ANY MALAY MUMS HERE? ur number..welcome beb,ya mmg i nak jemput u gals,i mane ade frens sgt u gals r all i haf,,,ceh2 ..hehehe..ooohhh..dats y my hubby yg perasan,pasal i tak add khai..then my hubby saw ur pix,then he said .."eh ni ur mummies frm smh kan,hehe"
{Personally I think its too idealistic to be happy at your workplace and love what you do and feel great abt it

Only segelintir of us can enjoy that. }

aku agree sangat2!

kawan aku siang kerja @ cycle, malam @ club...
memang tak bleh tahan. penat siol!
susah jumpa anak bini.
but had to. for dat extra dollar.
i asked him, how he cope?
he said, aku main keyboard, kat keyboard tu sumer aku nampak $$$$$$.. doller sign.
nyonya2 apek2 joget, doller sign! coz they give him fat tips...
<font color="aa00aa">shash,
u nak buat at home or where?
for me i prefer to do elsewhere cos malas nak kasi rumah serak.
i very particular pasal ni.
u can go to
kat archive ada pasal bday party my son.
can go there to get some ideas.
i did at civil service club bukit batok.
izzat went wow looking at the pool..hehehe</font>
<font color="aa00aa">san,
weekends u coming down to sembawang ke?
if yes then i can pass to u ah.
or if not just call or sms me when u free.

if u pun nak then u are behind lina..
for now takde lagi tix.
if ada orang backout i will inform u gerls.</font>
pi try dulu MFM, baru LAYAK comment....

kalau kau makan 2 orang ajer, kau order lobster platter, cukupppp sangat...
kau orderlah another side dish or two....
cukup punyer lahh
<font color="119911">shash
hmm idea eh if nak ramai mayb can book chalet? rizqi wld b happy too dpt pi swimming smua kan? out of 3days there 1day for party then e rest ur own time with him? how abt dat? anyway jus a sugg ah..</font>
I da kat co ni for 13 yrs...memang sumtimes ada ups n downs...some of it pun ada yg I da share wiz u ppl...politics issues are never ending...tapi it's the $$$, benefits dat make me motivated to come work everyday
buat @ chalet Aloha Loyang....
besar &amp; after majlis, korang dah penat, takyah sibuk2 nak pack up... the next day pun can pack.

if chalet,
bleh organise games as well...

aiyah, u got no multiply account eh?
<font color="000000">Mas
bingo! yup dulu aku lepak kat Marsiling ngan dorang..

tu kerja i pon buat..siang ofis, mlm barmaid..

Hi Naz
Banyak shopping..??
<font color="ff6000">Morning Nazlin!

Usually yes but Sat high chance might be driving up to JB. Insyllh kalau tiada halangan, will drop by your plc before we head to Jurong?
Ada jemputan kat sana.

Alt, Monday night cos I'll be on leave from Tues onwards. Email me your contact nos ok?</font>
<font color="aa00aa">shash,
tak semestinya u buat pat sana.
can get ideas on what to do from the pics.
if nak buat aloha u must get someone in civil service to help u book in order to get discount and priority booking.
cos public cuma can book 2 months in advance, civil servants 3 months in advance and cheaper.</font>
oooiiii.. nazlin.. i dah practice sikit sikit i lancing arab

alamak.. like dat ah.. susah yer kalau cam gitu u kena rule out tempat tempat yg dorang dah pakai
singapore so small u know
can i now how much is the aloha chalet???
sounds good...

shahlynn,i ade tapi i tak update n da lame i tak check sampai da lupa my password semuer,hehehe..kenape u nk tunjuk i ape?gambar bday ur kids eh?
Nie my plan ah
- wait for retrenchment exercise coz it will stupid to leave now... package $XXXXX siapa nak kasi oh.....
- send resume like crazy

- tak retrench but kena huge pay cut more than 20%n service reset to 0....
- send resume like crazy

else just stay n bersyukur atas the fat pay
Lina, i was reading the posts up here..this is a very subjective question have to decide base on your own priorities..different people have different priorities in right or wrong..

If for me personally, i have tried with little pay and little satisfaction.. not much pay but with more satisfation..then i left for a job that has more challenge and with additional $1000 in pay! But tak sampai 7 mths i i guess for me,money is still not everything... due to the family income being halved almost immediately i had to say bye-bye to my branded bags, endless shopping..everthing! hehe..but seeing Danial almost 24/ that's making me very very happy! ;)...but like what Nora said, kita semua ada tangunggan that's why i also tak nak bebankan my hubby alone so i did my business so that i can still contribute to the family income...kadang2 i rasa lagi penat tau gini..cos siang full time mummy and maid(muahaha!)..lepas tu kena rush to studio conduct workshops, meet customers..liaise with my manufacturers sampai 2am...tapi tulah, its what makes you happy dear ;)
This stupid bus driver... sigh* Pagi-pagi dah nak attitude.

I naik bus 193 from my mum place. The driver is a young chinese guy. Dia drive mcm gangster seh.. Orang kat bus literally have to hang on to their dear life ! Dia turn pun laju, dia accelerate pun very hard.. then brake lagi teruk ! What makes me complain is the following :

1) Bcos this driver brakes hard, this lady EZ Link card terjatuh kat steps.. Dia sampai terkangkang, amik EZ Link dia.

2) The nxt stop, ada budak army ni nak turun kat SAFTI, tapi dia duduk belakang.. Then he have to squeeze thru his way to the door. Sambil dia squeeze sambil picit bell tau.. The bus dah tutup pintu tapi belum move off from the bus stop.. Then the driver refuse to open the door. Padahal budak tu dah sampai kat pintu.. All this while he was like pressing the bell and shouting "EXCUSE ME !! Please open the door"... Kesian seh.. then bila budak tu turun nxt bus stop, the driver tgk ajer kat rear view mirror.. with a smirk on his stupid face. Mcm saddist gitu.

3) Then at a turnabout, this stupid driver go and drive so fast (totally ignoring the centrifugal force).. that bila dia corner, ada lelaki kat sebelah aku sampai lost grip and fell towards me and another lady behind me... slipper sampai terbukak tau... Havoc ah.. Orang sume muka tak happy seh.. Ada barang terjatuh lah...

4) Then at another stop, this China Man nak turun, this driver brake so hard that orang nie punyer wallet sampai terbukak and all the coins bertaburan kat steps... Dah si China Man nie kelam kabut kutip duit dia, tapi bcos orang ramai nak turun... dia just kutip aper yg boleh.. so sad kan.. Duit hard earn dia gone like tat.

Brake mcm siak seh... Aku aper lagi ah... Dlm hati, padan muka kau driver... kau kena dgn salah orang ah.... Memang hari nie bukan nasib dia.. Cos i tak naik bus tau.. boleh plak niari takder transport.. I think ALLAH arrange for me to take this bus so that i can complain...

Sigh* Aku terus turun, naik office, call operator for the Interchange number and complain to the bus captain. Of course bus captains sumer members this issue might not go to the manager.. so i lodge a complain online !
personally, i prefer chalet

1 - dah penat2 bbq, meet &amp; greet (cam celebrity plak), takyah rush to pack up.

2 - got opportunity to bond just u anak branak...
(the next day bleh swimming or jalan2 tepi laut)

3 - u ada anak kecik... if rizqi dah penat, ada bilik untuk rest &amp; tido. budak mesti nak selesa, else dorang cranky, it will spoil ur day

4 - if weather change, ur party will still go on
Notty, hehe shopping takde dear..jalan2 je..tapi biasa ah..Danial yang shopping!tapi I selamat ah cos he only love cars and transportation he always buy those small cars yang $4.90 from toys r us each time...tak rasa sangat..ekeke..tapi bila tengok balik ..he's got 100s of those cars sey!collection..haha
lynzi,ok thanks i will get the idea frm der..nora..tak la jugak pasal yg pat bb to juz recently they buat bday pat sane ...tgk la...hb nak simple bbq pat ECP i masih finding places..tau la guys bagi dorang sembarang je...hehehe
Wati, bus 193 kat mana eh? My aunt that time made a complaint to the Yishun interchange cos there was a driver who drove like aunt said he will jerk and speed and all sampai orang kena hang on cos kalau tak mesti jatuh..young guy also
<font color="ff0000">Morning Mommies

Bus 168 pon boleh coz the bus dari Bedok to Tampines Library &amp; end at Woodland Interchange..
Bus dbl decker
<font color="000000">Naz..
oh really..bertuah budak skrg...

I pat rumah, got 100s of motor collection..siap dgn sticker2 design team2 motor in Spore...tu bapak budak nye property and his kebanggaan..hehehe</font>
<font color="000000">Thanks Dan

That 168 bus stop is right infront of Tampines Library or nak kena cross over?

kelengkang sakit...nak kepit pon susah..asal nie..</font>
Wati..yalah lucky dorang skarang..but i suka cos that things $4.90 bila beli tak rasa..hehe..kalau dia suka yang toys besar2 yang seram..ekekeke
tu mas dah tanyer.. oleh buat duit tau..
pssstt.. ni bende rare to find, u boleh jack price up up kat mas.

beli lah from nottygal.. susah nak dapat tau.... ur hb sure suke kalau u presen kat dia
Nora, oh hahaha!takpe tu exercise jugak tau..hehe..i pun tak tahu i sempat lancing tak dekat tu event..cos that day paginye i kena be there to makeupkan the models..then i have to rush to Tampines makeupkan orang tunang..then balik to the function and do makeup demo...i rasa takde energy to lancing-lancing by then..ekeke
