<font color="000000">Sabrina
kena karate side kick, kat perot..tak bengkak ke? BODOH AMAT DR TU!! Bawak dia gi Dr lain lah!

Ur sis pay bills try to use her Nets not cash..anything that she has paid that should be his responsibility must be paid with Receipt reference to NETS/CC..Since she is well paid, I'm sure her house is paid thru CPF..if Cash top up is required, make sure the $ is top up to CPF for HDB deductions.</font>

afternoon...ladies...i miss u all....nie masuk sekejap then nak kena gi meeting.....

archive pon tak sempat nak baca.....

bidadari dah ade...can pass on the 3rd?...if u all want earlier juz gv me a buzz....thx....

any changes on the gathering plz SMS...thx
sabrina... sis pong....tapi the thing for sis she damn lucky the hubby not the sort to fact he tried his best to get her back...pujuk rayu...then she sakit he take care even tho she move out oready....hmmmm...kekadang cannot blame the men alone...the women pon at times carik nahas/pasal....

maybe if like dat u just try to move urself away from her prob like i did...after i realised my sis pon buat hal..i diam jer wen she comments jus advised to remember her kids n try to look in on them since she nvr take them
<font color="ff0000">Hello lina..miz u too worr...

Its ok...we here to read n listen

Ayam penyet...smlm bibik cook ler....SODAP
<font color="000000">Sabrina
isshh...panjang lebar my post...last2 u ckp u sis pon cekik darah...

mcm nie jgn get involved sudah..sori ehh..psl even though if its my sis, I condemn such action..</font>

hehehe!! anti-climax kan?!!

i bole buat bodo... just don want it to come to a point where my other family members get harrased also.

dats good lah...pasal this kinda issues very sensitive..nanti org kata kita sebelah kan our sis even tho they're wrong too...dats why i tak tolong...just dengarkan the end find out also its more to kesiankan dia kinda stories so she can get my support....haiz....
u gain wat u reap.....
ok......camner i nak applykan sarah to a skool i specifically want eh???? heehehhehe....any ideas tak? dah left a few wks to move but school lom settled pasal sekolah dia yg selenge ni baru kasi her result slip smalam after so much hoohaaa......
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cheyyyyyyyyyy......donate ehhhhhh...ishhh

the school semua i call...straight away anw no come like dat...then my fren the mummy say that its standard anwer pasal they actually have to check their computer n find out but malas to check on spoot so give that ans...issit true?
<font color="000000">liz
u nak sekolah mana?

then u should call that sch for advise/procedure..first u need to find out if they can accept/any vacancy tak?</font>
Qihua katner eh? ard wic blk? im looking at greenwood pasal dekat ngan umah nenek dia...n his step uncle in dat school....if step uncle in dat school consider bole senang masuk tak? macam sibling kind of system tu?

they say waiting listtttt.....if no call after 2 weeks that means no place for her....aiyoh asal they cant just check n inform sehh why must wait 2 weeks for no response....
my ex boss wana send his son for primary 1, i forgot the name of the school..she donated $15,000 then she volunteer..then monthly she keeps donating..its those tok pek kong school..
<font color="000000">Liz
then u should say, Waitinglistkepalahotak kau!LOL!!

Ask Mira, mayb she could help...

For guarantee admission has to be siblings...uncle bukan rite..sori kalau salah...

Unless u buat volunteer work for that schl, ada high chances to get in...</font>
tak kan samapi opis aku pun kau pasang cctv.... tapi memang sedap makan tadi.. pakai tangan lagik

hmm.. this reminds me i shd sign up my pri sch alumni
Qihua dekat st 81, yg ader woodlands CC tu.

oohh.. Greenwood. Sekolah tu pampang namer dier BESAR2 sey... dari Ave 12 pun le nampak.

Pasal step uncle, u can try. tapi usually lepas primary school registration period, any other postings will be based on vacancy.
from woodland to sembawang tak jauh. Trust me.

naik bus 962.

If u are talking abt greenwood versus sembawang area... it's just like less than 5 min drive away.
<font color="ff0000">Sab

Yes Greenwood nye schol name very the big if u see fr Ave 12...walking distance fr my hse.

My hb sampai join RC....takut my son tak dapat dat school next yr...

Meeting cuma skali je b4 he gi Dubai
To my understanding that all the school have the no of place for in take of student in all levels. If all taken, they do not have any vacancy.Then, you will be in the waiting list. Unless there is a student want to be transfer out. If not, even you got money, they will also no place for your child. In woodlands, most of the popular school will not have any vancancy lah unless there are student transfer out and you are the 1st in the Q.
Mamaliz, what else you want to know, maybe, I can help to check out for you.
<font color="000000">Elle,

ehh…how u know??? u dono don anyhow say hor…..hehehe

ya lah..i think so too..coz I siow mah…</font>
