doll me up got make up workshop on 29th, 3 hrs only
i nak pegi lahhh

ye lah.. kau cakap nampak buta tak nampak giler pe....hehehhe


Eliza tu namer anak i, Hairi tu my hubby... hehehe!

Sabrina tu memang namer i yg betul
they not pushy la... tried to sell me their package, but i said no no no... Okay, they dun push.

they pluck oso... very clean clean...
<font color="ff6000">Ok, I kol u sabrina...hehe!

Kalau berbual pasal make up and BW, takkan habis sey.

Oh durian shake....</font>
<font color="000000">Dan
tros terang aku pon tak nampak..LOL!!!

Sekarang ku rasa no more butterfly but like millipede..


durian shake ehh... i tak pernah rasa... Mayb i should try.

Tapi i suka sangat avocado shake. Any good place tu buy that besides the indon restrnt? Kalo gi Batam, that's the only thing that i will drink!! Bole membuak2 sey badan!!!

Got lesson now, catch up later--> Ari nie tgh mood nak bebual!!
<font color="119911">san
jgn ah jgn ckp durian shake.. u noe aft lynn ckp its soo nice i cam mengidam seh.. dah tu smlm plak kebetulan hub pi ABC beli my fav nasi ayam &amp; nak kirim itu durian shake confirm tak bleh.. n i tght he will b lambat ingat nak jumpa dia pat sana je tp haiz hes faster than me melayang my shake.. if u gi mlm ni belikan i leh? takpe ah freeze kan pun bleh.. coz i ngidam sgt ah as my hub hates durian leh gaduh kerna buah &amp; bau tu..</font>
<font color="ff6000">sabrina,
You may want to try avocado and durain shake at ABC, Farrer Park stall.
It's very nicely done cos hub is a fan for both drinks.

Tak janji cos I sndri tgh tggu hub. It's hard for him to be at home nwdys due to work commitment. It's either he tapau for me, last min drop by or just wait for the right time since they dun open during wknds. Well, actuali u cn just buy and drink far away fr him sis pon tk mkn/minum durian. She will go inside her room so as nt to smell.</font>
<font color="0000ff">nshahi
semlm gi ABC and u tak beli durian shake tu.. ish ish ish.. rugi tau..!!

dat day my fren tried avocado shake from the same stall.. she said very nice.. i tak try, cos i dont like avocado.. so no comment from me..!!</font>
<font color="119911">san
takpe i jus tanya je lau ada rezeki i utk merasa air tu..

taklah i tak pi hub je yg pi.. like i said laki aku benci sgt buah tu.. even makan at rumah pun leh gaduh tau..
cian daku jgn ah camtu awak pung tak baik seh.. apa kata lynn plak belikan i? hehe</font>
Niari tekak mcm nak makan Evertop Chicken Rice. Tapi mcm jauh gitu... pemalas punyer Wati. hehehe

Washing baru dah sampai smlm. So tonite nak kena basuh baju.. No more baju kerja to wear..
<font color="000000">I should singgah last 2 week when sent my boys jersey for printing at Queensway SC...nvrmind will head down again soon!! Durian shakes will sure tempt my kids and hubby..!

Sedangkan as early at 4am kita bleh mkn durian kat Geylang ape lagi nie..kekekeke..</font>
<font color="119911">san
if benda lain i bleh sis.. bt not to durian.. no.. no.. takpe mayb ill try ajak SIL ah this wkd utk matikan crave daku haiz.. u wont understd if org yg benci buah ni cana.. bukan sengaja bt mmg dah dari kecik dia pantang dgn buah tu..</font>
<font color="000000">Pasal u slap dia tak???

Dia slap coz she cant afford to attack she same level or abv..if lower u cnt attack her...unless abv u then can try...</font>
<font color="0000ff">Wati
durain shake at ABC hawker centre, Farrer Park drink stall

nasi ayam kat kedai kopi bawah blk.. just opp e hawker centre</font>
<font color="119911">wati
tak salah nasi ayam AR u shldnt masuk dlm itu tpt makan ABC pasar its at the block yg ada playgrd depan tpt makan tu.. along 7eleven.. a coffeshop ah..</font>
<font color="ff6000">Wati,

Pls take note that they only operate on Mon-Fri from 11am - 11pm, close on Sat &amp; Sun.</font>
Lynn / Nshah... i see.. ok . I know block tu, tapi tak perasan ada kedai melayu jual nasi ayam.. kedai air nanti aku try. My hubby giler durian ah.. Nak kena ajak dia and tempt him... mesti dia happy...
<font color="119911">san
alamak nasib hang habaq sesiang.. hmm takpe lah tgk ah wen i off will try to go
<font color="ff0000">Gal
Ku tak pernah slap sister wor....

attack ada lah...

she same level as me

blh attack lagi ke

nanti kena burn pulak
<font color="119911">ish.. cam nak balik je seh.. my idung sumbat ive got diff in breathing &amp; baru je blow ni plak blood mucus peh byk..

adalah cuma tak perasan coz situ byk kedai tak halal..</font>
Nshah... blood mucus.. eewww.. kau gie balik lah.. Why so bad until got blood.. ? Pergi jumpa doc cepat..
<font color="119911">wati
entah mayb heaty tak my body? alih2 seh dari pagi mmg dah sotsetsotset tp entah napa plak ni baru blow kuar bloody mucus plak.. ish.. nak amik mc tp tak sedap plak coz baru balik leave tgk ah cana.. paling2 i cant dow work sgt ah coz susah nak breathe</font>
Morning ladies. Today I'm on mc. Lepas bertahan since Saturday, today surrender gi dr. Sore throat makin teruk. Phlegm and blocked nose sampai cannot sleep.
Sabrina, so far I went to Strip too but no hardselling. They will ask but kalau decline, they don't push. And they will pluck the ingrown hairs.
Bourjois reminds me of my younger days. Heh, baru-baru keje and ada duit sendiri. Like their casing and colors.
<font color="ff6000">Dan,
Tak baik kan si Notty nie...pakkal lah ABC tu jauh dari CBP. Kalau tk, ku singgah during lunch time. Hmmmpf!</font>
<font color="000000">OMG!! Tahu goreng looks yummy…cant wait to paw on it…

Dan, I pon tak leh angzz tengok tau…</font>
Hard Selling @ Strip

Maybe its the branch that i go to. Holland Village. The therapist la yg hard selling to me. The counter girls mcm buat bodo jer.. Ader ker mati2 suruh i sign up IPL permament hair removing nyer package. $1.8k!!!! Giler kaper!!

I dah bnyk kali ckp NO, but she still insist. I sampai tinggi kan suara ckp NO. Muka i nie ader chap duit ke?? But I was kind of 'con' into buying the creams... 2x5 dol!!
Downtown east yer sedap eh??
I never try, masih ade the stall??

Cik nab still busy gak yer, terus tak nampak today.


thanks for the recommendation.

korang tgh lunch ehh... best eh, korang venture2 eating places during lunch time. For me, school canteen food jer ader...
