellow. Jus relax and if they can help you sun your bb, let them do so. My no. 1 got BM jaundice and no. 2 is slightly serious. Gotta admit to hospital. Was very upset at that time.... but it's over... :)
Hi Bena,


I am a SAHM and I suppose my full time job is to bf my kids!!!

I believe after much reading up, most mummies would realise that BM is best for babies... Most, if not all FM are trying to produce FM that are as close to BM as possible.

Actually, I am one of the weird mummies who has been practising extended bfg. My DD1 was only wean this year around her 6th birthday. My DD2 who is 4 this year, is still nursing to sleep. I am now 35 weeks pregnant. I'm not saying that this is the best arrangement, but I guess it is a choice that our family has made.

The 1st 6 weeks is crucial because your supply is still being establish, so hang in there. If you have any difficulty, call the BMSG or consult a lactation nurse. And if for any other reasons, you are not able to bf, don't feed guilty to supplement. We all want the best for our babies.

Like what all the other mummies said, get full support from your DH. I stayed with my ILs for a few years and each time my baby cries, they will say...not enough milk. Sigh! Recognise that they love their grandchild too, just that they are not clear about the benefits of BM. If the baby goes on FM, anyone else can "help" to feed. But if baby is bf, you are the only one who can do it. (unless you express). The other thing is that, all the kind souls around you would advice you to rest, therefore using FM would be easier... Try to learn how to bf in a lying down position. It would help. Yes, drink a lot to keep yourself hydrated. Remember to moisturise and air dry your breast to avoid crack nipples.

All the best to you bfg journey.
Mar Mum,

I'm delivering in TMC. I've actually spoken to TMC's lactation consultant to check if they can help me to latch on for the 1st time ( I will be so lost)and subsequently as and when the need arises. The LC (also my antenatal class trainer) is very helpful and readily obliged. But the downside is all LCs there work 9-5pm. Which means if I deliver outside those hours (very likely isn't it?), I probably won't get professional help immediately. (Someone told me the nurses won't be the best(or most qualified) people to approach for breastfeeding help) I'm still wondering how to get around that problem. I have heard of bad experiences of very sore nipples just after 1 time of poor latching that really impedes the breastfeeding efforts.

As for BM jaundice, the book written by Mrs Wong Boh Boi of TMC mentioned that actually there's no need to stop breastfeeding even if baby has BM jaundice. But it seems that most docs prefer to err on the side of caution and stop bf for a day or two. If that happens hopefully I can discuss with the PD to continue to breastfeed baby, and also refrain from hospitalising baby, but rather rent a UV light machine and treat him at home instead. (I can imagine how tough it is for you when No. 2 had to be admitted.) Dunno if this is workable but these are my thoughts in the event that baby has severe jaundice/ BM jaundice.


Your story is totally amazing. I'm curious to know how you responded when your ILs say "not enough milk"? I hope I can master the lying down position (though now I really can't imagine how it feels like breastfeeding, not to say lying down breastfeeding- sounds so tough!). The practical feels like such a steep learning curve, even with all the theories that I pile myself with. But I'm positive and I'm gearing up to be a full time cow soon

Thank you for your advices and I wish you a smooth and safe delivery. (You are an Aug MTB, I suppose?)
Mar Mum,

Btw,I don't have a CL. My mil will be doing confinement for me. I think I'll rather she not stare at me while I bf as I'm really quite a conservative person. I think even in the hospital I'll draw the curtains and ask her/ any visitors to wait outside
Hope they are understanding
although the nurses are not the best people to help, but at least they should know what to do... Just relax... and if the bb keep crying, don't panic .... the bb is learning how to suck from your breast also...
hi bena

i delivered at TMC too...don't worry, the nurses there are very nice and the lactation consultant (i believe it was Mrs Wong who attended to me) was very supportive. she dropped by about 2 or 3 times to check how i was doing and taught me the correct way of BF. i had a c-sec so most of the time i had to do the 'football hold'

when i went home, i realise that the best way for me to BF was to lie down on the'll get the hang of it very quickly...dont' worry

Thanks for the advice
You are luckier than my sil who delivered in TMC a month ago and one nurse taught her such a poor latch she had sore nipples and couldn't direct latch for a few days. I hope I can do it when my turn comes
Bena: I was in your sil's situation. I did not meet any nurses who could teach me well or advise me in advance so I had sore nipples. Ouch!
hi bena

actually i was also kiasu...everytime after i BF, i quickly put the medela cream around the nipples, just in case...coz i was scared of the pain...hehe..
Hi all!

I'm a new Hougang mummy, gave birth on 8 Jul!

Wanna ask all experienced mummies for recommendations for PD in Hougang area, cos currently my baby's PD's clinic is in Toa Payoh, thinking of switching to somewhere near.

Any comments on Anthony's Baby Clinic?

I'm staying near Punggol Park area.
hi msfox

am staying around punggol park area as well (b440)
whereabouts are you staying?

heard anthony's baby and child clinic is quite popular...i've got an ex-colleague who stays in woodlands and brings her kids all the way here to see him...but he's expensive...and the wait is pretty long i think...
Thanks Yummy_mum!!! Appreciate!
Oh Mar_mum is so lind to pick up for us but we still have no time to meet yet..

thanks for the info!

Not sure where the Saw clinic is though... me a bit blur abt hougang area one... I'm staying Ave 7, opp the big canal..

Is it necessary to bring baby to PD for immunisation jabs? Not sure how the crowd at the polyclinic is though. Wan to look for a children's clinic within walking distance... Is there any at hougang mall?
