eh, takleh sebut nama dia kat sini tau!
deknie ada ramai kawan 'plastik' tau...
sebab dia berlakon pun macam 'plastik'...kejong jer!

*mumbles* mana punyer bongok suah amik dia berlakon!
<font color="119911">takpelah tak nak bilang takpe..

anyway its over jus hope they repent aft wat they had done

YES AKU MMG KAKI MERAJUK, CRYBABY hahha dats me.. hope tak tersinggung pr menyampah lah eh ;)</font>
Siol ah Shahlynn...

Seriously, i think i want to go EVERTOP today... Tadi saper yg carik Nasi Ayam tu... nie kau punyer pasal.
i pun nak tahu but if artis local malay s'pore, you tell me the name also i may not know siapa...

want to go for lunch, but malas to drive out and back to office again...
<font color="aa00aa">mas ni anti climax betul!

got your sms.
whoa..tak sangka my guess is rite!!!
pandai jugak aku ni eh..hehehe</font>
{trf duit dulu baru ku bilang}

Notty pun dah pandai main transfer2 duit sak!

kau nak aku mail invoice kau tu which address?
office or home?
<font color="ff0000">Sape lah aku nie...

Kalau betul si dektu tu...ku pernah gi disco dgn dia...but she's my fren nye fren...
Lagu disco but she joget dangdut..camne tu

She went disco wearing baju babydoll...dulu musim dat kind of baju...

Ok ladies....ku nak balik...happy lunching
kite ingat artist SG...decent but hor sensasi jugak...cuma dorang tak keluarkan pat magazine\internet cam pat hollywood
<font color="aa00aa">ladies,
pegilah scroll up bagi yg lum tau tu eh.
nama yg i mention tulah yg benar orangnya.
kalau pompan tu memang tak tau malu.</font>
invoice coming ur way!
$40 + GST + service charge = $120.
cheque/cash/Ibanking acceptable.

I never like her lah...
Like i said earlier, fake &amp; plastic!

{nama yg i mention tulah yg benar orangnya}
ntah, i tak tahu....
<font color="000000">Lina
tak baik kau..sindir..sindir..Dan..

yg u pergi disco tu zaman rock never die eh..1980s?
aku ngah kira pompan tu brapa tahun..masih pakai puting tak?? LOL!</font>
saw this and teringat the topic abt cats the other day.

Condo's feline mystery

Fri, Jun 12, 2009
The Straits Times

By Teh Joo Lin

NINE stray cats were found unconscious within a condominium in the east yesterday morning.

Residents at the Bayshore Park condominium thought they were dead, but Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) officers found them to be still breathing.

They were put on intravenous drips and their condition last night was still uncertain, though two had responded positively, SPCA executive officer Deirdre Moss told The Straits Times.
mungkin Dan pergi dia punya birthday party tak...joget disco....

nanti gathering...suruh Dan mimic si R joget dangdut cam mane
{Lagu disco but she joget dangdut..camne tu }

dia pun tone deaf tak?

or main amik nama joget!!!

*teringat nyonya2 &amp; apek2 @ NTUC Club... sumer lagu joget LineDance*
Im back from lunch! Burp* Syukur.. kesian aku lunch sorang.. My pantry buddies (Yani &amp; Wani) go on leave.. lunch had prawn soup, tuna sandwich and salad.
