
not today lah....first day datang menses after 2 mths of mia!!! rabak nya cramp....haiz...


if i apply tru moe? will they just see wic vacant n throw us there or not? i scared the school not good or wat...
I dream of sending my daughters to Fairfield Methodist coz I'm an old girl there. Tapi i dah pindah to sembawang nie... I'm eyeing Canberra Pri... hot school.

My daughter 3 yrs old jer... leh jadi PSG skarang tak??
its not sembwang...its apa ehhhhh.....woodsville? bestfren the cousin werk there....she check n say got vacant..but hubby half hearted to let her school there pasal he thinks shud get at woodlands better
sarah now in p2
wah!! 2mths tak dtg lama tu... haha.. aku nyer tak akan dtg buat selama-lama nyer!!
liz, my aunt kan anak dia dulu skola pat unity. then tak salah ade streaming ke ape la then he did well they antar dia pi henry park pri. so good onot doesnt matter la..
asal tak in those teruk nyer neighbourhood okie ler..

DSA tu ape?
Direct School Admission.

Some secondary schools have this status. Eg. The school is excellent in dancing CCA. My kid not qualify to go to dat school based on PSLE result. But she has good dancing CCA record or ballet cert, d school can accept her. But she has to join dance as CCA and perform well. Tak leh tukar other CCA.

dats wat i dont want kalau kena antar to the teruknya neighbourhood....


if the school we apply to, they got see her result if no good they wont take is it? worry cos sarah studies really no good..
Go your Phrase 2B lah. You register as Parent volunteer in that sch. Clock 40HRS Plus for volunteer work there when your child in N2 or K1. Make sure you are able to clock 40hrs before 31 June of the year when your child in K2. Your child now is 3 years old. you have to complete by 31 June 2012.
One more thing to take note is there is a percentage of seats to Phrase 2B. If the PV is more than the seat. Balloting will carry out.
last nite i just realised sarah not over her granma's death sad tau...on the way to hubby's granma house she was asking a lot of q's
like...this one who's granma? the one she met a week ago who's granma...then now she got how many granma left since "mak tua" dah meninggal...den she ask if her maklong still have her mak tua house keys...tehn ask if mak long wants ehr help to clean mak tua house...wen i asked why she said nothing jus that she ask if need her help...all from a 7 yr old...then she wipe her eye tau...baru i prasan she shed a tear....sebak dada i smalam...
<font color="ff0000">Zu

Hb station kat sana from mid Jan to Mid July

At Greenwood selalu ballot wor...
Tu yg I takut for my eldest son...phase 3 onwards agaknye
<font color="000000">Mira
Yup, he's good in football..he joined Tampines Rover F.C since P1, attended many soccer clinics and join soccer matches..

We had a talk with his teacher last week and I rqsted her to recommend him to Spore Sport School. But the teacher sd there is DSA program that can help him go to Sec Sch that has Soccer as CCA. So she suggested that I compile all his Certs/supporting docs for her to do her report in June..</font>
<font color="119911">gal
DSA tu apa?

asal hangnya tak dtg buat selama2nya?

hmm asal nak dpt gd school kita kena membodek dgn sekolah tu ke? act i cam berangan nak masukkan my kids in Beacon pri in fajar eh tak salah.. else if not ah greenridge pun greenridge pri school lah..</font>
<font color="000000">Zu
tu, Sabrina da reply...Direct School Admission

I nak reply lambat...madang minimize aje...faham faham dong...</font>
setau aku wdlands estate ade ke yg teruk2? lain la kalo marsiling.. :p

my nephew pat beacon pri sch. tu skola baru. single session. tu la.. aku pun tak tahu pasal kite nyer education system macam tu. nie mesti keje earlier parents.. spoil the mkt! end up kite2 yg kene 'suffer'. nak volunterr la, donate la..

aku dat time gave birth sarah then my womb kene removed so aku nyer tak dtg2 lagi ler. buat tanpa was2!! haha...

wah!! lama tu 6bln beb! sebab tu la dorang ckp ko posa. haha..
u mean to be a parent Volunteer, i have to start now la?
Mikhail in K1. I want to put him in Zhenghua Pri Sch. Thou Beacon primary is closer to my house @ bangkit Rd. And i heard that Zhenghua Pri is a popular in Bukit Panjang...
yah.. ade plak eh DSA.
macam2 eh education system nie.

skrg nursery pat some pcf ade ikut childcare. play based curriculum. tak ade blaja tulis2. yg my boy nye skola plak mengarut! baru nursery, march sch holidays kasi homework! nonsense betul!
memang betul itu zhenghua is v popular pat Bukit panjang.

kalo skrg da nak kene jadi PV, then skali coming down nak pindah rumah then tak masuk skola yg u jadi PV tu mcmne eh> wasted siak..
<font color="119911">Zu
tulah mmg i noe its e 2nd yr for the school coz dgr e system cam bagus bt on 2nd tght entah i lum habis pikir lagi either to put my kids at bukit pjg or at tampines, bt if they were to school at tampines area i tink pun susah oi.. ballot2 smua aduh pening ah..
tulah sapa punya kerja bodoh tu start all dat seh.. so wat meaning every school ke nak ken buat volunteer or donate? if tak buat? or u r womb was removed? i c.. sorry bt u tak rasa kosong ke situ? so kira u stop at 2 je lahni eh? so main hari2 pun takpe hehe

zhenghua yg mana eh? i noe yg sec je baju merah + itam at belakang my house.. beacon is consider at bangkit eh? hehe entah ku keliru..</font>
Yes. They also see result in the previous sch. If you go to MOE. they only can advise you which Pri have vancancy. Still you need to go to the school.

Before you apply for DSA. you must make sure that your boy like to continue this CCA because if he base on soccer to enter the school he have to continue till finish Sec Sch. And again the result in pri sch is the most important issue. They will not take those student will poor result.
<font color="ff0000">Zu

Hb station kat sana from mid Jan to Mid July

At Greenwood selalu ballot wor...
Tu yg I takut for my eldest son...phase 3 onwards agaknye
its okie la.. at least kan DIA kasi aku dua anak- boy and gal baru DIA ambik womb tu. pada aku sama ajer la. aku rasa kosong bile perut aku lapar ajer.. LOL!! bukan every skool nak kene buat PV la.. its normally those popular one..

zhenghua tu yg atas bukit lor...
beacon @ bangkit. kira sederet my blocks lah... just next to zhenghua sec...

zhenghua primary @ main road/fajar rd..
u noe after the masjid, u turn left into the slip road, den ada bend... kat situ!
dats y some kiasu parents, blardy kiasu... just bec nak taruk anak in a good skool, sanggup pindah near dat skool! coz budak2 yg address within 1km radius from dat skool, dapat priority...
<font color="000000">Mira
Yes, indeed!! That's why we are using DSA program as a bait to my son and he knows that he gotta show good result in his exam..

He's just plain lazy, big letter 'M'..not stupid just that he is not interested and has the cant be bothered attitude!</font>
beacon is oso a gd skool... offering many CCA &amp; subjects... Very good. but u must remember... its a new skool. so banyak facilities masih blom ada, thou they 'offering'...
yah.. tu yg aku tak faham.. hope aku ak macam tu. pada aku kan, skola tak dlm neighbourood yg teruk2 okie la. esp yg dekat2 dgn rumah aku! maklum la estet lama.. bile la rezeki aku plak bole pindah umah? hehe...
SSA fees mahal nak mampos kan?
my cuzin got offer to go there... My colig's nephew oso... But no choice, have to reject, cos tak mampu....

Even had a long talk abt SSA with hubby... Banyak points yg 'tak fair'
My advise is to start when your child in nursery if you are working or you don't have much free time to do. so you will have ample time to complete and will not too stress cos you have to take into consideration that can you take leave when the sch need your help. How many hours is the event. sometime 1-2 hours a day. How much ad-hoc event that school have. If you have lots of free time to help. than do it when your child is in K1.
<font color="119911">
yelah syukur apa pun kan.. sorry eh if ku tanya soalan bodoh pasal aki ni mmg curious@ KEPO byk hahaha

is it near ur mum house? sorry ku cant tink mana ada bukit lagi? yg i tau zhenghua sec dulu sblh pri kan? baju dia clr apa eh?</font>
skrg kite shopping online kan, tahun depan gak nyer kite shopping skola!! hahaha...

tapi nak cakap kite kiasu tak jgk la, it all stem from the culture yg 'dicipta' oleh the earlier generations.. haiz!!
my hubby's theory, any skool will do! if skola damn good pun, budak malas, no point!
if skola no good, tapi budak pandai, he will succeed...

My theory - if budak nak blajar, tapi skolol takleh offer anything much, wasated! he cant stretch his fullest potential!
if budak taknak blajar, he will still learn sumthing, coz its a gd skool...
<font color="000000">Tapi kalau bapak dia bayar aku sanggup..I wont pay lah, coz I cant afford it! LOL!

Bapak dia nak dia jadi footballer..ambik risiko nya...since got the DSA program now, I will hv to put that idea primary concern is, as long as he pass and go Secondary suah, asal jgn stay back...</font>
<font color="119911">entahlah i tink i dowanna stress myself as long as they can get into a school is gd enuf insyallah yg depan mata wld b greenridge for now.. bt if in tampines ni aku akan garuk pala bbyK</font>
zhenghua pri &amp; sec were never seblah seblah...
yes, zhenghua pri next to my mom's blk.
dats y i HAVE to opt for it, not Beacon.
For convenience sake...
besides, i DO have plan to buy a flat there... yg balcony facing Zhenghua Pri field.... Insya Allah

Uniform dia, dulu green pinafore... now dah change to blouse &amp; skirt for girls... kaler aper eh? lupa la... light green oso..

maybe you want to go the website and check out what to be done. Is Ok to use last year as a guideline and you will know whether you boy can qualify for DSA in Singapore Sport School. Get your boy to prepare because the school will call for "interview" if he was select in first round.
