i baru dgr radio Ria.. ada this lady mengadu nasib. Dia sewakan bilik to her auntie friend who is in the midst of divorcing. Then one day she came home to find that her husband and this woman on their wedding bed having sex ! And she is 7mth pregnant with their 1st child.

Sigh* Kesian seh...
skarang i nak tanyer pasal divorce and PPO procedure lak... Bukan i nak mintak, but it's affecting my life!

Any ways to get family court to grant PPO and kick husband out of the house?
mebe its just at dat branch la... betty & I went to Suntec branch... takder hard selling. once i said no, she said, okay den....

the cream pun sama. i said not interested. she just left it at dat...
PPO, wat i noe is, if he continuosly damage u or ur properties... but you must make a police report first. ada proof. den u get PPO
Sab, i got no input lah on PPO. You tgh ada problem dgn hubby ker.. ?

Betty, yup.. me too.. I tak tahu what di i do if i were to be in her shoes... Subhahanallah.. Jauhkan.. selisih.
i think all dis hard selling kan, its up to individual...
if u jenis pantang kena kocok, salesman hulur skit jer, sure beli... and if u cekal, no means no.. dey cannot do anything...

police report dah buat (more than 1 report in fact), file pun dah, court hearing pun dah... but the court can't grant PPO coz the husband deny everything during hearing!!!!
Sab, then play nasty.. voice recorder sekarang very the small mah.. bleh buat proof per.... Trapped him. We women must be smarted than them..
sebab tu my policy is

"All man are subject to temptation"

it goes along with the kucing and ikan theory which we have discussed.
den again kan, have u told the judge, since he deny everything dat has been said against him, why bother make the police report? for nothing izit?
Nora Aw, yes. That theory is sad but no matter how kita dny, still ada truth to it kan.. Cannot love them 100%, nanti kita yg susah.

the tricky part is, the husband mati2 tak nak ceraikan my sister. Now he is starting to harass my sis maid too.

I feel frustrated coz i'm dragged into this! I nak buat bodo pun tak leh, coz my sis confide in me and needs my support.
<font color="000000">Sabrina
meh call me i bleh pasang CCTV at home..caught him in action!!

Ada its a small stall by itself just opp Pizza Hut...sometimes by 5-6pm da sold out..sells goreng pisang too..they were frm Shalihin Rest at 201 known as Mr Teh Tarik.</font>

tu lah... my sis dah tel dat to d court. But i dono wats in d mind of the judge. tak leh grant. Have to attend another hearing. Buang masa jer!!

jus wakey wakey again....tadi tertido balik sampai tak perasan dah 12noon...and my hse agent coming to take his pay from me...kelam kabut jap, ngan rambut kusut masai n muka baru bangun tido...kakakakakaka...5 minues later he muncul kat depan pitu...Eeeekkk!!!

there goes our moolahssss..........ish

I've told my sis to do dat too. But the husband is clever, mesti dier godeh tu CCTV. Unless ader yg mcm 007 nyer spy camera. Ader tak??
pagi? errr....hehehehehehe....pagi Dan~~~~~~~muahkz~!!!!


shud have i think...dulu pernah baca kat newpaper kan, they talk abt this spy gadgets camera device...tapi tak tau plak katner...
<font color="000000">Of course dear...we are in this line..

Ur sis takda bukti being physically abused not easy to get PPO, unless she got beaten up and with the proof to go Police Post and get a report. The report to be submitted to Court, and a PPO will be granted.</font>

sebelum gi family court, my sis slalu kena karate side-kick sey!!! Pernah my sis stay kat KKH coz d son is hospitalised, my sis tgh tido tepi katil anak dier, tu jantan ambik thermos hentak kat my sis nyer head suruh bangun. Kurang ajar kan???! Pasal tak bayar bil pun my sis kena terajang! I'm sure there are many more cases, but my sis don't want to tell in detail.
<font color="000000">Ur sis da gi Syariah Court lom?? A letter will be sent to him to attend. Fm there Syariah Court will assess the situation, and if he's found guilty..though he die2 tak nak cerai, he will hv to!</font>

Sumer dah buat.. police report sumer ader, dah file for divorce pun at syariah. Tapi d husband deny everything that he did. So court hearing continue.
Syariah court is taking their own time lah... dats all i can say. My sis filed in late Jan. April 17 nie baru first hearing. Can we tell Syariah to process faster?
<font color="000000"> its a new case, based on many experiences I heard within 3-6 mths case closed, CERAI!

Some on 3rd hearing je da abis...</font>
when dia kena karate, did she go to doc &amp; get a letter stating she was beaten?

Syariah very slow la... have to bear with it
<font color="000000">When ur sis with the counsellor later, if she hv, find a topic to bring up which could trigger him up, it helps..LOL!! </font>
bukan topik tak best tapi tengah mamam

i baru balik from belik nasi ayam penyet, nak makan pakai tangan nie.. Bismillah.. jemput...
Dats a good idea!

Tapi i tell u ehh... depan org, this jantan act like he is d victim... buat muka bodo, muka kesian.

I think dis case will take a very long time.

I'm still trying to figure out who is the puppet-master behind him. Coz i know this guy is not dat smart.

i tukang baca....tak pandai pasal sis pon baru jugak settle her case it took a few mths lah but at least a few mthss tau...kalau civil i tink take longger...ur sis cant pindah mana mana yg ada org bole jaga ke? like ur parents place ke?

Jemput2.. bismillah

dah lama i tak mkn ayam penyet. Ayam penyet, i slalu mkn yg Ayam Penyet Ria. Tapi tu kedai pun makin lama makin mahal sey.

k lah... i feel better oreadi letting it off my chest.. kita tukar topik lain.


kalo u nak tau, my sis pun cekik darah gak. She pun ader affair. Kalo tinggal my parents place, tak panjang lah langkah dier. Husband and wife got affair.
