tak kuasa thinking of buying for him the Coach wallet for FD...tapi u know guys they dun know how to appreciate all these stuff

<font color="ff0000">Gal

In front library/pasar going to Woodlands
Opp side/along Polyclinic going to Bedok

168 highway fr Tampines to Wdlands Int
969 the bus go to Lentor to Yishun baru Wdland Int

asal tak mo drive...

anyway ku dah kasi in details...takut kamu sesat masuk kampung ku &amp; lina
oh yes San!sorry lepastu lupa nak reply cos ada customer..ok ok, i tengah buat my research..insyallah kalau jadi i will start that ok ;)
<font color="119911">gal
if u gg towards wdlands take at e bus stop near e pasar tu, near e library.. coz dats gg up to wdlands nya route.. *sorry for being kpo*</font>
Naz, 193 from Boon Lay Interchange to Tuas..

Padan muka driver tu. Dia ingat F1 ker.. bongok !

Eh, i ada citer sensasi.. Smlm i jadi spy ...
<font color="000000">Mas
alamak..balik aku chek ehh..tak perasan lak..
kalau takda, aku potong label botol coke tampal situ..hehehe..</font>
<font color="119911">naz
wen u r launching minerals make up habaq eh coz i like minerals hope ur shades suitable for mine jadi tak ya susah order from everydayminerals.</font>
<font color="119911">Slynn
ku tak pernah dgr all dat design??
yg ku tahu
phantom, coke, PJ1, tarantula, kamikaze, venom (eh venom keta ke motor? hehe venom speed tu ketakan?)</font>
taklah.... i tak buat befday anak i kat chalet...
it was just another family gathering.
with games and all!

i dun fancy buat kat chalet (sorry eh, no offence. its just me yg KOLOT) coz
1 - budak blom tahu apa2... so i buat grand pun, he dun remember.
2 - yg puas enjoy yg tua2 bangka... chances are, kita hooray hooray, dia ngah cranky coz dah nap time.

so i wait until Mika sendiri request if dia nak befday celebration @ chalet, which he has requested last year...
insya Allah, next year will be Mika's 1st befday celebration @ chalet
untung niaga tak lah!
teringat kisah lama! shoots!
what was i thinking???

tak pernah dengar? baguuuusssssssssss.....
<font color="000000">Nshah
aku tak pernah tahu design yg kau ckp tu..*winks*

arr..betol tu..tu design u sebot, my hub paste pat showcase dia..kekekee..not bad lah u!</font>
(Mcm takder orang layan aku jer..penat aku type complain panjang berjela...hmph)

Citer aku jadi spy...
Opp my mum house ada multistorey carpark. Normally at the last few floors takder kereta. It was only 5.40pm tau... Then i nampak on the last floor, ada mcm motor besar park dkt dgn lift.. Yes.. Multistorey sampai tingat 8.. mestilah ada lift kan... Anyway, i amik teropong and tgk.. I was so shock !

Minah tudung dgn mamat nie tgh buat kerja tak senonoh !
<font color="119911">hehe takpelah ni design ku dgr time muda mudi tp yg selalu dgr is both with P je

so wats for lunch today babes?
hehe at last dpt my instant spaghetti from cheers hehe
mas jadi ke makan Fish &amp; Co?
Slynn dah makan? wat u had or lum lagi kot?
dan bawa bekal or u at home?
lina, gal, naz, wati?</font>
<font color="119911">wati!!!
wat???? ish tak senonoh nya? u tak amik video>? hehe haiz.. apa nak jadi budak2 skg ni..</font>
<font color="ff0000">Nshah

Now i tak bawak bekal lagi...coz dah halfday

Balik baru masak nasi lemak sambal udang

<font color="ff0000">Wati

Really???...ambek video lah

Abt the driver...
Now u can just note down their name, bus no &amp; time and u can make a complaint...
dat is wat my hb told me
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

i today nak masak dhal telur and sambal tumis udang..baru rendam the dhal..hehe<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>

dhal telur sedapnya....tak peduli MON ni nak masaklah
{mane tau dorang dah nikah but looking for a bit for "excitement"
kau pi teropong lagikkk.. ish}

yelah.... ntah2 dorang dah kawen, and nak buat 'cam dolu2'...
always think good of people, until they screw u!
<font color="119911">wati
u tak on msn? on lah..

wah syiok..
anyway beryani u all suka kambing ke ayam masak oe ayam goreng? i prefer ayam goreng me &amp; my CW je hehe</font>
dhal telur....
sampai sekarang aku tak tahu masak...
*winks @ Nora*

dats my dad's &amp; hubby's faveret dish. makan sehingga menjilat jari.
my mom masak, i tapao jer...
*winks @ Nora*

Woi Notty!
kau tak kenal design2 aku tu ke?????
now i tgk the 'young' drivers bawak bus memang F1...yg ade tu bawak laju...padahal pat depan ade jaywalkers....ish sewammmmm

siapa yg terkeluar?
<font color="119911">mas
did u get san's forwarded email on fish &amp; co? cam best gitu hehe ingat nak grab e offer tonite bt only mon &amp; tues plak
<font color="aa00aa">today i very rajin tau.
kul 5 dah bangun.
masak sambal tumis petai kerang,goreng ikan layang2 and masak lemak nangka.</font>
Nshah, msn aku dah on ler..

Anyway, it's ok lah kalau dorang dah kahwin.. But then what she did in broad daylight was shocking... Dah lah pakai tudung, then she did a BJ to the guy, then she bent over and the guy screw her from behind... LOL..

Kalau dekat aku dah amik video... nasib jauh.. aku jer yg dpt tgk... sigh*..
<font color="000000">Slynn
design kau sebot tu zaman rock never die!! LOL

ok set! Monday masak lebih sikit eh..pastu kasi aku..tak pernah mkn lauk tu.</font>
<font color="119911">wati?
ish dat bad? adui.. naudzubillah.. if dah nikah takpe bt if blum *tak terkata* eh anyway BJ tu apa?</font>

masak sambal tumis petai kerang,goreng ikan layang2 and masak lemak nangka.

<font color="000000">Lynzi
oii! jgn buat aku meliuh tau kat sini!!</font>
