Any Mommies in mid-late 30s or over 40 with small children?


welcome back!
I'm very lonely leh, the only one bombarding this thread today

can post some HK disneyland photo?
have not been before

No problem Hippo2002, I was just giving my view =)

Not sure about "better academic results" mum was a power career woman- FTWM, and I still got 4As for PSLE and 10As for GCE fact, when she quit to stay at home when I was in JC...I totally not used to it...ha I think it really depends on the parenting style...

I have a fren who really believed in being hands-on 24/7, and quit to be a SAHM...but now when I meet her, she is "obsessed" (in my view) about her kids...she lives her life through theirs...and I think she gives them unnecessary pressure from very early in life...

So "Enchanted" was good? I am soo excited! Will be taking leave this Friday to bring my 2 kids to watch...yippie!

wow, so impressive! 10As for O levels!
do you have the same expectation of your kids too?

your mom quit too late liao. Only preschoolers need mommy 24x7. By teenage years, I think my kids will find me a nuisance if I am still home all the time. Must get a life of my own

Volunteer work?

mommies, I plan to volunteer in NLB next year, after I'm done with my volunteer work in dd1's primary school. Read about this on NLB web, can be a storyteller.

I cannot volunteer in old folks home or anywhere that I see, hear or encounter sob stories. I am those type that cannot bear to see suffering, my heart cannot take it, very depressing. Every year NKF show or cancer show, I will switch channel, can't bear to watch...

so can only go places like NLB

any other recommendation? yet to sign up with NLB so I can keep my option open
Dun really have expectation still deciding if I should send my kids to Nanyang alumni, but heard its such a pressure cooker these days...

FYI- I heard this recently, that in the top primary schools, teachers do not really teach, as they know all the kids have additional tuition paid by the parents!! they even say things like "how come you don't know! didn't you tuition teacher tell you???" ...this makes the kids feel sooo pressurized...and I heard that the teachers who still teach are all in neighbourhood schools, as kids there may not be able to afford tuition...what is this world coming to?!?

Yep, really not used to my mum being around, but she quit her work not because of me, but my dad accepted an overseas work assignment, so the whole family moved overseas...
I check the annuity plan from NTUC :

My understanding is that if we invest at age 55, then they start paying at age 62. I think most people will live longer than that.

I think many people invested most of their CPF in property. So when they are old, they will need to sell and move to a smaller flat in order to get enough cash for old age. Your property will certainly increase in value in the future. You can also rent out your apartment, then go and live with your daughters

My in-laws bought their apartment for $37,000. Now enbloc sale for $1.2 million !!!

Enchanted is good ! Highly recommended.

Me too cannot hear sad story. Yesterday my hubby told me he saw a bird at Botanic Gardens with 1 leg injured and rotting, I felt like my heart was wrenching.

How to volunteer in NLB as a storyteller ? I am very interested !

Huh ? The teachers at top primary schools really like that ? Then what's the use of sending kids there ?

I heard that this year the top 15 students in PSLE, there are quite a few from neighbourhood schools.

I think whichever school we send our kids to, we still need to monitor them closely to make sure they are following up.

here's the link for NLB volunteers

Fairyprincess, Tamarind

I heard about this before. My friend's friend used to teach in branded schools. Said life is easy, just teach for 10 minutes & the kids will do self revision for the rest of the period. The students already learnt way ahead of what their teachers are going to teach, so teachers can simply shake legs. Only neighbourhood teachers need to be hardworking ie. really teach, to keep their students afloat

agreed. whichever school they go, must monitor closely. I am more concerned about emotional well being, must make sure they are not bullied or ridiculed by classmates or even teachers.

Sadly, I don't have favourable memories of my teachers. Teachers do ridicule & pass cruel remarks & make personal attack on pupils they do not favour. Because they are in a position of authority while the pupils are at their mercy, there is an inbalance of power & the affected pupils may not speak up or defend themselves even if they are being bullied or ridiculed by teachers. Of course most teachers are not like that, but we only need to encounter 1 black sheep & that is enough to leave a permanent emotional scar

hubby's collegue daughter was yelled by her teacher to 'shut up'. She was so affected that she kept her mouth shut while she's in school, for 4 years !
Can I join in this thread?
Have been reading it for some time now, and the topics are really interesting

I'm a 34-yr old SAHM with a 9-mth old baby.
Hi Mummies
Me still bz... haiz...

We just ordered a bike for my boy! cos he has been 'training' on the training bike (one that does not hv pedals) and can balance, so hb said buy him one as his b/day pressie (b/day in Jan). Even bot a safety helmet... bike has reached bike shop, gonna be delivered soon.

SAHM, if I quit now, I don't think I can get a job next time... haiz...

I guess those mummies are really obsessed with their kids cos no other outlet to give attn to....

U quit ur job to be SAHM???

No need to read far, I already teared reading about the dragon boat tragedy....

Better academic results... maybe those of u who are SAHMs here can share with us?? I am not sure, I thot I also read those with parents who are working who do well..??
I think a solid foundation is impt, eg they need to be able to decide what is right and wrong if they are caught in a situation...
Nowadays being kids and youngsters seem so complicated hor... I don't recall we having any such thing as 'stress' last time leh.. exams come, we study, otherwise, we are gnrlly quite happy leh...

Assessment Books
This brings me to sth that I would do, everytime I read a notice or brochure, I will scan to see there are grammatical errors. Is there anyone like me?? hehe..

I think I had a lot of nice and weird teachers....

I rmbr in primary school, a certain teacher did not allow erasing during spelling... the moment u erase, even if u spell correctly, u don't score a tick.. weird hor...

Had a v good Maths teacher but when another took her place, she was not good and my grade started to drop...

Anyone has more stories to share?

Yep, I left my job to be a SAHM... actually I left my job after a previous miscarriage. Just as well, cos during this pregnancy, I spent the first 3 mths in bed + hormone jabs and pills.
Me and hubby decided for me to stay at home cos if we put baby at my MIL's place, she will spoil baby + she is old.
Put at my mum's place also difficult cos my mum's looking after my nephew who is 5.5mths older than my baby... then my dad likes to play "jealousy games" e.g. say he'll carry S (my baby) and not my nephew... that'll get my nephew very angry then my dad will quickly pacify my nephew by carrying him, leaving S wondering waht's going on. Plus a lot of negativity in my family lah, so better not

I also fear that I won't be able to have any market value when I go back to the workforce in future... but sigh, one step at a time lah. Sometimes just modify lifestyle a bit lor, like eat out lesser and no more extravagant bags and shoes for me

You're thinking of becoming a SAHM?
Re. teachers, I had a good teacher who made us "fine" each other if we use improper English like "la", "Yeah" etc
She made us catch each other, record in each other's notebooks. Each "catch" was 10 cents.
At the end of the school year, we pooled all the "fine" money + top-up from her to have a great big party and everyone spoke good English!

Till now, I still have to thank her that I never spoke with the "la" and "hor"... and when I went out to work, my angmoh colleagues thought I was educated overseas.
Thumbs up to her for my "fine" year in Primary 4

Sorry, you've have to wait for the pics. I was the frazzled one running after the kids while hb was the "camera man". But he prefers video.

HK disneyland is the smallest of all the Disneylands, but still good fun for the kids. That's good coz my kids won't be able to walk that far anyway.

All Disneylands look the same, I think. Was in EuroDisney some 4 years ago, and seeing HK Disneyland, was like deja vu!


The NLB programme sounds interesting. Anyone else going?
I'll give it a miss. Am already volunteering to teach at SSVH (Singapore School for the Visually Handicapped), teaching at NIE, and my own course in Sydney, I think I'm a little stretched already! Have fun!


Agree with Fairyprincess - teachers in 'top schools' expect their students to have tuition outside, so don't really teach! That defeats the whole purpose of teaching, isn't it? And also the purpose of going to school. it isn't to learn anymore! More like to socialize and see how others are doing!

That's why I send my girl to neighbourhood school. Totally unknown, unheard of, but the teachers do teach!

Hi, welcome! You're lucky to have good teachers. Actually, many teachers in schools now, don't speak very good English themselves. I got a bit disturbed when I hear ungrammatical announcements made by the teachers! Yikes!


Can have more info about the bike you bot for your boy? Why must order? How different from the others we find at the shops?
Am thinking of getting one for my girl too, but not sure how to buy leh. Please advice. Thanks
Haha, make sure that the fine is more than 10 cents... after all, have to take into account inflation over the past 24 years!
If the kids don't feel the pinch, then they won't bother to correct themselves

Wow, you're a FTWM? And you volunteer as well?
How old are your kids?
I don't think all good students have SAHMs or all SAHMs produce good students. I think it depends on whether the parents are able to spend quality time with their kids and I also believe that some kids are easier to teach than others.

My sister-in-law is a FTWM and doing still doing some part-time degree. Her daughter is very good in her studies as my sister-in-law can "remote control" her very well. Everyday, she sets a lot of guidelines for her - do this and that - and she is very obedient. Sometimes my son goes to my mother's house and he will come back to tell me that the "jie jie is very good, do so many things without the mummy reminding her".
Will have to try that when both children have pocket money.

You can also volunteer at National Parks as a gardener or guide or at the musuems as guides (need to study though

Just came back from Downtown East. The children had a great time.

No lah, I SAHM, PTWM (part-time working mum?)
The job at NIE is only temporary, to get some exposure for myself. I volunteer coz I also need the exposure - teaching kids who are visually impaired. I'll be taking course on that area!

In case you don't already know, my girl is visually impaired, so naturally I have interest in this area. Not that I am so very great or altruistic hor! heh heh!

I also run a small (tiny) home-based biz.

Good / Smart Kids

Both my uncle and his wife work full-time, and their son was in the Gifted Programme, waiting to go into Law at NUS next year! Their second girl is doing her 'A' levels, and would probably go into Medicine at NUS!

I SAHM, still my girl not doing that great what?!
Yeah, I agree not all SAHMs will produce great/smart kids... I see some SAHM's kids who are really spoilt and attention-seekers. I just hope mine will not turn out like that!

Don't be too modest about your homebased biz! I'm sure that if you want to and put in enough effort, it can grow big

Hmmm... actually I didn't know about your girl. So sorry if I made you "announce" it again

But you are already a great mummy - taking a course in this area... some parents may probably just "institutionalize" their kid, although some may not have a choice due to financial concerns on single-income.
Wow your uncle's kids are really impressive. Actually I feel that PSLE or O levels are not that important. Most important is A level results, if they can get into good faculty or good university, then they are guaranteed a good job, even though their university results may be average. No employer looks at PSLE or O level results.

Welcome ! Being SAHM is the best arrangement for your baby

I feel so sad by the dragon boat tragedy too. That day I read that one of the surviving team members hug the bag of a victim to sleep, then dream that he came to tell him don't wait anymore and goodbye. Tears filled my eyes

Now I have been looking around for kid size life jackets, since we bring our kids to the beach quite often.

I had 1 or 2 very good Chinese teachers in RGS before. The other teachers there were very average, some could not teach at all. But most of the girls still get A1. That time I think most girls learn on our own, like myself, not too many have tuition.

In primary school, I have been caned before for being too talkative :p Despite the fact that I turned out to be the top student in that school in PSLE. Actually I find that all the teachers in my primary school can teach well, although it's a no name school.
Don't feel bad that I have to bring up my girl's "condition" again. It's ok. We don't announce it, but we also don't try to hide it. It's nothing to be ashamed of anyway.

Yah, my uncle and aunt are so proud of their kids, and rightly so! It's amazing how independent they are, especially the girl. I know her to be very motivated since kindergarten. In primary school, she'll diligently do all her homework after school.
And none of their kids go for tuition!!!

wow, your uncle auntie very heng leh. if this has nothing to do with good parenting skill, then must be their good karma (hehe, different religion different explanation)

my mom said some kids are here to repay their debt from previous lives so very kwai & fillial type. If children naughty then must be parents owe them lor
EQ way of thinking? at least not so frustrated if kids not up to expectation
That's 30 years ago. They cane both boys and girls on the hand. I think now the rules are different.
I believe that even in average school, the student can still get very good results.

They are lucky to have kids who are so motivated. Really envy them.

Do you still have that table of particulars? suggest we revise the kids age to birth month year. Then no need to udpate age in 2008

Jan 2002
Feb 2004

Thanks for compiling the list

I bought a kid size life jacket from Toy R Us sometime back. It's together with all the floats, same section
No problem I will update when I am back in office on Monday.

Thanks for the tip about the life jacket, will check it out.
I am so envious of my uncle and aunt too! It's really amazing. After school, they spend their afternoons with their gong-gong who speaks only Hakka, but I heard is an excellent cook! maybe it's in the food?

I must have been real bad so now it's payback time!

Attended the TTSH 'Art of Healing' concert with my girl this afternoon. they featured the choir kids from the slum in Quezon city. I think they were reported in the papers some days back. Wow, were they GOOD! Even my girl was so impressed!

They'll be performing at St Theresa's Church (i think) tomorrow nite. It's free. Do go for it if you can. But check the venue in the papers first!
Hi Mummies
I've 1 more co event tonite and it'll be over!

SAHM... stimes do wish I can be but just a fleeting thot, cos I don't think I can tahan with 3 at home!! I rmbered during ML for three months I was so blur I didn't even know which day it was!
Also I find my voice volume has gone up over these years! It can be so loud!!

Apparently their lift jackets would hv been a hindrance instead of help for the tragedy....

Here are the pics.
From Treknology. Bike is $205. Helmet is $59...
It is a proper bike, it can be 'recycled' for the gals' use next time..hehe...
I think it goes by height, so u gotta bring ur gal there or tell them how old she is so that they advise which size.
They say stocks for my boy's age range are running out fast due to Christmas.
He can't really reach yet so we can't remove the training wheels now... he is able to balance on his other bike which has no pedals...

Thanks for the pics. The bike looks very pro leh! For the one you got, it will last your boy for about how many years? So sayang if use a while, then cannot use already!

Anyway, got my girl her in-line skates, so no more $$$ for her bike. Told her will get them for her when she does well in her exams next year!

Life Jackets
Just to share : jackets for kids (actually for adults also), make sure they have strap going under the body (ie the groin area). No point just the body coz what happens is if you're in the water, and someone is to save you, usually from a boat, they'll pull you up using your vest. Many instances, the person wearing the vest simply slips down while being pulled up!

Also, if not secured with straps down the body, if you raise your hands, the vest can also slip off!

If there isn't such straps, remind your kids to HOLD ON TO the vest when in the water so it wouldn't come off!
That's a nice bike you've got there! My hubby will like that helmet
He's already talking about making the baby wear a helmet so the baby doesn't hit her head when she falls down learning to walk.

The life jacket extra strap on groin area is new info - never heard of it before... thanks!

Re. payback time, I think it's also payback time for me now... i used to take 2 hrs eating my dinner, and now my baby takes a long time too, and gags at my food... so much so that my mum kept asking me if my food taste bad?!

did you bring your kids to shows at shopping centers?

Brought my kids to 2 shows this week. Barney at Marina Square & Dora at United Square. dd1 said Barney and Dora are uncles who dressed up. Aiyo, she's so spoiled spot although quite true hor, 'uncles who dressed up'
Haha, your dd1 is so funny!
But very observant!

Got an email on Xmas shows from my friend... in case mommies here are interested:
<center><table border=1><tr><td>

Xmas show 2007.doc (27.6 k)</td></tr></table></center>
Been skimming through past postings... some questions for you experienced mommies:

What books are good? I saw alot of raves and BP on Eric Carle's books, but I checked it out yesterday at Borders, and am not impressed except for 2 books which I then bought.
Am I the odd mommy who doesn't know how to appreciate children's books?
Wanted to check out Richard Scarry too, but lots of his books seemed to be OOS.
Are Dr. Seuss books good?

Re. Music Lessons
At what age should we send our kids for music lessons?
I read about Dalcroze, but eh... I'm not musically inclined at all (in fact, I'm a bit tone-deaf)... what exactly is it? Do they have classes for babies? Where are lessons held? I Googled "Dalcroze Singapore" but found nothing helpful.

You do lots of sewing?
The $1k sewing machine you have - is it abl to sew overlay as well?
I checked out Spotlight for sewing lessons before, but the timing was no good, so I signed up for a CC one... then got pregnant and had bedrest so stopped after only 3 lessons.
I'll really like to makes dresses for my dd, but not very sure how to start. Are those patterns sold at Spotlight (Simplicity brand) useful?
Cos they seem quite expensive for just a piece of paper!
First, I gotta get a sewing machine cos I was using a borrowed Janome one from my MIL

** Sorry if I seem to be bombarding you gals with so many questions. I'm quite a new SAHM, and am quite blur about lots of things!
For overlay, do you mean serging? Sew the sides to prevent fraying? You'll need a special serger machine for that. I got a Brother machine from Courts some years back at around $400+. If you sew a lot, it makes better sense to get one. Otherwise, you'll need to go to the shop to get it done. And it isn't cheap, mind you! Worse, they can be quite careless with your fabric and cut into it!!! happened to me a few times!

Spotlight patters, like Simplicity, contains more than just one piece of paper. Also, the patterns are usually for an age range, eg. 2-6 years, etc. That means, you can use the patterns for your dd from ages 2 right up to 6! Not only that, they usually have about 3 or 4 variations in the patterns as well. So you can actually sew a few "different" dresses for your dd.

I have a few used packs of patterns. PM me for details.

Music and Dalcroze
No one here in Singapore specializes in Dalcroze. But established music schools in Australia, UK and US all incorporate it in their programmes. I know Juliard Music School in the US has that in their graduate programmes.

It basically gets the learner (child to adult, beginner to advanced) to 'feel' the music so that everything becomes intuitive rather than learned or rehearsed. You have to learn to internalise things like beat, tempo, pitch, expressions, etc, so that your performance is spontaneous. It is not an easy concept to explain, better experienced.

I used to teach Dalcroze to special kids because they need it most. Using the whole body to experience music, and basically to get in touch with their own body, movements and spatial awareness. It is a form of therapy as well - especially for the physically challenged!
Have you checked out the national libraries near your place? They have quite a lot of children's books and membership is free. I like Eric Carle's books because they have nice pictures and the storyline's simple and easy to understand. I also like Ellen Walsh (Mouse Paint, Mouse Count), Rod Campbell (Dear Zoo, I won't bite), Margaret Wise Brown (Goodnight Moon), David McKee (Elmer series), Hans Augusto Rey (Curious George series)...many others but I must go to lunch now.
Thanks for you tip about the life jacket, I will certainly keep it in mind.

Dr Seuss books are very good for children starting to read on their own. There are 3 levels. Children feel a sense of achievement when they can read an entire book on their own. Like my 4 year old girl can read Green Eggs and Ham, over 60 pages on her own. She was so happy, and she was motivated to read more.

Ladybird Read It Yourself is another series that teaches children to read on their own. But I find Dr Seuss books better.

For babies and very young children, the following books are very very good.
This little bunny
This little fish
This little doggy
This little lamb
Munch,munch,who's there
Bang,bang,who's there

All the books in this series are very good. Every page has pieces for the baby to slide or push. It's superb for learning both the words and develops fine motor skills too. Both my kids love them, and have been reading them for 3 years ! My older girl actually tore the books, and I had to go and buy a new set. It's a very good investment.

Hi mommies,
When you are very depressed or very unhappy, how do you deal with it ?

Just got news that I will definitely be retrenched by June next year. Feel very very bad. I only slept about 4 hours every night. I took leave to stay at home since Thursday. Then I did the following to keep myself occupied so that I don't think too much.
1. Bake cookies and cupcakes with my kids
2. Watch 23 episodes of Heroes within 2 days
3. Wash toilet
4. Cook lunch and dinner

Any other suggestions about how to get over it ?
Hi Mummies
Slept for 2 hrs just now...!! So relieved that everything is over for now. Next project is office move...
Went jalan with my boy just now, had a yummy lunch with him and we went to the toy shop to look see but he never asked me to buy anything...
We took buses cos he wanted to take long bus so we just boarded one .... (oh, after hippo (?) mentioned about eazy link card, I hv bot him one..hehe

Bike - unfort. it's only for 2 yrs, that's why I say we think of the 'recycling' part to make it worth. It's a bit pricey but then, it's really a proper bike..

Does Spotlight hv nice materials? I went there once but didn't see anything..

Ur hb a bit kua zhang leh... all bbs also learn to walk w/o wearing helmet what..hehe.. plus where is he gonna find one that fits her (ur bb is a gal?) huh??

I gotta clarify that I can't afford to be SAHM now as even tho we don't lead extravagent lifestyle, there are still 3 little (but growing) appetites to feed!! So for now I sorta hv no choice but to work...

These two dresses are sewed by my mom...! The mat'l is so cheap, makes me think those shops are making a lot of money leh...
But my mum says it's difficult to find nice mat'ls nowadays cos ppl buy off the rack.


We ever borrowed Richard Scary's books and I bot one for my boy but it's rather expn. I like the illustrations, v cute and my boy likes.
Eric Carle - me do not ptrly like them..
Dr Seuss' books - we bot a compilation at book fair, hb wlbe the one to read to them cos I don't really like the books.
Stimes we do borrow from libraries but I find my kids still don't know how to take care of books and I feel bad if they tear them accidentally. We buy all sorts lah, we look at the contents.

Maybe we shud put our kids' gender too...or names?

Boy: Jan 2004
Twin gals: Jan 2006

Sorry to hear about that... are they gonna compensate u? I guess after doing all this, you still gotta face up to the fact.
Can I share a little of my story with u?
My ex co had been axing ppl off for a nbr of years and we were all ready. The day my boss called me into his room (whilst I was heavily pregnant with the twins) to ask me to 'choose' to return to work after my delivery or to take 'a break', I knew which decn I had to take. Still I went home and discussed with my hb.... and decided that they expect me to go... so I told boss I wl leave after my ML... I was thinking to take a break for six months, after frankly staying home w/o working was no joke... I started to apply for jobs expecting to find one within six months... God is great, the day my ML ended, I was offered a job to start the following Monday!
I know for ur case ur salary works against u, but since u have to work, u really gotta start searching, and u may hv to lower ur expectations... ur salary is for managers!!!
Even when u know that such things is gonna happen and it really happens, it's still tough to face it right?? Life is full of uncertainties and what more with cos. not bothering about keeping their workers. Just gotta be brave and overcome it. There are many ppl who have been there and went thru such emotions and situations.
For one, u are not that old.....
Your whole family knows??

Heroes - we also want to watch Heroes on vcd (?) cos can't tahan the Ch5 one with too many commercials...
Here's a hug.
Really am very sorry to hear of this. Time to switch to survival mode and start sending out resumes. No point moping. Keep busy. Spend time with kids. Wishing you lots of good luck with finding a new job.
hi gals,
Thank you so much on your detailed feedback on the books

As for libraries, yes, I do borrow lots from the library as it's quite near my home, but the Richard Scarry ones are always out on loan and out of stock at Borders, that's why I needed some feedback from you gals.
Will check out those titles you gals mentioned!

Heee, I just realised how rusty my sewing + sewing vocab is... it's actually overlocking & serging that I was talking about, not overlay

Yeah, I checked out the serging service/fees near my place... $5 for a simple dress!

Have sent you a PM on the patterns!

Thanks for info on Dalcroze - I guess I wouldn't be attending any Dalcroze class since there isn't any in SG then.

So sorry to hear about it. I agree with kira... can start to send out resumes now.
And if you're good with your cookies and cupcakes, maybe can set up an online business? Lots of pple start off with food blogs and the business comes in from there.

Can I add my info to the update too?
My age: 34
Profession: SAHM
Girl: Feb 2007

The dresses are gorgeous! I esp. like the one on the right. I think your mum can sell these dresses!
As for fabrics, I find Spotlight a bit expensive... but in SG, really hard to find nice materials besides the few shops at Pearl Complex and Jalan Sultan.
If you travel to Vietnam , they have lots of nice fabrics... I lugged back quite a lot of fabrics when I went to Ho Chi Minh to make my baby, but they're mostly adult stretchy fabric which I dunno how to sew

haha, yes, my hubby is a bit of a safety nut. He wears his helmet without fail, when cycling... and pads me up like a monster when I was learning to roller-blade.
When baby was learning to crawl, he actually suggested roller blade kind of knee pads so baby's knees won't hurt, but aiyoh, where are we to find roller-blading knee pads in baby's size?!
As for baby helmet, definitely cannot find esp. since my baby's head and face is so small

Wow, you've got twins! I am hoping for twins too, esp. since my mum's family has a history of twins
Hi Mummies
Just got back from dinner. Hey hey hey, my boy can ride the bike w/o the training wheels!

Cheer up, download your stress here... do update us... I pray to God .. Like when they told us our boy has a chance of DS, we just prayed and know that everything is under control.

Dress - yah, my mom can sew, when I started working and for a few yrs, she sewed all my working clothes, jkts with lining too! She's great!

Vietnam has nice fabrics...?? Really!! Must ask my collick about it.

Hey, I think I ever saw those knee paddings for kids, I'm sure if u go to MothersWorks (exact name?) and ask, they may be able to help you.

It's better to pad up when roller blading.. we also make sure boy wears the helmet while cycling.

Why did u go Vietnam to make bb ah?? SIN is too stressful, is it?? hehe..

Twins - for me, it's was my grandmother who was a twin but the other twin didn't survive... I never expected to hv twins leh...

Are u planning a big bday bash for ur gal?
Congrats to your boy being able to ride the bicycle!

I remember what a big achievement it was for me when I could ride it... not an easy balancing skill to learn!

Re. Knee Pads, yep, my friend told me MotherWorks sells Snazzy pads, but so expensive at $20+! In the end, I bought a cheap Farlin one at $5.90 then sewed on the anti-slip rubber mat it... the kind of anti-slip mats that pple use on dashboards of cars to prevent their things from slipping down.

Hee, yeah, we went to Vietnam for holiday during my "O" period... more relaxed

Plus, I was into sewing at that time, so wanted to buy fabrics.
In HCM, there're big markets with a big section selling cloth, but must really spend a lot of time browsing.

My brothers are twins, so I also hope I can have twins, but some say it'll skip one generation, so I may have a very slim chance.

My gal's birthday falls on 2nd day CNY... abit difficult to have a bash... think it'll just be a simple party with family members, and with food that she cannot eat

besides sending out resumes & registering with recruiters, maybe you can also explore options which are not capital intensive such as giving tuition or try out as a real estate agent in the meantime?

Do keep us posted on your job search progress & we can help to brainstorm for ideas & possible career paths

wow, your boy can ride on two wheels! impressive!
how did you manage to teach him so quickly? dd1 is so scared of falling


dd1 reads anything she lays her hands on. Ali Baba, Cinderella, Ugly duckling, pooh bear series, Disney series, ladybird series, science encyclopedia, english grammar. dd2 likes PAP reader programme books such as 'hare & tortise had a race'

We hardly borrowed books from library. I usually buy books because dd1 likes to read & re-read. dd2 gets the hand down books from dd1. My theory is to immense them in books to cultivate the interest to read, any books also can as long as they are willing to read

how do you spend your typical day as SAHM?
I'm also a book-hoarder!
I love to keep books and re-read them over and over again, but currently don't have time to read anything except parenting books!

How did you cultivate the love of reading to your dds? Just read to them?
At 10mths old now, dd is always crawling around, very restless when I read to her... she only likes to turn the page when I finish that page and ask her to do so!

My typical day:
6am: Wake up bf her and doze away at the same time
730am: She'll crawl abt while I prepare her breakfast & porridge stock
815am: Breakfast for her
845am: Nurse her to nap
9-1015am: She naps; I prepare her porridge, eat my breakfast with Internet, then dry-wipe the floor/laundry etc
1015am: Bath then walk downstairs
1130am: Her lunch then play
1pm: Nurse her to nap
1pm-230pm: She naps while I cook my lunch and eat it with Internet
230pm: She wakes up, I nurse her then play... sometimes I'm so tired by this time I'll doze off while she crawls around
4pm: Prepare her dinner
445pm: Walk downstairs
515pm: Her dinner then play
615pm: Daddy comes home, play with her while I cook our dinner
7pm: Daddy cleans her up, I nurse her to sleep then hubby and I eat dinner
7pm-10pm: Internet/housework/grocery-shopping
10pm: Last feed for the day

** In between play, if I remember, I'll flash her some cards too

To be frank, I didn't know being a SAHM was so tough. There're so many times I felt like putting her at some caregiver's then just go out to work!
And bf is another tough thing too... I cried so many times cos of low ss and then blocked ducts/blisters on nips.
Thank God all the bf troubles are over... now I just need to think how to wean her off, esp since she doens't like bottles, FM and plus I nurse her to sleep :p

How do you girls cope with more than 1 kid?
There are Richard Scary books at Kino.. I'm waiting for the next 20% for mbrs so that I can buy another book.
Many of our books are bot at book sale at the Expo cos wl be cheaper...

At least ur hb does not return back late... and can help u a bit.
What do u mean u do grocery shopping at 10pm???

1st kid is always overwhelming... I feel subsequent ones are not that tough lah..
I felt that way too.. plus I don't consider myself exactly maternal to begin with.

So were u on bedrest till delivery???

Twins - aiyoh I also only read abt it when I found myself preggie with twins.
Some studies say that they skip a generation but some say it's not true.
Anyway identical twins are random.
And it seems that (some books do not agree) that fraternal twins usu have a history in the family that there are twins. Mine are fraternal twin gals.
It's tough (and tiring) at times but still a joy to see them grow ... and then I read of so many problems ppl hv conceiving that we gotta be thankful.
We have lotsa help. Since I am working, I have learnt to let go of certain things lah, I'm tkful for eg. when my kids are sick, it's my mil who wl fetch them to the PD..

Yah being SAHM is tough leh but the kids are fortunate to hv the mummies around...

Some months ago we bot a pedal-less training bike for him...he would sit on it and balance and push himself forward... after a while, he could cruz along balancing well.
According to my hb, he was quite reluctant yesterday to sit on the new bike, it was after some coaxing and assurance that he tried and just now he was happily cycling. He fell twice but was ok, picked himself up and continued... stopping and steering is still not that smooth but he could cycle a few rounds (with hb following him lah...) anyway I'm quite proud of him leh, I only learnt how to cycle around secondary school age.. hahaha...
U were asking about those kids shows at shopping centres - we never purposely go, we don't bother as hb/I dislike crowds and noise..usu if there is one, we just linger a while. My boy is also not v interested..I think he rather plays his lego, cars or be at the playground..hehe..but I don't know how it wl be when the gals' turn come, whether they wl cajole me to bring them to watch disney???

Stime back, we let boy choose vcd and he picked Spongebox, o my, I think it's a terrible programme!!!

Rembr I told u my kids hardly watch tv, with mio, things hv, erm, changed a little.. we plonk them to watch Cbeebies... haha.. but at least they have kids educational programmes and they speak proper English ... stimes I hv to do that otherwise boy wl chase the gals on his rider, or he and T2 wl chase each other, ending with baluku on their heads... haiz... so inorder to hv some peace...
Haha. Yah, it's true they sit very placidly in front of the screen. Actually, I don't really let them watch TV 'cos I don't like violent programmes/cartoons. But, they have a CD book of all their favourite DVD/CD e.g. Magic School Bus, Bob the Builder, etc. My friends say when he goes to P1 next year, he'll still come home with Pokemon/Power Ranger fighting gestures/phrases. Yah, I like to see them play though. At least, they're exercising their minds when they play. It's amazing that your boy can cycle so well.
Mine can't do without the training wheels yet.

I just realised how young your baby is. At this age, my sons liked the Wheels on the Bus book. There are different versions, some with movable parts. They'll sit on my lap and listen to me sing the pages on the book. They also liked nursery rhymes e.g. How does the farmer ride, jiggerty-jog,..(and you gently bounce her on your knee), Pat a cake (hold the hands and do the action), One, two, buckle my shoe (tickle at the "Big fat hen".
Oh, grocery shopping is from 7-10pm, after baby falls asleep, then hubby helps to look after her while I run out to buy veges cos veges don't last more than a few days.
My hubby used to travel a lot... away for 2-3weeks, then come back for only 1-2 weeks. Then when baby was 7 mths old, he decided that he doesn't want to miss her growing up, so took on a new job that doesn't require him to travel and can come home around 630pm

Hmm... I hope subsequent kids are really not that tough, but I am worried about juggling time between the 2, and I don't want the older one to get jealous. That's why we're still thinking when is a good time to try for a 2nd one.

My mum's family's twins are all identical, including my brothers

Actually, being a FTWM also has its tough parts, like not being able to spend enough time with kids and the constant stress at work. For me, the toughest part of being SAHM is the sense of worthlessness... like all my friends kept asking me when I'm going back to work (as if I'm wasting my life away staying at home), my own sis calling me an "auntie", and of course the fact that this SAHM job is never appreciated by others.

I was on bedrest for the first 3 mths, then after that was up and about quite a fair bit. Just hoping that if 2nd one comes along, I wuoldn't need bedrest.

I have those "Spin a Song" moving parts books like Wheels on Bus and Oh MacDonalds, but dd wouldn't let me hold her hand to clap or make any actions! She'll keep crawling away from me, clamour over me and pull my hair, poke my eyes

My mum says she is not a very focused person!


with the 2nd child, I feel easier because I have been through one round & I'm less kan cheong & uptight the 2nd time round
1st baby didn't crawl at all because I was worried the floor has germs & didn't really encourage dd1 to crawl much. With dd2, I left her on the floor all the time to roll & crawl. what germs?


I noticed dd1 is not too keen on shows after she figured out they are uncles in disguise. She enjoyed those shows in previous years before her 'enlightenment'

twins are so cute hor. I kept asking my gynae am I expecting twins during my pregnancy. my grandma & grandma's sister gave birth to twins. my mom's cousin gave birth to triplets. hehe, my girls looked quite alike, they were often mistaken as twins despites their height difference
