Any mommies staying in Hougang?

The caps seller at Hougang Plaza now, according to sac2000..

will be passing by Admiralty as there's a shop there selling too.. Hope to find the nicer ones
($5 or $7.20 BP price)..

Mar_Mum, sms me ur preferred design, I see whether have, I help you buy..

Meetup on 23 Jun (sat):
1. Teresa with Jesslyn 4+ (am/aft 3pm ok)
2. sarahbb with 18mth Bryan
3. Chic_mum with 14mths Rei

You ladies still meeting?

u wanna get HuiLeng to join our thread?

u wanna get Kin to join our thread? and Sarah also....
Next week school has reopen..

But keen to meet, Ace (my ds) & Clara (Kin's dd) attend K1 at 8.15~11.15am timing..

Where to meet?

As usual, I love to open my house if there is no other option and if you all don't find it boring to gather in my hummble home..

My 2 kids love guests, just like the mommy, hahaha

Yes, Mdm (Mar_mum), will email invitation to Sarah and Kin right away..
hi msblur

i know that clinic too.. like what u say it always run of stock...

hi mar_mum
i stay in condo too... near earnest mum place
hi mar mum

i checked with my friend abt the playyard... she still using it as the baby has not outgrown yet ..
have u got yrs already ?
hi mar_mum,

apologise for mia. hope i answer al ur qns nw.

i live in casa rosa, a small scale, low-rise condo.

hui leng doesn't hv email account & doesnt read internet.

hi teresa, mar_mum & sarah, apologise i cant attend sat's gathering, cos my daughter fell sick wif viral infection since sun (39.8C), & it is unwise 2 bring her. Doc said it is highly contagious. 4 me, i suffer fr painful butt, kana pus oozing near my butt crack. i got 2 b wif her anyway.

i may b able 2 attend gathering nxt wk, if u guys decided 2 hv 1. anywhere is fine wif me.
hope to get it below $30.

Glad to hear from you. u have a good rest and hope both u and ur gal recover soon.
hi mar_mum,
sorry for mia and not able to turn up on last sat meeting. an unc passed away and was bz helping out there. hope we can meet again soon.
chic_mum - Sending over lots of quick recovery vibes!

Mar_Mum - This week cannot make it...cousins in town for the GSS. *apologies*
huh? but we met up on wed the week b4 leh....

sorry to hear abt ur uncle. Do take care and ya, hope we can meet again soon.

no worries!

guess it's the 2 of us again... haha.....
Dear Mar_mum,

Another mommy from PAsir Ris, Lyn and her ds Jerold (3yo) confirmed joining us..

Still awaiting Kin's confirmation..

Sarah can only confirm on the actual day..

Hi there,

Thanks for inviting me to your HG Mommies thread! It's really amazing to be able to meet up with nice mommies ard during our last gathering. Well, hope didn scare some of u though by my sudden intrusion! Hehe.... Really hope to see u guys again. Will try to drop by on this wed gathering if time permits okie though might be for short while! Take care for now!
hi JP,

I've gotten ur 'recovery vibes'- my wound is healing well (no more pus), gal is up & running nw. tks alot

hi mar_mum,

gal jus recovered fr illness. the last time i postponed cleaning to the following wed cos cleaner cant make it any other day. prev week oso the same.

so u gals enjoy urselves ok? gd food, gd sharing, gd companionship, gd children...
wah! u managed to jio pple from out of Hougang to join us huh... hahah..... not 3 active ones, but 4....

heh Sarah! nice to see you here.. :)
hi Mar mum, glad u knoe who i am cos i realised i forgot to introduce myself earlier! Hehe!..

hi chic mum, hope u've a fast recovery!

hi abyanne, i agreed with mar mum u really conquer the east zone huh! Send my regards to pauline!
Hi Mummies,

I am urgently looking for a good childcare or preschool for 3 year old son. Any recommendations?

Hi Freya's mummy and cFaith, are u two HG mommies too?


Freya's mummy, are you looking for a Maclaren Stroller to buy or??

Hi cFaith, which locality are u interested in?

My son attending TPBC since PN, now K1.. Used to be very good.. But now many good teachers has left.. One of the 2 K1 classes is without form teacher for past 1/2 year.. New form teacher just started on this new semester..

Considering to change him and enrolling my dd to N class next..

Maybe you wanna go Paya Lebar Methodist Church Kindergarten a try..
hi abyane,
I am staying HG Street 52, powerpuff_gal (Linda). It is the same block as blurqueen. I have posted before in this thread. Recently, I had changed my nick from Lynn to Freya's mummy. My gal is 5 months old.
I have already bought the Maclaren Techno XT last year and wanted to get the organiser that you can hang on the stroller.
Hi hi, welcome to all new mummies here!
I'm abit lost now since i've not logged in for quite some time! Many new n 'unfamiliar faces'!
It seems that mar_mum is the only one I know only.

what happened to ling, seawave n rest?

Oh ya, abyane, u still keen on collecting the gal's clothes from me? sorry have been too bz to contact u. Can sms me at 82013498 if u are keen?
Self collect at my place.
Hi all, like what Mar_mum proposed, are we meeting on the week of 9 Jul..

Welcome to my place but no obligation k?
Hi, Abyane

Thank for invite me to come to this link , nice to see so many Hougang mummies here <font color="ff0000">"Hello !!! Everyone"</font> .
Hi mummies.. I'm hougang mummy too!

Wow.. Didnt know that there is such an active thread here for Hougang mummies. Glad to see this.

I'm from thread ""A Singapore Motherhood Portal for the Singapore Parents: Year 2007 and later Mums: Any mummy staying at hougang""

Thanks Abyane for bringing hougang mummies here...
A big welcome to the new mummies!

If mummies are still keen on the meetup, how abt thurs?

12/7 (thurs), 12.30pm
1) Mar_mum, Ian & Phi
Yummymum: hi hi, me still around! great to see you again!

Marmum: thur cannot make it as alden has class from 1pm to 3pm and before that must make sure he naps and have lunch. thanks anyway!
so sorry mommy...

As I've just started with my new job (though home based), I'm afraid I can't be a good host..

And won't be joining u girls.. Tks!

Will try my best the next round..

