omg!kalau yer pun..ish!!!at a carpark in broad daylight!!!buat malu jer orang pakai tudung.imagine u may not be the only one who saw it!
{design kau sebot tu zaman rock never die!! LOL}
sebab tu tadi aku ketawa busat
what was i thinking?????????
kau & mas kenal?????
if dah nikah pon...kalau nak thrill pon jgn ah sampai gitu skali....

got this gay guy 'buat kerja' pat HDB lif....caught by the CCTV

aku kau jgn lupe....
i like this lauk but if my mom masak only two of use yg makan...

apesal kenyit kenyit mate.. gatal mate kau?/
*pass eyemo to shahlynn*
<font color="aa00aa">join nora istighfar sama2.

kau jgnlah meliuh lak.
bukan selalu ku dapat masak gini tau..hehehe</font>

ternyata kau ni kuat.. kau tengok dorang buat keje sampai habis..
tak lenguh tangan kau angkat tu teropong??
hehe teringat lak dulu my fren cakap he tangkap this two singapore artist...tengah buat kerja at changi ..dalam kereta...and the gal was totally naked!tapi skrang dah kahwin and ada anak pun...but still, they must be totally embarassed then..especially the gal..ish ish...
<font color="000000">Nshah
BJ- Bau jamban..

tak kenal lah..dgr name team dia je ku dah geli..
*kalau kenal pon ku tak mengaku kenal, LOL*</font>
Lina, yah..malay artist..the guy is a singer and the gal an actress..takleh cakap nama pat sini.nanti takut kena sue..ekeke
{waty asyik teropong ajer tak sempat nak call polis hahahah dia call hub dialah.....}


dia tenok sampai habis, den dia kol hb dia... suruh balik cepat!
cepat2 dia angkat maya, salam parents dia, terus balik....
sampai rumah, dia kasi maya main2 sampai penat, terus tertido...
by then, hb wati pun balik, dan wati mula sengih2 sambil matikan lampu....
hello semua
wah... wati,you had a vv interesting day yesterday!

nshah, your boy's gloves is how small? cos my boy only 5 mths. yesterday, we tried the smallest size gloves they had at Winter Time and it was waay too big...
hehe tul tul Lina!But its true lah cos its my good fren yang tangkap..he is a police officer..cuma tulah, kalau dah artist tu kan..lagi patut berjaga2 lah...nasib baik police kasi warning jer..kalau paparazi yang snap..aiyoh...dah cam hollywood!
{tak kenal lah..dgr name team dia je ku dah geli..
*kalau kenal pon ku tak mengaku kenal, LOL*}

tahun 1990....
*dorang, bukan aku*
"dia tenok sampai habis, den dia kol hb dia... suruh balik cepat!
cepat2 dia angkat maya, salam parents dia, terus balik....
sampai rumah, dia kasi maya main2 sampai penat, terus tertido...
by then, hb wati pun balik, dan wati mula sengih2 sambil matikan lampu...."

IM A MAN....hahhahahaha
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

dia tenok sampai habis, den dia kol hb dia... suruh balik cepat!
cepat2 dia angkat maya, salam parents dia, terus balik....
sampai rumah, dia kasi maya main2 sampai penat, terus tertido...
by then, hb wati pun balik, dan wati mula sengih2 sambil matikan lampu....<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>

yg selebihnya korang end kan citer2 using masing2 punya imaginative...
kalau aku kan aku complete it wiz wati n hubby dzikir ramai2 coz malam jumaat bagus kalau amalkan dzikir
Nora, tak lenguh... syiok... hehehe...memberahikan..

Eh, kelakar kaper.. aku suka tgk cos ada at times tu they stop cos i think the lift ada orang naik.. heheh... Kelakar tgk dorang pretend pretend tgk rumah lah, tgk jalan raya...
<font color="119911">athlete
entah i tak tau how small or big? u tgl mana? nak try on ur boy dulu? i bought them for him while he was only 3mths masa tu mmg dia pakai besar.. so i tink ur boy might b able to fit his.. or senang meet up ah can test easier.. email me or sms me [email protected], 97466934</font>

nie malam korang pi teropong pat Jurong punya multi-story carpark......confirm nampak Wati buat thriller hahahahhaha
"singer n actress...hmm macam tahu je...dun tell me thay are the couple yg se estate ngan I"

siapa huh? u made me kepo ah
Bagus pun Mas....yg lain, pandai betul buat citer.. LOL*

Yest, my hubby pun ader.. dia nak tgk, tapi aku tak kasi.. Sekali 'keras' mcm mana ? Masih siang seh, abih kat rumah mak aku plak tu...hehehe

I told him, takper.. you tak payah tgk.. "Mlm i service you ok..." hahahahah
<font color="000000">Wati
abis..dorang tak nmpk kau ke?? mane kau sembunyi??? ape no. blok tu.

pstt: Nora..amacm? on?</font>
hahaha no mas dun say!!!wait, u tinggal mana??

nazlin off handphone skarang...*takut Shalynn n SMH mums sume call*..ekekeke
hahaha, you gals are soo funny...

btw, those staying/working in the East, where do they have good chicken rice? feel like having that for lunch.

Shahlynn.. dah tahu bilang aku !!!

Eh, aku nak buat thriller eh... sigh*

Mlm nie aku gie sana, bawak boombox aku.. bukak lagu Michael Jackson "THRILLER"... buat videoclip sendiri..

Habis besok keluar BH. "Lelaki dirogol perempuan gemuk yg dikatakan isteri buas"...
